“Good afternoon. This is IsAC’s political correspondent Ron Knee speaking. Today I’m privileged to be joined by US President-elect Mr Joe Biden. Thank you for taking the time to speak to us, Mr Biden”.
“Huh? Where am I? Who are you?”.
“Er, this is an interview for IsAC in the UK, Mr Biden”.
“Ukraine huh? You speak good English for a Rooski son”.
“No Mr Biden, not the Ukraine, the UK; that’s England, Scot-“.
“Oh yeah, I heard of that England place. Run by that Elizabeth dame, Meghan Markle’s mother. I know all about it. I never miss an episode of ‘The Crown’ on Netflix. In my position, you gotta keep posted about what’s going on around the world. Ron huh? Say, can I call you Ronnie for short?”.
“Well certainly Mr Biden. Now, perhaps you could give us your reaction at the end of what’s been a long and often very bitter campaign”.
“It’s been tough. A dirty campaign. But hell, we had to beat that son-of-a-bitch George. He was leading the country to perd… perdit… to ruin”.
“George? You surely mean Donald. Bush isn’t the present incumbent, it’s Donald Trump”.
“Yeah, him as well. He’s a very confused guy, unlike me. He’s crazy. I was saying to my wife Valerie just the other night-“.
“Excuse me, but Valerie is your sister. Your wife’s named Jill, I believe”.
“Ha Ha! Darned if those two don’t hornswoggle me all the time! Got it wrong at that campaign event in San Diego too a while back. They switched on me!”.
“It was Los Angeles, Mr Biden. You must admit, your seeming confusion did give your opponent ammunition, allowing him to question your mental faculties”.
“Heck Ravi, I’m telling you that my opponent’s claims that I didn’t know what day of the hour it was were all vicious smears. You won’t find a more mentally alert 87 year old in this whole US of A”.
“You’re 78 Mr Biden. I’d better point that out for our followers. And for yourself, come to think of it. Anyway, what message would you like to send to the American people now that you’re on your way to the White House?”.
“Well, the end of our long darkness is at hand. It’s time to resolve the conflicts that have plagued us under Obama. It’s time to close the rifts, to heal the wounds. Time to go forward as one into the sunlit uplands, one nation, undivided, under God. I pledge to play my part to the full, as sure as my name’s er… ahm…”.
“*Sigh* Mickey Mouse. Ah, there’s a young lady in a nurse’s uniform here, telling me to cut our chat short as it’s time for your warm milk and afternoon nap”.
“Well, I do feel a bit sleepy. But as I go, let me leave you with these final words. As a great patriot once said, ‘let’s make America great again!’. Say, are there any of those chocolate cookies today?”.
“Oh dear. This Ron Knee, for IsAC, returning you to the studio”.
Nominated by: Ron Knee
(In the interest of balance after the Donald “Victim” Trump nomination yesterday, here’s Smokin’ Joe. Enjoy! – DA)
I would love to see any daft twat take on the likes of General Cunster in response to this nomination. Just try it you daft apeths!
A cheat, a commie, a Child toucher, a mental defective.
Just a puppet.
Joe never touched a child………. he just sniffed her hair! Get it right.
You can’t throw accusations like that around Miserable, there will be hell toupee.
Yes – don’t want creepy Joe “wigging out” and coming to the UK on his flying moomin to sort MNC out!
Nah, only joking – Joe the slow only seems able to find his way to China, Ukraine and the basement when he shits his pyjamas.
Where’s Lee Harvey Oswald when we need him?
An act of foreplay leading to fucking her next it shows intent /premeditated at that
Nonce cunt
American president? No he isn’t. He’s just a bought & paid for piece of Chinese Communist Party filth. Come on Biden you rat cunt, tell us how much you were paid to sell your country out. Or can’t you fucking remember you retard?
Ok he never touched a child that weve found out about.
Come the court case will find out what a nonce he is
(For future reference, WordPress really doesn’t like the term “nonce”, hence the moderation queue – DA)
In the YouTube vid compilations I’ve seen he has gotten ‘hands on.’
Well, the law has had 50 years to prosecute BIden and it didn’t because nothing has ever been proven.
On the other hand, when Trump no longer has the protection of office we will see charges for rape, tax avoidence and business fraud made against him.
Then we will see who is the real crook.
Check Hunters laptop LH.
Are you having a fucking laugh? It wasn’t high office that protected him – it was the lack of criminal activity or malfeasance on his part that protected him………… and the secret service.
The media, the dems and the never-Trump republicans had 4 years to find evidence of wrong-doing and pin something on him and they failed.
The media, the dems and the never-Trump republicans had 4 decades to not find evidence of wrong-doing and pin something on Biden and they succeeded superbly! All it took was doing fuck all.
If Trump gets fucked over now, it won’t be because he “doesn’t have the protection of office” it will be because he doesn’t have the protection of the secret service and that the CIA will be gunning for him in order to send a message to anybody else who deigns to go against the established order.
The only consolation about having demented Joe in the White House is if Monica Lewinsky still works there, her blue dress will leave work without a cumstain on it.
However, if he comes to Britain, be prepared for an extra stain to appear on the already stain-ridden bloomers of Analease Dodds.
Now I won’t be able to eat my dinner W C! Thanks.The Cabbage Patch doll and Sleepy – UGH!
Yes i will always (for time being)refer to sleepy paedo joe as the fake presideBt.
I reached a new high yesterday on a personal level i emailed the white house to tell trump he has a strong fanbase in uk and he should be proud of what hes done for his country unlike this commie marxist paedo biden
I may be a mental defect but I am NOT a cheat, a commie or a and most certainly NOT a puppet,
As for touching a child? We were both 13. And we were playing Doctor. Well I was playing Doctor…actually Gynecologist…and she was playing patient.
Oops…I forgot…
White Lives Matter
Armed Resistance
Never Surrender
I was talking about Joe Biden not you,
you dozy yank cunt!!
I supported everything you had to say regarding Donald, why would I call you a cheat?
Read again General.
Im owed a apology.?
Hey Mis,
Sometimes my humor doesn’t come across on the internet. I knew what you were saying and was trying to be funny. (Hence the remarks about playing Doctor.)
Nonetheless, I’m sorry. You have my most sincere and unequivocal apology.
I appreciate and value your support and hope to enjoy it as we move forward.
I send you my warmest regards.
Then its water under the bridge General.
Im gutted over the result and know Biden is bad news for the American people but also for the people of the UK.
He was a IRA supporter and for those of us who grew up with the IRA bombing us his name will be said then spat upon.
Hope hes ousted.
Viva big Don????
I and everyone I know is also gutted. But I will tell you this…it ain’t over. There’s a fire smoldering under the surface of Trump supporters.
Everyone…and I mean EVERYONE I’ve spoken too believes the election was stolen from Trump and they’re waiting to see what will happen.
Watch Monday for the Trump team’s filing of legal appeals. The Demonrats, RINO’s, MSM and Social Media will ignore, downplay, ridicule and dismiss them. But the anger and hostility among Trump supporters is palpable.
Biden is a true swamp rat. He spent 47 years creating and exasperating the problems we face today. Nobody but the hacks in the MSM (including those at Fox News) believes what he said Saturday night.
By the way…the media does not have a constitutional role in declaring who is President. That only happens when the individual states certify the election results and the electors of the Electoral College vote.
So ask yourself why the MSM (including Fox News) waited all week and then on a Saturday afternoon “declared” Biden the winner before results were final in other states and still in dispute among many.
I speak for myself and many others when I say:
White Lives Matter
Armed Resistance
Never Surrender
Good to hear General!?
I wish you every bit of luck and hope true patriots make a good fight of it.
Its a culture war.
Over here the MSM are swooning over Joe, and our treacherous politicians are too.☹️
Wiggles, out trolling again?
Knew you LGBTQ types would like creepy Joe.
Thanks for the vote of confidence. I stand ready to take on the likes of any who defame these hallowed pages with their Libtard cuntishness.
White Lives Matter
Armed Resistance
Never Surrender
An armed society is a polite society.
Even as an ex-squaddie who is pro-second amendment, I am skeptical about the ability of the average, US Joe-Civvie to exercise their responsibility to use fire arms responsibly and seek the training required to use them.
With that being said…… the dems will try to disarm you and use zombified, brain-washed, young millennials as a proxy to achieve their aim so on second amendment thoughts…….. open fire!
I appreciate what you’re saying Two but the reality is, many of us who didn’t serve in the military grew up as Boy Scouts, hunters and outdoorsmen. (Some of us are even old enough to have heard tales of frontier justice.)* And we have been taught how to safely handle a firearm.
Despite the MSM propaganda, there is not a rash of accidental shootings in America. That is a myth propagated by the left used to justify their dream disarming us.
White Lives Matter
Armed Resistance
Never Surrender
*My old Granddad taught me the fundamental rules of carrying a gun.
1. Never carry a gun unless you are prepared to use it.
2. Never pull a gun unless you have no other option.
3. Never shoot your gun unless you are prepared to kill.
4. And most important of all…It is better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6.
Actually the most important points when using a firearm are to keep the weapon pointed in a safe direction, to have the safety catch applied when not in use, to check the safety catch is applied before moving, to perform NSPs and to fire a warning shot (if absolutely necessary) in a safe direction like the ground as opposed to up in the air.
Some people shouldn’t be put in charge of a pea-shooter, let alone 14 assault rifles, 8 shotguns, 23 handguns & a selection of hunting bows.
Let them have photo’s of guns – or plastic replicas to drool over – limiting the danger to passers by.
I, personally have always been interested in the history, workings, form & function of firearms, buy being British, I’ve only got replicas & airsoft guns.
Why is it though, that Canadians have more guns per head than the US, but only a fraction of the US gun crime & murder rate ?
For once you are correct. Some people should not be allowed to have a firearm.
I for one am comforted by the fact that some people only have replicas.
He has more hair now than he did 45 years ago…..
But unfortunately, fewer functioning brain cells I reckon. Miserable got it right; you can see his strings getting pulled,all the way to the White House.
I feel a JFK moment brewing. My view is that he won’t see out his first term. Bring on Harris, and the ultimate terror, Hotshot Hills as Veep…
Sniper on the grassy knoll oh yeah a fitting end dont worry folks come the autopsy not much brain matter to check over
Sorry AF but that’s all wrong. A presidential commission will determine that three, and only three shots were fired, all from the Texas Book Depository.
There will not be a second gunman. There will be no conspiracy. Sleepy Joe will be the victim of a lone nut.
? But who ?
Ok i volunteer to be the lone nut .
Sniper on a hill?? I think bursting a balloon behind him would finish him off. Sick of the site of him already.
I have to admit that I’ve found Hamas a dissapointment.
After Trump stated Jerusalem was Israeli, I really expected a rash of Palestinian suicide bombers to rush his motorcade.
Where were the crackpot zealots when we needed them ….
He’s already had one aneurysm resulting in brain surgery, another at his age would be no surprise would it? Biden was the acceptable face of the modern democrats, Harris will be president within months and she will be the puppet of the globalists.
There’s never been a president so vulnerable in so many ways if they want shot of him.
Imagine if Trumps son had child porn on his laptop, but the laptop apparently also contains an email trail linking Joe to major corruption.
Joes daughter as alluded to the fact Joe was inappropriate with her as a child.
Joe is seriously flawed and there are so many ways to take him out of the presidency with just a couple of leaks.
It’s not Joe’s Brain I’d be worried about. At least he’s compus mentis enough to surround himself with experienced people who know how to run a country…
Trump, aside from having an Empathy bypass, put his talentless family in charge of things, and where he couldn’t, the nearest ‘Yes Sir’ he could find.
The book is now open on Americas first Black Female President, supported by Vice President Hilary Clinton in 2021
Theyve brought back the pg tips advert you mean reverend
Indeed Anne, and we will see a lot of that in the coming weeks no doubt
Obummers in the pg tips advert to well its hard to tell hes that far up bidens arse
And only his feet showing….Bum bum..
Shes as “Black” as Disraeli .
So is Gal Gadot and yet she is playing Cleopatra (who the Kangz would have us believe was a bleck keffir!).
Hilary Clinton is tainted. The Dems know she is not what America is looking for.
They’re gonna struggle to find a candidate that’ll apeal to most Americans…
America is looking for a cross between Martha Stewart & a born-again elk hunter with the confederate flag tattooed on his ass…
He’s an Irish catholic cunt who rubs ash on his forehead in February, doesn’t eat meat on Fridays, believes in angels, doesn’t question priests being moved to other parishes, goes to church to eat crackers and pretends they’re the ‘”body of Christ”, talks to and hears an invisible man in the sky, and now has his hand on the red button.
“I’ll reveal my position on the Supreme Court packing after the election.” Hmm. Hopefully he’ll also reveal his position on hair-sniffing.
He also loves the smell of shampoo, he just can’t help himself.
Aye, baby shampoo.
Well when he stinks of piss
… the whole world will miss….. Trump.
Thats good.
The commies waiting in the wings, will just wait for him to shit himself on live television to oust him.
The man can’t string a sentence together. Slurs like he’s drugged up or pissed. Or just senile.
He’ll last no more than a year imo. Comrade Harris wants his job so she can put anyone who disagrees with her in prison.
He might also care to explain the large wedges of dosh he, his son and his brother took from the Ukrainians and the Chinkies. You won’t hear about that on CNN and definitely not the BBC, who can’t get their tongues far enough up his bumhole.
Watch them turn when the Demoncunts dump the old cunt to put that bitch Harris in the Whitehouse.
The media is obsessively kissing Jesus Biden’s arse.
Hes no messiah just a cheating cunt
He didn’t cheat, he was just asleep pissing himself while other fuckers were cheating on his behalf. Just like how he will be asleep pissing himself while some other fucker does Donald Trump’s job for him.
I reckon they give him a few swigs of Oxygen before he comes out to make a speech, does a little run to the microphone and starts off well but steadily goes down hill.
Well he’s certainly got the usual clichés nailed down. Apparently it’s ‘time to heal’ the USA, to ‘unite, not divide the country’.
Ten out of ten to his scriptwriters for originality, I think we can all agree.
Scriptwriters its a wonder the cunt knows what day it is
And coming from the man and the party who never accepted Trumps Presidency, and tried every which way to oust and trash him. Unity? Reconciliation? Nah…don’t think so Ron. I think he will soon be meeting with the “Boys” ( the ones with guns )
On a serious note the protests arent dying down /im wondering if it will get worse mass anarchy civil war etc
You mean the man who has called Trump supporters Nazis and white supremacists for the last 4 years?
Taking the knee may well have a different application soon….literally.
Take your knee to the south! Take the BBC to the mouth!
Seems the likely outcome.
USA is fucked last sane person left turn out the lights when you go..
Oh sorry forgot you won’t have any energy for lights. Just fuck it because you are all fucked.
I wonder whether Sadiq Kunt will inflate a giant balloon of Jesus Biden when he eventually visits?
Biden in a back room with a blanket for his knees and a very junior nurse for his needs. (“Taking a well deserved back seat for medical reasons”).
Commie hatebag vermin Kamala Harris in charge. Unlimited immigration for any but whites, first foreign war within 12 months, gun ownership for most private citizens made illegal but a big stash put by for BLM and Antifa, Hillary Clinton slithers in, Barack Obama slithers in, the economy tanks, the Harris administration borrows a fortune from China to avoid bankruptcy, China owns America, communism take over, America burns in a civil war.
If this sham of a rigged election is allowed to stand democracy, free will and the last vestiges of trust in the electoral process dies, and to those who say “it’s not our problem” it is – the fate of America directly and indirectly affects a myriad of things all around the world and we should be concerned that the biggest but friendly dog may have just been thrown out of the kennel by a constrictor that wishes to strangle us out of existence.
If this stands and Harris and her sulphurous commie cronies do get power I do not know if the US will survive the four years it will take to find them out and throw them out.
These are dangerous times and however this pans out I do not see a peaceful outcome.
Someone set me a go fund me page!il travel to america like in the original 1960s film the jackal(frederick forsyth)and sniper both of them hows that sound .
I’ll make a donation if it’s funding you need! (Although I think he’ll probably die on us quite early anyway, if that junior nurse is allowed near him too often)
There’s a lovely photo on the interweb of Joe and his hero Gerry “we’re all to blame” Adams, he is an enemy to Britain, senile, plastic paddy and of course he’s an utter cunt!!!!!
Where is Ian when you need a good comment on that picture?
Here you go:
Corbyn would get on well with him then. What price peace.
I bet he’s relieved he that doesn’t have to lay a wreath at the Cenotaph or wear a red poppy this year.
I bet he’s relieved THAT HE doesn’t have to lay a wreath at the Cenotaph or wear a red poppy this year.
Dyslexic cunt I am. ?
True. Now he just has to take a knee to some random, 26 year old, BLM activist cunt with no life experience or reason to be revered or respected for any thing or for any reason.
Don’t worry Ruffers, just remember;
Dyslexia lures ko
Great nom Ron, Biden has got some IsAC miles in him yet with about a year of gaffes and weirdness to come before being replaced with the pound shop Michelle Obama , I foresee The Wall of Cunts beckoning.
Oh and its FAKE president biden
Until the legal stuff is out the way if ever
Poor old America. Rome has fallen. From now on China will be the world power. Were all fucked.
Joe wont be around long.
A elderly white Christian?
Theyll already be planning.
Hes served his purpose now .
Kamala Harris by next year will be putting up Malcolm x posters in the white House.
I might be related to him Miserable. All his cousins are from County Mayo where my parents came from. Bloody hell I might be invited to the inauguration. Sit in Trump’s vacant seat.
Evening Miles,
I doubt nows the time ot place to announce Joe Bidens your uncle.?
The Donald is a cunt right enough.
But, if the American voters who put Dopey Joe Biden into the Shitehouse think he’s the answer, I’d sure as shit love to know what the fucking question is…..
He’s the Trojan horse for Kumala, I get that. Good luck with it fuckwits.
One can see it now. Student knobheads and celebrity cunts in their Che Kamala T-Shirts.
Che Corbyn, Che Keir, Che Kamala…….. the more things change, the more they stay the same.
Give Joe Biden a cigar……then he’ll look just like Jimmy Savile.
I recon the old cunt will expire shortly (if he hasn’t already) and the Dums will just use electrodes to keep the corpse moving and mobile, with the odd twitch and zombie grunt.
That Harris woman has been practising with toy remote control cars on the White House lawn just in case…
“Reckon”. Illiterate cunt that I am…
I can see a lot of competition to grab old Joe in the Dead Pool.
Doubtless that cunt Shaun will nab him and hold on to the half dead old fucker.
Do ‘suspicious circumstances’ deaths count in the Pool?
Definitely not Ron. ( and he’s my NOM )
Never fear. If the States goes down the pan and everything turns to shit, it won’t be Biden’s fault. It will be good old whitey – the default “problem” to all the world’s ills.
I bet Kim Jong Un’s shitting himself knowing he’ll have to deal with the walking talking corpse that is Joe Biden. I expect a nuclear missile test from young fatso two days after comatose Joe’s inauguration. I can see it now, military budget reduced, manufacturing jobs back to Mexico, the white man a stranger in his own homeland. Just hope The Donald Junior runs in four years time.
I think they will have to increase the military budget to pay for the next few wars they will have in the pipeline.
If that Vile Clinton hag had won in 2016 there would have been more US action in Syria, possibly North Korea and probably a war with Iran when they were attacking ships in the straights of Hormuz, Trump kept his nerve, and American avoided a serious conflict.
Biden will probably invade Northern Ireland, to free his catholic brothers from oppressive British rule.
I can think of some lovely and very remote Irish farmland I would be happy to take Joe Biden on a stroll through.
It can be a bit wet so I will take a spade, in case we get bogged down..
Kamala’s coming too?
The locals would eye her suspiciously but would tolerate her – unfortunately high heels and boggy ground are a dangerous combination and it’s a racing certainty, er, a “remote possibility” the poor gal could be sucked down to her doom.
At least for once it wouldn’t be Kamala doing the sucking..
Think your probably right on the military budget Gutstick. Either way there will be wars like you say. Reminds me of Satan Blair sending other people’s kids to a needless war. You can just see it coming if Killary gets a position in the White House or basically her just sticking her fat nose in. Same with our Government, no MP’s or Senators sons and daughters will be sent. The Donald had his faults but I’ll say this, he was a negotiator first, he wouldn’t hesitate to use force but diplomacy was always his first option. May not always have worked but at least he tried.
Hell yeah as mnc quoted he is a cunt but hes OUR CUNT.good luck to to skeletor dealing with all the middle east i can see that ending well NOT!
And it wasn’t just loony democrats we dodged either Bob, I remember seeing bonkers Ted Cruz at a rally when he was running for the republican nomination in 2016. After spouting a load of bible verses pointed to a cardboard missile on a trailer behind him and said ‘30 minutes after I’m made president, I’m firing this at ISIS’. I’m not sure anyone had the heart to tell him it was a fake.
Religious loonies should be kept well away from munitions, they think their place in the afterlife is booked, and don’t mind dragging the rest of us with them.
Thank god dubya never pressed the red button!actually he was alright better than obummer thats what was needed a good ol gunslinging texan to kick saddams arse
Another ill omen for UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson on the trade deal front came when former Barack Obama spokesperson Tommy Vietor labelled him a “shapeshifting creep” on Saturday.
Another day ..
Hes got Boris’s number.
Bidens camp are only interested in no border in Ireland.
We are now back of the queue in regards to a trade deal.
No matter how willing the toryboy is to swallow a lenth.
Boris should just tell Biden we don’t negotiate with terrorists.
Yep air force one comes to mind if you give a communist(biden)a glass of milk he will want a cookie as well if boris hasnt eaten them all as usual the lovable jolly fat barstard lol.
Fuck trade deals.
Neither Biden or Trump would give us a decent trade deal.
We’re better off as we are, on WTO rules.
And certainly not a ‘deal’ with the EU, not while they continue to insist on the dominance of European Institutions over ours, or on the ‘Level Playing Field’ or denying UK control over it’s sovereign fishing waters, not to mention ending the jurisdiction of the ECJ.
May & Johnson: different sides of the same counterfeit coin.
Thank God for strong drink.
Obvious troll is obvious.
Since then boris has morphed into a missile aimed straight at obummers with luck .
I don’t know why everyone seems to think Clinton will be Harris’s VP, it is much more likely to be Bernie. It seems obvious now that they fixed the primaries to keep him out……far too extreme for the general voter. They would have to have lorry loads of bent votes to get that commie cunt in. No, Joe was their much more acceptable and respectable Trojan horse.
Go back to bed America!
I see ‘Woke’ Kamala Harris has her preferred pronouns on her Twitter account, I wonder if she’ll /it will want to be known as President They/her ? The good people of America are fucked, hope the others enjoy the drug addled, violent, mass immigration, high tax no job utopia they asked for, cunts.
Ballot Rigger Biden has just announced that his first cabinet will be “the most diverse in US history.”
And so it begins………
Well so much for trumps wife leaving him statement issued by her on twitter and shes supporting him
Fuck yeah
Now in previous posts (7/11/2020lboth general cuntster(deceased)and vernon fox made some very interesting announcements im sure for a start someone should be checking cctv footage from outside these polling stations as regards suspicious trucks /cars that happened to be unloading boxs of ballot papers etc and also the identitys of said volunteers working at said polling stations from what i gather they/or some had been infiltrated by activitist groups a few months prior /there are also computer files with names and adresses as regards who voted dead or otherwise and so the list gos on extensively ode to fucking joy its a real insight into a world that once was .
My guess is that the United States will now be flooded due to an open door policy. Not unlike what Satan Blair did when he let half of Africa and Eastern Europe into the UK.
Scores of Mexicans will be packing their bags already.
Dont worry norm im sure some one will build a fucking wall to stop em /hopefully theyll tunnel under lol!
Nows a good time to invest in the arms industry.
He’s already promised a ‘shock and awe’ clear out of Trumps policies, so he will probably tear down the fence between Mexico and the US and install a welcome centre every half mile.
Hopefully, the lack of a majority in Congress (both Houses) will provide some sort of backstop to the demented. Don’t forget it took about three years out of four for The Donald to even get the wall started. Hopefully Kamala et al will be similarly inconvenienced.
Where does he keep getting hair from….???
He was bald as fuck years ago….
Unless they are combing it up from the crack of his arse…?
Great nom Ron,funny as fuck.
@ vernon@5.42 exactly where i see this whole shitlake going. The west is indeed now fucked.
Well, what can I add?
A mooch around tinterweb shows blacks(BLM) attacking whites(BLM supporters) at Biden love-ins.
This is just the beginning. Expect mass cuntfoolery & fuckwittery, with added violence, from the usual suspects.
Meanwhile, mainstream media….nothing to see, here…?
It warms the cockles to think that white BLM protesters are getting a shoeing from those whose behalf they’re offended on.
Let’s see what Guliani comes up with first, it’s always darkest before dawn.
Otherwise Olympus had fallen.
‘Congratz’ libtards, millenials and shit weasels, you may find the poisoned chalice didn’t serve you as you had been promised.
You thick goldfish attention span halfwits.
How’s that entitlement working out?
Yes, they have a nasty surprise coming. At least we in the UK, can say we KNOW what it feels like before reality steps in and gives us another vote. This will be a first for the Americans – let’s just hope they get to come out the other side.