Yesterday (Monday 9th October), Major gave a speech in which he basically called the UK a tiny, shitty, irrelevant nation, who will fade into obscurity once we fully leave the EU. Apparently, we make up only 1% of the world’s population. Yes, but we are the world’s fifth largest economy. This from one of the WORST Prime Ministers in British history. This is the cunt who signed the Maastricht Treaty, which effectively created the EU.
Major is one of the most insanely fervent of remainers, and his speech smacked of sour grapes and foot stamping. It was pathetic. It was childish and immature, but then so are remainers. He ended the speech by demanding a referendum (these fuckers are obsessed with them. Which is strange, considering they were against the referendum in which we got to decide whether to leave the EU or stay in) to decide to whether to accept or reject the final outcome. Fuck off, four eyes. The decision has already been made. You’ve delayed and obfuscated for four and a half years. You and the other traitors have lost. Accept it.
Major and the other Britain hating shite sacks are currently calling on “President” Joe Biden to punish the UK for daring to leave their precious EU. They may get their wish. Being of Irish descent, Biden is known to hate the UK, and has been photographed with both Gerry Adams and a leader of the IRA. He’s also pro-EU. Though what the fuck our membership of the EU has to do with that dementia riddled old cunt I don’t know. In my view, ANYONE who calls for the UK to be punished over a democratic decision not only isn’t British, they are a traitor.
And let’s face it, these days Major is more famous for having an affair with Edwina Currie, than he is for his time in Downing Street. Its’ over, Major. the UK is an independent nation once again. And despite your Quisling like pronouncements, the UK will do VERY well. If you don’t like that, you’re free to jump on a plane, and fuck off somewhere else. Believe me, you will not be missed. You weak, pathetic elephant sized cunt!
Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw
(And here’s some nice backlash – DA )
One of the ugliest cunts I’ve ever laid my eyes on, with possibly the stupidest voice in England.
And an utter cunt on top…..
Nothing a quick treason trial couldn’t sort.
Anybody who has a favourite vegetable probably deserves to be one themselves.
Speccy,backstabbing twat.
Given his many problems over Maastricht, I am surprised the EU evokes such a rosy glow in Major. By the way Gordon Jockstrap Brown has been going on again about our irrelevance post EU. I would like to take these two cunts over to Singapore for full treatment in the Caning Room – and any other bastard politician or pretend politician like Adonis, who constantly runs the UK dwn in this manner
Stabbed Thatcher in the back but that was just a stepping stone to stabbing the nation in the face.
How do you improve a country by signing it out of existence behind its citizens backs?
Titanic cunt that’s put himself right back on the radar recently, he may be a bigger cunt than Tony the toilet Blair!
It was Heselcunt who stabbed Thatcher in the back, not Major.
During the subsequent leadership contest, Thatcher lobbied hard for Major, urging MPs who supported her to vote for him.
True, RTC. Tarzan and Geoffrey Howe plotted Maggie’s demise. Apparently Maggie used to belittle Howe at every opportunity, so he watied his chance and he and Hezza put the knives in.
Norm-at the time I had no love for Maggie, however, the way she was stabbed in the back by her close colleagues, sickened me?
My bad RTC, you are of course correct. Seems Tarzan and Major had a lot more in common than we could have guessed.
So the old backstabber now turns traitor?
Nobody gives a fuck what he drones on about but oven anyway.
Whining cunt.
I want to say that John Major is a cunt of world class proportions. But that would be elevating him to a position he doesn’t deserve. He’s just you average, ordinary, run of the mill cunt…who just happens to be a special kind of stupid.
Follow this logic:
If Britain stays in the European Union, and submits to the will of other nations, and supports policies that are not in it’s national interest…then Britain will be a great nation.
But is Britain breaks away from what is clearly a dysfunctional body, establishes it’s independence and determines policies that are in it’s national interest…then Britain is a weak nation.
Like I said, a special kind of stupid
White Lives Matter
Armed Resistance
Never Surrender
Whenever I see or read about John Major, for some reason I think of peas which then make me think of that fella from The Fast Show, “Aren’t peas brilliant?!”
Spoons: his spitting image puppet was grey as he was described as the boring “grey man”. His character was always shown eating dinner with his wife:
“These peas are nice, Norma “
The fast show was “cheeeeesy peas!”
The rumour was that he was having an affair with his chef, hence the constant reference to peas. She was an attractive lady and he would have been better off with her than bloody Edwina Currie. Maybe he was doing them both?
Norma Major is lovely and he was shit to do the dirty on her but a stiff cock has no conscience.
He’s like the UK version of Barack Obama. Did fuck all of any good and keeps trying to undermine the current administration. Him, Blair and that one eyed pirate cunt Brown should all be made to walk the plank into a vat of boiling piss.
Used to drive past his house when he was PM. You knew when he was in by the armed police outside. Instead of keeping people out, they should have kept the cunt in. I was pro Europe until he signed that treaty, obvious what the out come would be. Te cunt in grey.
It’s a pity you didn’t fire bomb it while you were passing.
Who cares what this grey fuck has to say?
No one listened to the boring little cunt when he was PM, why listen now?
He couldn’t do fuck all right to the point he goes out to get a mistress and picks Edwina Currie!
A more unsavoury coupling since Brady & Hindley!
Fuck off John you monotone characterless boring bit of dickcheese.
Hurry up an die.
Britain may well become an irrelevance in the future, there’s no doubt as every year goes by we do turn into a bit more of a shithole.
The reason this is happening is because of decisions taken by this cunt, and other traitorous inept politicians.
As a nation we have always punched above our weight, I would pay handsomely to repeatedly punch this cunt in the mouth.
He’s got poor taste in women as well, Norma is a proper dog and Edwina is beyond foul.
John Major, the guy who was preaching to others about having affairs while he himself was having an affair.
The present government is preaching to others about the dangers of Covid while doing the opposite themselves….nothing changes I guess.
BTW, where the fuck have Whitless and unVallanced gone? they seem to have gone into hiding after telling the nation a pack of dirty lies.
Why don’t these old has-beens Major, Blair, Brown etc etc just fuck off. They are (sadly) a part of our past, NOT our present and DEFINITELY not our future.
Ancient, dinosaur, remoaner, cunts.
How’s everyone doing during the fundemic? I know I barely comment anymore Sometimes I have remind myself that the wuflu pandemic is still ongoing amid all the fun I’m having. If if wasn’t for the stupid facemasks I wouldn’t even know its still happening honestly
Cunters ever hear this song? basically my motto of life much better then the original cut on screamadelic Massey remix far surpasses it imo its like a different song entirely that killer guitar riff in the opening and the dnb beat really makes it
THanks but “Video blocked in my country”, TS. VPN required.
Try this:
This grey, dickless, pea-loving old fart was responsible for taking a strong economy and spunking everything with his weak leadership, and ruling over the party of sleaze. Whilst busying himself with fucking the spunk encrusted arsehole of Eggwina Shitbox.
Enter a charismatic Tony B Liar who then proceeded to dismantle the country to arrive at the wanked out shell we have now.
That CUNT Major has fucked the UK over twice – once with Maastricht and the second time by throwing the leadership to Zanu Labour.
And now the CUNT has the brass neck to return to dribble a barrel load of cockwash about the UK struggling once it is free fromt he shackles of the EU.
Major is a serious traitor of Lord Haw Haw proportions. In the Tower, followed by a blow torch around his atrophied, promiscuous genitalia then woodchipper and oven. Job done (dusts hands).
He should have a fair trial and then:
Piano wire
Apologies in advance but it’s got to be done…
What’s grey and stinks of Curry?
John Major’s cock!
Major’s best idea as PM was the cones hotline.
That says it all really.
His choice of mistress was Edwina Curry, possibly the only woman who could make Norma Major look sexy by comparison.
Bowed down to the EU over the Maastricht Treaty.
Nearly bankrupted the country by trying to shadow the forerunner of the Euro currency.
Took us into a terrible recession.
Still full of enough deluded self-regard to think anyone still listens to his rantings.
A loser in 1997 and ever since.
Edwina Currie?!
Even Maggie would be preferable to tubbing that.
Or should I say Gillian Anderson as Maggie. Only she could make the Iron Lady appear saucy.
You antisemite, you.
Lest qwe forget, he flogged off the railways. If anyone is still in any doubt that this was the action of a boneheaded doctrinaire Currie-munching cunt, here’s a reminder:
The benefits of privatisation forecast by politicians never materialised. Fares are now much higher, infrastructure failures and train delays increasing, the train franchising system is floundering and passenger dissatisfaction is high.
British Rail, the former nationalised industry, was a fully vertically integrated industry. This meant that BR owned and was responsible for virtually every aspect of the railway business. One researcher found it to be “perhaps the most financially successful railway in Europe”. Government subsidy was only 15 per cent of revenue in 1994, making British Rail the least subsidised railway system in Europe at the time.
Thanks, Major, you braindead grey self-aggrandising deluded opinionated CUNT.
Well pointed out Komodo. I had completely forgotten that.
An act worthy of a monumental cunting all of its own.
I believe that The Grey Man has taken to penning articles for ‘The European’ under the pen-name of Hugh Janus.
Is he a friend of Mike Hunt?
No, but he does know I.P. Freely.
The cousin of seymour cock?
Snivelling little brat of a nonentity. You know fuckall, did fuckall, care about this country fuckall. Fuckoff, cunt!
(Ex-banker, wasn’t it? Not so Ex after all)
The problem with these twats is they are yesterday’s men They cannot abide not being in the limelight any more.Any opportunity they can get on their soapbox they will.
Blair is another one mincing his tripe along with I sold all the gold Brown They think they know better than the British People they don’t.
Sleepy Joe Biden is no friend of the UK he loves everything Irish Republican inc their terrorised army.
What the EU and the UK democratic vote to leave the EU has to do with the USA is beyond me.Joe wants to stick to trying to bring back together the good people of America instead of sticking his nose in the UK s affairs & the EU punish us I think not mind your own business.
Is it just me, but does he look better as the puppet than he does in real life?
More peas, Norma?
Back to basics
Try and bend over a little bit more Edwina try and touch your toes ?
He is irrelevant.A turd who refuses to flush
I recall a colleague saying to me when Major became PM that the nation expected an extraordinary person to be PM not someone who was extra ordinary.
I agree Moggie-John Major-cunt, the only time a Spitting image puppet was more attractive than the person it was cunting?
Boring, uninteresting and totally useless monotonous cunt who should of been put out to pasture years ago, but from time to time is wheeled out by Remaniacs for a laugh to remind us all of his complete political irrelevance and what a joke his tenure as PM was. In fact, you would have thought the cunt would of learnt his lesson regarding his blessed EU when he fucked the country economically with the ERM debacle, but his brain obviously appears to have been permanently addled from spending far too much time round Edwina Currie’s honking piss stinking tuna tunnel when he should of been spending his time running the country.
So get back in your slippers and on yer pipe, and go sit in the chair in the corner out the road Major you utter fucking cunt.
Grrrr , absolutely gutted I missed this earlier, love some of the posts I can only add I would love to get an extremely large banner made with each letter 3 feet tall ,
Then see it inserted into major’s saggy old arsehole the treacherous quisling….
Major is the traitor who sold the British People down the river over Maastricht in the early 90’s.
I was working for Forte at the time as a retail manager, and the area manager appeared one day with a new contract which effectively signed away all my employment rights.
I refused to sign, got fired and they were stupid enough to put in the dismissal paperwork why they had done it.
Union involved, media involved, Forte nailed to the wall and a serious lump of compensation for my good self!
I love owning rats.
Be quiet John – you were yesterdays Man before you even came to power.
Yes hes a cunt but he resided over a government with a 20% borrowing over GDP. Today its 100% . Boris is a drunk twat spunking made up money around like Venezuela. In the 1950, if they had the G10 Venezuela would have been in it. Fuck the tory party.
Our future is ruined thanks to Doris and the SAGE party.Gas them all.
GDP Continually fluctuates especially in the throws of a pandemic and Brexit but it pales into insignificance when you consider that utter cunt signed away sovereign and executive powers without the consent of the British people … Add Gordon brown with the assistance of Blair (Lisbon treaty ) to that ……
A treacherous trio of Undemocratic cunts……