I think a solid for Jacinda Ardern is due. I was going to say a maiden cunting, but it appears she had a brief nomination in 2019.
She has just appointed a new Foreign Minister, who is a Maori with a fucking great splodge of a “tattoo” on her face. Her main qualifications for the job seem to be a) she is Maori and b) she is a woman, although looking at her picture, you’d be hard pressed to know. She makes the Flabbot look trim and doable.
Where’s the class in this great office of state? I know the left wish to destroy the establishment, and replace it with their version of one, but for fuck’s sake. And what the fuck is wrong with the Kiwis for electing that piece of shit who would give Shergar a run for his money (if he was alive).
The whole world order is changing and I hate it. Why can’t they give us white blokes a little bit of the world where we will set up our own community with compulsory viewings of old war films, Bernard Manning acts and birds getting slapped on the arse in Benny Hill shows,
Nominated by: Lord Cuntingford
Ah yes, New Zealand’s Parliament. apparently the most diverse in the world. Nearly 50% wimminz, loads of gays and this great ugly munter with blue ink splashed across her Desperate Dan chin. Jesus fucking Christ!
A sign of the future yet to come.
Let them fuck it all up.
I seem to recall they filmed Lord of the Rings in New Zealand.
Clearly they didn’t need to make costumes and masks for the ugly fucking orcs and trolls. They just used ugly cunts like her, which would be enough to scare the shit out of Sauron himself!
Shes just joe Biden with goofy teeth.
Bomb em.
Funny teeth ooh aye. She could eat a coconut through a fly wire door
Being Prime Minster of an island with more sheep than people is hardly something to be proud of .
Well done sweetheart make us a cuppa and suck my old chap, careful with those teeth..
There was some Maori type who turned up with a touring team at my Rugby Club. Luckily I saw the Cunt as they were getting off their bus and managed to develop a knee problem in time to avoid playing….just as well,the Cunt was like a fucking human battering-ram. The Ref was good enough to blow for full-time after 10 minutes of the second half to spare us any more embarrassment and the local A+E department being overrun with traumatised casualties.
The Maori went up even more in my estimation when he drank just about everyone under the table after the game and managed on his way out to nut a Cunt of an ex-copper who had played for us.
PS…I wouldn’t say no to a gobble off Jacinta…that hijab thing would do to wipe my dick on when I was done and save having to walk across to the curtains.
No chance of that Sir Fidler-she’s a vegan, woke bitch.
You could always paint it “Aubergine” and slip it into her salad-with those fucking gnashers, it’s not worth the risk ?
Tattooed beard! How the fuck could you be serious discussing foreign policy with her. Just imagine a chinese delegation trying not to stare and laugh. For fucks sake.
She needs reminding that appeasement is just feeding the beast in the hope that it eats you last.
Tattooing women’s faces is not uncommon among primitive people; it’s a sign that she’s some bloke’s property.
Don’t tell the wokies that though, you know how they get upset over that sort of thing.
I wonder if Mrs Terry would go for that?
Or maybe I’d wake up at midnight with a kitchen knife in my chest.
Oh well.
Start her off with a letterbox outfit……see how it goes.
Try tattooing across her face: “Touch my property and it’s oven for you”
She’ll love it!
Just do wot rabbits do and piss on ‘em
The New Zealand parliament reminds me of that Flight Of The Conchords comedy programme NZ made a few years ago: Awkward, a bit depressing, and not at all funny.
And the cunts were responsible for Crowded fucking House. Insipid shite.
The Maoris got to New Zealand a few hundred years before the British. If they are indiginous then so am I, with or without some dumb tattoo.
Thoroughly deserved cunting, but I wonder if it should be widened to include the stupid cunts who elected this mental bitch? Clearly she does not understand her place under the world wide caliphate that her dress indicates she supports. Public floggings for the sisters and cooking in caves will be order of the day soon for these demented bints.
I understand the camps are already in place in NZ for any dissenters, and the general populace has been locked down for months. Just waiting for ISIS to provide the guards and the crucifixions can start. Fuck ’em.
NZ was feminist hippy heaven in the 70’s. None of this surprises me.
She is nothing but an evil conniving cunt.Would not trust the buck toothed slut as far as i could kick her.
Can I elect Shergar as New Zealand’s Prime minister please?He stands a better chance than Jacinda Woke
She was one of Miranda ‘cottager’ Blairs policy advisers. That should tell you all you need to know.
NWO bitch, possibly trans something or other.
What about the Iranian lady recently persecuted for protesting against the letterbox hat then? Deafening silence I’d hazard a guess.
Cunt. Give the oven a well earned rest and break out the brazen bull.
The Brave New World is upon us and she is a living glimpse into our future.
By the way…do any of you English cunters know that she was a senior policy advisor in some policy group that advised Tony Blair?
Or that she is a former President of a group known as the “International Union of Socialist Youth?”
A white socialist wearing a hijab. And you thought I was kidding with that Brave New World remark.
White Lives Matter
Armed Resistance
Never Surrender
Apparently you knew.
White Lives Matter
Armed Resistance
Never Surrender
General, she’s a Stepford Cunt of today for sure.
A mentalist who, like that utter handbag Trudeau wants to be “down with the yoof” and Pied Piper them on board the good shop diversity.
I see little resistance from this same youth.
Liberal parents, an overwhelming sense of entitlement and life experience solely gained from (anti) social media.
All of the Kiwi’s I have met, have been a bit weird, North and South Islanders.
Those Maori women are living proof of the theory of evolution.
Woke snowflake cunt.
Do us a favour, Australia. And invade the fucking cunts. NZ: Arguably the most soyboy femstapo libfuck woke nation in the world. Even eclipsing the UK and Canada.
Better still, do the Aussies have nuclear missiles?
If so, they should drop them on the woke ‘paradise’ that is New Zealand.
As for Ardern? I would drop her in a field of randy camelshaggers in the middle of Pakistan. See how much the daft slag likes ’em then, eh?
Their lamb was vastly overrated and all.
Fuck all vegans, by the way.
Most of their lamb is Halal.
Let that sink in.
New Zealand was uninhabited until around 1250 AD. It was then populated by Polynesians. Let them have their country back, and kick all whiteys out. Then lets see what happens.
I had never heard of her until her performance after the Christchurch shooting. She revelled simperingly in the opportunity to whore her dhimmitude for the world’s media to see. No other cunt could have been more thorough Ever since then I feel literally nauseous every time I hear her name. Utterly revolting individual.