‘Holy hooters Batman; you’ve got er…breasts! Are you *gulp* one of those *cough* transexuals now?’
‘You oaf Robin! Ah ain’t no man, ah’m a woman, and these babies ah’m packing into this incredibly tight costume ah all mahn!’
Well it had to happen. The latest Bat-themed caped crusader to maraud around the mean streets of Gotham is *gasp* a woman.
(Box ticked).
Ah, but in the first ‘season’ of the ‘Batwoman’ tv series, Batwoman was, er, white. Now for ‘season’ two, she’s black.
(Box ticked).
She has a new costume, because the production team thought it important *quote* ‘to emphasise that Batwoman is a Black girl’. (her skin colour and hair wouldn’t have been enough to tip the viewer off to that one?).
(Box ticked).
Not finished virtue-signalling yet though. Batwoman is an ‘out an’ proud’ lesbian.
(Box ticked).
Still not finished. Batwoman is played by (wait for it) bisexual actperson Javicia Leslie.
(Box ticked).
Gosh but Hollywood just loves to show off its ‘right on’ credentials these days. Does anybody know when ‘woke’ Batwoman is due to air here? I can’t wait to see how they fake up our heroine parking the Batmobile perfectly.
(Box ticked).
Nominated by: Ron Knee
Batman a chick?
Holy moly!!
A man who wears his underpants outside a leotard and a mask and hangs around with a teenage boy in hotpants and they make him a woman?
They hate his toxic masculinity!!
Surprised hes not black?
Will be soon, defund commissioner Gordon!
Gotham police are racist.
There wont be much action except lezza action she will have her head between wonder womans thighs muff diving.the fucking slag
More box licking than box ticking
Ya beat me too it, PV ✔️
Anyow, I’ve just had some bad news. Tomorrow is the mother in law’s funeral. And she’s cancelled it.
“Box-LICKING Batwoman.”
‘muff said (sic).
Apparently Jim Gordon will be a dark chappie in the new Batman film (the one with that Twilight cunt in it).
That ‘Three Jokers’ looks OK though. Three of the cunts killing people and no woke shit.
Afternoon all.
Apologies if this is a bit of a ‘niche’ cunting, but all this fucking box-ticking in the so-called entertainment industry gives me an actute discomfort in the anal region.
I have seen a few YouTube videos on this very subject Ron, the needless woke box-ticking and pandering to every minority in Gotham. It premiered in the states last year and lost about 60% of its viewership over the series, I think that Rotten Tomatoes also had to reset its scoring rating as it wasn’t scoring high enough for their liking and blamed “Trolls” rather just being a pile of identity driving shite.
Rotten Tomatoes is shite I reckon LL. Their fiddling of the approval rate for Doctor Woke has become the stuff of legend.
Can it be bummed?
Reckon so, if you’re into a fetish scene especially.
Crime trebles as Batbird takes one week out of 4 off to menstruate and cry.
That’s what happens when you chow down on a bowl of Wuhan bat soup, Vernie.
‘Holy Gotham Batwoman! Where are you??’
‘Sorry Commissioner, up on blocks. So’s the Batmobile’.
A batty, BAME dykë Bat-thing fighting woke crime? I’d rather watch Nora Batty.
“Eyy-oop, fire up the curlers Alfred, ah’ve got some criminals t’batter wi’ me broom!”
Not particularly a fan of science fiction, (I am not a virgin living at home still), I was not particularly impressed to see that the New Star Trek lead character is a Black Wimminz called “Michael”.
What next-they will probably have a dark key type portraying one of the Merry Wives of Henry…oh hold on….
That John Boyega would probably do a good Henry V.
‘We few, we happy few, we band o’ bro’s…’
Or this ………
Apologies for going off nom but Trump reported to need 4 more States to reach 270 and a win, massive democ rat voter fraud reported.
Viva Big Don!
Go The Donald!!
Looks like Biden is going to sneak it. If you want cheering up check out Kate Burley getting fucked over by Sebastian Gorka on Shite News.
You can bet your house on there being more than a slight whiff of vote rigging. The globalist cabal will not be giving up without an unfair fight.
As for senile old kid sniffer Biden, he won’t last 4 fucking week let alone years.
They will have to put baby gates on the doors in the white House, to keep kids away from Biden and also to stop th senile cunt from wandering off.
How could anyone vote for someone who can’t spell BIDET ?
Adam West must be spinning in his grave
Batman The Movie – 1966 – still the best Batman film made!
Batcunt, spidercunt and suppercunt 3.
Batman is *absolutely not* a h0mosexual pæd0phile:
Superman too, apparently.
Robin is saying “holy jailbait, Batman…look at all the choice’
If the answer is “cock Robin” what’s the question?
“What’s that up my arse Batman”?
Never liked Superman.
Goody goody preaching cunt,
Go back to where you belong!
Fuckin space gyppo.
Always preferred the villians!?
I fear you may be right, Mr Fox:
The dirty bat-bummer!
But they still have their Pajamas on, so nothing untoward happened
“Holy gerbils Batman, throw me that oversized inflatable penis”.
Spiderman is involved too!
Here he is receiving a full-on Barrymoreing:
Poor Spidey.
Youd think a man in a full bodysuit wouldnt get involved in that sort of thing.
Led astray probably?
Hes from New York, and a photographer by day,
J jonah Jamieson finds out hes letting men do that to him he’ll get his P45.
It’s a peephole Spidey suit, MNC. He’s an exhibitionist.
I not judging him Thomas,
We all have our little peccadilloes,
Spideys like me,
He means well but cant fight his compulsion to whip his cock out in a crowd.
Aunt May doesn’t like the end result of Spidey whipping his cock out:
Teenagers will be teenagers.
Aunt may looks like Joe Biden with long hair.
For a mo, I thought Aunt May was going to be Treason…
Hollywood can burn as far as I’m concerned. They haven’t knocked out a decent film in decades. It’s all budget vs projected profits encompassing targeted trending audiences.
Mel Gibson was right with his comments on the Jews ruling and ruining things.
The last Hollywood “films” I merit (along with all it’s vapid liberal stars) were Magnolia, American Beauty, and Se7en. That’s a long time ago now sadly.
Stavros, I liked American Beauty too.
Whatever became of that nice, wholesome mr Spacey??
Lazing somewhere sunny with a young male oriented staff I’d guess. ?
Character wise his best work was far from nice, wholesome. Playing himself methinks, as the good ones who get credit tend to do. He got dropped sharpish from Tinseltown and during House of Cards (which was great while he was in it) and hasn’t turned up in anything else.
Despite his off screen fruity shenanigans I still hold him as a fine actor. The Monolgue in Se7en was well written and superbly played. But then I’ve been at odds with everything for some time now.
This shit will crash and burn because it has been concocted a few months ago by gay virtue signallers. Batman, on the other hand, has endured as it has a solid and enduring fanbase passed father to son over the best part of a century. The mythology has been burnished from month to month from cents and pennies of precious pocket money spent on comics. Batman (or is it The Batman?) has a straight-forward moral code that enshrines core western values/qualities of decency, humour, and good necessarily triumphing over evil. These are concepts entirely lost on libtard apologists for every kind of perversity and injustice. Fuck off, wankers.
Bring back the gay Daleks.
Utility belt….
Eye Shadow
Tena Pads
Night cream
Vanity mirror
+ Lawyer. Just in case her anaemic Kung Foo and high tech tricks fail.
So batman is now portrayed by a split arse. Just imagine the telephone call, Commissioner to Batwoman, “batwoman, the joker is reaking havoc in Gotham City, we need your help. Sorry Commissioner it’s my time of the month, I’m on rag week can’t help”.
I wonder if George Clooney watches this shite and thinks “Jesus, and I thought I was a fucking crap Batman”
What a load of utter shite. Brainwashing for kids. Surely no adults watch this fucking hogwash ?
Superheroes my arse. The only reason they were first invented was because the Yanks have virtually next to no history.
Now they’ve been hijacked by the freaks.
Full flamethrower.
Get To Fuck.
I watched this show to see if it was as bad as people say. Its fucking awful. She can’t act to save her life and IMDB ratings tanked.
How the fuck this got greenlighted for a second season is beyond me. Hollywood must love pissing off their audience or maybe they just have no clue about what people want to see.
Go woke go broke……..as they say.
Obviously made with reference to a grossly unrepresented audience quotient such as Yours Truly, viz old fat perverts. Not before time.
Super heroes have been done to death as it is. Woke superheroes are just a big fucking nail in the coffin.
Star Trek’s the same. They can’t just let the characters BE; they’ve got to be queer, or tranny or bi or non-bi or ‘wimmin’ what ever the fuck.
Da da da da da da It’s Blackwoman! The Caped Menstrator and the Toy Boy Wonder in an epic Period battle with Wonderwoman every month in the skies above Gotham City.
However the Halle Berry of a few years back would have been very acceptable. Queue to sniff her bat suit. Holy Love Juice Twatman!
Good lord, Sir Limply! Good evening!
If they have a black batwimminz in the Wayne Manor, Alfred’ll have to hide the car keys to stop them being stolen and also hid the posh cutlery or she’ll shank some mo’fo’ with a silver pie slice before trying to roll a joint, mistaking caviar for resin.
Skank parties at Open Wayne Manor sho’nuf. A pleasure to converse this dark evening while you rake out your boiler TCE.
Bugger me this perfectly reasonable comment goes straight in but me previous mild observation goes into menstruation/moderation.
Evening Sir Limply.
I can’t figure ‘moderation’ out. Just about everything I put up on here goes straight into mod. Don’t know if anyone knows what causes these quirks. There’s a ghost in the machine.
A while back I got so arsed off with soderation that I spent several hours substituting perfectly innocuous words and reposting to find out what was doing it. Well worth doing because it seriously pissed off admin. The Eureka moment came when I removed some quotes from a word and it worked. Admin fixed that in Wordfence which filters out naughties in WordPress the free hosting site that ISAC uses.
All dates back to when a trollcunt tried to fuck up the site by impersonating known cunters and leaving thousands of “toilet” comments. Admin had to rachet up the sensitivity of the anti-troll software which needs regular updating to keep up. Doubtless the cunt is still trying (unless certain parties carried out their promised remedies upon the cunt’s person).
Had great fun at the time but the result is a legacy of buggeration.
@ Sir Limply – your comment that went into moderation at 8:39pm:
“pérverts” is a trigger word.
DC have got even worse coming. They’ve gender and race swapped other characters, such the Flash, Robin, Superman…sorry, the DAUGHTER of Superman, Aquaman etc. These motherfuckers really don’t want to sell product.
Can’t wait for the merchandising and the three hole dolls.
Robyn the Girl Wonder…
Big tits, tight ass and even tighter costume.
I could live with that….
That Wonder Woman bird’s a babe as well.
Aqua man?
He cant be Bame, he’ll drown!
If they really need to change him, use a midget!
Like that little female water midget, shes like a little bullet in the water,its because their heads are more bouyant or something.
Actually, it’s wind, midgets are susceptible to it, because they have bandy legs, their gait acts as a pumping mechanism, drawing in air. When swimming, they can emit the accumulation of air to aid propulsion, a bit like a pulse engine.
That little cunt should have all her medals taken from her, the cheat.
Evening MNC.
Evening all.
Evening Jack, still think its something about the head,
Big bulging forehead like a beluga whale, and think they sing to each other too.
My missus met that aqua midget girl, (no shit) at some award do, wont hear a word against her!
To be fair I enjoyed Time Bandits.
I ever win the lottery im going to buy myself one of those midgets!
I’ll treat you to one too.
Do whatever you want with it,
I’ll use mine as a henchman/sidekick, occasionally take my temper out on it.
Is Mrs Mis vertically challenged then??
With your gigantic stature, that must come in very handy ??
CG, my missus IS tiny!
We are total opposites.
She never swears, I have tourettes.
She always thinks the best of people, I hate them before ive met them.
Shes shy, im extrovert.
It works though!
Like if king kong settled down with Faye wray in domestic bliss.?
They do say opposites attract ?
Must be true as I’m a cunt and she isn’t ?
Are they ever involved in mass strandings in remote coastal locations ?
I’ll probably use mine as a garden ornament / scarecrow for leaflet deliverers and other undesirables. Spray paint it grey and get it to stand on a plinth and emit an increasingly high pitched keening when unwanted visitors approach.
Are they ok in a kennel ? Or would they rather sleep under a hedge ?
Cheers, pal.
Think theyre weather resistant?
Dont let Fiddler near it he’ll hurt it.
Im giving mine a trumpet to formally announce my arrival in the pub.
It will end up stuffed or mounted on a wall in his collection of exotic curios.
How long before we read a BBC report on Calais dinghy raiders arriving in Kent on a flotilla of ex-Team GB Paralympians.
Sounds a bit like Pistol Shrimps. They’ve only got on my radar today, in an article on nuclear fusion. I wouldn’t try peeling one…
Fuck hollywoke
Oh wow cannot wait for this amazing collection of full on woke wonders.
Actually I’d rather wipe my arse with a broken bottle than watch what will be an amazing crock of shite. Will this fucking shitefest ever end.
I’m terribly sorry but I can’t get the image of wrinkly old Biden being spit roasted by Bill Patterson* and Robert Pugh* strangely satisfying.
* The two annoying cunts ( ? deserving of a cunting in their own right) who narrate BBC’s The Repair Shop.
Off-topic, but I’m 99% sure that Trump has won, the MSM and social media are trying to suppress the info until the DNC is 100% certain there’s no possible way they can rig (talk about trying!) or fight this thing, only then will the left concede.
Thanks for the info, Jon.
Viva Big Don!
Fuck Uncle Joe’s Mintballs!
Go on Donald lad!!
Fuck the left!
Looks like Paddy can continue to rest in peace.
Not so Cyril….
Go Big Don. Any old cunt with a wife called Iwankher deserves to be carved into Mt Rockmore among The Greats.
Thats why im here
Thats why im here !
Reply to jondoe
Yeah beleive it
And the sooner they get these lawsuits started to the better
Fuck the woke left and put skeletor biden back in his fucking care home
I agree with you Anna, and have a really difficult time seeing many voting for a hair sniffing freak who not only shows cognitive decline, but also loves to touch girls and women inappropriately.
(voter fraud has been going on) https://twitter.com/JamesOKeefeIII/status/1324174186366074880
Batman 60s series was great. Clever and funny. Havent seen anything since.
The whole Hollywood superfuckingheroes shit is garbage for 10 year olds.
I couldnt give a fuck how many lifters, trannies and kaffirs they put in. It’s shite anyway.
With this version of batman being a woman, it’s fair game that superheroines be male. Wonder woman would be wonder man, She-Ra would be He-Ra etc.
p.s. Eartha Kitt as catwoman. My favourite catwoman.
Oh yes! Memories are flooding back. Off to change me pants.
Eartha was well sexy. Julie Newmar was also a great Catwoman.
Here is the lovely Julie from the Bunny Mag in 1969