This lump of human excrement, who spouts word like “cool”, has instigated an on-line petition to extend Brexit negotiations by a further year:
What a transparent cunt. Yet another motherfucker loser who can’t face the fact that Remain and Project Fear lost, so he is using Covid 19 as an excuse to keep us in the fascist dicatorship. Of course we would have to pay another year’s susbcription, plus the enormous Covid premium, but that’s “cool” with Downie.
If I had my way that cunt, prior to Unkle Terry’s oven, would be taken to the caning room in Singapore, divested of his clothes and given 24 strokes at maximum force.
Nominated by: W. C. Boggs
Who the fuck is this Downie cunt? Whoever he is he can fuck right off and then fuck off again.
They just can’t let it go can they?
I bet he watches the fucking BBC 24/7 the fucking little prick.
It’s Steve Bray incognito, behind a COVID mask!
And who the fuck may this Downie be? Not the CEO of the Royal Yacht Britannia, at any rate. No, it’s this cunt:
He appears to be a Jock Cong supporter. He is a rabid bicyclist, and wants all of Glasgow to be reduced to an impotent snarling traffic jam. He looks like a humourless jobsworth cunt. And I am ashamed – as a geologist – to say he is an ex-geologist, and should know a bloody sight better. Though perhaps he wimped out of the trade. Well, there’s the context. No surprises there.
Cunt needs to be beaten to death with a large piece of igneous rock.
The cunt.
(I’m sensing there isn’t much love for this odorous cunt – DA)
DA – he is a geologist, so being beaten to death with a nice, hard piece of igneous rock such as Shap granite or basalt would be most fitting.
Alternatively, the cunt would benefit from a stalagmite shoved right up his dirthole.
The Whin Sill quartz dolerite is my personal favourite. Hard and tough as fuck…real Geordie rock!
Mr Maskinback,
Cheered me right up after a bad (late) start this morning. Thanks.
**Cunt needs to be beaten to death with a large piece of igneous rock.** – Glorious!
Paul-some lovely stalactites in Wooky Hole-a nice trip to Cheddar Gorge?
Aww how sweet! The cunt has started another pointless fuckign petition.
I’ll call your petition and raise you an 80 seat Tory majority. More over, I’ll call your petition and raise you a FUCKING referendum!
This cunt definitely deserves to be cunted.
I’m more interested in the Rock of Ages than in the age of rocks.
Does he have Downie Syndrome?
Or the more potent Iain Dowie Syndrome, a terrible affliction.
? Indeed. A terrible affliction as you say!
Still – looks are not everything when you’ve got brains?
He’s a rocket scientist doncha know? ?
Good afternoon LL.
It’s a great idea, 1 year from now….
The sticking points are fishing and level playing field ?
What a knob, has some sexual deviance towards bicycles, uses Twitter, is therefore a cunt.
“Too many tweets make you a twat” – David Cameron, 2009.
Here’s a video for your Wednesday…
Actually, the sticking points are independence vs. subjugation.
(We’ve got a right pair of irritating cunts who definitely need the most severest subjugating possible coming up in this afternoon’s nominations! – DA)
Remember BRINO ?
Yes. BRINO is what the House of Common Cunts signed us up to on 20/12/2019.
It will be interesting to see how the jellyfish squeezes his way around the conundrum of the fuck you or you can fuck me dilemma.
We have agreed a great deal, the EU will allow us to catch some fish in our waters, we have agreed to allow the EU court to decided on certain areas of policy regarding trade, foreign affairs and external tariffs and we will continue to use sterling ?
Prepare the oven please Unkle Terry.Gas mark 5 for a couple of hours.What a pile of horse turd
don’t forget to turn regularly so that you get that all over cooked appearance
You’ve seen a business opportunity here Ed!
Shares in Uncle Terry’s Ovens rose 30% yesterday.
Sell! Sell!
I thought he was head of advertising, Bertie.
Aye roast the cunt.
For dessert,Zyklon B.
Anybody who uses the word “cool” is an utter cunt and deserves to be flogged and boiled in piss, followed by a spell in Terry’s oven.
Well, he wouldn’t be cool after that little lot.
I’m cool with that.
Guzziguy and Cuntsville said “cool”, hur hur…
Morning Ruff tuff. You got a monk on or summat?
Is that a Northern term for a hard on?
No fucking idea who this cunt is.
We asked him to forget Brexit.
But He wouldnt let it lie would he?
He should have let it lie but he didnt let it lie.
The cunt (whoever he is)
Attempting to delay our final hard won freedom from the evil empire (four fucking years and four and a bit fucking months since the glorious referendum – and still waiting) is a mental sickness with these cunts. The problem now is that our supreme leader seems to be mentally ill as well. With only a matter of weeks until our full and final deliverance was promised, I still fear further treachery ahead. Fucking depressing.
(We are never going to fully leave. It will be a Brexit Lite. We’re stuck between a rock (EU) and a hard
onplace (Sleepy Joe) – DA)12
It seriously bothers me as well – recent machinations in Downing Street, and the grovelling to the senile old fucker in the White House, (who is probably as Oirish as I am) it is not looking good. Nigel has taken his eye of the Brexit ball now he is more concerned with the half in/half out “Lockdown”
I wouldn’t fancy being Biden’s food taster over the coming weeks.
Probably he only needs a drink taster, because the old cunt forgets to put his teeth in, and he can’t masticate – well, at his age I don’t suppose he would,
Just Complan and whiskey for old Joe.
How much will another year’s subscription cost?
Is it cheaper if you get Sky Sports as well?
There was a time when cunts like this would’ve been battered with a Police truncheon and then hauled off to the funny farm but not now, now we actually applaud this stuff and the likes of UK GOV, The BBC and the modern ok yah Police (oink oink bacon) actually encourage it.
Hopefully he will get the living daylights kicked out of him by some neds and have to queue behind all the eurotrash to get some treatment…I’m sure Glasgow has it’s fair share of iron curtain scroungers and peaceful folk.
Bob Downsyndrome is a dirty cheating cunt like all the other dirty cheating lefty cunts both here and in the US.
He can get fucked,
Oh? Cyclist no less!
Whod of guessed.
Bob I ever have the pleasure of unseating you off your bike on a country road, well,
Your days about to get worse!
Puncture? Ill puncture your fuckin head in.
Stuck between your removal van and Fiddlers tractor he stands no chance Miserable.
I think Bob Downie’s strategy should be to claim voter fraud and to file a series of frivolous lawsuits.
I trawled through his twitter activity for the last month and he is an environmentalist as well………. no sign of him being a vegan so he loses a cunt point for that.
I bet the cunt is a vegan, treehugger and has posters of that Sturgeon bitch covered in spunk stains. The posters I mean not Sturgeon.
God, can you imagine Sturgeon covered in spunk? Fuck, where did that come from?
I need a lie down, I feel a bit queasy.
Steady on old chap!
“Black people are twice as likely to be infected by Covid-19 as white people, warns new research.”
Yet another (yawn) “major” bogus study. Divisive, racist cunts.
I suppose BAMEs will demand to be first in the vaccine queue when it becomes available in late December, even though it hasn’t been fully tested, and won’t fully guarantee you’ll catch the virus.
And then on the flip side they’ll complain that the vaccine ultimately killed more BAMEs and is therefore all part of the conspiracy to kill blah blah blah……
But that’s for a different thread
News just in!!***”
Windrush generation sue for seasickness!!
At least we now have a legitimate reason for banning blacks from all public places and shops. Health & safety rules! ?
I for one advocate that it is tested on peacefulls and tree swingers first, just to be on the safe side.
Viruses these days, they’re just sooo waycist aren’t they?
Covid isn’t, it started in animals, then the Chinese, and then started infecting humans….
Spot on, RTC. Division is the key tactic. Totally cynical cunts.
They get infected because they have large extended families and don’t observe the precautions. You read it here first (and only).
Now get this:
” But the researchers cautioned that none of the studies on intensive care admissions had been peer-reviewed and that the increased risk of death was only borderline statistically significant.
Sorry, chaps. If it hasn’t been peer reviewed, it’s not publishable in anything more technical than the Grauniad’s Fashion Supplement. And has no more weight than that.
I’m still going to take the study’s conclusion seriously and steer well clear of black people… just to be on the safe side. ☺️
Safety first!
Ive done that for years.?
Oooh, don’t mention Peer-Reviewed! I picked one of the conspiracy theorist posters up about this and I nearly had to call a fucking lifeboat to help me out of the sea of bullshit!
But, but..Mr K, lack of rigour doesn’t mean it can’t be grist for the shit mills!
It all about those giant nostrils, they just hoover up any virus bearing droplets and it actually stacks up, the average black nostril is twice the size of a white one.
It’s true, size counts.
How disappointing, why isn’t it a hundred times more likely.
I’m all honesty, I am very disappointed with Covid19. I had hoped it would make a serious dent in our Peacefuls, a few uppity tree-swiggers as collateral damage would be a bonus ?
To summarise: come on Covid, pull your fucking finger out mate?
With regards to this Scots whingeing twat, get fracking on the cunt.
With apologies for any offence to our esteemed cunter geologists, I know a few people from your industry, all made good coin in the oil business, now all greens / Lib Dem voters, cyclists, etc, etc, etc…
Is it a guilt complex?
Please,folks,remember: NOT Fascism
yes: what a pedantic cunt I am. But ‘it is what it is’ ( that phrase is getting on my fucking tits, now, as well). With love
Makes my piss boil all these fucking jocks interfering in English politics. Fuck off you cunt and protest in your own country. The sooner they fuck off and get independence the better.