The American Voter

The majority of American voters are ignorant, fickle, shallow fucking cunts.

The fact that a candidate like Joe Biden would have any chance at all of victory let alone actually win illustrates how far we have strayed from principles that uplift our society.

Instead we vote for selfish reasons alone and cheer on as our great nation degenerates into a shithole. The Patriots who are left will have to suffer with the cunts who now outnumber responsible informed voters.

America is like the elephant on nature shows being dragged down by 6 lionesses. It takes a while but it eventually goes down.

Our founding fathers established a system that works up until the population becomes a bunch of self serving cunts. So here we are. Those who despise the things that make a society prosperous and stable now get there way.

Cunts fuck everything up.

Nominated by: Texas Trumptard

…and supported by: Cunt me in

The fix is in. It’s so blatant.

They stopped counting when the Donald was about to win. Suddenly they found a few more Democunt votes.

Michigan have counted 102% of their votes (and *no* that’s not a typo).

Meanwhile Wisconsin has 3,129,000 registered voters but the number of votes received there was 3,200,000!!

The MSM and Big Tech have played a massive part in this stitch-up. I can’t believe they actually want people to vote for tax hikes and more pointless wars!!

Having said that, Slow Joe won’t be President for long. He’ll soon be deemed unfit by Skeletor Pelosi, so Kameltoe Harris will step in and appoint Killary as Vice-President, then it will be all systems go with the Great Reset, a One World Government and the NWO.

#BLM – Biden’s Laptop Matters

180 thoughts on “The American Voter

  1. In which I learned:

    50% of the US electorate are traitors. Really? Think about that.
    Massive fraud has been recorded by anonymous influencers in internetland. Sources? Stats?
    Trump is the new Jesus
    Biden is the Antichrist
    The only evenhanded media outlet is Fox News.

    It;s frightening to see the US tearing itself apart over which of two greedy incompetents pretends to lead it. With one of the two incompetents doing his absolute flat-out damnedest to set the electorate at each others’ throats. While railing against the elite of which he is all too conspicuous a member. LO fucking L.

    Putin and Xi must be slapping each other on the back at the success of their crude and divisive protege. Win or lose, he’s split their enemy for a decade to come. Well done, eh?

    • I don’t think Trump is a greedy incompetent bastard. I think he believed he could save America, problem being the America he wanted to save was killed during the Bush 1 and Clintons terms.

      Trump has a big mouth and has largely been judged on what he says and not what he has done, he actually gives a fuck. Biden will sell the US straight down the yellow river, with the US Europe will be dancing to Chinese tunes. We look at America through British eyes, failure is not the blight on a career it is over here. Maybe you hate Trump because of his pro Israeli stance, lets face it Komodo you are as keen on Jews as I am on Muslims, maybe we both have something to learn? Clinton\Obama handed over dominance to the Chinese and Harris will complete the transfer of dominance to the communists in Beijing.

      For all his faults Donald Trump was or last and best hope of escaping a world dominated by the Chinese, Biden will speed that process up.

      I fear for the world once Biden (Harris) has control of the US.

      • I’m certainly not a fan of Israel: outside that, as I’ve said before, I take Jews as I find them, as I do with anyone. I’m not sure what I need to learn – I’ve been mistaken for a Jew, I’ve lived in a Jewish enclave in London, next door to a rabbi. No problems on either side. A degree of hypocrisy on both sides helps. However, attempting (it will fall apart, but it looks nice) to unite Sunni Wahabist fundamentalists* with Zionist fundamentalists to weaken and presumably destroy the Shi’a** state of Iran is moronic, and counterproductive. Iran will benefit from the victim card among its sympathisers, including China, and has no incentives left to row back on expanding its sphere of influence.

        *Muslims. You don’t like Muslims. Includes the Saudis, who gave us ISIS.

        **Also Muslims. Divisiveness being Trump’s preferred strategy. Probably his only one.

        If you’re serious about learning, though, when the plague permits, consider a trip to Rumi’s shrine in Konya. Take your shoes off, and you can go into the mosque too. It’s worth it.

      • You seem to be of the understanding that Jews/Israelis/Zionists want to wipe out the Iranians…….. can you substantiate that claim?

      • Reply to sixdog vomit
        Here here
        Completely agree
        With what you have said .actions speak louder than words trump IS NOT an erudite politician he does give a fuck for precisely the opposite reasons biden claims to /he cant abear that sharia law bollocks and terrorist arseholes either /America land of the free home of the brave thats how it should be.We have useless corrupt bastards over making out they give a fuck about us which they dont 650 lying sacks of shit.

  2. We should never have let go of our Empire. Including Yankeeland (we should’ve taken the fight more seriously).

    Where once,we controlled most of the globe, we are now reduced to listening to Owen Jones, Kehinde Andrews and other assorted morons telling us how evil we all are and demanding that we be overrun with third world cunts. Trannies teaching our kids in schools, footballers taking the knee, soyboys and fat smelly feminists everywhere, a far left media, and the honky man being blamed for everything.

    I weep at our demise.

  3. If Boreden gets in the whole country will go down the pan .Fuck them! I hope that all the woke Hilary-Clitton clones ,trannies and other Democrap voters get raped by marauding gangs of ch1mpazees.

    • Indeed. I had to laugh at the footage of a leftard pleading ‘But I voted for Biden’. as a BLM/Antigua mob harrassed her (for being white and affluent) outside her home. ‘We don’t need white people to speak for us!’ one racist black cunt shouted. I heard she moved home. Probably still supports Biden too, the stupid cunt.

      Also, those daft honkee cunts cheering on BLM from inside their home…and then having their windows put through.

      “But we’re on your side!” one idiot shouted.

      Doesn’t matter pal. You’re white and they fucking want you dead.

      Wake up and collectivise you daft cunts.

  4. Anyone who believes a man who couldn’t get 100 people to a rally suddenly got 80 million votes is seriously deluded.

    • I blame everybody.
      No one is innocent.
      Its this tolerance, permissiveness, obsession with equality, thats given these woke cunts a foothold thats become a stranglehold.

      Mark E smith once fired someone from the Fall because they ordered a salad and I get that, he was right to fire him.
      You cant reason with them,
      They arent to be reasoned with,
      They only retreat in the face of strenth.

      • That still doesn’t explain how 104K mail in ballots arrived in the middle of the night in …I believe Wisconsin and 100% were for Biden… then another tranche of a similar volume arrived and… quell surprise… 100% for Biden.

        Add to that numerous videos taken of wrongdoing, covering up the windows of vote-counting rooms, denying access to official Republican observers, complaints lodged by vote observers (including one by a democrat vote observer if it is shown to be valid).

        There are many more examples of lefty cunts being lefty cunts and cunting people in a lefty cunting manner but I can’t recall them all right now so the above examples will have to suffice.

  5. What a bare faced fucking rip off! Only the lefties (with the help of their media shills) could pull off this trick. Fortunately Tango is so narcissistic he won’t take this shit and push it as far as it will go.
    A scam like this involves a shitload of people. Offer enough money to the right ones and they will grass up the rest of them. There’s no honour amongst thieves……..especially leftie thieves.

    • 2016 taught the dirty cunts a lot. They realised that they can’t use the polls to affect the outcome because of shy Trumpers and shy Brexiteers.

      They also realised they can’t use the mainstream media to affect public opinion because nobody trusts the mainstream media so they weaponised Silicon Valley…… and did so very fucking well.

      • Trump is still president for a while no matter what.

        I hope he uses an executive order to shut down Twitter and have that gypo cunt Dorsey arrested for colluding to fix an election. His hiding and attachments to Trump’s tweets in the run up to (and during) the election have been obvious to anyone with a 3 digit IQ.

        I fact, Trump’s ego is so fragile (one of his faults, it has to be said) that we may see him using executive orders shortly. He won’t take this shit lying down.

        And nor should he. A thorough and honest investigation is the very least that should happen here.

      • He has already started legal proceedings through his lawyer Rudi “hand down the pants” Giuliani to contest the results in all states due to alleged mass ballot fraud.

  6. One scenario:

    Biden takes office. Senate takes its time conforming cabinet appointments, especially if they are lunatics like Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren. Democratic House majority very slim, Pelosi squeezed between the whackjobs on the left and the ordinary hacks who just want to protect their phony-baloney jobs. No substantive legislation goes anywhere. Biden, clearly unfit for the job, nonetheless refuses to go, sparking even more infighting among Democrats.

    Antifa/BLM continue their shenanigans. COVID-19 continues apace. Modest recent economic gains evaporate as Biden attempts national lockdown. Widespread defiance.

    After a bit of this the House flips to the GOP in 2022, Senate GOP majority increases, Biden declares war on Lichtenstein and gets the 25th Amendment treatment.

    In 2024, the jackals will fight over the remains.

    If I didn’t have an elderly mother in the Northeast I’d have left for Wyoming, I’d already be in Wyoming, Idaho, one of the Dakotas. Places where normal people still live.

  7. Fucking hell, communist America.
    Who’d have thought it?
    RIP Uncle Sam. It was interesting knowing you…

  8. Uxorem Caesaris tam suspicione quam crimine carere oportet.

    1. Trump supporters have been vilified as racists (and worse) for 4 years. In the post election coverage by the MSM multiple leftist “journalists” have described the 50% who voted for Trump as racists and bemoaned how filled with hate and intolerance we (supposedly) are.

    1a. Biden is (by some definitions) a traitor. He sold influence to foreign countries…most notably China, Russia and the Ukraine…when he was Obama’s Vice President. These are fact based allegations that have been ignored by the MSM but NOT denied by Biden or his family.

    There is a paper trail…bank records…financial disclosures…e-mails and other documentation as well as at least one witness who has come forward with first hand knowledge.

    If you vote for a traitor are you yourself not a traitor?

    2. There is documented factual evidence of irregularities. Despite election ;aw, Republican poll watchers have been denied access to polling places. They have been removed from polling places and when they sued for access they were opposed by the Demonrats.

    2a. When the court ordered access, windows and views were blocked and they were placed as far as 150 feet away…to far away to see what the counters were doing.

    There is film evidence of this that has been shown on Fox News but was blocked and taken down from social media.

    2b. There have been claims of “dead” people and other unqualified voters casting ballots in this election. Republican poll watchers have (as previously mentioned) been barred for observing and therefore verifying these charges. The Demonrat position is; if you can’t observe it, you can’t prove it and if you can’t prove it prove it, it didn’t happen.

    However, in at least 2 states (New York and Florida) elections officials have caught 2 people trying to register dead people to vote.

    3. In Pennsylvania and the city of Philadelphia, 2 Demonrat politicians…the governor and the Mayor…both claimed emphatically…before the vote was counted…that Trump would lose and should concede.

    They stated this as a matter of fact…not an opinion…implying some beforehand knowledge. They were both recorded.

    4. Multiple irregularities have been reported. Stoppages in the count…unverified signatures…and most disturbing of all…large finds of ballots. In one case over 21,000 in Wisconsin were found and EVERY SINGLE one of them was for Biden. Perhaps even more disturbing…in Pennsylvania…over 123,000 were found and again ALL were for Biden.

    These stories have not been verified. Perhaps because they have not been investigated and were simple dismissed or downplayed by Demonrat election officials.

    5. In Nevada a large number (a few thousand) were cast by people who do not live in Nevada. A cross check revealed that at least some of this information was true. It has been dismissed by Demonrat officials by say there are many good reasons for this. They cite military members or out of state students.

    This does not match up as military ballots are part of a separate process and clearly marked…a number were found in the garbage in the state of Pennsylvania…and students are generally considered residents of the state they come from not where they go to school…although there can be exceptions to this. However, as we all know Covid has kept many schools closed and students at home.

    6. I don’t know anyone who seriously puts forth the notion that Trump is Jesus and Biden in the Antichrist. I think that’s more than a bit of hyperbole on your part.

    7. Fox News may or may not be objective but nobody seriously claims the MSM is objective.

    It is frightening and I think the Chinese are pleased. Putin is not a factor and completely irrelevant.

    As of today we may not have factual data and numbers as to the size of the fraud…but the fraud does exist. In the same sense, it could be said of Holocaust deaths. We don’t really know how many died…but it’s indisputable that they did die.

      • General by all accounts very honest and forthright i salute you for your integrity good posts

      • So you saw exactly what I did GC – it’s good to have had a trustworthy second pair of eyes on this as I actually thought I had lost my mind.
        How could any free Country stand by and watch this abomination happen?

    • You Sir, are a fucking legend! You just did what I could only hope to do….. and also what I couldn’t be bothered to do.

      Thank you Sir.

    • You mentioned the holohoax. That is anathema to some, even here of all places.
      Go to jail for questioning the one historical event you are not allowed to question.
      By law.
      Fuck off Hymie.

      • I am one of those people who has no issue with people questioning……the numbers involved.

        But not the fact that it happened – that is pretty much truth at this point based on the fact that there are so many people who lived through it, who are related to people who lived through it and people who know people who lived through it …unless “they” are all in on it and are colluding with the ever-elusive “they”, just like “they” are trying to hide the truth about the shape of the Earth from us from as yet unexplained reasons.

        In case it wasn’t clear, I hold anti-semites/anti-zionists in a similar esteem as I hold Young Earth Creatards, Flat Earthers and pseudo science-peddlng vegans.

        Anti-semites/anti-zionists meet history/geopolitics, history/geopolitics meet anti-semites/anti-zionists. Have at it lads.

      • @Cuntlestiltskin

        I will not go to jail.

        I’m not sure what mythical law you are referring to.

        I have no intention of fucking off.

        I’m not a Hymie.

        But it was good to hear from you. Might I suggest that you…be fruitful and multiply.

      • GC, I was not addressing yourself here, merely making an observation using my own views in reference to the holohoax.
        Ursula Haverbeck was sent to jail for expressing doubts and questioning the narrative. It is illegal in many countries.
        Truth doesn’t fear questioning, manipulative bullshit does.
        I don’t use this place to make personal attacks on fellow counters, I wouldn’t be here now if I did.
        I hope that clears the air and that you understand I wasn’t attacking you in person.
        The ‘Hymie’ reference was to the eternal victims who shall be forever blameless for their meddling and malfeasance.

      • @Cuntlestilskin

        Thank you for your explanation. I didn’t understand the Haverbeck reference and misunderstood your post.

        My apologies and warmest regards.

  9. ?
    What I mean is….
    Who was it that set up a system
    Supposedly democratic system
    Where you end up always voting for the lesser of two evils?
    I mean, was George Washington the lesser of two evils?
    Sometimes I wonder …
    You got some guy that says: “For God sake, we’ve got to stop having violence in this country.”
    While at the same time he’s spending 16,000 dollars a second snuffin’ gooks. ?

    (River Of Shit aka Wide Wide River by The Fugs, 1968)

  10. Well, any chance of a crackdown on BLM has totally gone to cock.
    There will be a new Mount Rushmore featuring four black arses.

    • Mount “Kangz N Shiet”More would be an appropriate name.

      The Black Hebrew Israelites, the Yaaakubites and the “We Wuz Kangz N Shiet” types will have to fight for space on the cliffside.

      Maybe they could have a driveby version of a medieval-style jousting contest. I would pay real money to see that.

  11. I can hear that smear of slime, Gary Lineker now…
    ‘Look, Biden won! Trump lost! Get over it!’

    Like he did when Le Pen lost in France, but not when the UK voted for Brexit. it’s funny that the human oil slick only says that when the one he doesn’t like loses.

    The man is a complete cunt.

  12. What makes me crease is the amount of Hollyweird celebrity cunts who are screaming for Biden to get in. I know that most of them are vile Clintonites by nature, but how the fuck does it affect them, whoever it is in the White House? Truth is it doesn’t. Rich as fuck, gated mansions, 30 foot limos, armed security, don’t even talk to ‘ordinary’ people or working folk, phone their PA if there is a spider in the bath and so on. Yet they act like it is soooo important to them and essential that Uncle Joe gets in.

    Fucking grandstanding hypocritical cunts. All the fame and money in the world can’t hide the smell of scum.

    Viva Big Don!

    • I dare say that great political mind (Ha fucking Ha), arch-Clintonite and Obamaphile Skanlett Johansscunt will be ecstatic at Uncle Joe winning.

      Mind you, she likes her lovable old uncles. Like Uncle Woody, Uncle Roman, and Uncle Harvey….

  13. Don’t forget that Tango man is still president til January. He’s got the time and the power to get to the bottom of this cuntery. There’s still hope yet cunters ?

  14. Trump is entitled to request recounts where margins are tight.
    He is entitled to submit legitimate cases to the courts, where real arguements & proof of evidence exists.

    In the past, everyone who has ever stood for office of the President, has respected the electoral process, graciously admitted defeat when in stared them in their face, put their petty self interest aside, & wished the winner & the country well.

    Trump is a petulent child, who won’t accept losing, is throwing his toys out of his pram. He will bitch & moan & complain & jump up and down and refuse to accept that he lost, fair and square to a man he described as the worst candidate the Democrats have ever nominated for election.

    His riddiculous, meritless claims of a national conspiracy to cheat him out an election victory are completely unsubstantiated & absurd. For all the extra 8 million votes he gzined over 2016, he caused more people to want to vote him out, because they want an honest leader, NOT a big baby who lies & throws tantrums & makes America a laughing stock.

    If Trump gets his way, his lies, his desire to drag America endlessly through the courts & his endless tweets, will kill Democracy, cement doubt & anger in half the country, & lead to endless bitter division & destruction of the fabric of America.

    In Americas past, too many have sacrificed their lives upon the alter of freedom, to let a bitter, selfish old man, destroy the flower of Democracy by poisoning the root from within. Trump would rather watch America burn than let Biden be a different kind of President to him.
    “America was my toy – If I can’t play with it, I’d rather smash it pieces than let you play with it !”

      • ?
        Rumour has it, a video is circulating around IsAC, showing a shadowy figure bringing in boxes of votes for that post.
        As yet, unsubstantiated ?

    • @Lord of the Rings

      While your assessment may be extremely popular with our fellow cunters, with regard to ridiculous and meritless claims it is incorrect.

      A story broke last night on Fox Bews and is being reported in a number of local outlets as well as the The Daily Mail:

      A company called Dominion software provides vote counting software to a number of counties in MIchigan (approx 47) and a number of states in the country (approx 30).

      A whistle blower on Michigan has come forward and showed that software in Antrim county Michigan gave 6000 Trump votes to Biden.
      The county was forced to admit the error and had to revise the totals.

      Multiple this error by 47 counties statewide and 30 states nationwide and you can see the magnitude of corruption right before your eyes. (Whether or not you choose to believe it is a up to you.)

      Like other instances of voter fraud the story is NOT being reported or at the least being minimized by other news outlets including Fox News.

      We’re all familiar with the expression; “If a tree falls in the forest and there’s nobody around to hear it does it still make a sound?”

      What we have today is exactly the same metaphor:

      If a Democrat commits voter fraud and the media doesn’t report it does it change the result?

  15. I don’t believe that nearly a third of the American populace voted for a senile pedo. So there.

      • TT GC@ Dominion Software currently being investigated in a number of States, the accusation being that the “glitch” so often referred to is an app which is programmed to favour Biden votes and in some cases change them.
        I shall do some more digging about.

  16. Orange man bad, looking forward there’s only Brexit to shaft the UK majority over and it’s pointless to vote on anything, all part of the plan to do as we are told , plant a idea constantly blame whitey, take your freedom away ,poor get poorer , can’t be arsed with the rest, every white man for himself

  17. There are parallels in the vote swing in the US with our own GE last year. Was that fraud on a huge scale, was that the MSM shooting Corbyn down & promoting BoJo, or was it that the people recognise a cunt when they see one?
    We have long told the Remoaners to go & fuck themselves when they call for another vote – we all voted, you lost, fuck off. Yet, now something has happened that flies in the face of the general opinion on here, many cunters are behaving EXACTLY like a bleating remoaner or a member of Momentum. ‘My team didn’t win, it’s not fair & the vote shouldn’t stand.’ Jesus H Christ!

      • You do make a point Mr. Gusset.

        But there is one huge difference. The voter fraud in the American election is real and occurring in plain sight.

        Much like the BLM protests, a “reporter” stands in front of a burning building and tells you it is a “mostly” peaceful demonstration.

        Looters carry out flat-screen TV’s and Reebok shoes and a politician tells you they’re stealing food.

        Known and admitted Antifa members attack the police and spray paint Antifa slogans and we’re told Antifa doesn’t exist and it’s the police who are violent.

        Career criminals attack the police after doing drugs and committing crimes and we’re told it’s the police who are the criminals.

        Reality is what it is…NOT what “they” tell you it is. If you chose to ignore reality, that’s your choice. But you do so at “our” peril.

        More on the election later…

  18. General Cunster, I answered your previous post, I trust it clears up any misunderstanding.

  19. The outpouring of smugness from the BBC and Grauniad, plus their latte quaffing followers over the next few months (years?) is going to be fucking unbearable.

    I am, however, gracious enough to offer my congratulations to President Harris…

    • I get the feeling that Harris will be so bad that people might even consider saying ‘Come back Kilary! All is forgiven!’

      I loathe Kilary Clinton. But that is how bad and poisonous I believe Harris is.

      And I bet there is no ‘news’ about Biden’s win being interfered with by Russians. None whatsoever.

      • I’m just waiting for the usual knobhead cunts to start declaring that Tango Man’s defeat somehow means that the Brexit vote is invalid, and proves that we need to beg the Forth Reich to let us come back into the fold.
        Only a matter of time…

  20. Been missing the assassination wave that swept the good ol’ US of A in the 60s and 70s. Following the recent political shite fest have every expectation of an uptick in gun sales to Lone Nuts (that delicious phrase). Oh yes, looking forward to the late nite news flash and these days, all in glorious color.

  21. Here ya go T.T. … a coupla’ cunts for you stuffing Biden ballot boxes in Delaware County P.A. … just been listening to that viscious old green cunt Caroline Suckarse on Any Questions a’bitchin’ n’ a’honkin’ about there being no evidence whatsoever of electoral fraud in the U.S. (s)election… oh yeah!!!

    what the fuckety fucking fuck?????

    BLM = Biden’s Laptop Matters (loving that one)

  22. France banned postal votes because of Fraud, ok not all postal votes are fraudulent but the system is perfect for those who want to abuse it.

    Peterborough, how can 300 + postal votes be rejected with around 130 not having signatures matching the original application.

    Turn up and vote or fuck off.

    • Quite so, Mr Sick.

      Postal votes should be strictly limited to cunts who are physically unable to get to the polling booth, either from infirmity, sickness or a reasonable commitment to be elsewhere on election day.

      Back in the ’60s – ’80s it was not easy to obtain a postal vote. Nowadays any cunt can have one.

      I remember one general election when my parents went to the polls together and my father watched over my mother’s shoulder while she was voting to make sure she voted what he wanted! One of the invigilators rightly kicked him out of the polling station. If she’d had a postal vote, her choice would not necessarily have been her own…

      I suspect that sort of thing is standard behaviour in Muslim families.

  23. I’m quite surprised, I genuinely thought that the fact Tango man had Iran’s top General fucking vaporised in his 1970 Mercedes taxi would have made him a shoe in for the American public to vote him back in, shame fucking Hamilton wasn’t the driver.

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