The majority of American voters are ignorant, fickle, shallow fucking cunts.
The fact that a candidate like Joe Biden would have any chance at all of victory let alone actually win illustrates how far we have strayed from principles that uplift our society.
Instead we vote for selfish reasons alone and cheer on as our great nation degenerates into a shithole. The Patriots who are left will have to suffer with the cunts who now outnumber responsible informed voters.
America is like the elephant on nature shows being dragged down by 6 lionesses. It takes a while but it eventually goes down.
Our founding fathers established a system that works up until the population becomes a bunch of self serving cunts. So here we are. Those who despise the things that make a society prosperous and stable now get there way.
Cunts fuck everything up.
Nominated by: Texas Trumptard
…and supported by: Cunt me in
The fix is in. It’s so blatant.
They stopped counting when the Donald was about to win. Suddenly they found a few more Democunt votes.
Michigan have counted 102% of their votes (and *no* that’s not a typo).
Meanwhile Wisconsin has 3,129,000 registered voters but the number of votes received there was 3,200,000!!
The MSM and Big Tech have played a massive part in this stitch-up. I can’t believe they actually want people to vote for tax hikes and more pointless wars!!
Having said that, Slow Joe won’t be President for long. He’ll soon be deemed unfit by Skeletor Pelosi, so Kameltoe Harris will step in and appoint Killary as Vice-President, then it will be all systems go with the Great Reset, a One World Government and the NWO.
#BLM – Biden’s Laptop Matters
Sounds more like election time in Zimbabwe or Somalia that the Land of The Free. Fuck off, Biden. Sorry for all decent Americans. You are now so far in the swamp that you will be able to taste the filth.
An election decided by the woke media.
It will end very well indeed.
Tango man ain’t going down without a fight.
The next couple of weeks could be very interesting indeed…
4 more years!
4 more years!
Pick up your guns America your being cheated,
Take it by force, its yours!??
I don’t know if it will be Civil War but I think we are getting mighty close Miserable.. See it’s not just Trump its the whole left/right , conservative/progressive ‘Culture War’ that has being bubbling away for years. You simply cannot have such radically different ‘visions’ for the country and for them to be able to co -exist together.
Evening Miles,
Aye, both visions are incompatible.
We are losing the culture war and everything is up for grabs.
Desperate times calls for desperate measures.
I have been amazed for decades that the USA manages to produce presidents that are of marginal ability and dodgy backgrounds.
Whilst we have a less than glorious record of recent Prime Ministers and the job does not equate to the US President, perhaps one of of American contributors could help us understand what the fuck is going on?
America is fucked. I can’t wait to see the implosion when the fucking idiots who voted for a corpse to be president realise they made the biggest Monumental fuck up in history. Pervy Joe will only be in for a few months when Kamala Harris takes over and the race war sadly begins…. You reap what you sow, get to fuck.
This election is starting to make our cheating peaceful vote fiddlers look like a bunch of fucking amateurs.
Trump 2024
Could be Ivanka 2024 Captain.
She’s keeing a low profile.
She gives me the ‘orn.
Id rather lose than win by cheating at ANYTHING.
But then im a man not a piss stinking snake like Joe Biden.
Boris asked on tv if hed miss Trump,
Ducked the question ?
Hes no friend of Donald
Doesnt ‘get him’
Boris & Biden are more suited,
Weak, woke, and need to go.
And both look, and act, as if they’re already dead.
Oh! So tempting moggie,…so tempting
“I think Donald Trump is clearly out of his mind. What he’s doing is playing the game of terrorists and those who seek to divide us. That is exactly the kind of reaction they hope to produce. When Donald Trump says there are parts of London that are no-go areas, I think he’s portraying a quite stupefying ignorance that makes him frankly unfit to hold the office of President of the United States.”
(Boris Johnson, 2015)
“I am an evil cunt”.
Boris Johnson, from birth onwards.
Im treacherous as fuck
And have no loyalty to country, race, kith, kin or friends.
Vote for me!
Boris Johnson on election night.
Trump wasn’t wrong, you don’t go to the strongholds willingly.
Why doesn’t Bozo put himself where his flabby mouth is?
Most politicians, particularly on the left, would eat their own mum to win an election.
Are we talking two course meal or oral gratification here?
As is happening all over Europe, the USA is being swamped with filth from the worlds’ shitholes who are told by the left that everything will be free and paid for by the state (i.e. the taxpayer). Trump was the last hope. The USA and world will now be in a very dark place for years.
Biden won’t last six months. Kamel Toe Harris the commie will be president, Let that sink in.
There was one guy on the TV, he said we don’t count ballots we count legal votes.
It reminded me of that little leftie cunt student who bragged about voting at her University and again at her home and was encouraging others to do it
The American voters could have easily avoided all this unpleasntness if they’d simply used their common sense and voted for Green Party presidential candidate, Howie Hawkins!
Howie is committed to independent working-class politics for a democratic, socialist, and ecological society.
Howie’s vice presidential running mate, Angela Walker, is just as alluring, guaranteed to get your juices flowing:
Angela is a black working-class dyke with decades of experience working for racial and economic justice in social movements, unions, and as an independent socialist candidate from her youth.
Who could ask for more? Scroll down to Meet Howie And Angela – you won’t regret it.
If you count the alternate legal votes, Howie wins easily.
Theys sound a couple of dynamic winners! ?
Evening Creampuff. Howie and Angela look like a Dollar shop version of our own Jezza and Flabbott.
Evening LL – a bit harsh! But probably not far off the mark.
Angela got knocked up at 18 ish, her one daughter at 26 or 27 has already proved to be a prolific breeder firing out 5 kids,
Her qualification as a worker was that she drove a bus for a while ?
Gets my vote
And isn’t she a picture of loveliness, the veritable “afreekan Venus”. Lovin’ those discarded keyfob earings btw, real ghetto-hoe styling there.
How can boxes of votes be “discovered”? Surely they would have been counted and therefore included…or am I just thick ?
TT Fr. Upp@ – they were being held in USPS facilities until they were needed.
…and delivered by armed Fedex drivers… ooh fuck!
Those cunts, llike us will get the government they voted for..
They should be aware that they will get reality not pipe dreams and soundbites.
Turkeys and Christmas.
Killary will return and the shit will hit the fan.
Happy now libtards?
I don’t get worked up about Yank politics. Democrats or Republicans, makes no difference to me. The president has implied that Biden is too senile at the age of 78, yet he himself is only three years younger. Trump is a divisive figure who has made no attempt to unite the American people. I watched his ‘press briefing’ from the White House last night and he continues to embarrass as many on the right as on the left.
Someone discussing him on the radio said this: “Don’t ever play chess with a pigeon. It’ll knock over all the pieces and then strut around like it’s won.”
If Trump loses, as now looks likely, he’ll become yesterday’s man very quickly. There’ll be a stampede of formerly ‘loyal’ republicans attempting to distance themselves from him. The votes are in and they’ve voted him out. After four years they’ve had enough of him, even if he finds that difficult to accept.
Trump, IMHO. geniunly wanted to support America, he never took a salary and will doubtless get a good nights sleep and go back to his day job again.
He wasn’t a sleek establishment stooge with all the grooming and support that entails.
Peace deals in the ME, open dialogue with Russia, China and N Korea, a boosted economy and no new wars.
But he said some hurty words against little brown people, you know, those invading fuckers calling for Sharia Law and hacking infidels up.
I am fucking astounded at the suicidal tendencies of woke, Liberal morons worldwide. Just because this man wasn’t a polished diplomat, rather someone who called it like it is, shame on the Left.
Their leaders will do just fine though, rest assured of that.
America will fuck up on a colossal scale and those same fuckwit libtards will have nobody to pass the buck onto.
What next, shitheads?
The Trump hate is ridiculous. I’m not going to defend him entirely as he’s surely no angel, but fuck me when was the last time you saw a leader who a) has enough wealth to not be bought off b) exhibits genuine passion for his nation.
The one thing he is definitely right about is the gobshite mainstream media. How else do you explain the droves of fucking imbeciles in our country who say they hate Trump but have absolutely no clue about US politics or values, and when pressed have absolutely no substance of justification for the hatred. They’ve been programmed and it’s both obvious and fucking embarrassing.
I asked a group of 4 who were slagging Trump just why they were slagging him off and what had he done to incur such rage and nobody would answer.
They weren’t strangers, I knew them all. They just looked down at their toes.
What a mess.
“Trump is a racist!!”
“Really? What’s he said that’s racist”
“Umm… I don’t know, he just is okay? Everybody knows that”
It’s not political for me, whether Trump has done good for the US in the long run or not, only time will tell. I slag Trump because he behaves like a petulant child at times (ie now), is forever fucking tweeting & makes ridiculous statements about how good he is. He is also a man who calls heads & tails at the toss, then claims victory, without remembering he also lost too.
It’s hardly worthy behaviour of a US President
In my lifetime, Russia has gone from communism to capitalism, and the USA from capitalism to communism.
With nothing but negative reporting of everything Trump has done, it’s a miracle it was so close. Biden has been gifted a free ride to the presidency by a press and media that completely ignores the activities of his smackhead son, and by extension Biden himself in illegal dealings with foreign countries.
Biden had to be reminded that he wasn’t running against George Bush, the senile cunt wasn’t even sure which Bush he thought he was running against.
The batty fuck even introduced his granddaughter as his dead son, then realised it was a girl ( by the smell of her hair probably), he apologised and introduced her as someone else, only getting it right on the third try.
And what’s the deal about him sniffing kids?
There are compilation videos of him sniffing a variety of children, so it’s not a one off. Remember the fuss they made about Trump wanting to grab them by the pussy? He was talking about adults, and if I was rich and powerful, I’d be grabbing snatch like a motherfucker, because it would be thrown at me, and would only become a problem for the women if a Ferrari or free mansion wasn’t their just reward. If Trump had smelled one child, he’d be in irons.
Let’s face it, Bidens campaign slogan should have been ‘vote for me, because I’m not Trump’ and all those sycophantic celebrities who supported him should have at least been honest why they ticked his box.
Naturally, the fucking Beeb has been wall to wall anti Trump, interviewing anyone with a grudge. Some yank lefty cunt interviewed on Jeremy Vile called him ‘a son of a bitch who for the last four years has been wiping his ass on the constitution’
Now it’s all about how he’s complaining it’s a fix, and he’s been robbed of the presidency. Er, like the fucking democrats have done for the last four years.
The Democrats are also moaning about the Senate being republican majority, and they will try to frustrate Bidens attempts at reform. Er, like those cunts have been doing for the last four years, Russia’s collusion, impeachment, blah fucking blah.
300 million Americans and that’s the best they could come up with to beat Trump, one of the most hated men in American history? And he’s barely scraping a win?
How fucked is the world.
Joe Biden was quoted as saying he had arranged the biggest vote fraud in American history. Correctly as it turns out.
I was watching a lot of this stream live on Parler and it was, literally, unbelievable – votes were supposed to be in by a certain time and there were vehicles turning up at the polling station with mysterious “undiscovered votes” for Biden, none for Trump, at 3 and 4 AM in States and Counties Trump had to win.
The vote counters of BLM and Antifa (they had infiltrated the volunteer system months before and made sure it was a shut out – they were even openly wearing BLM masks) were seen and filmed by independent assessors and they all showed the same thing – empty ballot papers being filled in – BY THE VOTE COUNTERS FOR BIDEN!
Observers from the US and wider world were initially shut out of the count, an emergency Court ruling forced the doors open but they were not allowed close enough to see fair play and legality was observed and in a number of cases were threatened and intimidated. They put paper and cardboard at the windows of the polling stations and were driving in lorries full of votes for Biden, they “found”, thousands of dead people found to have voted for Biden and Trump ballots stolen and dumped all over the USA by communist run USPS. Pens stolen by the vote counters and replaced with sharpies, any votes for Biden they marked over it with pen so it counted, any for Trump they declared invalid and dumped. States with more voters than people – this was all played out live and the MSM said nothing. (Thank fk for Tommy Robinson, Katy Hopkins and Parler or they might have got away with it) Facebook censored and removed all proTrump content and have been doing for a while (Jack “Gyppo” Dorsey doesn’t seem to like me!).
This was the kind of stitch up and stolen election I expect to see in Russia or North Korea not America.
But now the interesting bit – Trump had knowledge six months ago that this was going to happen and ordered that all LEGAL ballot papers had a watermark and security identifiers so the fraudulent ones didn’t count (but they were) – a recount is needed and Trump has started far reaching legal action to stop this being stolen.
This is truly evil and if it can happen in America how much do you trust our treasonous rats not to do the same thing?
This is a bad, bad day for democracy and I shudder to think what the next four years will bring with skeletor asleep and commie slut Harris in charge.
If this isn’t annulled as it should be America is fucked.
Top post Mr Fox.
I’m quite shocked by it.
Cupid – it was fucking horrific – I thought I was watching North Korea.
Recount confirmed in Georgia due to suspected fraud – this is on a knife edge and Trump can still do it.
I hope you’re right Vernon, the Peterborough by-election was bad enough but this is on a different level.
Problem is, they are talking about voter fraud, but are dismissing it out of hand, and calling him a baby for even questioning the result.
The beeb even called him a liar, by saying he was falsely claiming these actions.
They aren’t interested in a truth they don’t like.
Lies by omission.
These are the same fuckers who have been decrying the Trump presidency for the last 4 years as illegitimate and a Russian pawn but with no evidence at all.
Now there is immediate evidence on the day of the election all we hear from them are fucking crickets. Bunch of cunts.
“Problem is, they are talking about voter fraud…”
It’s not that voters were voting fraudulently but that the electorate has been defrauded…by the electoral system.
Reply to vern
If any one part of that is true and i thoroughly believe it is(this is isac on here not conspiracy theorists weekly)then it lends greater credence to what trump is saying the lamestream media are so fucking dumb&corrupt they say theres no evidence WRONG TRUMP HAS ALREADY CONSULTED HIS LAWYERS AND VOICED HIS CONCERNS LONG BEFORE ALL THIS STARTED.In any case he knew what to look for and it only re inforces the narrative that biden supporters are having their demo and ARMED trump supporters are having their demo outside polling places to say its suspicious at the very least it putting it mildly and VERN YOU SEEM VERY ACCURATE AS REGARDS YOUR SOURCES.Its not only about whos president next but the choice of values we hold dear /no lying cheating etc a fair and civilised society.Dubya requested a recount for a stare between him and al gore in 2000 dubya won by 537 votes.Do believe it .americas left is full of shit
The Pollsters and the MSM were wrong. There was never going to be a “Blue Wave.”
Americans very clearly rejected the Progressive Left’s national agenda and the Demonrats got their empty heads handed to them in the Senate races, the House races and the State Legislature races. But they are undeterred in their quest for power and control.
Election laws were broken and many rules and regulations have been ignored. The election is being stolen right in front of our eyes in real time. Irregularities abound and are being ignored, dismissed and downplayed. The media is both complicit and complacent.
Activist liberal judges are playing and will play a role as well. It remains to be see how the courts overall will effect the outcome.
It is dark day for America, the Free Word and Western Civilization when this allowed to happen.
My mood is dark.
One thousand per cent agreed GC – the commie rats are trying to defraud the American people and steal this.
On the plus side, a recount is ordered in Georgia due to alleged voting irregularities (call it what it fucking is – theft) and Trump can still do this if he could only work out how to stop so many dead people voting for Biden.
America will be in a state of civil war if this vile travesty stands.
Afternoon General.
Considering what the Demoncrats have got away with over the last 4 years, it’s hardly surprising it’s come to this. Biden has no platform. He’s about as toxic as they come and history shows it’s very difficult to beat an incumbent president. But here we are. More people voted to Trump than in 2016 and this is the state of affairs. Hmmmm.
If Biden were to prevail, I just hope the Republicans stand up for the American people and impeach, derail and obstruct any and all demoncrats for the next 4 years. As you know, the US system of government is supposed to be chaotic with the executive vs judicial vs legislative. If the Repubs shut down the House and Senate, Biden’s got nowhere to go. Of course, he could play the Obama card and just invent new laws through executive order – which you’re not supposed to do of course.
Anyone who voted for that cunt Biden hates America and by definition is a traitor to the nation.
You are correct IY.
The US constitution gives the Senate an “advise and consent” role in Presidential Cabinet appointments. IF the Republicans maintain control of the Senate* they should withhold consent from ALL Cabinet appointments and hamstring Biden’s administration.
In the House, the rules say that the entire House…not just the party…votes for the Speaker. There are already stories in the press about division among the Demonrats between the progressives and the so-called moderates. Pelosi’s leadership is being questioned and her position as speaker is in jeopardy.
The House Republicans should make “common cause” with which ever side opposes Pelosi and vote against her as Speaker and install someone who will to a (greater or lesser) degree be beholding to the Republicans who helped put them in power.
*Look for the electoral shenanigans to continue as the Georgia Senate races both head to runoffs. This may or may not have a bearing on who controls the Senate and the Demonrats will do anything they can to gain control of the upper house.
I’m more worried about them gaining a Senate majority (with the Run-offs in Georgia in January) and then packing the Supreme Court with activist judges sympathetic to their political outlook.
The judicial branch will then basically become an extension of the Legislature
The election will be proven to be a democratic win as it was overseen by observers from Zimbabwe, Belarus and Leicester.
………… and Peterborough.
Have they counted the hanging chavs this time around?
You may need to translate that jest, RTC…
In repsonse to Komodo, I assume that you mean “stinking chavs”, or as they call them in Manc – “anGin’ chavs” and as they called them in Wrexham back in the 90’s “rammy angin’ chavs”.
@Komodo am I warm yet?
Perhaps we have a typo or simple mistake.
It is Hanging Chads.
Not a typo General, a deliberate play on words.
America will burn. Just after Bidet shits himself whilst making his ‘ victory ‘ speech .
The Chinks will say to their masses ” See how corrupt democracy is ” and gloat.
The West is going down the pan.
Welcome to Hell.
Get To Fuck.
Indeed Jack. Xi Jinping, “Erections are overrated”.
What the hell does overllated even mean?
It makes me wonder how long the powder keg of America can smoulder before it all goes up. I never thought I’d say it but America is probably a more dangerous place than anywhere in the world right now, the Ruskies, N koreans and peacefuls must be laughing their bollocks off. I do hope the American people like their new open border policy…
China has got what it wanted, unleash the Coronavirus in a US election year, The Donald voted out and a subservient old senile fart the Chinese can manipulate in his place. As Donald has said, the Chinese will now rule America if Biden wins. What amazes me is that Americans are always harping on about being a free and capitalist society yet they have basically voted in a left wing communist in all but name party with communist type policies. The Donald has his faults of course but I know who I’d rather have in my corner when dealing with China, Russia, North Korea, NATO the EU etc. I have a feeling that quite a few average Americans may have a ‘What the fuck was I thinking’ episodes in the coming four years.
Lets hope after that, theres a new Trump.
A super Trump.
Evening Bob ?
Evening Miserable ? I have a feeling that either Eric or The Donald Junior will run for President in four years time. That’s if there is a world in four years time, hopefully the senile old hair sniffing fart doesn’t press the nuclear button instead of switching the kettle on.
It should be Donald Junior. He is very intelligent, articulate and quick-witted. He also has a lot of the Donald’s mannerisms which would the TSD crowd into meltdown.
You make an extremely shrewd point Mr. Frapples. We hear all this noise about Russian interference but it’s the Chinks who are the real enemy and they interfered because they WANT Biden.
Remember, even though the MSM and social media tried to hide the story, they have already bought and paid for Biden through his son Hunter and his brother Jim.
Aside from the progressive fire-eaters the remainder of the American public is going to have exactly what you described:
What the fuck was I thinking?
That cunt Biden has already said he’ll repeal the Trump tax cuts. The economy will stall. The virus situation won’t miraculously resolve itself post Trump (if that happens) and diplomatic relations will worsen, possibly leading to armed conflicts. It won’t take long for the shit to roll downhill and for the grass to be seen as far from greener.
I think there’s going to be a massive falling out within Repub ranks over this. I wouldn’t be surprised if a Trump ran in 4 years, but as an independent.
My one remaining hope is the Repubs turn on the Demoncrats like the Demons did to them and pay them back 100 fold. Trying to be the party of reason, law and order, respecting the rules and trying to do things by the book has got us to this point. The Repubs need to launch a massive attack on everything Demoncratic. But you know what? I don’t think they will. They’ll sob a bit, stick their bottom lips out, sulk in the corner and hope they’ll do better next time. NOT GOOD ENOUGH.
After 4 years Trump hating remainers have decided that a narrow victory is decisive and it is despicable to challenge it in the courts.
Is the hair sniffer an extra from The Walking Dead?I feel sorry for our American cousins
@Cunt me in
As much as it is obvious that Democrat-sympathetic agents have been engaging in mass ballot fraud (because lefties don’t like playing by the rules), I have to take issue with what you said regarding the Wisconsin figure you cited of 3,129,000 registered voters but the number of votes received there was 3,200,000.
I was watching Sargon Of Akkad’s live stream when he read out a superchat which made exactly that claim, he repeated it, did some half arsed “research” on air but not enough to confirm nor deny it.
I however went to the relevant page on the Wisconsin state website and noticed that the 3,129,000 figure was bollocks and somebody trolling Sargon. Did you happen to get that figure from the Sargon livestream or from somewhere else
The Wisconsin figures came from a bloke called Michael Coudrey on Instagram.
Another bloke called Mike Yoder posted this on twitter: “While we were asleep Michigan just happened to ‘find’ 138,339 ballots and ALL 138,339 ballots just happened to be votes for Biden.”
What a miraculous turnaround at the eleventh hour…..
I agree, that is a massive turn-around at the 11th hour………. but it has nothing to do with the facts and figures I mentioned in my last post re: Wisconsin.
By the way, who is Michael Coudrey when he’s at home?
A Conservative commentator and entrepreneur (apparently) :
@Cunt me in
I’ll look at his website later (maybe) but I have to ask if you are going to retract your 3,129,000 figure comment regarding Wisconsin as it was clearly false when you posted it.
OK. Thanks for your link.
The more i read into this the more pissed i become /id have hoped for better in this world of ours makes me fucking sick
I hope someone does blow the whistle big time on all this bullshit
BBC….. “No evidence of widespread fraud”
I dare bet they’re not looking very hard. And how widespread is “widespread”?
TIme for the Republicans to craft a pissgate dossier.
“Biden had Ukrainian prostitutes urinate on a bed once used by George W Bush and his wife because he hated them that much”.
I’m sure the MSM would lap that one right up.
As others have pointed out, they were lightning quick to ‘fact check’ Trump’s claims and say (in headlines) that there was no evidence of election fraud. Case closed. No investigation necessary.
Funnily enough though, the didn’t apply the same rules to the Russia/Trump bollocks. The cunts never shut up about it. Even after the claims were proved false in court.
Fuck the BBC.
” And how widespread is “widespread”?
Pretty much universal by the look of it Rudy
Amazing how the media is so sure there’s no fraud after spending the last 4 years throwing accusations towards Trump for the same god damn thing. It’s so transparent that the MSM are full of shit now that you’d have to be a moron to deny it. I don’t even know the details of the count but I can guarantee there’s been fraud.
Who the fuck votes for a demented old corpse that slurs his words, forgets where he is, that his own son died? I mean apart from the brainwashed dark key voter base.
The idea that Biden has won this fairly is absolute nonsense.
BCC, there is always ‘some’ fraud, but to be able to do it on the level that’s being implied here, is a fucking HUGE ask – it will always get out.
What;s happened is BLM have engineered & motivated (manipulated) the populace to vote against Trump …& I reckon he knows it, hence the hissy fit behaviour.
@The Stained Gusset
Have you not seen all of the videos on t’interwebs showing all of the fraud occuring at polling stations in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and even bloody Milwaukee? Seriously, that shit happened all over the place and in a big way.
Fully accept the fraud every time notion, especially with postal votes. My gut feeling is there has been some massive fraud this time though.
And to any yank here, why the fuck is D.C. overwhelmingly Democrat every election, like 90%+. The fuck is that about??
Dc is black.
More importantly, why would the huge voting block of Petro/Gas workers/and wives in Pennsylvania vote for Biden after he said that he would get rid of fracking and fossil fuels? Makes no fucking sense.
Agree TITS, the swing in the Rust Belt states has been too much to be believed. They have nothing in common with east coast eco twats like Ocasio Cortez and her ‘Green Deal’ manifesto.
Whats skeletor even running for?he should have been charged for being a nonce anyway snd deemed unsuitable the corrupt bastard
I’m losing no sleep over any of it. If that pair of shysters is the best a nation like America can come up with, then they deserve whatever pool of shit they’re going to be bathing in for the next 4 years.
All this hysterical vote rigging nonsense is a fucking embarrassment, as is declaring yourself the winner when only half the votes are counted. Orange Don doesn’t help himself by tweeting like a teenage tit, a bit of statesmanship wouldn’t go amiss from him, or that cunt in Number 10 either. Talk about being the laughing stock of the world… fucking useless cunts.
As has been so eloquently put in Southpark…. “The choice is always between a giant douche and a turd sandwich”.
The Dems had the fairly decent, moderately anti-establishment choices of Bernie Sanders or Tulsi Gabbard but they both got targeted by the mainstream media and the DNC.
The Dems will make it so they can never lose again.
Here are my predictions.
1. The likes of Harris and Cortez will search for and find some footage of Boden saying something waycist in the 1960s. He’ll be forced out and the commies will control the White House.
2. We’ll then see a huge influx of ‘refugees’ (economically dependent migrants) from various fly-blown rapey shiteholes. They’ll be bussed into any swing states to ensure the Dems can never lose again.
3. Any vocal critics of this influx will be attested for ‘hate speech’ ,after they make changes to the constitution, which also includes banning guns. Changing the American constitution will not prove easy for these bastards, but they will give it a real good go.
4. Anyone to the right of Jeremy Corbyn will be banned from making videos on the likes of YouTube. Bitchute (which I believe is UK based) will be closed down). The ‘normal’ media will then practically take over the ‘news’ on social media (this is already starting to happen). Twitter will descend into being more biased than it is now (those messages that they attach to Trump’s tweets are a fucking disgrace).
5. With trannies, BLM activists and shouty fat feminists running America, it will soon descend into infighting and chaos and a huge economic crash, which will spread across the globe.
6. Whitey will be blamed (as usual) and a certain ‘conspiracy theory’ that many on the left scoff at, will bite them on their fat white arses.
We are fucked. The fix is in. Still, chin up. But who knew Charles Manson would be proved right in the end?
2 We can help with that one.
Fucking hell that’s scary.
I hope to be proved wrong, but I honestly don’t think I will be.
Make plans is my advice. Things are going to get really shitty.
Also, I was just wondering what to do with these 150,000 ballots for Biden I just found in my shed?
Sone of those swings are dodgy as fuck. Those types of late swings in the vote have never been seen before. All key swing states. All stopped counting when Trump was pulling out big leads. I smell something funny, and it ain’t Diane Abbott’s gusset.
‘Count every vote’ they cry.
It should be ‘Count every legal vote’. Still, CNN and the BBC have done the ‘fact checking’ for us and said there’s nothing to see here. And we can completely trust those cunts of course, right?