Frances O’Grady – TUC Leader (2)

Step up to the plate again, Frances O’Grady; first woman General Secretary of the TUC.

She is always haranguing the government about lack of support for this or that group despite the billions already spent. In O’Gradyland money does indeed grow on trees.

Yet the most annoying thing about her is her patronising attitude and her grating voice. She always sounds like her mouth is touching the microphone, with bacon and eggs sizzling in the background.

Her words are delivered with a heavy lissssp and the spit must fly everywhere in her vicinity.

Shut up you irritating super spreading mare.

Nominated by: Lord Helpuss

35 thoughts on “Frances O’Grady – TUC Leader (2)

  1. She looks a bit like Eddie Izzard would like to look, if he could nerve himself to have the operation.

    I am just surprised she is white – i would have thought the brpthers and sisters would be a bit more politically correct by now

  2. Who? Never heard of her. Where the fuck has she been while the working class have been getting screwed over? Oh yeah…… backing the remoaners to the hilt and selling us out to the globalists. Fuck you bitch, you don’t know what a Trade Union is. Now fuck off.

  3. Is she a man in disguise?It is Eddie Izzard!!She can open beer bottles using her teeth.Hideous hag

  4. I usually try not to hate too much on disabled people as it doesn’t feel right. In her case I’ll make an exception… obviously an absolute cunt.

  5. “In O’Gradyland money does indeed grow on trees”….in Borisland Johnson fells every magic money tree in Magic Money Forest so that he can strip every imaginary Pound from every branch.

    Remember the latest slogan,Cunters…”Fuck the Future…and Fuck the Present too.”

    • You could believe they know something we don’t. All the magical fiscal conjuring during the pandemic illusion will never have to be paid back. The great reset, the money isn’t real so it doesn’t matter, the security for the digital dime is our assets. Agenda 21 here we are.

      The BBC was creaming its pants yesterday over the end of the internal combustion engine. When we get nearer to 2030 I don’t believe they are going to allow the plebs to continue to use fossil fuel powered vehicles for very long. The cheapest electric vehicle will be beyond the reach of the average person in the two tier economy where most of us will be living on subsistence income.

      The near future is getting to be a very different place, save the world with tyranny.

      Labour want to make it illegal to express anti vaccine opinions, how long until they want to make other opinions illegal, anti socialist opinions for instance?

      • Brave new world is coming…..

        I am all in favour of the anti vac propaganda, the less people who take it the sooner it will be my turn and I want it ?

      • “Labour want to make it illegal to express anti vaccine opinions, how long until they want to make other opinions illegal, anti socialist opinions for instance?”…..

        I suspect the Tories too and the Media would happily go along with just about any curtailment of free speech under the cover of “it’s for your own good”. I also believe that vaccination will be,if not made compulsory, a necessity to go shopping,use public transport etc…. mandatory by any other name.

        Who’d have thought that it wouldn’t be the wicked Bogeyman of The Left who presided over the trashing of the economy and the greatest curtailment of civil liberties since the war…It would be the Tory Party? Two cheeks of the same arse. Perhaps (tin-hat time) it really doesn’t matter a fuck which Party is in charge because they all have the same end result in mind?

        PS…. I bet that the fact that all this money that they’re splashing around doesn’t actually exist won’t stop them using it as an excuse to milk the usual suspects.

        I’m not looking forward to the future.

        Morning S.V.
        Morning All.

      • Considering this government’s lamentable record, even when a vaccine does become available it’ll be virtually impossible to get one, unless you go private.

      • As a morbidly obese,asthmatic, Sooty female I’ll be first in the queue…. Doreen Lawrence told me so.

        Pass da bootpolish and fried chiggun…Ah’s entitled .

      • Labour betray their fascist tendencies by immediately wanting to “make illegal” anything they don’t like.

  6. It would be great if some of these creatures had a little humility. Rather than being certain that they and they alone have all the answers, they might have more credence if they accepted that their ideas are not the only possible solutions.
    However, I suppose that rising through the ranks of the left requires you to be an opinionated cunt and ugly as well.

  7. The gulag hag.

    Fucking commies, always promoting women into positions they generally can’t fill.

    I can imagine the election campaign, she has a vagina elect her to be General Secretary, doubt she’s capable of being a junior secretary in a voluntary allotment group.

    Fuck off commies.

  8. Union leaders intrigue me, they live in luxury and have bank accounts and salaries that the average “member” can only dream of but people follow them.

    Eh up by gum, I’ve got me pie and chips so the union is seeing me right etc etc.

    The ultimate cunt amongst a sea of cunts.

    • I pointed out to one union rep that was trying to get me to join the union that there was no way I was going to pay into a scheme that has members like him getting 10 hours per week company time for union business. Not only did he get paid for the hours by the union, he was also still being paid by the company for work that we were having to do to cover for him. I think the exact phrase I used was “fuck off!”.

  9. I can’t say there is a union leader I wouldn’t toss into a pit of starving alligators.
    Manipulative hypocritical sacks of shit.

    • Youre especially thinking of scouse Roland Rat impersonator Len McCluskey aren’t you?

      • I think I would spare him the gruesome but swift end of the alligator pit, and find a more cruel and unusual method for that cunt. ?

  10. She could eat corn on the cob through a Venetian blind. Mouth like a vandalised graveyard. Could eat an apple through a tennis racket etc….

  11. O’Grady says: “I’m off to Venezuela to put my socialist principles where my mouth is”.
    Actually, I doubt it.
    “The trouble with socialism is you eventually run out of other peoples money to spend”.
    Boris the socialist then, but add respect and credibility to the things the traitor jellyfish has run out of.
    What a collective fucking shower.

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