For this exercise in selling your country down the river. No, cancel that. In giving your country away.
Pencil-necked academics conferring on (in order)
1. Failing to police illegal immigration
2. Making the illegal immigrants welcome, while
3. Preventing any attempt to kick the immigrants back where they came from…
4. Giving them jobs in preference to legal residents, with
5. Free healthcare (they’re undocumented; they won’t be liable) and
6. Education, also paid for by the unfortunate *documented* citizens.
And I quote, reluctantly, for the benefit of anyone who thinks that QMUL might be apolitical:
This event will provide a platform to draw connections between the political economy of cities, the security practices at the heart of contemporary racial and colonial capitalism and the migration apparatus. In paying close attention to the messaging, practices, and tactics enacted by these organisers, there is much to learn about both the nature of the contemporary capitalist security state as well as how it might be possible to contest it.
I have never before seen anything as blatant as this in mainstream academia. The system is not only rotten, it has necrotising fasciitis and cabbage root fly.
Sweet oriental bird gives her opinion of QMUL here, for light relief:
(And what kind of light relief would that be long time? – NA)
Nominated by: Komodo
What the fuck!
Germany has recently started calling illegals undocumented residents and they are overrun with fucking sand monkeys.
Good luck repatriating these fuckers once they have a degree and got a few tarts pregnant.
“1. Failing to police illegal immigration
2. Making the illegal immigrants welcome, while
3. Preventing any attempt to kick the immigrants back where they came from…
4. Giving them jobs in preference to legal residents, with
5. Free healthcare (they’re undocumented; they won’t be liable) and
6. Education, also paid for by the unfortunate *documented* citizens.”
Queen Mary University?….Reads more like a statement of intent from every one of our main political parties.
Shouldn’t be ” statement of intent”…should be “list of accomplishments.”
We’re All doomed.. Sadly seems not too far away from the truth.
If I remember right, John Rentoul, the low-rent “political editor” of the late Sunday Independent newspaper, and a man who crawled up Blair’s arsehole as often as Mandy, used to be a “lecturer” at that university for losers, so it wouldn’t surprise me how low they fell into the gutter.
The students are not really to blame, they are easily led, just like students always have been. The academics that lead them on need bolt treatment.
As in captive bolt? Fuck the humane option. A rusty saw with breaks for waterboarding…
In one. Your option is also okay by me, Mr Kom. However, there are so many of the fuckers that speed of dispatch is likely to be an issue!
Ah… Queen Mary University London… my missus’s alma mater. ?
Also Peter ‘Lord’ Hain’s!
But the medical/science side is sound enough.
As long as she didn’t do Woke Studies…
Taht bird can waggle on my lap anytime as long as she stops with er ysnkee winjing. She should thinc ersen lucky she didn’t go to Sant Caths Ixfird where I studied piana. I toyed with the idea of playing Ravel’s ‘Pavane pour une infante defunte’ but I couldn’t remember if it’s a tune or Latin prescription for piles.
All students are cunts led by all lecturers who are cunts….
Normalising illegal immigrants by describing them as undocumented is the thin end of the wedge, what’s the point of having border control when there is not a clear distinction between someone who is legally allowed to enter the country and someone who isn’t.
That agenda above is nothing other than subversion of a democratic system.
Those in charge of the country have no idea of reality or they are pursuing a thoroughly evil agenda. Let’s hope that it is not too late to turn things around. Ironically, Chinky Flu may prove to be our saviour in that the money running out might prompt politicians to cut the handouts.
Don’t hold you breath though.
Border control? Pft, border control is *so* last century.
The handouts will continue for the unwashed – they will also rise ahead of inflation as they always do. What with that and MP’s salaries. And taxes.
Fuck them all the quisling cunts. QMUL needs to be stripped of this vermin and turned into a giant Burger King restaurant.
So this Chinky bird is not impressed with Mile End eh? That’s because it’s crawling with fucking peacefuls, most of whom are “undocumented residents”. She’s lucky she didn’t get raped outside the station as claimed by banana gob Miller.
In fairness, it wasn’t that great in the late 60’s either. They’d cleared the rubble from the bombing by then, though…
Throw them out and repurpose the building as rent free accommodation for the Armed Forces.
Could heated talk over the dinner table become a HATE CRIME? Lawyers call for offence to be extended to private dwellings – meaning conversations at home could spark police probes and prison sentences
Another day another low.
Dear God! That has made me ashamed for the mildness and banality of my nom. People will presumably be required to inform on family members…or maybe there will be a compulsory Alexa-grass ™ in every household?
All this kind of legislation can possibly do is worsen the situation. While it will still be a crime to break a woke cunt’s neck, that’s going to happen more often too.
And the poor old Scots are doing it already?
Whtever happened to “Sticks and stones may break my bones/ But words will never hurt me?” and “I fucking hate you, so suck it up you whining cunts?” We’ve lost the plot completely.
When you fall out of the crazy tree you can hit twigs, small branches and trunks on the way down, it’s all part of the same experience, so no it was still a good solid nom.
By 2024 we will have 1984 if this sort of shift carries on, better start showing love for the peacefuls, LGBT and channel surfers on ISAC.
Forget calling a spade a spade, it a flat bladed digging instrument, darkies as ‘Boss man’ and going to the mosque every Friday dressed in the rainbow coloured kaftan ?
Wait for the compulsory screens in homes so even if you are alone and you like you are not thinking right …. down to the gulag.
Fuck me that’s scary. 1984 really has arrived.
George Orwell must be turning in his grave.
I’ve never had an Alexa, can’t be doing with the sodding things. I would strongly advise any cunters on here who have one to get rid of it.
If you think about it, there is no real surprise is there? This is simply the intended destination of the Ultimate State Control journey we have recently set out on.
It will come and will be aided and abetted by technology, judges and lawyers. I give it a couple of years max. before this forum is closed down.
But yes, we are living in seriously scary times, folks.
We’re fucked.
In one. Your option is also okay by me, Mr Kom. However, there are so many of the fuckers that speed of dispatch is likely to be an issue!
See how enthusiastic I am, I posted this twice!
One can always hope that an undocumented resident cuts the head off one of these cunts. The irony!!!!
Beggars cabt be chooses
I’d genuinely close down 90% of fucking “Unis”….the Country would survive without the thousands of Cunts who have been mistakenly told that they are “bright” spouting their entitled bollocks.
Too many gobby,convinced-of-their-own-importance windbags.
I agree Dick.
We never went ‘uni’ did we?
And a finer pair of sociapaths youd struggle to find!
I take pride in the fact I didnt go,
In fact im proud of the fact Im
Educated to the level of a 12yr old,
Books are for burning.
Quite right,MNC….I haven’t got a single O’level,GCSE or eleven plus…all I’ve got is a swimming certificate and some work-related qualifications.
Hasn’t stopped me being able to take on and indeed out-waffle most “brainbox” types..and if I can’t out-waffle them…well,the threat of physical violence is a fine second card to have in your hand.
Chuck the Eggheads down a well.
Dick, that saying “the pen is mightier than the sword” and “brains beats brawn”
What a load of bollocks.
I might not win Steven Hawking at the pub quiz but ill guarantee ill win the fight in the carpark afterwards!?
Quite right…see what the Cunt had to say about fucking black-holes as him and his raspberry-chariot got tipped upside down in a pub food-waste wheelie-bin
Good nom Komodo!?
The chinky girl who talks like a American 5yr old in the light relief bit, whys she at university?
Seems a lot of time and effort to then work in a chippy?
She’ll be spying no doubt,
For either mother China or Hauwei.
Further education is full of these time wasters and espionage.
Needs a deep clean.
A likely hypothesis, true. I was briefly the target of a Chinese recruitment overture myself. It certainly goes on! But though pretty well all Gen X talk like American 5-year-olds these days, American English is now the norm and English English the exception. Just one more cunt to bear.