It may not have escaped the attention of cunters that there is currently a lot of activity around the ownership of certain God forsaken arse end islands, mainly French, dotted across the South Seas. Even old Blighty has received rumblings of discontent if not blatant insurrection from former staunch and well bribed members of the Commonwealth such as the Maldives, Jamaica and Barbados. So wazzup bro?
Chests o’gold me hearties , treasure beyond imagining cuz, and all down to ownership of a piss hole island and better yet a chain of islands that all come with miles of undersea territory per island with mineral rights attached. Uncle Rasta’s biggest score ever and all legit. Cousin Jonny Frog is on a mega score as well because the cunts still retain vast numbers of pissoirs or island colonies on the quiet despite being a lead member of the EU.
How so? In 1945 the all conquering Yanks pioneered the idea of owning oceans by promoting the theory of extended continental shelf of submerged landmass – claiming a continent did not end at the shoreline but ownership by a nation extended into the ocean. Prior to this, countries could only lay claim to the land extending 22 nautical miles (22km) from land’s end.
Over 40 percent of the world’s oceans have already been assigned to legal continental shelves, i.e. a land mass extended from the continent itself to the continental margin which is between the shoreline and the shelf break (where land slopes further into the water). Claims on expanded geological continental shelves make up another 10 percent of the ocean – a process riddled with loopholes and Froggy fraud. It is now projected that around 57 percent of the oceans will eventually be under the control of coastal states.
As new discoveries of oil and gas continue to fuel greed to claim sole rights to the ocean bed, bent geologists are used squabble over competing undersea land grabs. Trust The Science. We all know about that one.
Thus I give you Elie Jarmache above, a central casting Froggie cunt with a typical line in smirks, eye rolling, contemptuous sneers, shrugs , arm semaphores and garlic breath. The cunt fronts the French Maritime Law Commission tasked with carving up the Maritime Zones of the World for the benefit of La Belle France.
“Science is decisive for expanding the continental shelf, because all the petitions are based on science. Geological data, seismic data, scientific studies. Everything depends on this information. You can’t go to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf and say, ‘I am a member of the Security Council and want to expand my country’s continental shelf.’ That’s not how it works. Politics has no place here.”
While you laugh that one off, unfortunately poor old Blighty has gone asleep at the wheel rather over the murky doings beneath the sea. A veritable undersea land grab and hoovering of mineral rights, territorial rights, oil rights, gas and sand. Sand? Sand is the new gold in a world of concrete and rapidly depleting reserves and vanishing beaches.
Where does that leave us in our Post Brexit New Nationhood? Back of the queue Blighty as usual.
Nominated by: Sir Limply Stoke
His name sounds like a French shop that sell jam jars.
His surname is French for “jam-rag”-sister Dolly can explain that one to you ?.
His surname is therefore very. Or as he is without doubt “Un grande cunt”.
Ellies a girls name.
French puff.
Good lord, CG! I’m not sure I can eat any puddings with jam for a while after discovering that.
How about we swap half our fish for half of the Froggies’ mineral rights.
The Frogs not only still have several islands dotted around the world, they have French Guiana on the South American mainland which is a sizeable country.
British Guyana ( just Guyana now ) got independence in 1966.
Colonialism is very frowned upon these days so I’m not quite sure how the Frogs get away with this is this day and age?
Bet there isn’t BLM in France either to push the colonial bollocks. I respect the Frence they always put themselves first not like the leftist woke scum in this cuntry.
That is a point Harry, time we did the same. Fuck him fuck the French fuck the socialist republic of woke German cunts. Tell them to fuck off or we will deport Flatbot Steptoe and jones. If that doesn’t work nuke em.
The French get away with colonialism by not being British.
We get mentioned in the same breath as the Third Reich…
Me too Harry.
Cunts they most certainly are, but they know how to set fire to farmyard animals, set up roadblocks and have a bloody good strike when they get pissed off.
The froggy riot police are very good at explaining the law to mobs. I only wish we did the same.
It’s difficult to get your message across when you’re on your knees.
Well that would depend on the message Moggie, if,for instance, you wanted to spell out “I am a supplicant twat who avoids the gritty reality of my profession by groveling to rioters” then I think our rozzers do a particularly splendid job.
If,on the other hand you want to reassure the public that your presence and command of the situation is there to protect them and their property, then our little boys in blue are particularly shite.
Good point. I was thinking along the lines of pretending to be an effective force for law and order, but that’s never going to happen.
It’s only surprising the Germans haven’t arrived there before the French. The sausage eaters always wanted their “place in the sun” and now they can take their “place underwater” the cunts.
Related-I see Macron is planning large off shore wind farms-smacks of toys-our-of-pram over fishing rights.
The stinky, garlic snail eating, surrender monkey.
Going off nom briefly I’ve noticed that Saint Marcus of Rashford wants to launch a kiddies book club.
Didn’t know he could read to be honest.
I wonder if “The story of little black sambo” will be on the reading list?
(For the record, the erstwhile Mr Robin Bastard has already created a nom on this very subject. Which I will take a look at once I’ve drank these remaining few cans and finished off with Pornhub – DA)
@Day Admin:
Cans of lager and pornhub for afternoon tiffin.
You truly are a role model for today’s aspiring young cunter ???
That little cunt, Rasher will look even more of a twat when Edison Cavani shows him how it’s done. The old boy will play a million times better than Rashford, even if he had a blindfold on.
The tin foil hatters were right all along.
Something is going daaahn.
We are now being arrested for not walking fast enough….what a country….
Cunts useless cunts would they try that to a BAME blm or peaceful.. Oh no sir fucking traitorous cunts..
And then the cunts have the nerve to ask the public for help in any ‘crimes’ they are investigating. I say they can fuck off.
JR, that random voice in the video, “I’ve lost my hat”. You what?
That tubby little ginger dwarf of a Blue Rubbish lost its hat in the brave action of half a dozen of the slackers taking down one bloke who wasn`t exactly Osama Bin Laden. Still, beats real work like catching criminals.
Ive got to say, some of the nom’s on this site are absolutely terrificly informative! I have learned yet another amazing information from today’s nom ( and thank you Sir Limply )
I can honestly say…”.I never knew that “
terrifically. ( damned keys )
Creepy cunt and three Hail Marys. French Colonialism is a bit of a bugbear of mine. Further posts to come now you ask. England’s EU creeps kept stumm about the issue in order to be allowed to join the EU and not be brought to task about our own few colonies. You scratch my back ect ect puke puke. The Frogs have large teritories in North Africa (source of uranium for their nuclear industries) as well as Pacific island paradises plus plus. They invented the concept of the “colonial tax” wherebye territories administered by the frogs also have to pay a tax for the privilege.