It appears that everyone’s (least) favourite little Communist agitator and certified soy-boy has started up a new patreon.
I guess champagne socialists still need to make money. The world has gone completely off the rails in 2020 and it seems so does Comrade Owen.
In just one day he has managed to get 1,300 people to subscribe to his little capitalist enterprise. I’ll certainly give him his credit where it’s due in managing to get such a high number of followers. There are 6 tiers of membership that you can pay ranging from £4 a month to £129.50 a month while claiming all tiers are equal!! That means if you pay only £4 you’re on equal footing with someone who’s dumped £125.50 more!!!
Now why would anyone pay more than the lowest tier to watch and listen to this twat? Actually, you don’t need to answer that one. These people are following Owen Jones so logic, common sense and the ability to think for think for themselves has obviously never been their biggest skill anyway!!
So what’s on this new channel?? I’m sure you can all guess – challenging the powerful, confronting injustice and fighting the “far-right”. Basically, the usual buzzwords his braindead followers love to hear.
He also claims all the money is going to hire staff to work on his channel. He’s obviously too lazy to do it himself, and he even says he’s going to pay them union wage. Now there was another left-wing media outlet that tried the same thing last year and the staff ended up staging a protest!!!
It looks like work at the Guardian might be drying up now that Owen has helped Labour lose 2 elections in a row with the last one by a monumental amount!!!
Socialism might not be free but hypocrisy is priceless…..
Nominated by: Cunt me in
…and seconded by Quick Draw McGraw
Owen Jones. Yes, that smug, self important little spunk monkey. It seems the Guardian have begun to tire of this ridiculous little tit, and have cut his YouTube channel. Never one to willingly be silenced, Jones has decided to set up his own YouTube channel with which to spout his far left bullshit. He’s also set up a Patreon account with six levels of membership, which range in price from £3 up to £116. The lower three levels are titled “Grassroots”, “Comrade” and “Solidarity”. Can you imagine being so stupid that you would be willing to pay a single penny for the privilege of hearing this fragile, egotistical twat talk bollocks? I can’t. Apparently though, there are some who are SO stupid, they’re willing to part with up to £116.
There’s talk that the Guardian won’t be renewing Jones’ contract when it’s up, which would be one of the smartest things they’ve ever done. Whether it’s true or not remains to be seen. However, it seems that supposedly arch anti-capitalist, Jones has decided to find himself another payday, via capitalism, just in case. Tantrum Boy is no stranger to hypocrisy, back in 2017 he publicly called for Corbyn to quit as leader, then pretended he didn’t really mean it when Corbyn won the leadership contest. Something he took an enormous amount of shit for, and still does, from the demented retards of Momentum.
YouTube is already awash with cunts who think they’re experts on everything, especially politics, why the fuck would anyone want to subscribe to the channel of Tantrum Boy, a man sized toddler who, during some of his previous televised appearances, has spat his dummy out and stormed out of the interview when presented with facts that challenge the bullshit he threw out, because he was unable to counter or refute them? And now he expects people to PAY hear him talk shit.
Fuck off Jones.
One gets the feeling that the responses to this nomination will be numerous and humorous.
Sit back and enjoy the show folks!
Got my popcorn and beer ready.
I’d rather pay up £8 a month to watch “far right, white supremacist” Gavin McGinnis at his own non tube channel. He’s really funny has mixed race kids. He set up the proud boys which is now run by a black Cuban American and one of the member sent to prison for defending himself from Antifa has a black wife and kids. Those far right Nazis are everywhere eh Owen you prat.
TT SC@ The leader of The Proud Boys is Enrique Tarrio, and had it not been for the Proud Boys protecting the pro Trump 1 Million MAGA rally there would have been multiple murders by Antifa who were hunting in packs after dark looking for lone Trump supporters to kill.
The Proud Boys are the children and relatives of the US soldiers who stormed the beaches at Normandy and their ethic is show restraint but “fuck around and find out”.
Back on nom – the only sound I want to hear from Owen Jones is a death rattle.
Antifa was founded by Ernst Thalman in Germany in the 1930s . They spent most of their time attacking the German social democrat party rather than the actual Nazi party. Nothing has changed.
Anyone paying £125 to listen to Owen Jones needs, with immediate effect, to be placed in a facility for the criminally insane.
“Tantrum Boy”!
What an excellent name for the little jìz monkey.
Fixed! – DA
I would pay good money for Owen Jones to be as quiet as one of his donut punched farts.
Indeed, that we one if the funny facts I found out recently.
The one where ‘poofs’ are called ‘poofs’ because their ringpieces have become so gaping, that their farts go ‘poof’.
You won’t hear that on QI.
You’re welcome.
‘That was one’
It is amazing how many humanitarian saints wish to become “important” without having to get off their arses to earn money – I see Marcus Rashford, who I have defended in the past, has suddenly decided to become a property magnate by buying up multi-million pound homes.
Now little Owen – why does he want more money?. Surely the Guardian and the BBC give him enough, and with the latter, he doesn’t even have to buy his own make-up
“Why does he want more money”? Rent boys!
The cunt wants a smack. I’d pay to see that
Cry baby tantrum boy Jones allegedly turned to uphill gardening after being cuckolded and seeing his so called girlfriend being shagged by an “attractive “ real man. Hopefully, we can look forward to the YouTube episode where he catches his latest Peaceful rent boy balls deep in a goat and fully embraces the sacred tradition himself.
Remains on the “Preferred Call List ” of the BBC as a “talking Head” and professional “Propagandist ” and regularly features on BBC programmes to enlighten us mere mortals with his little pearls of wisdom.
I dislike this irritating little irk, least not for his sanctimonious posturing on all matters. Being a “sandwich boy ” he feels particularly entitled, and is a vocal remonstrator of those who prefer natures true orientation.
Im pleased that his income level is quite low ( due to small subscriber appeal ) and perhaps he will now learn his true importance in the scheme of things.
“Sandwich anyone ” ?
Since you’re offering:
I’ll have turkey and chipolata on pumpernickel with whimpberry jelly and pickled gherkins on the side, plus six supersized full-fat banana and pecan milkshakes (for anti-personnel deployment, should the opportunity arise). Obviously, if you’re able to supply a crate of Molotov cocktails instead, hold the shakes.
Most munificent of you and many thanks in advance, Father.
You are most kind sir! ? Pecan Milkshakes? Is there such a drink?
Just googled. Yes there Is! And they sound delicious!!!
This self-satisfied little cunt deserves a fucking smack in the gob; I in no way condone violence of any sort whatsoever.
Sorry, Everyonesa, just seen that you beat me to it. The short trouser wearing leftie bastard has that effect!
I can’t believe anybody is going to pay money to listen to this cocklover spout the same dreary, predictable bullshit he always comes out with.
I’ll give him full marks for barefaced fucking cheek though.
What a saucy cunt!
I hope he is brutally raped by a drug-crazed Kevin Spacey whilst they’re both out walking their dogs* at 3am on Clapham Common
* dog not obligitary
So that’s where they go. I wouldn’t have known that.
I don’t know why he gets so much stick, I’m sure he’s a nice boy. Even Krav would give him a good bummng despite his left-wing tendencies. If that’s a recommendation.
I am sorry to see our more-or-less pro-capitalism cunters deploring Jones’ conversion to their way of thinking. I’d have thought they’d be applauding the fact that he’s realised that in the current economic climate it’s sauve qui peut and every cunt for him.her/itself. It’s a sad fact that even a demon-eyed spawn-of-Stalin Marxist, if he is not to become a Scrounger on the State (makes sign of cross), needs to generate some sort of income. Good luck to the cunt. If people are insane ennough to pay for his Witterings, then market forces rule OK.
Anyway, Owen’s stature doesn’t merit 20 cuntings. He’s a minicunt with a shrill voice, that’s all.
Never shy of controversy, let me offer this:
In patches, this is actually rather well written, and makes the point that a lot of the alleged success of capitalism is rather dependent on State support and a State market. Think PFI for instance. Owen does go off on his ‘champion of the working class’ (Mum was a university lecturer) schtick from time to time, of course, and his adequate research gives way to polemic too often, but it’s an entertaining read if you have spotted that the current Western economic model sucks.
On the whole, recommended.
He may write an entertaining read but as a person he is complete fake, never stands up to scrutiny when challenged by interviewers and ends up with his trademark catch phrases ‘far-right’ scapegoating immigrants, people lie me (referring to his preference for the bum hole), this usually happens when he makes claims that he can’t actually substantiate.
“as a person he is complete fake”
Flip reply: aren’t we all? He’s tailored his fakery to the people who are paying his wages. Anyway, now Labour’s back in trhe arms of Blair (‘s disciple, Starmer), he’s completely irrelevant.
Considered reply:
Yes, yes. You’re in a comfortable majority on his personality.Enjoy the echo chamber…ber….ber…. But I was commenting only on his book.
True Komodo, I find it impossible to see past the red mist where the Jones boy is concerned, he just rubs me up the wrong way (no pun intended there) ?
(I can’t unthink that appalling vision. Cheers, – DA)
Sorry admin, I can assure you he wouldn’t get close enough to rub anything other than his head hitting the ground ?
(Well that’s alright then – DA)
Hitchens lost me when he declared his opposition to private vehicle ownership.
So scared of death after his brother carked it that he rediscovered god I reckon…
“The Establishment” recommended? My gf had it as a toilet read around five years ago, and I dipped into it for a handful of sittings. I’d actually completely forgotten about it, it was that good!
Purple patches a-plenty, iirc and it was certainly very revealing of this manboy’s inner Angst at the time of writing. Even though I concur he is a better as a writer than a speaker (not exactly hard), Jones attempts to persuade the reader that his vague and politically-charged analysis of postwar capitalism (inter alia) is in some way original. Thus grates badly as it is not original: the themes of “The Establishment” are pre-existing bandwagons he unsubtly hijacks, while cajoling and coaxing his reader into believing in the freshness and ingenuity of his insights.
With hindsight, his book was a foretaste of the narcissistic and petulant belief in having the “winning argument as endless exposure which was to follow has so richly evidenced.
An OK bog read when fresh, but now best flushed away.
The ‘man’ is a degenerate, nihilistic Marxist that has been pushed to the front to spout his poisonous and dangerous views.
One of those who hopefully gets locked up one day for crimes against humanity (anti whiteism, pushing for communism etc).
Strangely enough, I agree with all of that, TT. Personally, I think Varoufakis is far superior as to style, argument and content. It probably helps that he is a mathematician!
That was perhaps one of the best book reviews I’ve read.!
Strangely enough, this man-sized toddler seems to have the utmost respect for Peter Hitchens, who is a polar opposite, politics-wise. The two had a debate, which was maintained on a very pleasant and respectful level.
Surprised me. He is therefore capable of reasoned debate, but for some reason cannot hold back his inner child.
Those polar opposites have a way of meeting for a quick smoke behind the bikesheds, don’t they, Paul? I’d say there’s a fair bit they can agree on, notably on the cuntitude of centrism. That’s how the Tories grabbed the red wall last time…
I was going to say that he was childlike in his inability to have a reasonable debate, but I will have change my opinion and resort to just calling him a cunt.
He has the most punchable face, well worth £120 for just one good shot
He is a grade one, top tier, professional cunt.
I like his new title tantrum boy ?
I can’t believe anyone would pay £120 to listen to this knob whinging. And, what a capitalist cunt for charging it, and an egotistical cunt for thinking his ranting was worth such a fee.
Tuppence would be too much.
I wonder what his parents think of him.
They only see him at Christmas for a couple of hours Spoons.
Hes only allowed to text them normally.
If they play their cards right they won’t even have to see him at Xmas this year. Owen phones “I’m shielding duckies” – he just doesn’t say he is shielding under David Lammy, who will teach honky a thing or two – “take that for Windrush!”
He charges £116 to spout his left wing bollocks, and the scruffy cunt can’t afford to buy a shirt with a collar.
Have done with him, take him to the vets and give him the needle.
I’d pay £327.56 to watch a demented Siberian logger hit this cunt with a sledgehammer 5 times.
That capitalism.
Fuck Off.
That’s ffs…
Cunt needs a German Shower
people like jones love creating divisions amongst people and encourages them to beat each other up whilst he remains aloof and thinks he remains untouchable – he is the cretins cretin – a fuckwit of the highest order and to think he’s still only 12 years of age
12 is the age he identifies as, so he can attract a certain type of boyfriend.
“Blooooarggghh!” Cheers for that mental image, Thomas.
I’d pay £116 to see Diane Flabbott sit on his face.
Double bloooarggh.
And suffocate him, the little cunt.
When this menopausal little prick got ‘beaten up’ by supposed far-right thugs there wasn’t a mark on his whiny prepubescent face. Who were these cunts then, UKIP’s over-75s Gammon Division?
One can tell the odious little pencil squeezer was lying. No self respecting far right hoolie would not give up the chance to have a go at Jones and not actually finish the job. As you say, LL, not a single mark on the slippery shitstain.
He rivals Lily Mong and Banana Gob for ‘I wuz attacked by nasty waysists’ fibs and downright bullshit.
Push him in front of a bus
I signed up,
Not on the peasants level either!
£116 for platinum VIP membership, bargain.
He gives martial arts lessons online thats how he fought 20 neo nazi skinheads without a mark.
Hes the snowflake Bruce Lee.
More like corporal Jones ?
Watch your step private pike…
Bluce Ree:
“Glasshopper, when in dangelouse encounter, never use violence. use the power of the mind, not fists.”
“If that doesn’t work, use ancient technique of handbag containing houseblick, then twat the can of can’t”.
For £4 a month he spits.
Add £125.50 and he swallows.
That is all?
I can see Mandelson and Adonis signing up for his site – they probably think it is one of those where he will pout and take his clothes off and show them his todger
I went onto his website and tried to join but for some reason it would accept ‘fuck off you cunt’ as a user name ?
I did see that he has managed to get 1600+ idiots to join ?
(What’s that old saying? Twats and their money are easily fucked over, or summat – DA)
He is on politics live right now having a little rant, I think I got the message that antisemitism on the left is the fault of the right.
He has done his usual trick of just attacking the spectator and one article which has interpreted as supporting far right.
He is a cunt
Nob Jockey cunt.
This Marxist little cunt is obviously a traitor so try him for treason and swing him from the highest tree.
Owen Jones is an arrogant condescending smug little left wing ass wipe. He cannot take constructive criticism, and he brands anybody who disagrees with him as either racist , xenophobic, Islamophobic, homophobic, transphobic, ‘Tory Scum’ or ‘far right’.
I don’t know why his old man just didn’t jizz on his mum’s tits the night he was conceived as it would of saved us all the bother of having to listen to the cunt.
I hope his new venture fails!
The best thing Owen did on the telly was when he was being interviewed outside Westminster and a disembodied voice shouted “Owen, you wanker.”
I might well pay a couple of quid to watch that kind of content.
It was great when some punter started ‘OwenJonesIsAWanker’ Day.
Anybody know the actual date so that we can all celebrate? It’s got to become an annual event surely.