I can’t believe I voted for this Monumental cunt. I did so thinking that at last we’d have a resolute strong leader….
And now it seems after being told by his girlfriend that she runs the country and dictates policy he has now announced he’s going to be a more softly softly green Liberal cunt…
Words fucking fail me
Nominated by: IvorBiggun
..and also this, from Cuntstable Cuntbubble
Boris and his ship of fools.
Pandemic raging.
Economy tanking.
No 10 ripped apart by a collection of arseholes.
BLM bullshit overtaking common sense.
National identity under threat from woke revisionist idiots in education, parliament, councils, National fucking Trust and culture.
And what do they come up with?
Thinks. Hmmm. I know, let’s ban the internal combustion engine 10 years early. Never mind the rest. Never mind the practicalities. Destroying the petrochemical industry has to be a winner doesnt it? The hospitality sector will take up the slack. That’ll show the Chinks, Yanks, Indians and Russkis.
Words fucking fail me.
…and another, this time from Lord Helpuss
Financial Times ·
UK set to ban sale of new petrol and diesel cars by 2030.
Can it really be true? Has Boris gone berserk?
Bringing the ban on new petrol and diesel cars forward by a DECADE to 2030? And allowing hybrids for only 5 more years after that.
Could it be anything to do with him wanting to look good at the eco summit?
The implications of this decision will be very far reaching. The manufacturers have only 9 years to transform their production lines. At present they lose money on every electric vehicle they make which is made up by profits from petrol/diesel car sales. Range anxiety remains a huge problem. So is the infrastructure. Where is all that power going to come from?
Fuel tax raises billions in revenue. Electrics pay no road tax. How will the shortfall be made up? Roads have to be maintained whatever type of vehicle use them.
What about the HGVs which dominate our highways? What will they run on?
All this to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. But what will China and India be doing? The UK accounts for only 2% of emissions.
I realise that global warming is a massive threat to the planet. With Trump going nobody can deny this now. I just can’t see how reliance on electricity is going to work.
I’m not a great believer in conspiracies but I have a funny feeling that future governments, Tory or Labour, will do their best to edge motorists away from the internal combustion engine by increasing fuel tax excessively. The more success this has the greater the pressure will be to slap road fund licences on all vehicles. Thus a lot of the financial incentive to go electric will disappear.
Boris may be trying to steal thunder from Greta and the Greens but I fear it is too much much too soon.
And what about the environment? Cobalt and lithium mining is unsustainable. How long will the batteries last and how will they be disposed of?
I like the fact that I can fill up my old Jag in 5 minutes flat and drive as far as I wish. No need to plug in and wait for hours on end. What a bloody waste of time.
…and here’s another one from Lord Helpuss
The bloody greens. Already their spokesman Jonathan Barlett is complaining that 2030 is not good enough. Even a week next Tuesday wouldn’t suit him. He/they demand the removal of ALL cars from the roads. Fossil or electric. (We have a local who rides around in a pedal car – him too?)
And the Queen of Green Caroline Loocuss hasn’t got going yet.
Well it may be ok for these nutters to bike or train anywhere they need to go in the ever-so-gay urban cesspits like Brighton. You can’t park a car there as it is. But what about the rest of us? Take the car away and you take our personal freedom away too.
These are the loony-tunes whom bumbling Boris is trying to appease. They would return mankind to the dark ages – literally. Modern light bulbs are about as bright as a tiny candle.
Go Green and retreat to the first millennium.
I hear Boris is being head hunted by Fray Bentos – the biggest bull-shippers in the West.
If they’re head-hunting Boris, they’re hunting small game.
White Lives Matter
Armed Resistance
Never Surrender
Boris doesn’t give a fuck.
By 2030 he will be in the Lords on £400 a day for turning up.
Pocket money for the daft cunt.
Please rest assured his chauffeured Bentley with be exempt from any unpleasant rules.
All this green crap might get Boris a shag, and it will destroy whats left of the economy, but it will make absolutely no difference to the world C02 emissions. Vote blue get green,vote red get green.Fuck blue,red and green.
Sadly Boris is just another career politician out to increase is own worth. Trump wasn’t perfect but was a breath of fucking fresh air. We are fucked as a nation. Cunt.
Fuck me here is a surprise,not. The AA report a surge in electric cars marooned with flat batteries.
Not that I am supporting this short sighted green revolution, a surge in electric cars with flat batteries has nothing to do with it, and everything to do with the moronic fuckwits who drive them.
They’re no different to the moronic fuckwits who, for years, have been running out of petrol.
Here’s a cracking news article on recovering electric cars
When the manufactures give out range values I assume that is with everything switched off except for the motor, how much does the lights and air con drain from the battery.
Pile of shite unless you are Gemima popping out to the hairdresser or picking up Poppy from prep school.
Vote blue. Get green.
Vote red. Get green.
Vote yellow. Get green.
Vote SNP. Get green.
Is there any point in having an actual Green Party? We’re becoming more and more like a one party state, with the illusion of choice, every week.
And we can be more and more sure of a Brexit stitch-up coming every week as well. Boris only told the people what they wanted to hear to get elected. He’s just another globalist.
Boris is in cloud cuckoo land.Countess Cabbage Brains is running our country.Boris says yes dear.Gas them all.We are stuffed
Unable to rely on Cain and Cummings to tell him what to do Boris the jellyfish traitor decides to destroy an entire industry within a decade so he can get a blowjob from new Prime Minister Princess Nut Nuts.
It will of course be a complete coincidence that clown boy and half the politicians will have shares and vested interests in all the corporations producing the overpriced environmentally destructive electro shite.
By the time this CUNT is finished we will be more worried about if we have a Country left than what we are driving around.
Civil war soon.
What happened to the cunt who said “i’ve only borrowed these votes”? Yes you did and you have no intention of paying them back you bastard.
Does he not understand that remoaners and tree huggers are never going to vote for him no matter how much he appeases them? Either he has been pussy whipped to an even greater degree than HRH Halfwit or he has completely taken leave of his senses.
Sir Nigel, our only hope.
It stuns me that in the middle of businesses going bust, unemployment rising rapidly and the economy on the rocks that Boris and his bunch of freeloading charlatans would announce a fucking revolution.
It shows that the people making decisions are now so far removed from normal everyday life it beggars belief.
I’m doing OK but if my business had been destroyed by these snake oil cunts I would want to see fat overpaid heads in baskets.
I honestly think if they keep pushing and pushing we could see some form of civil strife in the next few months.
Oh and don’t forget, the powers that be Fat Cunt Boris, FuckFart Gove, Hitler Sturgeon and that fat father of a criminal cunt in Wales have got together and are allowing all you plebs out for a few days in December.
Be thankful and give them and their friends more public money.
What a load of bollocks, it’s just another knife in backs of the majority of the population who are just about doing ok, need the car for work and the shopping and days out.
Unless you are lucky enough to have a driveway charging your nice new rip off electric car will be a pain in the neck, queues of cars at large ‘filling stations’ paying fuck knows how much to charge you car (will this be subject to fuel duty).
Petrol is dirt cheap, take off the duty and it is 30/40p a litre, instead of banning these vehicles just put a cap on CO2 emissions and encourage hybrids.
Electric buses and taxis would be great for city centres, no issue with that and look at cutting CO2 in other areas…. like culling half the world population!!
China and India will be pumping out more CO2 in the next year than any reduction by banning petrol cars in the UK for a decade.
Get a grip Boris, cut the emissions by all means but not be fucking everybody over.
Not only will you have to wait in huge queues to ‘charge up’, I have no doubt the cunts will charge those in the queue for ‘parking’ time. I reckon the rich are just showing their true colours – they want the poor off the road. Of course, it’ll be funny when companies go down the toilet because the poor can’t get to their jobs, leaving the rich owners much, much poorer.
Boris is stuffed to the gills with sloppy horseshit. This blithering, wobbly-jowelled, muttering cunt couldn’t give a toss about cobalt mining, increased costs for motorists and pressure put on an already undercapacity grid network.
Grandstanding at its worst as this is something that will affect livelihoods. The cunt knows he has fucked up on Covid so he his turning his skilled hand to this to show he is ahead of the game. What about the major polluters – planes, cruise liners, ferries, etc. Are these all going electric too? Like fuck they will. Penalise the motorist, screw the motorist down. If we didn’t have the population growth in this country as a result of the open border policy then pollution wouldn’t be anywhere near as severe as it is now.
Also start to see the London Boroughs just inside the M25 start to introduce the iniquitous LEZ charges. After that slimy shit Suckdick Khunt pushes the ruinous LEZ scheme to the North and South Circular in October 2021, there is only one way this is going to go – and that is outwards. As if businesses hanging on by their fingertips and commuters (who still have a job) can afford shiny new “low emissions” vehicles.
Politicians need stuffing in Unkle Terry’s oven – 10 at a time.
Most welcome.
10 or 20 at a time.
Til everything sane and tidy again.
The Great Reset/UN SDGs
Come on folks, how obvious does it need to be? This has nothing to do with being Green or his female cockwarmer. The direction of travel is the UN Sustainable Goals.
He is singing from the global governance hymn sheet.
Up next, health passports/DigitalID and the end of cash. You’ll need an ID if you want to use public transport, which those of us who can’t afford a Duracell car will.
Public transport is no fucking use whatsoever unless it goes where you need to be. Which it often doesn’t.
Indeed, Moggie. But you’ll have no choice anyway because all the jobs will concentrate in the urban areas, which is where we’ll all be penned in to.
Unless you’re powerful or wealthy, this is your future.
I live in a city now but the buses still don’t go where I need them to.
Guess it’s a bicycle or one of those shitey electric scooters for you then!
I’ll try my hand at carjacking. After blacking up, of course.
Spot on BCC. New world order creating war and chaos.
I looked into an electric car a few years back, the costs were huge and when the slimy cunt in the garage started on about if I wanted to hire or buy the battery I lost all interest.
Hire or buy the fucking battery? I shit you not.
I can see it now. Monday morning and tens of thousands of workers ringing in to work saying they will be late as they forgot to switch the power on last night and they have to wait 4 hours to charge up their car.
Fucking genius.
How on earth you going to have 300 charge points in a tenement block. Sorry exclusive river view apartments.
If people are so poor they have to live in a tenement block they won’t be able to afford an electric car.
RB, I was being ironic with the tenement, should have used a comma instead of a full stop as there are no more tenement buildings on the Thames anymore. My mistake if you got wrong end of stick. ??
No worries, I usually do ?
I know a different subject so please don’t cunt me off but I see the Archbishop of Cunterbury Justin ‘spank by bishop’ Wellby is warning against cutting foreign aid.
Well, while you’re fiddling with little kiddies during Xmas why don’t you advise the church to stick their hands in their pockets and start donating some cash you cunt fuck: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-55032781
AND I see see Kebab girl Shamima Begamkebab is in the fucking news again:
Fucking SAS her – that’ll get rid of the problem, why are we even entertaining this as a cuntry FFS…!
Jeez I got out of bed on the wrong side today my fellow cuntmasters…
(There is a nom in the pipeline for this cunt – DA)
Vlad the indestructible would’ve Novichoked her ages ago. Us Brits?? Weellll that just wouldn’t be the done thing would it. She’ll be back into open arms Blighty soon enough with all the benefits and trimmings.
A hopeless, shambling, dribbling, wreck of a PM.
The green endgame is putting us back in caves, using flint tools, and two sticks to make fire. Maybe the leftie history revisers can uninvent the wheel while they are about it. After all, it was probably invented by a whitey to enslave blacks.
The Chinese must be pissing themselves laughing as these mental cunts destroy western civilisation all by themselves.
Alright, how many of us didn’t realize that Boris was a cunt right from the start? C’mon, hands up.
Nobody with more than half a brain.
But he was the Leavers last (false) hope of getting some sort of Brexit, and hope springs eternal. The rest voted for him because he wasn’t Corbyn.
I spoiled my ballot paper (spent nearly 5 minutes in the booth venting my spleen upon it), but would have voted Tory if I thought the Labour candidate had a chance of winning*.
* It was a two horse Con/Lab race in our constituency. Lady Creampuff voted Conservative…
‘Venting your spleen’
In a polling booth?
You dorty fecker.
Me. I’m a cunt.
HS2 is mooted to have electric trains, but what about the rest of the country, will BoZo and his cunty cunty chums have financial interest in building the infrastructure to electrify all rail lines and just what are the many more power stations going to run on to produce this energy? Wind power? Solar? Cunty politicians and their corporate trough mates?
You pussywhipped cunt.
That fucking fat toff needs to be rendered down, at least 1 household could have BoZo oil lamps for illumination requirements next year.
He’d probably turn out to make the only fat that doesn’t burn.
It’ll be very dim for sure Moggie, what what what… 😉
Pavements impassable, strewn with fucking cables.
Power cuts when the wind drops.
Huge environmental damage where the rare earths for batteries are mined along with being held to ransom by the countries that mine them.
Cars with flat batteries littering the roads.
And the weirdos and Greta fans will still vote green or commie.
Great idea. How about electric ships and planes?
Get Brexit done my arse.
Meanwhile, Nicola Nazi has closed the Scottish Border with England. Fucking good job. Except, of course, it won’t apply to her and her band of Scots Nats spastics.
If it wasn’t for the fact that I am totally against all forms of violence, I would suggest that someone should decapitate the cunt.
Isn’t Boris just following what was signed up to at the United Nations i.e. allow immigrants into anywhere they want and be completely green. Biden promised to get rid of fossil fuels as well.
I notice in this second lockdown that car dealerships have been closed yet garden centres are open. I might as well have voted for the Green Party. Just staggering.
Of course it is to do with the UN SDGs, The Great Reset, NWO, Global Governance.
It’s so fucking transparent at this point that you have to be wilfully ignorant to not see it.
Alas, many still just think it’s conspiracy theory. They won’t be so cocky this time next year when we still haven’t gone back to normal – hint, we are never going back, not without violence. This is the endgame.
A link for anyone interested in one of the UN’s top priorities.
Doesn’t appear threatening on the face of it.
It’s about as convincing as any multinational corporation CEO giving that pearly white shit eating business smile whilst telling us how much he loves the earth and cares about people.
The UN, IMF, etc, are just global governance tools for the ruling class.
António Guterres, head of the UN, wants 10% of global GDP, primarily from 1st world nations, to go to the poorest nations hit by CV19.
You think that money is coming out of the trillions in offshore accounts, or from corporation taxes? It will be from us, the plebs.
“You will own nothing, and you’ll be happy” – WEF
I’ve seen the WEF article about being happy owning nothing. Chap from WEF was on Talk Radio saying it was just a quote from a lefty journo and that the WEF are there to bring people together to talk.
If it is sinister then I’m happy to use my exit bag, otherwise I’ll wait to see what happens unless I pop my clogs before shtf.
I certainly hope that when Ahmed and Mohammed land on the beach in Kent that someone checks that the motor on their dinghy is electric!
How about a dose of realism?
They may ban the sale of petrol and diesel fuelled vehicles from 2030, but petrol and diesel will still be on sale for at least 10 or 20 years beyond that.
How many cars older than 10 – 15 years do you see on the roads? The prevailing culture in the country is one of leasing cars for about three years and then getting a new one.
The sort of people who tend to keep older cars often tend to be enthusiasts who like older cars. They are being catered to by a new growth in companies converting old cars to have electric motors rather than Internal combustion engines.
It ain’t perfect, but it’s the future, and it’s where every one of us is headed.
There’s now a UK company that will build you a brand new 1960s MGB sports car with an electric motor.
The only thing they can’t do is put the MG badge on, because the Chinks own the name…
Ah so!
Will they make it so that it breaks down every 100 yards, to give it that authentic MG experience?
(I’ve owned two of them so I have a lot of experience of this!)
I had a Midget/ MK2 Sprite many years back and mechanically it was utterly dependable.
Shame about the quick-rot sills, floors and suspension mounts though.
And the leaky hood…
I had two MG Midgets. – a 1970 and 1973. They were the most reliable cars I have ever owned, apart from the leaking body panels, leaking floor, seized engines, seized gearboxes, leaking hoods, non-existent brakes, rust on every panel etc etc etc.
Loved ‘em to bits though!!
The only reason that these feeble underpowered pieces of shit remotely felt “sporty” was because you were only an inch above the ground.
0-60 in 18 seconds……what a fucking joke!
Had a Wolseley 6/110 once. Nice plush 6 cylinder 3 litre.lovely to sit in. Performance probably worse than the current cheapest and nastiest Daihatsu.
My 1971 MGB GT never let me down. Ever!
I think my cars must have been made on a Friday.
Always wanted an MGB GT. Beautiful little car with loads of character. Come the lottery win I might get one and have it professionally restored to “as new” condition. Lovely.
I think an important point here, hitherto surprisingly omitted, is that Boris is an inveterate liar.
As Rough Puff has recently promulgated in these parts, Mr Johnson sports a veritable panoply of poppycock; Mendacity, Perfidy and Terminological Inexactitude are amongst Boris’s many middle names.
Such is the extent and scale of his utterly fraudulent duplicity, it seems to me, in fine: the more BJ avers something as an “oven-ready” done deal (or other such ancillary bullshit) the more vanishingly implausible that outcome becomes.
He is an inveterate liar. The only reason he won the election is because he was the only one promising to get Brexit done. The rest were even more useless and untrustworthy than Johnson.
True, he won the election pretending he was going to deliver Brexit (in reality BRINO).
But also, in no small part, because he was NOT Jeremy Corbyn. Same as how Biden beat Trump.
Agreed. I think its clear our colonial cousins voted against Trump rather than for Biden.
I also think Dame Kweer was probably also a great help to Boris in the last election, as proven by his current (un)popularity ratings. Extraordinary how the Labour voters just go from cunt to cunt to cunt. Anybody would think they don’t want to win power!
He’s been called out as a fraud and liar before now T-T, he’s a politician, who trusts them to tell the truth? Nobody here.
So every night in the not too distant future the pavements of all the tiny suburban roads will be covered with a mass of cables connecting cars to household electric points. What does one do if one has to park in another street use a really long cable or have a legal agreement with the householder nearest your parking space. Even if the local council put charging points on the parking outside my house what is there to prevent some skanky kid or beero unplugging the cars and fucking everyone up. These electric cars weigh more so more damage to road about the only plus is that vehicles with electric motors can accelerate really quickly. Even the old A60 and A62 stock on the met line needed speed control circuits on the motors cos without them when you put the deadman’s to full the wheels on the motor cars would in all likelihood spin. About 1 mile away from me is a garage which has a charging area for four cars fast chargers I think. More and more of the local well to do are using the facility. Still takes almost an hour to get 80% charge. The demographic for the immediate area is white, retired, managers etc. So am expecting to see lots more electric vehicles cos most of these are pretty well off. Me if I’m still around well most likely be walking. Thanks Boris you cunt
The real point is that this won’t happen. The great majority of people will not be able to afford an electric car the way they can with an old ICE car. This is the great untold truth. Us plebs will be restricted to expensive public transport, cycling or walking. The whole point of this announcement was to get people used to thinking this way.
Makes much sense, reduce traffic in one swoop well stop most driving anyway
I’m waiting for the ER hippies to start hassling and lecturing anyone riding petrol powered motorcycles
Hopefully lots of middle class teeth getting punched out will result…
As a rider of a 1000cc Triumph, I’d love the cunts to try and stop me and my mates when out for a burn-up.
I’m still waiting for the cunts to become extinct!
Has there actually been any opposition to this or is it just Boris saying it’s going to happen so it’s going to happen? I don’t pay a lot of attention these days as it’s all horseshit but I’d’ve liked to hope that someone somewhere would be asking the questions. This used to be a bloody great country and now you just can’t make this shit up anymore. Is it too early for gin?
Spot on BS, is anyone protesting? Is anyone allowed to dissent?
The idea from our dear leaders is that we collectively bend over, and take what’s good for us as their wisdom is as boundless as the mighty universe and us no more than tiny tiny flies what do we know. The day will come hopefully before I’m to old and knackered to do something
Where the fuck are some of us going to plug these electric cars in to charge them overnight?
The majority of the UK’s housing stock consists of Victorian terraced streets, with no off-road parking.
Are we going to have 240v extension leads trailing across the pavements and in through open windows?
And what happens when Abdul , with his five taxis and his drug dealing mates park outside my house to smoke a reefer and munch on a masala fish or keebab?
I end up parking halfway down the road.
I’m not intending to sound flippant, – but it all sounds very impractical.
It’s ok for your “Semi-detached suburban Mr Jones”, with his driveway and garage. No good for a peasant like me.
No thanks, get fucked Boris, I’ll stick with my stinky old diesel.
My brother had a well paying job with F0rd designing diesel engines. Contributing loads to the economy through tax. I had a well paying job working in refineries etc.. We’re now both out of work as no-one wants to invest in diesel cars or the fuel to power them. Well done Boris you cunt.
Boris has announced that he is going to make £1.4 billion available for charging points for electric cars. I work in highways and I had to put four 7kw EVCP’s in a Housing development and they cost £3,000 each. If they were 22kw rapid charge points they would have cost around £25,000 each as they would have needed a new sub station to power them.
With so many cities with terraced housing we will need one outside every single parking.
With 33million cars in the Uk and a quarter of these park on the street according to the link below. That is 8,250,000 on street spaces. £1.4 billion will only create about 800,000 charging points at £5,000 each. That is only going to cover 10% of the spaces needed. This is very underfunded.
I think there will be a massive public backlash on this like the DAB radio fiasco a few years ago.
DAB radios are chuckaway shite. I’ve dumped loads of dead ones in the skip over the past few years.
Meanwhile the 65 year old Ferguson valve set I salvaged from a car boot for 2 quid and fixed for another quids worth of parts continues to function perfectly, and is used every day.
It’s called progress… ???
The cunts making these decisions believe the whole population lives in detached houses with a garage, driveway and the money to spend £30k on an electric car rather than £250 on a 4th hand diesel powered Ford.