Extinction Rebellion [9]

(Using a picture of their blatant disrespect just felt wrong – NA)

Extinction Rebellion. Yes, those complete insane climate retards who keep fucking life up for us normal folk. And what have they done now? Why, they hijacked the one minute silence on Remembrance Day, by taking to the Cenotaph and unfurling a banner which read “Honour their sacrifice, Climate Change means war”. There was also a photo dressed in the old DPM Soldier 95/2000 uniform, (disruptive pattern materiel, or camouflage to yo civvies) and an Infantry beret. As protests go, this one was the worst, sickest act of cuntery yet. How dare they trample on our fallen just to get across their deranged plans to combat climate change. And if that guy in the DPM actually had served in the forces, rather than the 1st Battalion Walt Division, he should be fucking ashamed. He’s a disgrace to the uniform, and the men and women who died wearing it. Cunts.

Forgot to mention. Where were plod while this was happening? Why, sat in a car just a few yards away, watching. Well done Met Police. Dereliction of your duty once again.

Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw

131 thoughts on “Extinction Rebellion [9]

  1. Maybe I have missed something.
    No mention of it on Albeeb.
    Only heard about it thus morning on Mike Grahams show on Talk Radio.
    Utter, utter CUNTS!

  2. I just had had a look at Owen Jones’ YouTube channel. The comments are pure comedy gold and worth a look.

  3. I can’t comment on bbc but itv news didn’t mention it at all on the early evening news. But they did mention trump making unsubstantiated claims on fraud.

  4. I wish I lived next door to this cunt.

    He’d be very cold tonight as every fucking window in it’s house would be no more.

    Utter utter cunt.

  5. I saw it on the news – I think it may have been Sky last night oh no it was after the rerun of the Ceremony tacked on at the end I think on BBC. Anyway it was on somewhere.

  6. Most of the coppers now days have to be fast tracked soy boys. I knew an old school copper a few years ago that was on holiday when the 2012 riots were taking place. He was totally pissed that he missed a bit of Clubbing.

  7. I fucking hate civvie cunts (usually communist students who think they are Che Fucking Guevara) who wear military uniforms.

    If you are some pencil-necked, lefty, student prick wearing Combat95 or even MTP and you think you look ally-as-fuck then I have news for you; you don’t – you look like a fucking cunt because that is what you are.
    If you want to wear the uniform then you have to fucking earn it.

    If I want to walk around in a McDonald’s uniform to show that I’m a revolutionary burger-flipper then I’ll make damn fucking sure I get the half a day of training, the uniform and the Johnny One-Star badge before I deign to don the uniform and take my place at the microphone. Otherwise, civvie cunts who have never served can take that garb off and get to fuck.

    Sorry not sorry.

      • There are plenty of different civilian equivalents of dpm for fishermen, hunters and wildlife photographers to purchase so it applies to them as well yes. They are not military so they can get to fuck.

      • Two thoughts in this: hundreds of thousands of working men wear clothes from Army surplus stores as they are cheap and hard wearing.
        Same with outdoorsmen.
        Modern realtree type clobber is fucking expensive.
        However: I do agree with Walt’s who dress head to toe in it (stolen valour) are cunts.
        I have mates who are serving / ex serving. I was invited to Bisley for the Army 100 shooting comp a while back. I stayed at a mates place and on the following Sunday, he took me shooting full bore.
        We later had a wander around-amazing place, the home of British shooting and masses of history.
        We had a look in at an air gun club, where some sort of target shooting was going on-every single fucking competitor, head to foot in desert cammo. Fucking combat boots, the full works-for shooting targets in the woods???

      • Okay I will admit it, every rule has it’s exception(s).

        The Walts and the students are the cunts who need a cunt-kicking when they don it though. This is why I call my right foot “Doff”.

      • TITS@
        My best mate (ex serviceman)
        Gave me a British Army rain poncho which is the dogs bollocks!!
        Ideal for anyone who spends time outdoors in inclement weather,
        Farmers, hunters,fishermen, etc
        Can be hurling down in the hills and im dry.
        The military make some great stuff.
        On the down side I look like the worlds biggest crisp packet.

    • Next time you come across a snowflake wearing a Che Guevara shirt TiTS, ask them if they’ve ever read his ‘Motor Cycle Diaries’

      Of course they won’t have but trust me he really didn’t like coloured people and not people of colour.

      Proper racist was our Che.

      • Che also openly said that he enjoyed killing people. and he did.

        But these radical chic fuckflakes don’t even know who he is or what he stood for. They don’t even care. These liberal fucks are hilarious. They demonise Churchill, yet they have a mass murderer and terrorist like Guevara on their T-Shirts and badges. They will be wearing Carlos The Jackal T-Shirts next. The fucking cunts.

  8. To reinforce my previous statement, calling out the police as attack dogs, I implore all cunters to go and view a video on YouTube, just uploaded:

    Veterans & journalist attacked by stasi on Remembrance Day 11/11/20
    Uploaded by resistance GB

    I apologise for lack of link-my pc is down and this phone is so old it went on the poll tax riots with MNC?

    • I’ve seen it, CG. Cheers.
      They also picked on a lone protestor (a woman) on the same day,

      Pigs. Bogeys. Fascists. Filth.

      Still, makes a change from them taking the knee, I suppose.

  9. The Met. will probably decide that truncheons are a symbol of fascist male dominance, withdraw them from service, and issue handbags in their place.
    The kind of thing that Python would do, to make us laugh. Only now, no-one would be surprised if it actually happened, and it wouldn’t be funny.
    ” I was mincing, in an easterly direction, when I saw the accused ……….. ” ( Dixon of Cressida Dick Green )
    Evening, all.

  10. This baiting tosser is known to the forces apparently – he’s named on Parler. Basically a troublemaker who most likely will get a well deserved kicking.

    Good to see you back Benny – stay well

  11. The thing is, if these auditors stop filming and uploading content to accessible platforms, who else is going to show what is really going on???

    Not the fucking main stream media cunts.
    You can take that to the fucking bank.

  12. Fucking vegan, latte drinking, soyboy, cocksucking, bum fucking, Muzzie loving, anti British, fucking pooftah fucking cunts.
    Fuck the lot of them.

  13. That sanctimonious rubber faced little mong, Greta Thunberg Gambolputty de von Ausfern-schplenden-schlitter-crasscrenbon-fried-digger-dingle-dangle-dongle-dungle-burstein-von-knacker-thrasher-apple-banger-horowitz-ticolensic-grander-knotty-spelltinkle-grandlich-grumblemeyer-spelterwasser-kurstlich-himbleeisen-bahnwagen-gutenabend-bitte-ein-nürnburger-bratwustle-gerspurten-mitzweimache-luber-hundsfut-gumberaber-shönendanker-kalbsfleisch-mittler-aucher von Hautkopft of Ulm
    has a lot to answer for.

  14. I attended my local town memorial on Sunday – normally the town centre is closed on this occasion – this time there were only about 100 people scattered around. The council dignatories and church people were all masked up – hypocrites – and performed their duties – how these people can wear a poppy and a mask is beyond me – So to see extinction rebellion being allowed to undertake their gross performance at the cenotaph whilst everyone else was barred from going near it is a truly despicable act – yet highlights what this country has become as our history is removed to benefit the fascist/marxist scum

  15. The old bill were probably told to do fuck all by suckdick kunt and that fuckin dyke Dick. I bet if it was veterans making a protest at a shit rebellion march the old bill would be down on them like a ton of fuckin bricks, arresting and dishing out the batons against the vets.

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