It appears that everyone’s (least) favourite little Communist agitator and certified soy-boy has started up a new patreon.
I guess champagne socialists still need to make money. The world has gone completely off the rails in 2020 and it seems so does Comrade Owen.
In just one day he has managed to get 1,300 people to subscribe to his little capitalist enterprise. I’ll certainly give him his credit where it’s due in managing to get such a high number of followers. There are 6 tiers of membership that you can pay ranging from £4 a month to £129.50 a month while claiming all tiers are equal!! That means if you pay only £4 you’re on equal footing with someone who’s dumped £125.50 more!!!
Now why would anyone pay more than the lowest tier to watch and listen to this twat? Actually, you don’t need to answer that one. These people are following Owen Jones so logic, common sense and the ability to think for think for themselves has obviously never been their biggest skill anyway!!
So what’s on this new channel?? I’m sure you can all guess – challenging the powerful, confronting injustice and fighting the “far-right”. Basically, the usual buzzwords his braindead followers love to hear.
He also claims all the money is going to hire staff to work on his channel. He’s obviously too lazy to do it himself, and he even says he’s going to pay them union wage. Now there was another left-wing media outlet that tried the same thing last year and the staff ended up staging a protest!!!
It looks like work at the Guardian might be drying up now that Owen has helped Labour lose 2 elections in a row with the last one by a monumental amount!!!
Socialism might not be free but hypocrisy is priceless…..
Nominated by: Cunt me in
…and seconded by Quick Draw McGraw
Owen Jones. Yes, that smug, self important little spunk monkey. It seems the Guardian have begun to tire of this ridiculous little tit, and have cut his YouTube channel. Never one to willingly be silenced, Jones has decided to set up his own YouTube channel with which to spout his far left bullshit. He’s also set up a Patreon account with six levels of membership, which range in price from £3 up to £116. The lower three levels are titled “Grassroots”, “Comrade” and “Solidarity”. Can you imagine being so stupid that you would be willing to pay a single penny for the privilege of hearing this fragile, egotistical twat talk bollocks? I can’t. Apparently though, there are some who are SO stupid, they’re willing to part with up to £116.
There’s talk that the Guardian won’t be renewing Jones’ contract when it’s up, which would be one of the smartest things they’ve ever done. Whether it’s true or not remains to be seen. However, it seems that supposedly arch anti-capitalist, Jones has decided to find himself another payday, via capitalism, just in case. Tantrum Boy is no stranger to hypocrisy, back in 2017 he publicly called for Corbyn to quit as leader, then pretended he didn’t really mean it when Corbyn won the leadership contest. Something he took an enormous amount of shit for, and still does, from the demented retards of Momentum.
YouTube is already awash with cunts who think they’re experts on everything, especially politics, why the fuck would anyone want to subscribe to the channel of Tantrum Boy, a man sized toddler who, during some of his previous televised appearances, has spat his dummy out and stormed out of the interview when presented with facts that challenge the bullshit he threw out, because he was unable to counter or refute them? And now he expects people to PAY hear him talk shit.
Fuck off Jones.
Still love how Julie H-B wound the little prick up on the late night press review.
Wish she’d wind me up, if you catch my drift…
I would definitely pay the full amount as long as it was to watch a Pete Sutcliffe tribute act crush his skull with a few well placed hammer blows.!
Alright, who tweeted the picture of the ape giving our Owen the wanker’s sign?
Hasn,t this prick got the most perfect face you just want to smack with a backhander.
Oh fuck, I can’t let this one go.
I really should be making me tea.
Nick?????????? (@neqs71) Tweeted:
I think it’s fair to say that it’s #OwenJonesIsAWankerDay again.
There’s nothing wrong with this tit that couldn’t be rectified by the liberal application of a fucking flamethrower.
All those cocks he’s taking up his arse will come back to haunt the little twat.