Extinction Rebellion [9]

(Using a picture of their blatant disrespect just felt wrong – NA)

Extinction Rebellion. Yes, those complete insane climate retards who keep fucking life up for us normal folk. And what have they done now? Why, they hijacked the one minute silence on Remembrance Day, by taking to the Cenotaph and unfurling a banner which read “Honour their sacrifice, Climate Change means war”. There was also a photo dressed in the old DPM Soldier 95/2000 uniform, (disruptive pattern materiel, or camouflage to yo civvies) and an Infantry beret. As protests go, this one was the worst, sickest act of cuntery yet. How dare they trample on our fallen just to get across their deranged plans to combat climate change. And if that guy in the DPM actually had served in the forces, rather than the 1st Battalion Walt Division, he should be fucking ashamed. He’s a disgrace to the uniform, and the men and women who died wearing it. Cunts.

Forgot to mention. Where were plod while this was happening? Why, sat in a car just a few yards away, watching. Well done Met Police. Dereliction of your duty once again.

Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw

131 thoughts on “Extinction Rebellion [9]

  1. I think every single one of these entitled soap dodging cunts should be shot for such disgraceful antics.

    As for the Met Plod? Handy when shoving a bagpiper over on Remembrance Sunday, but they won’t deal with these rotten fucking filth like BLM, Antifa, Extinction Rebellion, or scum that deface national monuments.

    A fucking laughing stock and not fit for purpose. I spit on Cressida Dildo!

    • That’s a perfect example Norm. The protect the anti establishment yet attack those that have served the establishment. Makes you wonder who’s in charge.

      • We need a repeat of the 1990 Poll Tax riots. Not crappy Mickey Mouse organisations and cunts with an agenda. But the real people finally having enough and taking on the bastards, and that includes the fucking Met, Antifa, BLM, XR, the fucking lot. Social media moaning and petitions count for nothing. 31st March 1990 revisited is the only way it could be done, They are not going to listen to anything else.

      • Norman@
        I was at the poll tax riot down in London, the police shit it big time.
        Never seen anything like it,
        Posh cars getting trashed, windows going through,
        And the coppers running!!
        Made them listen though!
        Petitions dont work,
        But show of strenth and violence are proven to work.

      • Violence never solves anything.

        Your establishment (that successfully eviscerated millions in unjust wars, engineered conflicts, and makes weapons for tinpot dictators and Saudis.)

        The public doesn’t riot enough quite frankly, and the establishment have grown too comfy. A little reminder now and then would have done wonders.

      • I’ve seen nowt a bayonet charge wouldn’t cure permanently in one minute flat.
        Squirming rats.

  2. As much as I detest the morons at extinction oblivion I hate the old bill from the bottom of my soul much more for letting it happen.

    • Seconded, I’d fully endorse total mayhem ftom BLM/XR if it meant the met getting a fucking good kicking.
      Then send in the real forces to deal with the scrotes once the fat desk jockey cunts have been sorted.
      The establishments private security firm, that’s all they are.

  3. The Met are a bunch of cunts. In gore these soap dodging swampy cunts Abdullah the BLM tree stingers but beat up vetran pipers trying to honour the fallen heroes. We need a white revolution.

    • Warms the cockles of my heart, watching that, Jack, every time. Fills me with hope that the gloves will come off and a fine, injury inducing panelling will ensue every time these self-righteous cunts rear their smelly, unwanted heads.

    • I saw this earlier, utter disgrace.
      Who decided to let this happen and to allow them to desecrate the cenotaph ??
      Ive gone from respecting the police to despising them.
      As PR drives go its a massive home goal.

      • Saw this earlier, utter disgrace.
        Whoever sanctioned this scored a PR home goal.
        Ive gone from respecting the police to despising them.

    • It’s the best (well one of the best) videos on you tube, fucking British transport police sit back and do fuck all, i just hope the guy who climbed up to kick the XR twat of the train didn’t end up in court.

      For the cunts who glue themselves to windows and doors, the message should be ‘do that and you are going to loose skin’


      • They ought to remove the door or window from whatever it was in, send the cunt on its way still attached to it, then bill said cunt for the full cost of replacement. I’d love to see some hypocritical fucker trying to get into its Range Rover whilst attached to a tube carriage door.

      • I would agree but the screams of the cunts being ripped from the door/window would be priceless.

        I would pay to see it ?

      • If you watch the vid, the soapdodging cunt viciously kicks the commuter first.

        For that alone, the cunt well and truly deserved to have his scruffy arse dragged off that tube and seven bells of shyte kicked out of his scrawny orchestras.

  4. Being a decent, law abiding tax payer I actually used to respect and admire the police. Not any more. Fucking traitorous scum the lot of em….. they’ll fall to their knees for blm chimp-outs, dance like f@gs for pride parades and get down with the hippies at climate tantrums, but if a working class englishman or veteran lets out so much as a whisper of complaint, out come the batons and riot shields.
    And the less said about the muzzie rape gangs which they protected and supported the better….
    Fuck the police.
    I hope one day they’ll get their turn to be judged. Give em the rope. The hippies too. And blm. And the muzzies….

  5. Set up an exact replicas of Normandy beaches or Iwo Jima, complete with full defensive formations of Wermacht or Imperial Japanese Army, and send the XR fuckers off to see how they get on. Absolutely useless, mindless fucks who do unfavourably when compared to tramp’s shit.

  6. All this “Police beat up innocent Piper” stuff is O.T.T.. He admits to deliberately trying to provoke a reaction and,I must say,seemed to go over very easily for such a big fella.

    What were the Police meant to do? He’d already been told that he’d be allowed through when the official Service was over yet chose to deliberately try to start trouble along with his “all-cameraed-up”. maskless friends.


    • Wasting your time with some the myopic ‘expert types’ on here, Dick. Not impressed with the police’s response, or lack of response, to this, but, it’s the cunts dishing out the orders that need sorting out, starting with the government. I’ll bet my pension if you took the gloves off the police, these fuckers would be banged up, now and so would all the rest of the lefty rabble-rousing cunts. And then we’d have noms, from the usual suspects about ‘Police Brutality’.

      • Evening,DCI.

        I totally agree that The Met. have let themselves down with the likes of this “take-a-knee” shite but they’re damned if they do and damned if they don’t.

        PS…I count this Piper as being just about as disrespectful as E.R….he admits that it was a stunt to publicise his “anti-lockdown” cause…about as much respect as ER using it to publicise their agenda.

      • Evening, Dick.

        As you say, damned if they do, damned if they don’t. I’d pay good money to see how their detractors would act given the same circumstances they so gleefully comment on, after the event. Ask your average copper, well away from the plethora of cunts filming their every move, and ‘nice and quiet, like’, what they think about this kneeling bollocks, XR, their political overlords, etc, and you’d get a different story. I know. I have. Far easier to snipe on social media though.

      • I doubt it mice elf, most are podgy spec wearers who’d struggle to hold a fart in, nevermind a feral scrote. As for orders I don’t imagine they were ordered to grovel in front of rioters but chose to.
        Cowardly fuckers.

      • ….add to the knee taking fuckwittery, the physical assaults against men and women, enacting their legal right to hold peaceful protests.
        The bottom line is this: the police have become attack dogs to aid in suppressing independent reporting of everything Covid related.

    • Should add that this “Piper” had so little respect for the Rememberance Service that he thought using it to push his “anti-lockdown” agenda was acceptable.

      Real respect there for The Fallen.

    • Start a little debate. I hesitate…but isn’t there a little too much ‘Rememberance’?
      I don’t know these people that go on ‘tours’ to the battlefields. I watched a programme about a group of great nieces and nephews looking for great uncle Bill or whoever who died in the 1st World War. They they were all crying over his suffering and death. I00 years after the fact.
      People looking for something to ’emote’ about?

      It goes without saying XR are absolute Cunts.

      • That doesn’t seem very Christian, Miles.
        Im all for honouring the fallen and family no matter how far removed.
        Not having a dig at you,
        Just surprised is all.

      • Yeah, not allowed to have any emotion about a blood relative dying in miserable circumstances, yet cunts still bleat on about the death of cult leader from 2000 years ago. Go figure.

      • At least this one is not anti-Semitic.

        Perhaps he can contact those in power in Israel and suggest its time to forgive and FORGET the holocaust.

      • I’m the wrong one to ask about that kind of thing,Miles. I have never understood “emoting” and “empathy”.
        I’m not proud (or ashamed) to say that I get more upset over a dog dying than a person…and I don’t even get that bothered about the dog.

        Everyone’s different about death,I guess.

      • Maybe my thought is it’s not Christian enough. The Cenotaph has no Christian symbols on it at all. We remember them but we have forgot what they died for. They died for ‘Christian Civilisation’ in both World Wars.

      • They died so some cunt could disrespect their sacrifices, whilst family members still remember them.

      • I’ve been to the Somme a couple of times. 1st was the 75th Anniversary. It is humbling to see the endless lines of graves and so many say “A soldier of the Great War” which means they just found bits of some poor sod.
        The Theipval memorial has 60,000 names of soldiers with no marked graves and the War Grave Commission headstones show all the religions of the soldiers killed. Truly moving stuff and makes you think of what a sacrifice freedom really is.
        Cunts like EX should be flogged and then boiled in piss for this stunt.

    • Yep, that guy was a dick. He provoked plod and got what he deserved. He was too thick to realise that staging an attack by plod would make him look worse than those he was trying embarrass. What a tartan twat.

  7. Nothing makes sense anymore.

    XR can run through the city spraying cellulose paint all over the shop and the cops just watch from a distance. BLM can trash the place and throw statues in the river and the police just watch from a distance but a peaceful anti-lockdown protest and the cops are cracking skulls and a 140 arrests….


  8. I’m not sure who the the bigger cunts are, these twats, the filth or Cressida Dick. Best add mayor Khan’t to the list. The country is going to hell and the cunts who are supposed to uphold the fucking law sit and watch. Those fucking coppers should be sacked. And Dick, Khan’t and every other libtard bastard. Those fuckers should have had a round or three of rubber bullets right in the soft bits, then taken to the station and hit where it doesn’t show until they collapse. Then jailed for a few years on bread and water. I so wish I was in charge.

  9. Extinction Rebellion if you add some letters and take some others away is actually an anagram of BUNCH OF TOTAL CUNTS

  10. If proof was needed this just shows what a bunch of gobshite shit cunts these middle class tree hugging cunts really are a poor stunt at the very least appalling as for the met police another hopeless response fucking disgrace

  11. Make the tree hugging, soy boy, vegan, library wankers do National Service.
    That’d sort out the men from the boys.
    Most of these cunts wouldn’t last 5 minutes.

  12. If it had been some white protesters vandalising a memorial to St George of the Holy Floyd, they would have been on them like a fly on shit. Probably charged with appropriate hate crime, named and shamed on Twitter and sacked from jobs by tea time.

    • Evening LL,
      To prove you right, BLM posters featuring Lewis Hamilton, Marcus Rashford and Nicola the lezzy boxer have been vandalised in Hertfordshire and the police are fuming!?
      Calling for witnesses,
      Treating it much more seriously than a murder.

      • Excellent stuff, I used to live just down the road from Hitchin, nice to see that some of the good citizens of Hitchin think BLM can fuck off.

        Not that many BAME in Hitchin, what were they thinking having it in a white boys neighbourhood ?

      • Evening Miserable, looking for the elusive ‘far-right’ no doubt. I saw your post above about being at the poll tax riots, if only you could have known what a state the country is in thirty years down the line. Same shit different decade.

  13. Extinction rebellion remind me of those cunty free range children who have never been taught discipline or self control. Always gobby, always after attention and highly likely to take a shit on your front lawn, safe in the knowledge that twatting them will get you arrested.

    Cunts, every last one of them.

    • I caught someone taking a shit on my lawn, they would be spending the next week vomiting, cleaning their teeth constantly and swigging mouthwash.

  14. It does make you wonder what will have to happen before Cressida Dildo is hauled before a House of Commons committee to explain her inaction in so many situations.
    Mind you, I don’t see it happening until the twats in the Commons realise that a general election is looming. Those cunts will sacrifice anyone to keep their snouts in the trough.

  15. What a cunt. Should have been made to dance at the end of a bayonet the disrespectful heap of shit

  16. TT Admin@ – I am having difficulty posting, when I try it bounces me off and I get the message Block Reason: Exceeded the maximum global requests per minute for crawlers or humans – and it bounces me off.
    Any ideas on this?

    Thanks for letting us know VF. I have passed this onto Grand Fromage Admin for analysis/comment – NA

    • Ditto Admin.

      It just happened to me when I tried to post on the BLM page. (Within the last 10 minutes of this post.)

      White Lives Matter
      Armed Resistance
      Never Surrender

      • @Admin

        My post on the BLM page seems to have appeared.

        White Lives Matter
        Armed Resistance
        Never Surrender

  17. Once Greta gets a good fisting she’ll drop all this bollocks and XR will vanish into obscurity.

    “I am not caring about environment now. I just want the cock. Preferably up my ringpiece” she will probably say.

    • Greta will inevitably meet some donkey-rigged buck one day and be plunged hard in all holes.

      Climate change? She won’t give a rat’s turd about that anymore – she will just want to be made airtight.

  18. The thing with the cenotaph will go down like a lead balloon with the general public, if there is one thing in this country that is sacred it’s Remembrance Day, they can piss all over everything else but not that, people will remember.

    Public disorder and criminal damage….. they get away with it,

    The police are totally inept!

  19. To give the police some credit, they took away the XR detritus shortly after they had placed it there.

    As you would typically expect from Jellyfish Johnson, he has condemned the actions of XR as “profoundly disrespectful”.

    Big fucking deal, “Boris the Bold”. If I were PM I would be getting the Westminster lawmakers to draw up legislation to make it illegal to place anything at the cenotaph other than poppies or bona-fide memorials, including any protest material or piss. The police would then have legitimate grounds to arrest the cunts.

    £5,000 fine seems reasonable?

      • Whilst visiting Latvia a couple of years ago I saw their magnificent war memorial in the middle of Riga . It has immaculately turned out soldiers watching over it. Some locals told me that any stag do drunk pissing within 200 metres of it has the shit kicked out of them and gets a prison sentence.
        Mind you Latvia lost 22% of its population in WW2 and were fucked by both Hitler and Stalin .

      • PS , Latvia is a wonderfully illegal immigrant free country; they feel that they have suffered enough.

      • Bring back the stocks, leave them on display for a week with piss and shit running down their legs.

    • So the old bill are now highly paid street cleaners then?
      No surprise there, discarded litter doesn’t fight back.
      I’m opening a bottle, fucked off with this one sided bollocks.

  20. The fucking police are a joke , but a very unfunny one , there bigger cunts than them disgusting soap dodgers , there job is to uphold the law , there only interest on upholding it , is on Twitter , Facebook or Instagram because it’s easy to arrest nobody’s utter , utter cunts

  21. These fucking cunts are cut from the same cloth as BLM…Antifa…Jihadis and every other violent, Brave New World, revolutionary, “social justice” movement.

    The environment is just another deified cause in a string of quasi-religious cults. They exploit it in their quest to violently tear down the old world and remake it in their secular, neo-scientific utopian vision. Anyone who opposes them is the enemy.

    I oppose them.

    White Lives Matter
    Armed Resistance
    Never Surrender

  22. Send in the SAS instead and fill them full of hot lead.Petulant children.Gas them all.Waste of sperm

  23. Well I missed that one, I went down to the local one, 10 of us there were, that included the vicar and verger.
    The memorial is at the cross roads even with 8 of us social distancing was an arse, trying not to get run over on the road by a cyclist or fucking car yet still hear what was going on.
    None of the virtue signalling cunts turned up, (That was pleasant) .
    Went down to sainsburys afterwards to stock up on beer and it was like a fucking riot,
    Extinction Rebellion? bunch of cunts they are, same twats as stop the war coalition and funded by the same people who put 400 peacekeepers into Kazakhstan yesterday.

  24. The hierarchy and ethos of the Met. are not fit for purpose.
    If you had a poll as to what kind of policeman people wanted, I think it highly likely that the top three would be.
    Jack Regan
    Gene Hunt
    Harry Callaghan

    They’d do for me .
    Good evening.

      • I have to say I miss those days, I was recently detained by HM Constabulary as a witness, but it was a little touch and go because I had been nasty to the plaintiff.
        Not an ash tray in sight! I was rather expecting a pack of 20 slid across the table and a nice chat.
        Not to be escorted through three barriers and made to stand in the corner of the car park and smoke my own.
        Now fair play we all went in at about 23hrs and me and the mrs were out at 03. hrs, but fuck me we were the victims.
        (drunk driver tried to take us out and I may have infringed on his human rights when I took his keys and dragged him out the car)

  25. Nothing on radio four news about it. They know it’s best not to shine a light on it, as it will not go down well. Cunts.

  26. They have made their point if you are all outraged. They are just meaningless cheesy fucks if ignored. Not one of the “outraged” gave the cunts a thumping at the time it seems and alas we do not have a police force like the frogs who would have been straight in there with battons and CS gas.

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