This is a mystic meg type nom, because it hasnt happened yet.
Brexit negotiations are nearly out of time,
That nice mr Barnier is pushing for fishing quotas to be reviewed every 10years,
Emanuel Microbe is demanding access to UK fishing waters.
British fishermen were at the heart of the fight for Brexit,
Their industry has been suffering for years.
I respect fishermen, a dangerous job,
And I want them to be the only ones fishing our shores.
What Im cunting is Boris & co selling them out, and he will,
Hes fuckin poison !
Hes not said anything about our fishing industry an thats fishy in its own right.
The only time a tory minister goes near a trawler is in the hope of sucking a fisherman’s friend.
Not betrayed them yet, but like Michael J Fox ive seen the future and Boris sticks up his fish fingers at our fishing industry.
Nominated by: Miserable Northern Cunt
…and talking of fishy French froggy cunts, here’s one from W. C. Boggs
The EU
The fascist cunts are well up for another cunting. After their blackmail, their tantrums, not least from the oldest but smallest toddler on the plant, Macron, and their obscene demands for money then more money, to add insult to injury they are now “demanding” a review in ten years time:
Every time I see that wankstain Barnier mincing round in his fucking daft EU face mask, I see some minor petty Nazi officer swaggering round displaying his swaztika, which is exactly what the EU trade mark is to Britain. Fuck the lot of the conniving self serving, corrupt cunts.
Do the “negotiations” really matter? If they just send their boats to take our fish what the fuck are we going to do about it?
We can’t even stop thousands of criminals and scroungers coming over in fucking rubber dinghies. The EU are the bully boys and the Jellyfish gives up his lunch money every day but still gets his arse kicked on the way home.
Britain will have a fishing industry, one that will be the envy of the world.
After spending 2.5 Billion (sterling) on setting up and running a Quango, to review the future of our fishing industry, the think tank, headed by family friends of cabinet ministers, traversed the globe, researching all the fishing communities they felt were relevant, for two years.
Staying in local 4 & 5 star hotels, they sampled local ocean based cuisines and interacted closely with local fishing communities and specifically “Fisher-persons”, (mostly females aged 18-25).
After a two year exhaustive study, the report was presented to Boris and co and the conclusions dissected.
A plan had now been formulated and will be implemented:
The estate of the late Jack Charlton, more specifically his lovely collection of fly, course and sea fishing gear is to be purchased, along with French day boat “le Cunt”, day trips to be run out of Grimsby-our industry saved. Hooray
We should have told them to fuck off years ago.
2016 seems about right.
Bolshevik cunts.
A copper-bottomed guarantee:
The Jellyfish will cave into EU demands. I wonder if the bookies are running good odds on this?
Do you really think that a spineless,opportunistic Sack of Shite like Johnson will think twice about caving in over fishing? The only plan that the Cunt seems capable of sticking to is bankrupting the entire Country while enriching his cronies..he’s fucking steadfast in that.
After negotiations we still won’t have a fishing industry…so what?…we won’t have any other industries either.
Any fishing quota that the EU kindly allow us after the inevitable surrender will be quickly given to some hastily set-up Company owned by the wife of a Cabinet Minister who will quickly sell it off while still using taxpayer’s money to have built (abroad) a “trawler” that outblings that floating “pick a pocket or two” Cunt,Philip Green’s luxury yacht.
PS…nasty mistake….should have remembered the “SIR” before Green’s name…hate to not be respectful to such a fine,upstanding Pillar of the Community.
PPS…Johnson is a fucking Cunt too.
Did you mean: “cur Philip Green?”
Friend of Richard Carling, friend of “Lord” Levy, co-financier of Tony Blair? BHS Pension fund magician, about to see Arcadia crash and burn too? Cunt?
I’m sure you didn’t, Dick. I’m sue you meant shady “Lady” Green, who handles the offshore accounts.
Guilty as charged…my apologies to Sir Philip..a man who has delivered such selfless Service to this Country.
If only we had a few more like him.
“Guilty as charged”…the words Sir Philip should be hearing as he stands in the dock at The Old Bailey.
Gove and Gunga Din are pushing for a deal so that’s what will happen.
That fat spineless cunt in No10 will oblige them, Gunga Din is 9/4 to be next tory leader.
How have we sunk so low ? A punkawallah running our country, I despair.
I should have added that under what the French are proposing we’d be entitled to 18% of the fish caught in our waters.
They getting the rest.
Tell the cunts to fuck off or you’ll blow the fuckers out of the water. Litter the seabed with their scumbuckets until either they get the message or every French fishing boat has been sunk. Fuck sake Britain grow a pair
“Blow the fuckers out of the water”….what with?…our Navy is far too busy rescuing sinking Sandw@gs to worry about protecting British interests.
We couldn’t blow the bubbles off a plastic duck in a bathtub.
True, as an antipodean I’m malingering under a misconception that British military daring-do is alive and kicking, but have not really seen much since 1982. But by fuck we cheered then.
WTF do we have our 2 brand spanking new aircraft carriers for, if it is not to fight the French? Put one at either end of the channel, send up the F-35s and tell the French if they want our fish come and get them. They can also use them to prevent any blocking of Calais by French fishermen, you can see that coming.
The aircraft carriers mean we can ship them over by the thousand rather than the dozen. Planes would just take up valuable sandw@g space.
Morning,Cunt Man
It won’t be a “punkawallah” running the Country…it’ll be the same bunch of dodgy “Big Businesses” and “Born to Govern” civil servants that run it now.
At least Gove has some family connection with the Aberdeen fish business. Trouble is that his priority is being nice to Boris in order not to be a backbencher.
Morning all. Pantomime villain Mike Ashley has offered Phil Greed £50 million to save a collapse of his high street empire and try to save 13000 jobs. Phil Greed is sat on his £100 million yacht scoffing at it and laughing it off as ridiculous. What a filthy dirty pervert, 4×2 cunt. Sell your yacht then Phil and do something decent for once. I still maintain Boris and co, even Trump are puppets for a higher order and these decisions being or not being made are setting us up for the great reset and global governance.
I’ve wondered before about Ashley buying up all these retail chains…surely the traditional High Street is dead?..Amazon etc.
All I can think is that he plans to shut them all down and convert the properties into housing for the Enrichers.
Either Ashley knows something we all don’t or he is set to fall too. Hopefully he’ll sell his football club to the Arabs very soon, and cheer up the Geordie Republic once the crooked Premier league have been dragged through the courts and knocked down a few pegs and Richard Masters is looking for a new job.
I’m not so sure about this “Promised Land” of Arab owners.
Whether you like Ashley or not,he saved NUFC..they were effectively bankrupt when he took over. He has made mistakes but he has also turned them into a Club that lives within it’s means and (Covid-effect notwithstanding) capable of surviving without vast handouts from some group of Arabs who may quickly lose interest.
If Newcastle can’t compete with the price paid by the other Arab Clubs for some over-the-hill foeign mercenary type player, I can’t say that it’ll break my heart.
Agree 100% Dick, I have no problem with how Ashley has kept the club solvent. I just want them to compete with the best and not be left behind.
i am sure Ashley will fail too. A bit like John Bloom all those years ago with his dodgy washing machines (long before Keith Vaz made them sexy), he is another greedy fucking chancer who will fuck off from Britain the minute his businesses go tits up, and expect us to pay his debts for him.
What a choice for the poor bleeders who work for Acardia – the choice of two pigs as your boss – Ashley or Green. But things might be worse – they could have that thick Oirish joke Michael Ryan
In completely unconnected news, and despite my complete indifference to football:
Ross County 2
Celtic 0
Oh my aching sides. How are the mighty fallen, etc. *snigger*
Torpedo dago and frog boats. Put the blonde bombshell in the tower. Cunts.
Newsletter from Get Britain Out:
The last fortnight has seen the negotiations with the European Union stop and start with very little progress as far as we are being informed. After the EU’s Chief Brexit Negotiator, Michel Barnier, was forced into isolation after one of his staffers tested positive for COVID-19 last week. The negotiations did continue at a lower level, but with Barnier and for some reason Lord Frost also out of the picture, progress has been muted.
However, Barnier seems to have come out of his box a little overexcited. Before setting off to London tonight (November 27th) to recommence negotiations in person with Lord Frost over the weekend, Barnier briefed the EU Member States on the current state of play on the negotiations.
He labelled them ‘complicated’, and claimed the talks had been hindered by the internal problems of the Conservative Party! Well, he’s got to blame someone, hasn’t he? He went on to suggest a Deal is far from being guaranteed and serious divergences remain. He finally stated he wants these talks in London to be the final days of the negotiations and he is arriving with hope, not expectation.
The sheer lack of respect from Barnier is frankly appalling. He has buried his head in the sand for far too long and is washing his hands of any responsibility by blaming the Conservative Party for the lack of progress.
We should not have agreed to restart the talks with false promises of EU compromises as the EU clearly only wanted us to capitulate, and had no intention of realistically agreeing to our perfectly reasonable ‘Red Lines’ on fishing, State Aid and governance.
Just today, Barnier has reportedly offered to return just 15% of the EU’s fishing quota to the UK as part of the Brexit Deal. This derisory offer appears to have been instantly rejected by the Prime Minister – and rightfully so! If Barnier is to return to London to continue the negotiations, he must do so professionally and sensibly. No more pitiful offers.
Boris Johnson should not stand for this. He should order Lord Frost to not give him the time of day and call the EU’s bluff one last time. I am quite sure Barnier would soon come running back – forced to do so by some of the Member States who would be most affected by No Deal – including all the French fishermen who would no longer have ANY right to fish in the UK’s water – instead of coming to a reasonable trade agreement.
However, surprisingly Lord Frost stated today he believes a trade Deal is still possible and is going to ‘welcome’ Barnier to London – as reasons to carry on with the Brexit negotiations run out. I am scratching my head as to why we are still at the table. Perhaps Michel Barnier has decided he likes British food after all!
How Long is Left to Negotiate?
Senior diplomats in Brussels – including those on the European Council – expect a Deal to be wrapped up early next week, with some hopeful Monday (November 30th) will be the day a Deal is agreed.
This is because the Deal will need time to pass through the necessary legislative processes for ratification and be translated into various European languages. This can be an accelerated process in the UK, but in the EU, it will need several weeks.
This new deadline of December 1st will more than likely come and go – just like every other deadline in these negotiations.
This is because the EU Parliament has already booked a virtual plenary session for MEPs on December 28th, 11 days into the long Christmas break MEPs usually enjoy! This means there is certainly more time than anticipated to finalise a Brexit Deal – however, I am amazed and frustrated they do not understand this delay can cause chaos, as how on earth can businesses plan in advance, if a deal is not finalised until close to New Year’s Eve!
However, there is no excuse for this pantomime to carry on like this, while businesses which have been struggling to hang on during the COVID-19 Pandemic are trying to reopen. They have no idea how they will be trading with or without their European customers in the New Year.
Businesses are still crying out for clarity on how they will trade with the EU in the New Year. Progress in the trade talks is going nowhere. Let’s Leave the EU on World Trade Organisation terms and trade with the EU just as we trade with everywhere else around the world.
That Irish cunt Simon Coveney something in the Oirsh Parliament of fools is incensed we will not extend the negotiations beyond Dec 31st, but what the fuck. The EU has known what the cut off date is all this year, yet still we have to put up with Adolf barnier and his stupid threats. We should just walk away go to WTO terms and tell the whole bloody bunch of EU high-ups to go fuck themselves.
Excellent piece.
“Businesses are still crying out for clarity on how they will trade with the EU in the New Year.”
Obviously, in just the same way as they are doing now. At the very least somebody will find a way to extend our membership for another year or so, giving them yet more time to overturn Brexit altogether. Negotiations shouldn’t haven started until we’d left.
Not ‘haven’..have even….
That was the whole point of the transition period: to allow both sides time to negotiate a mutually beneficial trade deal. Instead it’s been used by the usual suspects to ensure that the EU continues to hold the whip hand over the UK.
Re: “Businesses are still crying out for clarity on how they will trade with the EU in the New Year.” The newsletter was sent out just 3 days ago, so fully up to date with the way businesses are feeling now.
Outstanding article RTC. It should be published in a national newspaper.
You can sign up to receive their newsletters here:
Thanks RTC, I’ll take a look, I didn’t know they existed!
Nor me, I’ve signed up.
The complexity of the fisheries dispute is hinted at here:
The allocation of quotas to the majority of UK boats – fishing inshore, under 10m – is criminally unfair, and it’s the UK government that does the allocating. My sympathy is with those boats more than the mega corporates. But then I’ve been there and done that for a bit.
British industry has been sacrificed at the alter of globalism since the end of the war. A combination of political and financial imperatives combined with piss poor management and a work force often not giving a fuck.
This showboating surrounding fishing rights is laughable when we consider what’s been flushed away over the preceding decades. It’s fighting over who gets to make a broth out of the chicken carcass.
Covid has underlined how we are now a service based economy, most of what is made here is manufactured by foreign owned or global companies who’ll close down plants and decimate communities to save a few cents on the dollar in manufacturing costs.
Excuse me if I fail to get excited by the sideshow.
The fishing industry equates to 0.12% of our GDP, employing under 0.1% of the UK workforce, but it is of huge symbolic importance to Brexiteers.
Of greater concern to all must be the ‘Level Playing Field’ i.e. tying of UK government hands from giving state support to British industry and businesses – a lever which the EU insists they must control with their rules and the ECJ.
What a charade this whole fucking thing has been.
Never mind, look on the bright side: the £39 billion golden handshake to the EU looks like peanuts now, compared to the £££billions spaffed up the wall in the name of Covid.
Once we had empires ruled by emperors;
we also had kingdoms ruled by kings.
Now we’ve got countries.
Yes, but the country doesn’t appear to be ruled by anybody, a cunt would be more than welcome.
A subject close to my heart, and a thank you to MNC.
As a boy , our village was a busy fishing community. That community put food on the tables, gave jobs and purpose to the people. The Fishing supplied the Industry and all was well. Our fleet was never huge, but about 14 vessels sailed form the quay, and another 14 from a near neighbor.
Today the Quay at Appledore is empty of working vessels, the fleet has gone. Bideford too! Fleet gone.
Yes, a few individuals still fish to supply the local hotels trade, but that is all.
What has angered me more is this. When we still had boats, they were at the quayside, not allowed to sail because of the “rules” . Our quota was miniscule.
We still had to accept the foreign boats that called in to Appledore to unload fish caught in our waters and to be sold to us. The foreigners had a good and profitable Industry.
No one, none in our Government stood up for our community.
If you know and have visited Appledore, you will see that it now relies on tourism. Our fleet has gone, our ship repairing gone. The Londoners have bought up all the cottages, and the locals squeezed out.
Appledore may not be important, but it should be. It is one of thousands of fishing villages in the UK that has suffered because of the EU
Fishing community treated like crap, a fucking disgrace for years. Sorry bout the language but I’ve had more than a few.
Easy British Waters for British Fishermen??
EU can fuck the hell off and fish in your own waters ?
Don’t sell out the brave fishermen Boris ????
We got past the point of a negotiated deal some time ago. Either side does not wish to appear as the one that pulled the plug.
It’s all about saving face, although Barnier’s face is one I’d like to give a makeover to by trampling it into the dirt.
I cunted Barnier several months ago over this with my first nomination. Nothing seems to have changed and I don’t trust jellyfish to follow though on this. Johnson has proved himself to be a useless cunt on Covid and immigration so why should an oven ready Brexit be any different.
The only reason French boats should be in our waters is to take illegals back to France.
He will capitulate to the EU, of that there is no doubt. I fully expect BRINO or maybe another extension even at this late stage. If we accept things like mask wearing as easily as we did, then what the fuck are are we going to do about it? Fucking nothing! And jellyfish and Co know it. We’ve seen it coming down the tracks for years and done nothing. We are fucked and it pains me to say it. Fucking cunts!
Our waters, our fish – fuckoff Frenchies.
I have lots of friends in Grimsby, Hull etc and the fishing industry is gone – reduced from one of the biggest fleets fishing some of the most rich and diverse waters in the world to day trips taking 8 people out to line catch cod for the price of the fuel.
With our fishing grounds back we can rebuild our fishing industry as well as our ship building industry, they can then be hired cheaply to fishermen for 10 years with an option to buy and we get well paid fishing and boat building work brought back to impoverished areas of the North.
THis is a massive financial opportunity and we cannot thro it away by caving in to cuntsl like Macron and Barnier.
But Boris will.
British seas so its open season. The yellow bellied fuckers in Parliament would rather piss this away than fight for it