An emergency piss-boiling alert for anyone tempted to listen to Radio Woke a.k.a. Wireless 4, today,November 15th between 1100-1145 or Friday 20th November 0900-0945, when the foul brouhaha is repeated:
Yes, Dame Kweer, prima ballerina, tap dancer, human rights lawyer and housewife and mother will, with the aid of his BBC bosom pals, be going to present a hagiography about himself – the mummy’s boy, “socialist”, his difficult daddy who “worked” in a factory 14 hours a day, going back to work after he had “his tea” (but fails to mention daddy owned said factory), plus after all this duckie chat, some really patriotic and right on music. A wankfest to be reckoned with, I wonder what his luxury will be?- an inflatable life sized rubber doll of Anthony Blair with a twelve inch dick perhaps?, or a pair of Emily Thornberry’s soiled bloomers, to compliment all the rest of the shit being spewed out.
Nominated by: W. C. Boggs
Desert island dick.
Take him to a desert island and fucking leave him there.
Preferably one with a tribe of hungry cannibals on it.
Seconded. Westminster is full of cunts, and he is the biggest one in it.
I’ll happily charter the plane to take him to whatever desert island we can find to dump this blot on humanity onto.
Curious that Cupid Stunt and Cuntlestiltskin are both CS, whereas many on here mysteriously conflate T-T with CS.
All the more curious, as quite late yesterday evening I was advising Deploy the Sausage to read Robinson Crusoe. Small world!
Starmer, aka Hergé’s Misadventures of Tintin, is indeed a tap dancer. I suspect he may be auditioning for the lead rôle in The Cigars of the Pharaoh or, more likely, a bit-part in The Blue Lotus.
In other news, it’s sounding plausible that supersexy Shamima Begum will be booking her return flying ticket (via Stansted – is it safe?) to Bethnal Green this Wednesday. Just in time for Christmas.
Firstly, I think you will find Dame Kweer already has the lead role in Priscilla, Queen of the Desert.
Secondly, you can bet with100% certainty that Special Branch at Stansted will be waiting for that bullfrog faced bitch when she returns, whereupon she will be detained and subsequently charged with terrorism offences. And we will be the lucky bastards who have to pay for her food while she is in gaol. Grrrrrrrrrr…….
North Sentinal island is just the ticket you describe.
Just looked it up on Wikipedia CS, looks like just the job. The indigenous people “have rejected, often violently, any contact with the outside world”
Apparently the Indian authorities don’t prosecute them for killing people either.
A one ticket for Dame Kweer please.
The dark keys claim they never invented anything because the honkyyy man stole everything from them.
If only there was a place where dark keys were not oppressed by the honkyyy.
Oh, wait Sentinel Island is such a place.
They walk about naked with spears in their hands.
They may have a point, rejecting all contact with the rest of the world.
It’s a bag of shite!
Fair point. I’d join ’em but they kill any honkyyy man they see.
Logically, wouldn’t a desert island only ever have 1 hungry cannibal?
Radio 4? I wouldn’t listen to those woke cunt trumpets if they paid me. They recently did a piece on British fishermen, and referred to them as ‘fisher people’. Bunch of wankers.
Dumbed down, modern day Desert Island Discs deserves a cunting all by itself.
Worships celebrity ✅
Thick bimbo presenter from the provinces✅
Political guests‘ woke music choices carefully curated by spin doctors✅
Now just another self-promotion excuse (see Wenger and his crappy new book ) ✅
Wenger made loads of comments during interviews in his final years at Arsenal, about revealing all sorts of juicy titbits in his book when he finally wrote it.
It’s been reviewed and it seems to be thin, shite and with no controversy or anything new in it.
He probably needs cunting for that book.
In that header pic he looks like he’s either shat himself, or inserted a butt plug up his hole.
Either way, he is not good for Labour and not good for the working classes who have been betrayed by “noo Labour” ever since Blair got his shit-stained hands on No 10 back in 97
I find this cunt more nauseating than Bliar.
If you look closer at that picture, you will see that Dame Kweer is actually demonstrating the size of the plug that is up her arse.
(This was meant to be a response to Technocunt’s post above.
This is what happens when you let idiots loose on the interweb!).
Max Headroom bell end. If labour isn’t 20 points up against the blue cunts now, they have absolutely no chance.
Gormless looking turd. He said fuck all while Corbyn was dragging the Labour Party ever further into the gutter.
The gormless cunt’s Brexit policy? “Renegotiate” May’s EU dictated Withdrawal Agreement, then campaign in a second referendum against his own ‘new improved’ version and vote to Remain instead. You could not fucking make it up.
And all this Cuntbyn suspended (for 19 days) then reinstated but whip withdrawn (for 16 days), no wonder the most incompetent government in living memory is now 5 points ahead in the opinion polls* for the first time in months.
* yes, I know they’re all rigged. Fuck off and good afternoon.
Shouldn’t that be good afternoon and fuck off ?
He is indeed a slimy turd, looks like a lawyer, talks like a lawyer, should be chained to something very heavy at the bottom of a deep dark pond.
Update: I am in a position to tell you that Kweer Rodney’s (yes, such working class names innit?) was – a football. Which reminded me of the high days of Nu Labour when Anthony Blair used to attend matches with those old pansies Byers and Milburn, just to show how “working class” they were.
I don’t think Kweer realises there is more to football than sniffing Harry Kane’s jockstrap in the locker room.
I still laugh to think that a three-term Prime Minister hasn’t been knighted. Shows that even the Queen thinks Blair is a cunt.
I suspect he’s been offered one.
But Blair’s not a fool, he knows a knighthood is the true mark of a cunt*.
* With a few honourable exceptions.
Indeed. Apparently a group of MPs are pushing for that famous Monaco resident Lewis Hamilton to be given one. If that happens it will certainly prove your theory correct RTC.
(Why the Military Police give a toss about Hamilton I have no idea).
Thank you for acknowledging that small fact.
(The Right Dishounourable Sir Cuntalot)
You’re right, but he will accept the title of “Lord”. Just wait and see….
It never ceases to amaze me the depth of the deepest of deep barrels British politics is currently scraping!
The Conservatives are more like the Liberal Democrats with some Greens thrown in for good measure, and basically don’t represent what the British voters wanted back in 2019
Labour – I haven’t got a Scooby Doo what they stand for because they’re too busy playing silly buggers with anti-semites in their own party, while jumping on the Covid bandwagon every time Boris fucks up! (Which is most of the time)
The Lib Dems – A corpse barely twitching with life. Only ever seem to come into the pubic consciousness when there’s an election coming up. But other than that they’re closed for business while their handful of MPs and supporters gather round the seance table hoping to raise the dead!
And that’s about it!
Of course there’s good old Nige. But we all know he’s never going to be PM because a) he talks sense, b) speaks for the majority, c) he is also white and a man, and therefore d) add a+b+c and it equals danger danger danger. Make sure he doesn’t even get a sniff because that would seriously fuck up the United Wokedom
Fuck them all and start again!
He’d first need to win a seat in the House of Common Cunts. Eighth time lucky? You never know…. ?
He reminds me of Kryten with a wig from the time travel episode.
He is the bastard offpsring of a 1972 dalliance between Bryan Ferry (whose quiff was seriously exaggerated at that time) and Reg Varney – who had a resplendent, Brylcreemed, bus-driving quiff.
Normally this nob end would be appearing in panto soon but panto is illegal due to Covid. I seem to remember a Statutory Instrument being laid at dead of night to stop it.
Of course, panto is also disrespectful to people who like to dress up due to serious gender issues. So it would have been cancelled anyway. Sorry kids, Cinderella is dead.
Fuck Labour, whoever their leader is. They’re a fairweather friend to the working-class. They’ll attend a coal miners’ gala and then throw the grandchildren of coal miners into the hands of grooming gangs. Only a complete moron would vote for them now.
His stance against Corbyn-19 was admirable. It took courage. Obviously I still wouldn’t vote for the anti-Brexit cunt.
I contact Lady Keir with my charming and insightful advice on occasion.
He has not taken it and thus is not resplendent with fractured bones and on fire.
The first time this cunt came to my attention was the “McLibel” court case, his cuntishness has increased every year since then, first helping tie dye hippie cunts get off the hook, now helping BLM and dingy rats get off, the utterly contemptible cunt!!!!!
Kweer is such a cunt I can’t even be bothered to comment. Boil the cunt in piss and throw him in Terry’s oven.
Kweer can go felch the latest adolescent East-Asian load out of Mandlebrot’s wizened arse.
I genuinely like that comment. More, please ??
Exactly throw him into your oven please Unkle Terry and turn up the heat
Can’t understand why anyone who had previously risen to the dizzy heights of Attorney General in this great country of ours would want to belittle themselves as a regular phucking politician, let alone leader of the ‘lost’ party!
I presume Sir Keir was named after Keir Hardie, one of the founding members of the Labour Party and one of its first MP’s. Funnily enough when I was a kid there was a street round my way called Keir Hardie Way. It’s now full of P*kis and other immos from all over the world.
International socialism eh? Dontcha love it?