
Warning anti semitic content!

Yeah the geeky Jew playing peek-a-boo. That’s all it it. See all it is getting at white western Christian culture. But its subtly done. Where is Borat from? Supposedly from an east European country with a history of antisemitism. Thick see, backward.

He got stupid thick rednecks (in the first film) in America to sing about ‘throwing Jews down the well’. Success!

He gets dupes to slag off Jews in this new film

He has slagged off Trump of course recently to keep his liberal credentials. But he will secretly love Trump for recognising Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel.

He has pranked Rudi Juliani. Nearly entrapping into a sexual encounter.

Horrible for me. Another one which sticks in my mind (from the first film);when he took his own shit or something in a bag and the woman said later that it had a detrimental effect on her and her business.

What the fuck does he care. The world is just up to take the piss out of.

Going back to that peek-a-boo thing. It was always that feeling for an old antisemite like me- that were being played. That we’re being laughed at.. That were being used.

Just to wrestle this back a bit and to finish. Ali G was good because he started out duping everyone. But with Borat he found his his best character where he can expose latent antisemitism. But in way he does it it just confirms a fear that some of us still have about The Jews. Namely that what you see is not what you get.

Nominated by: Miles Plastic

…and seconded by Piss Poor Film Exposure 

I nominate ‘Borat 2’ and its has-been, one trick pony Sacha Baron Cohen for a cunting of epic proportions.

Mr Cohen, I honestly thought you’d put the mirthless, over reliant on catchphrases past behind you! You fooled me temporarily by demonstrating actually acting well in the Netflix series ‘Spy’; I enjoyed that, no wokeness and entry demanded a certain amount of cerebral effort from the viewer. As stimulating as Netflix output gets…

However, after ‘watching’, nay, enduring two thirds of ‘Borat 2’ I was ready to put my foot through the TV. Jesus, where do I begin to highlight how Godawful this soi disaster ‘film’ excrement is.

Unfunny woke illiberal Liberal jabs at Trump… tick aplenty.
Cynical ‘it’s okay I’m Jewish’ piss taking of Jews tick.
Dressing up like a cunt, see above, tick.
Lacking in any self awareness, wit or plot to speak of tick.
Cash grabbing resurrection of a crap character tick.
Hello Amazon funding in the millions tick. Greed tick.
Being about as funny as a terminal illness diagnosis tick.

Borat, the cunt playing him and the cunts that bankrolled the film are uber cunts of colossal magnitude.

33 thoughts on “Borat

  1. I haven’t got a problem with Sacha Baron Cohen playing a backward racist and homophobic Kazak or Bruno the gay fashion guru, General Aladeen (based on Colonel Gadaffi) and of course Ali G. Comedy is subjective and you find it funny or you don’t.

    But because Baron Cohen has the right political view points, he is free to take the piss out of favoured minority groups with no career ending blow back, while a tweet or a joke will see other people cancelled and their career flushed down the shitter.

  2. I wonder when Cohen’ll get round to going to Israel, dressing up as a Palestinian and hilariously pranking Prime Minister Netanyahu and a platoon or two of the I.D.F.? Perhaps he could pretend that his tent on “illegally occupied land” was actually a heavily armed PLO camp and stand in front of the bulldozers as they demolished it?….that would certainly make me chuckle.

    • Morning Mr F.
      He’s certainly gone down in my humble estimation. Why do these turds think it’s a good idea to go all woke and leftie when, ultimately, it’ll come back to bite them in the arse.
      If nowt else though, the jammy jëw managed to get his hands on these delicious knockers:

      • Morning,Mr.Cunt-Engine.

        Aye, Isla’s welcome at The Towers for a bit of solace when Cohen hopefully picks the wrong person to “prank”.

        ( Lock up all my valuables first,of course….Fuck knows what kind of habits she could have picked up from Baron Cohen)

      • Quite possibly but she’ll have to live with it and be grateful for what she does get. It wouldn’t be fair if I were to deprive the rest of womankind of FiddlerLuvin’,would it ?

        Besides, an hour of two of them lezzing each other up should loosen any tight spots before I swoop in and administer the coup de grace.

      • Yes Mr Fiddler why doesn’t he prank the Palestinians? I’ve got an idea for him – he goes over there and pretends to be a bulldozer driver (he could easily do this because there are loads bulldozers demolishing Palestinian homes at the moment).
        So he gets in and drives it towards one of their homes (laughing and squealing) and just before he is about to demolish it puts it in reverse! See the look on their faces! How hilarious that would be. Give us all a laugh.

  3. All todays so called ‘edgy’ comedians know deep down that they are neither edgy nor brave as only one political view, religion etc is there to be shot at.
    The fucking opposite of edgy then.

  4. Ditto+ Isla fisher.?

    Sacha Baron Cohen at first was quite funny,
    He upset woke as well,
    He took the piss with “is it coz I is black?”
    He was irreverent, and I liked that.but with fame comes ducky darlinghood.
    Ive not seen anything hes done since the late 90s.
    But it still stands,

    “If you cant take a joke, fuck off!!”

  5. Hollywood cocksucker.

    Ali G – Possibly the worst film ever made. Just not funny. At all.

    Bruno – better than Ali G. Called out the whole narcissistic fashion scene, brilliantly. ?

    Borat – starting to show that he is a one trick pony of Lenny Henry proportions.

    Borat 2 – Anti Trump, pre election, propaganda. Careful Cohen old son, The Don has a long memory ?

  6. “It was always that feeling for an old antisemite like me- that were being played. That we’re being laughed at.. That were being used.” ?

    ? My heart bleeds for you Miles. ?

  7. He has worn thin, but not as thin as one trick Partridge which was shit in the first place. Havent seen this and wont unless it can be recorded on Film4 at 2 am. And dumped if as bad as it seems.
    He also did a thing called Grimsby which was piss poor.
    Dont mind the Jewish thing. Jews have always been able to laugh at themselves rather than indulge in beheadings. Antisemites might want to take note.

    • They seem rather keen on facilitating those same beheadings though, just not when it’s their nation.
      Lerner Specter, Kalergi etc.
      Diversity for thee but not for me. Racial purity in the homeland is only acceptable when practiced by front wheel skids.

  8. I lived Grimsby Brothers and nearly coughed up a lung laughing while watching this on a flight.
    I’ve not seen Borat 2 but anything that comes round for a second go is in danger of being shit the second time.
    I would have loved to have seen him being edgy and avoiding the boring Trump bashing that everybody else had done to death. Dressing up as a Nazi and trying to prank a BLM crowd would have been as funny as fuck.

  9. Kazakhstan is in Central Asia, not Eastern Europe. Sorry to be a stickler.

    As an aside, Cohen has always been an arrogant, self-absorbed twat. A few years ago he was nominated for an award but lost out to somebody else………. the look of disgust on his face as heard the winner read out said “How DARE you?! Don’t you know who I am?”

    Thiis new Borat sequel is clearly pandering to his Liberal audience to try and remain relevant. I knew he was running out of original ideas and running on fumes when I watched him seek asylum inside an elephant’s vagina in Brothers Grimsby then proceed to get face-pummeled and jizz-soaked by an elephant cock. That was the beginning of the for him, but he has been reborn like some kind of Jewish zombie…………. Oh my God! He’s Hey-Zeus!

  10. This cunt is the stereotype Jew. Peddles filth and undermines the values of society whilst pretending to care. If I were Jewish I’d be making it clear he doesn’t represent me in anyway shape or form.

      • Citation of? His work is straight out of the gutter. My point is the fact he is Jewish coupled with his output plays to the Jewish stereotype used against Jews through the ages.

      • Now your original comment makes sense in context, thanks for clearing that up.

        Your original comment said “This cunt is the stereotype Jew” whereas it probably should have said “This cunt is aping the Jewish stereotype”

      • Even i got is point and I’m as thick as shite tits.
        I used to sell furniture for a living. The trouble was, it was my own.

  11. TT Admin@ – any idea why I am being bounced off the site with an error 503 message “maximum number of requests exceeded?” – not a clue why but somewhat fkin frustrating to constantly get this as it also dumps the content I am trying to post.
    A most random one!

  12. I remember back in the mid 90’s when she was in Home & Away……… she gave me the raging horn and still looks just as good as she did back then.

  13. At least the poster for his latest output seems to have upset some muzzie groups.

  14. Isla was looking past her sell by date the last time I check her chassis. and her legs were never that great, even in highschool uniform ☺️

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