Gym Closures

A cunting for whinging twats over the upcoming closure of gyms for one month.

Now it doesn’t matter if you agree with lockdown or not, that isn’t the issue. The argument for gyms is mental elf….. what the fuck.

I thought they were for physical health; exercise, muscle tone, fit birds in scanty outfits wanting attention, fit birds wanting attention and then complaining about it.

So for one month the gym goers can do a few press ups at home, maybe a few sit ups, a few squats with a bag of gravel on the back, go out for a jog, in the rain. Man up you cunts!

What a load of bollocks!

Nominated by: Sick of it 

65 thoughts on “Gym Closures

  1. Well, all I can tell you is that it is causing havoc with jess Phillips and Emily Thornberry’s “iron man” training for their tag wrestling team.

    Dame Kweer has told them to get a grip.

    • Agenda 21

      Idiots queuing for a fucking vaccine they don’t need.

      Totalitarian police state incoming.

      Freedom of speech destroyed.

      If you can’t see this bullshit virus narrative for what it is by now then you’re beyond help.

  2. Hmm, the OP just prompted me to Google “fit gym girl images”

    I think I need a wee ham shank now.

  3. I’ve noticed more Lance Armstrong wannabes out and about since the lockdown began.
    I’d rather the gyms stayed open if it helped keep these lycra clad twats off the road.
    They all seem to think the Highway Code is for other people.
    Cunts to a man.

    • BRAVO on the comment Cupid. Narrow lane, 4 cunting cyclists on the wrong side of the road. They didn’t seem impressed with the wanker gesture they got. Fucking mong CUNTS.

    • Agree. With either no lights after dark or !00Kw pulse power strobes aimed at your eyes.They also seem to be riding abreast more, intentionally obstructing passing traffic. Doesn’t work for a m/c!

      Not sure it’s down to the gyms closing, though. More due to one of those Tour de Pointless events being on the box, I’m guessing.

  4. Sorry to be pedantic but…

    The caption should be “You’re telling me as in the contraction of “You are”. “Your” is possessive as in “your wife”.

    I know they have become interchangeable but they should not be.

    I know I’m old fashioned but I think correct English is vital in saying what we really mean.

    Seeing it in a caption rankles.

    After all you wouldn’t write “The Jim is closed”.

  5. Fuck going to the Gym you’ll get a heart attack down there.

    DA – Private Note it is You’re not your in the otherwise excellent illustration for this nomination.I feel a bit of a cunt for mentioning it.

  6. When the lockdown (Mark I) started, the streets were full of jogging heavy breathing cunts.

    Then as the lockdown eased off, there were no jogging heavy breathing cunts..

    Now we have lockdown Mark II, will we see a comeback for the jogging heavy breathing cunts?

    I fucking well hope not!

  7. Fucking pubs being closed is playing havoc with my sanity, one week sober anniversaty today and I am not enjoying reality. Not been in a gym for 30 years, get all the exercise I require playing darts and walking to the shop for fags. The gym I pass has loads of minis parked outside, and some battery powered cars. I suspect a lot of them are vegetarian too. Fucking weirdos, fuck ’em.

  8. They like to be seen at the gym. I used to work with a lazy cunt, done at least as possible at work, then went to the gym. Told him what a cunt, you get paid to work, then you pay gym. Fuck em, bunch self loving posers.

  9. Fucking pussies like you said fuck off for a run ?‍♀️ on the moors with a sack of ? s on your back. Pointless cunts.

  10. Fucking pussies like you said fuck off for a run ?‍♀️ on the moors with a sack of ? s on your back. Pointless cunts. Grrr

  11. I’m going to nom illiterate cunts who create memes but cannot differentiate ‘you’re’ from ‘your’.

  12. I remember gym. Crab football, skins v shirts. Can’t believe people actually pay for it. Silly cunts.

    • I remember a gym teacher at my school. She had fabulous tits and she took us for trampoline excersise. She did a demonstration on the trampoline for us. Of course, to get it absolutely right, we lads asked her politely to do it again. She did. They bounced like a kangaroo on a pogo stick. Ah, memories…

      • You lucky bastard, Norman. Your school sounds like it was heaven! Out gym teachers were all blokes who enjoyed torturing us for an hour or two each week. All cunts.

      • I was sent off to boarding school, aged 13. My first post card home (no letters as the housemaster censored everything) said “Sargent-Major Wheeler is our PE master, he is queer”. I was told to re-write it as my parents wouldn’t want to know about the PE master.

  13. Gym’s are good for mental health as proper exercise releases endorphins which put you in a better mood etc. They are also important as regular attendance stops to becoming a fat cunt who is a prime target for Covid 19 etc.
    I don’t go to the gym anymore as I used to get too many looks from the women and the odd probable gay due to my looks and muscular physique.
    In my quest to be even wealthier I cancelled my gym membership and now go for a run and ride my bike (rather than drive the Audi) whilst staying in my west country flat.
    Go fuck yourselves.

    • Not been the gym in ages.
      Used to enjoy it, it definitely helps you mentally as well as physically.
      Liked to just train on my own,
      In gyms you get posers and mitherers,
      “What weight are you pressing?
      “Do you take supplements?”
      Just fuck off.
      But do miss it, was a bit obsessed by it at one point.

      • Some of them posers are teetering very close to joining The Gay in my experience.
        I resigned at once and bought a pullup bar instead.

      • Agree Terry.
        They wear dead expensive workout stuff to sweat in?
        I was proudly the scruffiest in there!
        Old Motorhead t shirt, shorts,
        Battered old trainers.
        No fancy shit, get a sweat on.

    • Gyms are full of fit healthy people, not likely to die. In a country of 66 million, only 50,000 Covid dead and that is debatable with the hoohah about mis-recording deaths and most of those deaths were back in March! WHO says 0,05% infection fatality rate for under 75s and a mere 1.23% for over 75s, Now we have an explosion of made up ‘cases’ yet the data shows that the hospitals overall are not overwhelmed except for certain hotspots and there are no excess deaths according to ONS. The data speaks for itself. Unlike Whitty and Vallance, I can make 2 and 2 add up to 4, not 4,000.

      Let the gyms open responsibly.

  14. Built a few gyms, but never set foot in one.

    They seem to be full of blokes with tiny willies and bodies like a badly stuffed sausage.

    If anyone is missing the gym, you’re welcome to try walking my dog for five miles every morning.
    Trying to restrain nine stone of muscle and teeth when he sees a cat is a full body workout, for free.

  15. I used to practice Wing Chun, which was seriously intensive but I used to have bags of energy at the end, despite being put through a gruelling 1 hr session of kicks, punches, jabs and throws.

    It certainly does give your brain and boost.

  16. Closing gyms makes as much sence as closing shops and pubs.
    As a meat eating, beer swilling bloke, the gym helps me keep my beer belly down and help manage anger issues. Now I’m getting out of shape again, angry and pissed at home.
    This wasn’t so bad a few months ago when I could work out in the garden with the sun out but the thought of pumping iron in the cold and rain just makes me want to reach for another beer.

  17. Stop whingeing, you narcissistic sports pimps (©️Alan Partridge)

    If it’s exercise you need, have a shag.
    If it’s endorphins you crave, see above-or have a wank or a bar of chocolate. Hell, spoil yourselves-have a wank whilst eating chocolate.

  18. I kept myself fit for decades and the only thing I ever spent money on was a chest expander. Set myself a routine of exercises which I did every day and went for long walks. You can do these things at home by yourself or you can pay to go some place and have someone tell you to do it. No point in that unless you’re just looking for attention.

    • Professional sportsmen, boxers, athletes, powerlifters, swimmers etc, must be wasting their time then.
      Attention seekers.

  19. What, you stand at the back of a room full of girls jiggling their bottoms up and down… and firm up??
    I bet you do!

    Edward Hitler

  20. So if the gyms are closed, does that mean that instagram is closed and selfies are cancelled too? If that’s the case, does that mean I can’t post pictures of my dinner on the internet? OOOHHH the humanity!!!!!!

    • Don’t worry, Tiktok is open for business as usual. It has only recently come to my attention following articles about peedos sending kids pictures of their dicks etc. I have now thoroughly researched the subject, including the braless challenge on youtube. I assume one of you lot came up with that one. My conclusion is that it is the most pathetic, inane, attention whoringest site on the entire evil cesspit that is the internet. I did enjoy a very nice wank though.

  21. This measure is backed by the hard sell of Pelaton and other ‘in home’ fitness devices – not only does it mean you can’t socialise but is yet another device to keep people in their homes – this is tyranny – yet a majority are happy to have the regime determine what they should do, who they talk to, when they can go out – they are all collaborators in the tyranny – NWO here we come ……

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