
Ah well. Another day, another Islamist atrocity.
The Mayor of Nice, Christian Estrosi, has stated that there has been ‘a terrorist attack’ at Notre Dame basilica, with three people dead, one almost beheaded. The Mayor has reported that the suspect repeatly yelled ‘Allahah Akbar’ before being arrested. What a surprise.
The French police had better keep the cunt responsible very securely under lock and key. Oh no doubt the usual wallies will be out with their candles singing ‘Kumbaya’, but I suspect that many in France would like to arrange an unofficial necktie party for the culprit asap.
We truly have allowed a cancer to live and fester among us in the West. For this we owe a debt of gratitude to the liberal elites who have encouraged this to happen over many decades, without bothering to ask us if we actually wanted the ‘benefits’ of ‘enrichment’. We’ve also got to accept our own share of responsibility for the situation, simply for sleep-walking along and allowing it to happen to our countries.
No doubt that there are many more of these vile lunatics living under the radar all over Europe, just waiting for the word to creep out of their holes and cause more carnage. Jihadis and their sympathisers and supporters are pure filth. They will show us no quarter.
I wish that I had an answer to this accursed problem, but I fear that actually, it’s now far too late to find one. We’re stuck with this abominable curse, but hey, don’t get too angry or outspoken about it, or it’s likely that you’ll be accused of ‘hate crime’ and ‘Islamophobia’.
Dog help us.

Nominated by: Ron Knee

46 thoughts on “Jihadis

  1. Agree entirely Ron.
    Good nom!?
    We all know the solution to this,
    Its the final solution.
    But no one will push for it especially cowardly politicians.
    A good deep ethnic cleansing.
    Everyone happy.

  2. You’re right Ron Knee, they will give us no quarter.
    So why the fuck do we give them all four quarters??
    Don’t waste French taxpayers money incarcerating this filth.
    Execute it.
    On prime time TV if possible.

    • Pay to view if possible i would rather pay my £14.95 to watch that than some shite (take a knee) football match

      • A combination of retirement and Covid2020 has seen to that!
        I’m reduced to drinking, watching xhamster with the wife, and coming on here (not necessarily in that order).

      • Throw in the odd bit of fooling about with the missus and a ‘fish supper’.
        Things could be a whole lot worse…

      • You’re right! There was someone on here, the other day, forget the name, moaning about being ignored! Ron’s taking up all of Admins time with his quality cuntings!

  3. Western Europe has become a petri dish for the unmolested development of vile doctrines and their murderous consequences. Thank you, EU. Now fuck off.

  4. You did have an opportunity to voice resistance-BNP fielded plenty of candidates in local an national elections in the past-ok, they were never going to win-but if millions had voted, a strong message would have been sent. Voting Brexit at the European elections, removed Maybot and pushed on Brexit.
    You have a voice. Fucking use it, loudly.
    Or be apathetic. The choice is yours?
    There are parties actively campaigning against the islamification of Britain/Europe right now. Give them your support.

    • One minor problem CG.

      Anyone standing for a party with values that the left disagrees with gets doxxed and then cancelled.

      Look at the leaking of the entire BNP membership list. Names, addresses, email addresses, phone numbers etc. A gross invasion of privacy by the leftist filth.

      Anyone on that list will be lucky to ever work again. They will certainly never be employed in the public sector, even though that would be blatant discrimination against white English people on political grounds. Which is illegal.

      • Odin-not suggesting you stand for office or even furnish personal details.
        Just put an “x” in the appropriate box.

  5. I pause to note that the terrorist in Vienna had attempted to go as a jihadist to Syria and fight against Assad. If he had not been prevented from doing that, he would have been financed by the Saudis, fed and clothed by the Turks, armed by the CIA, trained by the SAS and given air support by the Israelis. He might even have got to be a TV star posing in a White Helmet, or employment artfully placing chlorine bottles on beds for pictures by Bellingcat. Unfortunately, having been prevented from joining the western sponsored insurgency, he ended up killing Austrians instead of Syrians and now is a “terrorist”, whereas jihadist killers of Syrians are “heroes”. A strange world. The Manchester Arena bomber was of course physically brought in to the UK by the British military after fighting for “our side” in Libya. You do indeed reap what you sow.

    • There was a report that he tried to buy ammunition in Slovakia and the Slovak authorities informed the Austrian fuzz, but they lost it or summat, what a fuck up!

  6. Whether you believe in God or not, Jesus ( the man ) represented good. Mohammed however, never represented anything other than values that were abhorrent. Therefore, in Christendom, Mohammed represents the Devil in his incarnate form.
    This is why we presently have such a collision of values.

    The answer does not lie in belief of God, but in belief of what you ( personally ) value and wish for.

    How you may achieve that which you desire, may have a heavy price. You must decide if that price is a price worth paying. And only you can make that decision.

    • Let’s not forget that before the last 20 years of Islamic terrorism, British people had to worry about being maimed or killed terrorism perpetrated by Catholics and protestants, who both love a bit of jesus. And they didn’t have to worry about murdering, just say a few hail Mary’s and it’s off to heaven.

  7. Where is the fucking anger in the UK? Macron has voiced it, we in the UK lit candles and sang some Oasis ditty.
    We now wait until some poor fucker gets killed and prepare the mealy mouthed homilies.

    Likewise with the Chyna flu. The Chinks either deliberatly or negligently put this into the world. They are thriving at our expense but only Trump has called the fuckers out.

  8. Smack clip in. Unload. Dead terrorists do not kill people.
    No islamic atrocities in Russia or China because the filthy rats know what they would get.

  9. Great nom and spot on.
    There is no political solution.
    We are infested.
    It won’t even be the ongoing pure evil of jihadi terrorist attacks that leads to an abrupt about turn in the West.
    Instead it will be the steady increase in Carpet filth population and their increasingly strident demands that cause war.
    Politicians haven’t the guts for it.
    We or our descendants shall see if the larger population will stomach it.
    Events will lead to a new Hitler I suspect.
    The Woke Liberal will be the root cause.
    What a mess.

    • Perhaps there will be an about turn in the west in general, but not here. It’s already plain for everybody to see that this filth get away with anything whilst anybody calling them out for it gets arrested, prosecuted and vilified by a large group of, almost always white, people who don’t appear to realise that they won’t get a free pass from what’s coming.. This will only increase their range of activities, and once they start holding positions of political power it’ll be the end for the UK. I give it 25 years. Maximum.

    • ‘Events will lead to a new Hitler I suspect.’

      And that’s what worries me. Genuinely worries me. I work with a few Muslims, worked with one on a truck a few times. Good paramedic and a nicer bloke you couldn’t wish to meet. People like him are as appalled as we are at the shite commited in the ‘Name of Islam’, and, scared they’ll get lumped in with the murdering cunts commiting them. And that is just plain wrong.

      • The trouble is the moderate Muslims aren’t vocal enough about condemning these cunts. When some of them do then the rest of their society turn on them.
        I know a few Muslims and have employed some. Nice blokes but I don’t trust the fuckers. It always comes out” what a lovely, caring person they were” just after they blew up a few hundred people.
        To be on the safe side, put the whole fucking lot in Terry’s oven and have done with it.

      • ‘The trouble is the moderate Muslims aren’t vocal enough about condemning these cunts. When some of them do then the rest of their society turn on them’.

        You answered your own point.

  10. We put men on the moon fifty years ago so surely some smart cunt can come up with a virus that only affects the peacefuls?
    Over to you Charlie Chinkyman.

  11. We won’t let this divide us.
    Diversity is our Strength.

    Anyone disagreeing with the above will be guilty of hate crime.

    • Yet some poor cunt gets his head divided from his body and it’s considered enrichment. We won’t be divided because we were never united with these cunts.

  12. “Nice terrorist attack” is what I read on the Albeeb, I thought “Fucking hell, they’re actually enjoying Islamic violence rather than trying to sugar-coat”

  13. The truth is Islam just is not compatible with the west they absolutely fucking hate everything we stand for , we need to wake up to this , and the thing is these stupid cunts keep saying we want the west to be Islam , well the truth is there’s plenty of Muslim country’s so if u want an islamic country fuck off to a islamic country you cunts

    • Did you know when peacefuls marry in the UK they never marry another UK peaceful, they always go back to Turdistan to get another one.
      And the government does nothing about it.
      Only a few more years and we’ll be over run with this filth.

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