Don’t usually suggest a nom but im going to!
Barack Obama
I’m getting fed up of this prick to the back teeth ^always kissing bidens arse and knocking the DONALD.
Nominated by: Anne frank
Blair, Brown, Major? All giving us the benefit of wisdom they didnt possess when it mattered. Obummer no different.
Obama is the American version of Suckdick Khan – an entitled little prick who thinks he is far more clever and far more important than he really is – another bloke who got where he got because of his ethnicity – fuck all to do with talent as he has none – except to brown-nose those who he considers “helpful”
A suntanned Tony Blair then.
Tell us all about Seal Team Six Barack..
I think they died when trying to save Steven Segal on the Missouri…
“Whose ass do I have to kick to get American owned Burdish Petroleum to clean up its mess”?
“The UK will be at the back of the queue for a trade deal with the US if you leave the EU”!
“I refused to provide an extract and then sat and watched American consulate staff get raped, tortured and beaten to death by islamic savages in Benghazi because they had evidence on the execution of Seal Team Six”.
Barack Hussein Obama.
Shut the fuck up bilious Barry.
Baz the waz tried to influence Brexit, Pelosi and the kiddy sniffer did the same.
Mind your own fucking business.
The world is infested with a surfeit of cunts (most of whom resemble lampreys in both actions and looks).
Industrial barbecue please.
Good nom Anne Frank!?
I hate this elderly Will Smith looking cunt too,
Hes anti British, anti white,
A virtue signalling cunt,
A fuckin know it all
A fuckin lefty twat
And he married a bloke that looks like oprah.
Wind your neck in wingnut,
Stop sticking your nose in everything,
You were my property id flay your back to ribbons in the fields then tar and feather you.
That’s the spirit! ??
Cheers mnc hate the way these cunts go on like the time barack came to uk sticking his nose in our referendum telling is us what to do the prick .Caption should read for nom PHOTO BIG DAY TODAY ITS STRAIGHT TO THE CARE HOME FOR YOU AS BIDEN TRYS TO LOOK LUCID.YES JEEVES HE MUMBLES CONFUSING HIM FOR HIS BULTLER AGAIN.
Biden looks so holy* in the photo!
Barry looks like a serial killer about to strike.
Good luck to The Donald. Praying for your victory. Fuck off Biden you shit rolling beetle.
Sorry, got a bit political there. Fuck off again, Biden, you kiddie fiddling parasite.
Biden is clearly senile. I can’t believe that the American people, who are generally pragmatic would vote for the old fool who is clearly gaga. Within a week the White House would stink of hot piss
It is the fraudulent stealing of Trump postal votes that is the problem.
Obama’s biggest problem is that he can’t decide if he’s a) gay b) black c) Muslim d) radical leftist.
He’d like to be all of them but then he’d have to bone himself, throw himself off a building, and stay alive long enough to accuse the ambulance guys of bigotry
Honest thoughts on the outcome cunters – Trump or Biden?
Or at least hope so!
Just wish hed stop playing YMCA at rallies, its not the right tune.
He should have ‘sympathy for the devil’!
Wind them up even more!?
Good luck Donald!???
Biden. He won’t win, but Trump will lose.
What have I told you about talking sedition and spreading panic mr Creampuff?!
Im shitting it that your right and that skeletal twat Biden takes the throne.
To paraphrase Alfred E. Neuman:
“What, you worry?”
Relax Miserable. 99% of cunters believe the Donald will win by a landslide – just rejoice at that news and look forward to seeing me tuck into Pâddy Ashdown’s corpse tomorrow night.
Ill take no pleasure in it Ruff,
And joking aside I do know what you mean.
You dont have to eat the full paddy by the way, and can garnish however suits?
The result may not be known for a few weeks, Miserable.
Suggest you hang Cyril Smith’s face in your pantry for the duration – it’ll be just right by the time you have to eat it!
Hes already in there Ruff!
Cant afford a turkey this year!
Just so long as the Dems don’t do a clean sweep I’m happy.
According to Tim Pool Trump is leading in Miami and gaining 40K votes an hour. That could be really significant.
If Biden gets in, the Americans will get to experience full-on globalism just like us Brits have : open borders, mass immigration, critical race theory, illegal immigrants getting the red carpet treatment, peacefuls as a privileged class, textbooks and history rewritten to fit the BLM/Antifa agenda, kids brainwashed from kindergarten etc….. Slow Joe even supports gender transitioning for 8 yr olds!! Any white people voting for him are just plain stupid because they’ll be the first to suffer. Yet Silicon Valley can be relied upon to suppress the truth and choose what the public are allowed and not allowed to know. Welcome to the New World….
P.S. the American people better already have their essentials stocked up, because if the Donald wins, America’s towns and cities will be on fire for a week because of the actions of the “tolerant” Left.
Perfect summation of what could happen, CMI.
The real tragedy here is anyone who votes for Biden is voting against America and is thus a traitor. The political landscape in the US is very polarized. The Demons will vote for whoever is the Demon candidate – irrespective. Same with the Repubs. It’s the independent voters in the middle which determine in large part who prevails. Let’s hope enough of them are not deranged, socialist loving, anti-American air heads.
Based on track record, results, kept promises and putting America first, it’s a slam dunk for Trump. The fact there even has to be an election to decide that is a joke. Biden has no platform and yet will be voted for. It’s unbelievable. Go Trump – the world needs you more now than 4 years ago!
Trump by a landslide, rug munchers screaming at the sky and some buildings on fire…
If there is such an ‘ism’ as cuntalism, that is what Biden represents. The American people have been generally good friends to us, whatever the cuntalists say. I hope, rather than expect that they will do the world a favour by re-electing The Donald and letting him continue his work.
Obama seems to have been designated as ‘Sleepy Joe’ Biden’s minder. Or should that be carer?
Biden thinks Barry is his butler keeps calling him Benson.
Jordan Petersen made two very good points re Trump in that (1) he is an intelligent man – look at the successes he has achieved. The left would love everyone to think Trump is a dummy. Far from it.
(2) During Trump’s administration he has not led the US into pointless Middle East wars unlike the likes of Bush Snr (or Senile), Bush Jr, Clitlicker or Barry O’Bummer.
I have my fingers crossed for a Trump victory as a Biden victory would be far from good for the UK, with his nosepoking into Brexit, the fucking cadaver.
Former, not quite black enough, president Obama certainly helped with the pro Brexit campaign, Mr back of the queue.
Fuck of you cunt!
President Harris has already said she is a communist. All the dumbfucks who vote for Biden are going to have a shock. They will be defunding the military next. Global new world order—– World President Xi. Fuck em all the cunts. More ale landlord before the unnecessary lock down.
One of the biggest cunts in America, along with his man-wife and his over privileged children. I understand he owns four houses now, all of them sadly lacking in black neighbours. I wonder if he ever let Sleepy Joe anywhere near his daughters when they were in the Whitehouse?
We must thank him, however, for hauling his arse over here to threaten us if we voted the wrong way in the Referendum. That cost the remoaners millions of votes. People just don’t like foreigners threatening them and telling them what to do, something the globalists will never understand.
Kick their libtard arses today Tango Man!
Christ this blek cunt could fucking talk and then some.
Going on and on like a woman.
Premier league bullshitter and Grand Master of the Double Standard.
Just like his paper thin puppet Bidet Biden.
Get To Fuck.
Obama is a premium cunt.
And his wife has got a cock, so you have been warned….
Anyone have smug sneering unfunny comedian John Sessions in Deadpool?
His Keith Richards on Stella Street was pretty good though.
TTNorman@ – Stella Street the movie is one of the best films ever made – mind that Jimmy Hill and the arsonist geordie!
(Required viewing!).
He set the bar on being a dinky poncy unfunny little cunt. He will be sadly missed.
I think Mr Sessions may have been misunderstood by some on here.
He said of UKIP; in 2014 he stated, “I get so bored with people going, ‘UKIP are a bunch of racists.’ They’re nothing of the kind. Nigel Farage talks more sense than the rest of the politicians put together. The United States of Europe is madness.”
Seemed a pretty stand up chap to me? He made a change from the direly unfunny lefty pricks who now infest the comedy circuit.
Yeh, OK so he was a mumbling, bumbling bumfucker. There have been worse on these hallowed pages.
What made me sick was how that NYC hipster shite, Saturday Shite Live made Obama and his mob untouchable. I thought the idea of satire was to rip the piss out of all sides (like That Was The Week That Was or Spitting Image). Yet there wasn’t one sketch about Saint Barack or his horrendous family of black royalty. Yet Hollyweird dregs like Alec ‘woman abuser’ Baldwin and Skanklett ‘3 husbands at 35’ Johansscunt tear into Big Don and his daughter Ivanka at every opportunity on SNL. I bet Uncle Joe’s Mintballs Biden also gets off scott free. SNL is a Democrat’s propaganda vehicle. Run by and featuring disgusting clintonite creatures.
Too true, Norm. The Comedy Channel over here has long been an extension of the Demoncratic party. It’s so blatant. SNL hasn’t been cutting edge funny for a looooooooooooong time.
Thing is, IY, SNL had real talent and mavericks years ago. Murray, Belushi, Ayckroyd, Radner, Chase. Now it’s unfunny no experience woke cunts who are on the show either because they fit its Democrat agenda or because they are shagging someone high up. Johansscunt’s latest (fucking third!) husband is a Saturday Night Live regular. Tells us all we need to know.
BO – worst president ever and that includes Jimmy Carter.
Like others have said, had a lack of knowledge and experience in a number of important areas but still managed to win 2 presidential elections. Multiple reasons for that including the Republicans fielding weak candidates and thinking a win was in the bag. Mostly though, BO was marketed well and groomed for the role despite his obvious deficiencies. A thoroughly corrupt and contemptible wanker and a fine example of how stupid and easily manipulated the American public can be.
Take the election happening today. Based upon getting things done, following through on campaign promises and putting America first, the result is a foregone conclusion – a landslide win for Trump. Biden has no platform. 47 years that cunt’s been in politics, has achieved nothing, is corrupt as the day is long, obviously has some mental health issues and is spouting crap that would be detrimental to the prospects of America and Americans if he were to win. But there are some people who obviously think he’s the better choice – but based on what FFS?
Relatives of mine in the US are now nostalgic for the days of Ronnie Reagan. They liked Bill Clinton at first, but they saw through him soon enough. They hated Jimmy Carter and they saw Obama as a useless Uncle Tom poster boy. They are divided over Big Don, but they do dislike Biden. My aunt Connie says Biden is ‘Cheese and crackers’ (her way of saying he is mad/senile) and that he’s also a ‘First class creep’.
Bill Clinton, while a Demoncrat, was reasonable and did what he could to work with everyone. He came from a time when the Demons & Repubs would at least try to work together. Now it’s full on warfare directed at each other 24×7. Obama was a classic case of style over substance and anyone who thinks differently wasn’t paying attention.
Tango does divide opinion and I can understand why. He’s not very presidential. He’s a name caller and about as uncouth as they come when he wants to be. If he had the statesmanlike poise of Reagan and the smooth flair of BO, coupled with his no nonsense get-it-done approach, he’d be president forever!
It’s both sad and frightening that there are people in this country who think Biden is the better choice, when clearly that is not the case. I can’t even look at the TV I’m so shitting myself about what’s going on in the country right now. I didn’t think he’d win in 2016 and went to bed at about 11:30PM expecting the worst. Woke up next morning, flicked on the telly and there was Tango waving and smiling and…..wait a minute……he’d fucking won!!!! Might try the same thing tonight. A Biden administration doesn’t bear thinking about. The far left will sideline him within weeks and the extreme socialist arm of the Demons will take over the WH. Can’t let that happen.
Obummer Blairong, and all the other cunts will haunt and wind us up till the end of time. They cannot enter heaven and Old Nick told them to fuck off as well.
Anyone seen the 70’s B movie ‘Slavers’ with ex Tarzan Ron Ely? Love the bit where gentlemen slavers are taking pot-shots at c0ons as they pop their heads up from a small pool….fucking laugh!
Not relevant, but just love that film. Fucking cunts!
Really have to ask you lot; What exactly is it about Trump, that you & his ‘fans’ find appealing ?
Personally, if I had to be in a room with the cunt for more than 10 mins, I would struggle not to lamp the fucker – secret service or not.
I find him & his whole vacuous family, a bunch of talentless, self obsessed wankers, who wouldn’t waste their ‘important’ time pissing on you (or Joe Public) if you were on fire.
His whole time as president has been all about them, their ego’s, their profits and what they can get out of it.
I really am just bewildered by it …..
He carries out most of his election promises?????
He winds libtards up. End of really.
Hes dreamy eyes make me swoon!
Obama-the only black man who dances like an embarrassing uncle at a wedding.
His wife Michael is turning into Oprah.
Obama-living proof that you can’t fool all of the people, all of the time ?
Melania talentless? Are you blind?
She’s fit as fuck!
I’d vote Trump just to see her on the world stage for another 4 years.
Anyone that marries a wanker like Trump for money really doesn’t value herself much. You have one life. No amount of money buys happiness.
If I were a woman, the though of trump knocking one out over a picture of me would make me vommit. I couldn’t let jabba the hut touch me ffs
Because we’ve had enough of the status quo, we’ve had enough of political correctness and we’re fed up with career politicians, who’ve never had real jobs, telling us what’s best for us.
Trump’s never had a real job. Inherited $millions & lost most of it. Looks rich, talks about how successful he is, but really just borrows money from banks & moves it around.
Smoke & mirrors. Fraud, liar, jackass
Apart from a natural mature inclination to the right, Trump, Brexit, Tories etc appeal to me because of the effect they have on the left. The more they scream and wail (“not my prime minster” etc) the more I am convinced anything they dislike is good.
Over rated cunt but he ticked a box.
I hate him passionately.Total twat
OBASTURD is up to his forged birth certificate in the sewage river of treason, corruption and unspeakably dodgy proclivities that are effusing from BLM – Biden Laptop Matters. It would be bad enough if it were just him sticking his nose into the DEMONRAT election frau er I mean effort, but his husband is popping up everywhere running his gob off too.
That uber cunt Obama put Churchill’s bust in the bin as soon as he got in the Oval Office trump put it back ! Nuff said I think Obama is a absolute grade a cunt
Hate this fucking wanker with a vengeance ??
The President That Talked a Lot But Didn’t Deliver a Lot ??
I hope the Orange Man Whacks that Biden Bloke and another 4 years??
Obama should stick to the US protocol of keeping out of Presidential elections and keeping out of our business with the EU none of his business ??