
I’m going to cunt Cut….
Who? You may ask, well I’d never heard of them either until they made a YouTube video that starts “so what exactly are Whites superior at?”

How “talking about their cats” relates to the question is beyond me, but it gets better… I thought that the “white peepo don spice dey foo” was just a meme… apparently not.
It goes on. Watch it if you want, I warn you though… I’ve seen alot of cuntitude this year, but this is piss boiling to a new level.
Fun is white supremacy.
Playing the victim is a white thing apparently.
I can’t even scratch the surface in a cunting so watch it, but BE WARNED. This is 2020 level cuntitude times 100.

I have no problem with people asking questions. I have no problems with people asking questions about race. I do have a problem with low IQ morons having dumb conversations with themselves just to shit all over whitey. Don’t get me wrong, I’m racist so I can’t have a go at those that are too, but at least be objective and factual about it.
Why not get Mark Collett on your video and ask him the question?
Or why don’t you turn on the comments on your video? so we can all give an answer to the question “so what exactly are Whites superior at?”

Guess I’ll just have to comment on ISAC instead…

Well where do I start….
We’re better at building civilizations than you, obviously, or you wouldn’t be here.
We’re better at medicine, science, literature and art.
We’re far superior to Africans in the field of architecture. Those mud huts are nice but give me the Palace of versailles any day.
We’re better at education, systems of government, economics and war.

We went to the fucking moon.

That answer your question you bunch of race baiting morons?

There’s a moral to this story….
Don’t ask a question if you don’t want the answer.


Nominated by: Deploy the Sausage

61 thoughts on “Cut

  1. You’re damn right we are better at war.

    Remember Rorke’s Drift? 150 white British soldiers. 4,000 fuzzy wuzzies. And the darkies lost. They came looking for an ass kicking from whitey and jolly well got one

  2. Negracity in action.
    They benefit from the white races superior intelligence, creativity, compassion and generosity.
    The fact the above is true is one of the reasons so many have a huge chip on their shoulder.
    The simple answer that was true in 1960 is just as true today:
    If you don’t like white western civilisation and resent the privileged position you find yourself in, living amongst us, feel free to return to your black homeland.

    A much easier question to answer would be:

    What are blacks superior at?
    Answer: very, very little.

  3. Antibiotics
    The internal combustion engine
    Written language
    Invention of pretty much everything.
    Right bastards arent we?
    If I was them Id stay well away!
    People like us could be dangerous if pushed to hard!

    Good nom Sausage!??

  4. Go on youtube and look at “food deserts America”. See if you can spot the common factor.

    That said, I have no idea what white people are good at. Me for example. I am a monumental cunt and am capable of nothing except making this screamingly apparent to anybody who has the misfortune to run into me.

    I’m sure you cunts can confirm this.

    I have the spectacular bad luck to live in a n*gger desert so there’s no hope of me ever having any shining examples of intelligence, integrity and intellect to show me the way.

    Hoe is me!!

  5. If 90s Rwanda is anything to go by, they are pretty good at genocide. They managed to murder over half a million people in about three months, mainly with machetes and rifles. That kind of death toll in that amount of time makes Hitler’s highly efficient industrial scale genocide during WW2 look amateurish.
    In the same three months in Rwanda, there were approximately half a million rapes, again comparably more than Stalin’s forces committed in its assault on Germany in 1945.
    Food for thought.

    • Which reminds me – democracy. Rwanda’s Paul Kagame, president-for-life on the basis of rigged elections and looking at at least thirty years in power despite being a war criminal, please copy.

  6. Off the top of my head :
    Dog ownership (hounds not baby mothers).
    Abolishing slavery.
    Haircuts over topiary.

  7. Blacks are better at quick thinking,rapping being a good example. Yellows have higher IQs but have a 5000 year old civilisation that always becomes static and collapses. Whites have a far better ability at invention, having spent thousands of years in the cold (and in my view having mated with neanderthals). Covid vaccines will never be invented in sub saharan Africa. Nothing will ever be invented in sub saharan Africa.

  8. Our local Wilko is all out of mind bleach at present so I will not be watching the video, apologies Deploy. Thank you for having the selfless courage to watch it and tell us about it.

    • It’s a load of vacuous, self obsessed wank and as mentioned previously, the spades didn’t even invent spades. A pointy stick and a pile of clay ‘n’ cow shit houses don’t empirical legacy make.
      Their textile industry goes from strength to strength though, judging by the amount of football and sports tops they wear so not all is lost.

  9. Good cunting DtS.

    The quick and simple answer is we are superior at everything, because we invented everything.
    Well, nearly everything if you disregard a sharpened stick for throwing at food, and another, smaller stick for digging out termites to eat….and Jenkem. That’s it, the entire back catalogue of black inventions

    I’m not about to take criticism from a backward race of savages that hadn’t even invented the wheel or a reliable means of starting fire when we stumbled upon them 600 years ago.

  10. What are whites superior at? Any examples?
    Well there’s…

    Van Gogh
    Kingdom Brunel
    Logie Baird
    James Hargreaves
    Lumiere Brothers
    Lennon & McCartney
    Laurel & Hardy
    Bobby Charlton
    Bill Shankly
    Chuck Jones
    Buster Keaton
    Monty Python
    Michael Caine
    The Who
    Scott Walker
    Kate Bush
    David Lean
    David Bowie
    George Best
    Eddie Van Halen (RIP)
    Led Zeppelin

    Well, there’s all that lot above, and that’s only for starters.
    Fuck off, you arrogant clack bunts.

  11. “white peepo don spice dey foo”

    Speaking as a very white person, I strongly beg to differ. Chilli powder is a staple ingredient in the majority of my recipes. And virtually every other white person I know enjoys a curry (vindaloo, me) every now and again (not MNC, obviously).

    Tonight we’re having beef mince masala and mashed potatoes. Spices include: paprika, chilli powder, tandoori masala, garam masala, ground black pepper, Lea & Perrins sauce and salt.

    Cut can go fuck themselves.

      • I love spicy food, but you can shove that jerk shit where the sun doesn’t shine. It tastes like fucking dirt.
        Curried goat can get fucked too. They probably overdo the spice to mask the shit, bland as fuck cooking.

    • I recon they only think that because the only “whyt peepo foo” they get is prison food, which presumably just consists of boiled cabbage and reject aids chicken…

    • Worked in London in the early 90’s, my usual lunch was a couple cheese&tomato sandwiches, one of those glass Libby’s tomato juice things and a bottle of Encona hot pepper sauce.
      About half the bottle of the Encona went into the Libby’s, and about a quarter on the sandwiches.

      It used to freak the fuck out of one of my workmates, an Antiguan, so he brought in a jar of a family recipe hot sauce on the basis of ‘let’s see him handle this then…’. As it was pretty thick, I could only spread a layer of the stuff over the sandwiches…quite nice it was too, spicy with a pleasant burn…his face was a picture, seemingly I’d spread about three times the amount they’d use in a large stew on each sandwich.

      It was amusing that my two favourite chippies used to keep a bottle of the Encona handy for me, more amusing was watching the faces of the schwarzer customers in the one in Sarth London as it was produced from behind the counter without asking and I lIberally doused my chips and Jamaican patties in the stuff, for I am one of those who contrive to develop a tan if overly exposed to strong LED lighting……

      Dare I mention another old workmate who spent decades working in South America and who’d munch on things like Scotch Bonnets as if they were sweets?, and he was Somerset born and bred.

      So no, us honkies can’t handle spicy food, we’ve not been eating curries since the days of the Raj, the medieval recipies and their use of a fucktonnage of spices are mere figments of our imagination..

      Ghost Peppers and Carolina Reapers rule.

  12. Feeling sorry for yourself and blaming others for your perceived deprivation will ensure that you stay in that position permanently.

  13. I shall sum it up for you. The ‘Beeb’ cunts and other likeminded arselickers have been yapping on about ‘Black British History’.

    Black British History? I can name only three people of significance.

    Trevor McDonald – First black newsreader on TV.

    Viv Anderson – First black player capped by England.

    Shirley Bassey – First black singer to do a Bond theme.

    Any more? Nope. Fuck all.

    • xxx

      Sorry Norm-Trevor was born in San Fernando, Trinidad & Tobago, so as British as Piri Piri Sauce.

      • Fair enough, CG.
        Replace ‘Sir’ Trev with Sweet Sensation. First black British group to have a US and UK No. 1 with ‘Sad Sweet Dreamer’.

        Moss Side lads, no less.

      • Dennis Walker – First black Man United player.

        Remi Moses – Toughest black United player.

        Paul McGrath – Best black United player.

        Paul Ince – Most gobby/chippy black United player.

        Andy ‘Andrew’ Cole – Most miserable black United player.

        Anderson – Fattest black United player.

        Eric Djemba Djemba – Worst black United player.

  14. Making a you tube video ……

    Claim to fame of CUT, asking a stupid question, the American black population need to look at their history they are love to bring up at any opportunity.

    They were Slaves to White people!


  15. So, our dark-key cousins have done exactly what for the world? Apart from thievery and sexual offences?

  16. Internet in Africa
    AK47s used in Africa
    Motor vehicles used in Africa
    Cure for small pox used in Africa
    Anti malaria drugs used in Africa
    Treatments for sickle cell used in Africa

    What did we get from Cunting Africa Architects who build fuck all, but very good at designing drug deals and stabbing people…..

  17. The CUnT video lasts less than 5 minutes. Kenneth Clarke’s “Civilisation” which only scraped the surface of the achievements of Western Civilisation, was 13 x 1 hour episodes. When our BAME friends can equal that, we may start to take notice.

    • Equally, I don’t think there were many references to blacks in J. J. Bronowski’s seminal work, “The Ascent of Man”.

  18. Go to YouTube and watch a recent video with the head of BLM UK (and pals) vs a scouse nationalist called ‘Charlie Big Potatoes’.

    Quite revealing in many ways, no matter what you think of all of them. The mask certainly slipped, which is what the nationalist was probably aiming for, the crafty fucker. The ‘evil racist’ wasn’t racist or nasty. ‘The goodies’ couldn’t wait to put his race down and shout him down whenever he tried to speak (or make valid and truthful points).

    And this is the best the dark keys have?

    Jesus wept.

    • Ha ha yea that was good…. can’t hear much of it because of the music on this clip but I remember watching the stream a while ago.
      Is that the same she-boon that said she wanted to enslave white people?
      Ha ha try it bitch….

      This has to be one of my favourites….
      Mark collett vs ghazi…. he just calls the cunt out, no pandering, no sugar coating, no fucks given.

      • The Charlie stream I’m taking about is a new one by all accounts from a few days ago. Yeah, I saw the Ghazi one.

        Thickest cunt I’ve ever seen on the internet. Incredible.

  19. So much for diversity is our strength then. Seems the old multicultural bollocks is fucked as well. The country seems to be fragmenting nicely. Seems the choice for many is take a knee or Alan’s snack bar. After all the shite I was fed at school re North Sea oil and gas, how science would make everything wonderful, flying cars and so on today’s crime, stabathon, woke shite, mass useless immigration, cuntish politicians the list is endless is it not? Is a real disappointment as I approach my dotage. Bastard!!!

  20. Can’t bring myself to watch it, an excellent cunting thou.
    Whites really should be embarrassed for having the nerve to invent everything and drag ourselves out of the mud huts and caves the world used to live in, and after all that, these twats have the audacity to take advantage of it all and then tell us it’s our fault they couldn’t be arsed or assemble the collective brain power to come up with fucking anything (rapping, stabbing, shooting, breeding, walking around with their tits out whilst holding 3 kids and shitting against trees, aside that is). I’d take the lot off them see how they like it! Reminds me of the time I threw this rancid vegan out of my car and made her walk in the rain, told her if she was so principled and intent on pointing out the error of everyone’s (who wasn’t a vegan) ways, then she wouldn’t want to sit on my leather seats. Twat!

  21. Ah, but what are the ‘Bur-lacks’ superior at?
    As the Bad News song ‘Warriors of Ghengis Khan’ goes….


  22. Everything including dragging them out of trees century`s ago…Can you imagine the planet without white people we wouldn`t be on the internet talking about it that is for sure unless you could do it with drums.

  23. Can you imagine what would happen if that was white people whinging about black people? YouTube would remove the video immediately, and the police would probably be involved.
    Its hate speech, pure and simple.

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