Nicola Sturgeon – High on Smack (22)

The midget Nazi and her cretins appear to have criminalised parents who smack their children.

“Scottish people who see a parent smacking their child should dial 999, Nicola Sturgeon’s government says”. Daily Mail.

Why do people vote for this insidious, little dictator? In Scotland drug abuse is off the scale and as a result theft, muggings, robbery etc continues unabated. Knife crime is rife in towns and mainly by the gingers and not the B. – Lackeys as it is in England. So this wee cunt thinks that smacking your own child’s bottom from a simple misdemeanour should be reported to the police via a 999 call.

What an absolute waste of time and resources. Sod the real crime lets have the blues and twos speeding down the road to arrest and charge the mum that has smacked her 4 year old backside for stepping into the road.

No doubt the woke do do-gooder’s leaf eating compost compiling shit for brains social scientists will bark on about creating a non violent society. Yeah more like a society full of ass holes spouting rights and never showing any responsibilities.

If my kids went to touch the sodding fire when they were little I’d smack their backside and say burn. They never did burn themselves because they learned. pretty much straight away. not to hurt themselves and right from wrong. Lecturing a small child is like like trying to “teach a pig to sing”, (long rider a good blog site). Pointless.

Another quote to finish ” a beaten boy is a better boy” school master Glodstone in Tom Sharpe’s Vintage stuff..

A beaten wee krankie a beater Scotland.

Nominated by: Everyonesacunt 

(More here – DA

67 thoughts on “Nicola Sturgeon – High on Smack (22)

  1. Kids were smacked since we walked upright.
    Only last 20yrs its become seen as verboten.
    Thats why you get feral kids, no discipline.
    Although don’t ever remember ever having to hit mine when they were growing up?
    Lego head Nicky is someone who should of been hit more as a child, it would of rounded off the angles to her head,
    Made it less Herman Munster.

    • In my day, you could get a good smack for nothing. These days you have to pay “Miss Kane” handsomely for the service.

    • Bloody good point MNC.

      Mine are now 11 & 14 and I never had to smack them once. That said, a quick slap on the backside for doing something dangerous, is hardly worth criminalizing someone over, and a long way from actual child abuse.

      Yet another do-gooder, unnecessary law.

      • Robin@
        Another little chipping away of civil liberties!
        Telling people how to raise their kids.
        Dont like cruelty to kids but a smacked arse can solve problems further down the line!

      • Yet another do-gooder unnecessary law; we’ve no shortage of them. Remember the legislation regarding hogging the middle lane of motorways and ‘Thou shalt not smoke in a car whilst there are children within ‘ ? Both were introduced to a fanfare of publicity yet I have to hear of prosecutions for either.

      • I’m all in favour of middle lane hogging being a capital offence. String the bastards up and crush their cars.

        I regularly drive past them in a completely empty inside lane. They are oblivious to the world around them. Cunts!!!!

  2. I like the way they say “the same protection from assault as an adult.” So that’s fuck all then?

  3. I’d “smack” wee Crankie with my wet tummy banana and wipe it on her frock afterwards. Responsible use of Corporal punishment is the only effective way to prevent unruly kids turning into little cunts; little cunts turn into massive criminal cunts with age.

  4. What is it with politicians? Don’t they realise their faces are going to get smeared across our screen on the regular, and that it might therefore behove them to be at least passably easy on the eye, and not – as is the case here – like a fucking Oompa Loompa that’s has been coloured-in wrong?

  5. Children, like adults, have different personalities and respond to different treatment. My son is sensible, usually telling him to stop, or telling him he will be punished is enough. I’ve smacked him about twice and I can see it really doesn’t work and destroys his trust.
    My daughter, has a temper, is strong willed and defiant and will shout and scream to get her own way. Sometimes administrating a smack is the only way to break her tantrum. It’s a last resort, but she responds completely different to my son.
    Parents know their kids best. Leave it to them. Unless they are being abused or smacked constantly for nothing.
    Another example of the nanny state.

  6. Pikey kids and peaceful kids get battered every day of the week.
    Is the law going to do anything about that or is it “cultural”?
    Don’t hold your breath waiting for any social workers or coppers to turn up.

    • Yeah, but pikey kids grow up to be pikey adults. Good to get the smacks in early before they grow up to be bare knuckle boxers.

    • A smack of a pikey ‘mam’ would fucking hurt.

      They used to come into a shop near my old uni. The girls had hands like fucking spades.

  7. Pikey and peaceful girls get fiddled with by their fathers, the boys join in later.
    Smacking doesn’t work , napalm does.

  8. If I had been Sturgeon’s father she would have had her knickers taken down and put across my knee every week for a good smack. Trouble is her damp knickers would have made my trousers smell of piss. She is too old for that now , so next best option – the caning room now

  9. What a mess, I grew up in fear of getting a slap if I misbehaved. Didn’t do me any harm, in fact it made me quick on my toes. We had a town house with two flights of stairs and if I made the fifth step in time I knew I was away from the incoming palm….. until I got upstairs to my room and then it was just delayed or a severe bollocking. I respect my parents for disciplining me when I grew up and it made me who I am. Parents who go soft on their kids are breeding problems. I only had to raise my hand to my two kids to have them worried and they still tell me so today, again it’s made them who they are. Having a slap always made me think before I did anything stupid. As long as parents aren’t over the top there’s not an ounce of harm in it.

    • Morning Rob,
      I got some right clouts off my dad!?
      Deserved every one of them .
      My mum couldnt hit for toffee though, although fair play she gave it a go.
      Dont feel ‘historical abuse or mistreated, I was a wild little cunt and they did their duty by keeping me in check.
      My kids didnt get hit, they were good kids, never had reason to hit them.
      They were boring.?

  10. Good morning, and go fuck yourselves. ?

    (Morning, and welcome back, BWC!
    Were you self-isolating for a week or two, or thrown in prison again for not doing as you’re told? – DA)

      • Morning all, thanks DA. Ice been aaaht and abaaaaaht obeying the ‘lockdown’.
        Not do much off my parents but got some licks with the belt from my Grandad when I was a nipper MNC, which I probably did deserve RB.
        I’m always nice CC. ?

  11. My dad used to call me a little cunt and whip me with an old horses whip. I hope no one gets a semi from that.

  12. Smacking children has been illegal in Sweden for decades. Its normal and un policed in Malmo. I doubt it will be policed in Glasgow where life expectancy is only four years more than Iraq.

  13. Boris under fire this morning for stating the bleeding obvious – devolution a disaster for Jockland and the worse thing Blair did (although there is a great deal of competition for this category)

    • Stating the obvious Bozza. Yes CC Blair has much to answer for as well as devolution war and immigration on a massive scale for peaceful lands. Cunt

      • Yeah. A policy of appeasement so they’d all be grateful and vote Labour.
        Didn’t work out too well. And what have you learned about appeasement from that Johnson? Oh,fuck all.

  14. I used to thrash Cuntalugs Jnr. for no reason at all, just to show him that life isn’t fair! ?

  15. I blame the new age, arty farty cunt parents who ‘have a conversation with little Farquar, when the little cunt has been naughty’.
    I once witnessed a mother rub her child’s hands after the child was naughty because apparently it was some kind of reflexology related. What a pile of cunt.

  16. We invaded the Falklands to liberate them from a dictator, we invaded Iraq for similar reasons, come on Boris, you don’t even have you use the Navy, invade Scotland and liberate the Scots from this damn woman.

    The boys could be home for tea.

  17. Super photo, can you imagine living with that. Face like a dead cod. Fucking vile bitch.

  18. The only time I got smacked was because of that cunt Joey Deacon.

    I was a kid in primary school and my mum made me and my younger brother watch Blue Peter because it was wholesome and educational. It probably has trannies on now showing kids how to make a fake nob or minge with sticky back plastic so they can ‘change gender’, but I digress.

    Yes, what happened was one night Joey made his first appearance and I saw the cunt live. I’d never seem a ‘spazout’ before and I fucking pissed myself and so did my brother.

    Shouts of ‘Don’t mock the afflicted!’ cried out as the blows rained down from my mother.

    And every week I’d sit there bursting by trying not to laugh (think Biggus Dickus scene in Life of Brian) and end up not holding it in and getting twatted because of Joey Deacon, the cunt.

    I hope he’s happy.

    • Aaaahhhh… the good old school days and playground insults. It would take a very brave (or stupid) person to call anybody “Joey”, “spackey” or “flid” nowadays. Guaranteed some cunt would be offended by it.

      • Got friends who named their son Joey. First thing that came into my mind was Joey Deacon, and kids being called a ‘Joey’ in the playground. They are obviously too young to know, but it certainly brought back memories and not a name I would use.
        Come to think of it, there is Joey Essex and he makes Deacon seem like Einstein.

      • Good point about Joey Essex. Hard to believe such a moron can exist these days.

        I have no doubt that I used those insults back in the eighties, but they were just harmless name calling between friends, they were never intended to be offensive, Now I am an adult with a few years under my belt, I would like to think I know better!

  19. I always ate my dinner even when I didn’t like it because I wanted pudding.
    “You don’t get any pudding until you’ve eat all your dinner”.

    Jam roly poly and custard yes please.

  20. P.s who is that wizardy lady from those harry potter films? Harmony something. She looks like a grumpy old version of her.

  21. a little bit of discipline and the highlighting of boundaries is essential for the development of little ones into rounded human beings – so please allow me to discipline this little mong, Nippy or Wee Crankie, put your head in this wee little set of stocks so Ah can leave yer to the masses – soft fruit and cabbages welcome … throw …….. go!!

  22. I’ve often wondered, is Wee Burney Sturgeon related to Haggis MacHaggis from the Ren & Stimpy Show?

  23. They stopped corporal punishment in schools and claimed it has led to uncontrollable classrooms.
    I went to a grammar school where the older teachers were complete cunts-witnessed a class mate having his head “bounced” of a desk for sn.iggering at a double-entendre the teacher had made. I had a medicine ball thrown from the top of the wall bars, smash my head into the gym floor, because I wasn’t doing the press ups fast enough (football 1st team training)-that gym teacher shit himself-he has aimed to miss. I didn’t report him. I heard he did something similar a few years later and got sacked.
    As a 12 year old I got the living shit kicked out of me from my stepfather ( necessitating a week off school, for the swelling to my face to subside), for telling him he had no right to stop me going out with mates as he was not my real father.
    I therefore have mixed feelings about this nom:
    Yes lack of discipline at home will lead to unruly cunts in the classroom-but there has to be a level of protection for children, social services has let down so many over the years.
    Conversely-the thought of a social services employee, aided by the police, removing a child because Mum slapped the back of its legs, which will happen, fills me with horror.
    Perhaps, like the 1adult in a house household “bubble” rule, brought in to stop 2x Asian household ( often with 3 generations ) mixing, this rule about smacking has been necessitated by cultural enrichment(?) and once more, indigenous people are collateral damage.
    Either that or Sturgeon is a cunt.

    Afternoon all?

    • It is about smacking a small child on the backside or legs as an immediate learning curve for doing something potentially very dangerous not kicking the shit out of one. I reserve that for other older Cunts Most of the BBC woke cunts, BLM rioting cunts. Bum boy Jones et al.

      • As I stated-agree with that everyone’s, just it would be hard to police a sliding scale of smacking: to stop more severe physical retribution from parents, they have gone for complete ban.
        Dangerous times.

  24. Sturgeon the solicitor has a lot bigger problems than her nonsense nazi rules – she is mired very deeply in the Alex Salmond case and fighting desperately for her political life and in extremis quite possibly her liberty.
    I was a “difficult child” when younger and what always baffled me was the fact I did not get more belts. Always well deserved and I knew I had gone too far and backed off.
    But this nonsense is nothing compared to what mudslime SNP fker Humza Yousaf is trying to introduce – legislation that would make it compulsory for permanent audio recording in every Scottish home and prosecutions for hate speech from the living room, an Orwellian nightmare in reality.
    Keep pushing you irrelevant talking heads, the people are rising and I will be at the front.
    We, in the words of democ rat US politician, communist and traitor Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “have a list”..
    Time for a fight, or we fall without a murmur.

    • Aye, nae smackin’ the bairns…..and haud yir fucking wheesht aboot it or we’ll jail you ya cunts, while we woke SNP bastards allow shits like this access to your weans at school. The SNP is run by a bunch of deviants who think this should be ‘normal’.

      Nicola ‘who beards for who and wears the troosers in this marriage anyway?‘ and her ‘husband’ run the SNP and Scotland as their own private fiefdom, with the smart money being on one/both of them being UK state plants..and that a goodly number of the ‘alphabet women’ in the Salmond case are members of her little harem…

      The really fucking funny thing is the unholy alliance between the trans fuckwits and the ‘peacefuls’ like Ayatollah Humza who’re worming their way into the rotten, stinking carcass of the SNP, the only things both groups appear to have in commom are

      i. An inordinate interest in having access to children..
      ii. Removing women’s rights.

      Not that I care for the deviant pseudocunts, but they’re remarkably blind as to what their fellow parasites would do to them come the glorious day the McPeacefuls spread their caliphate out from beyond the boundaries of Glasgow southside..

  25. My sister’s best mate had two boys in the 90s. She never gave them a clout, even if they deserved it (and they often did). Now, two said boys are adults and two of the most selfish, horrible and entitled human beings on earth. So used to getting their way and alien to any sort of punishment, because they never had any.

    Wee Burney is talking shit as usual. So some sadistic little cunt bullies a little girl and pulls her hair out and terrifies her. What do his parents do? Say in an autopilot voice ‘Not good, Morgan (or some other stupid modern name)’ and leave it at that? That is what a lot of modern parents do (I’ve seen them do it). Instead they should clout the little bastard and give him a taste of his own medicine. Don’t like it? Then don’t fucking do it. Most modern kids are cunts and so are most modern parents.

  26. Nobody up here voted for this ugly ginger Ewok. Basically, the power mad midget got the job because nobody else wanted it. She’s ignored up here in the Highlands and treated as an annoyance.

    • “Ugly ginger Ewok”!!!

      Fucking hell, that’s even better than Wee Jimmy Krankie. I wonder if Warwick Davis is inside doing a dodgy Jock accent?

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