Normally, I enjoy the French getting abuse but for once I am on their side.
The French took exception to one of their teachers having his head sawn off by a goat fucker . France is a secular country and promotes the right of citizens to voice opinions. Stating this reasonable position has caused a number of less than civilised nations to slag the Frogs off and urge a boycott of French goods.
The list of those nations makes interesting reading-
Turkey? Well, your attempts to join the EU will be vetoed.
Kuwait? Is this the same Kuwait that begged the Frogs to help the USA,U.K. etc to evict Saddam Hussein back in 1990.
Pakistan? The eternal begging bowl nation! Indian may well find itself being offered cut price Exocets.
Bangladesh Desh? See Pakistan.
Yes, there are some really short sighted nations who will regret being cunts in the near future.
Nominated by: Guzziguy
One can only hope that the tide is turning-surely the islamification of Western Europe, happening in plain sight and with the collusion of traitorous officials, will be seen for what it is?
The end of democracy.
If you tolerate this, then your children will be next…..
Fuck the French.
A pretty thing somewhere near Cannes I presume ?
Only the fit 20 year old birds with hairy pits. The others can fuck off.
Quite right…..
The Elephant has been in the room 1400 + years and it is still appeased. The peace army has only spread through death persecution threat and subjugation. Read it’s all in a book. Submit or else!!
It’s one big fucking Elephant that leaders in the west still ignore.
The islamic world is brave because the west isnt fighting back.
Their punchs arent being answered because our political masters have tied our hands with multi cultural bullshit.
Take off the gloves and fight.
China has the right idea
Lets connect with our history
Not the made up history theyre selling where every Englishman of note was black,
Real history, lets emulate Richard the Lionheart
Have another crusade, slaughter the fuckin filth.
Genocide isnt a dirty word.
You can be sure, whatever atrocities are committed in Europe, however bad and however many, our own dear Labour party, though they might give a brief and discreet tut-tut, will always tolerate barbarism and allowing more of the bastard scum into this country, because they are almost guaranteed their votes.
I wonder if America will get tgheir own senile version of Starmer today? It seems at the moment it could go either way, as my tailor used to say.
I wonder what the Tory excuse is for allowing more of the bastard scum into the country?
I can’t imagine moggie. I am still seething that they allowed those Nigerian bastards who committed piracy last week to walk away on bail never to be seen again.
We are far too soft – we need an Enoch Powell for the 2020s
I think we need a Stalin.
I’d rather have snails and frogs legs than halal goat in a semen sauce.
This murderous filth needs to be exterminated.
Harsh but fair.
There is no peace with Islam, fascism or communism, all are political ideologies that call for world domination.
Only fascism is rejected in the west. They say learn the lessons of history but learn nothing.
Perhaps if Macron wasn’t bickering about British water he could concentrate on pretending to be tough against both these countries as well as the barbarians walking French streets (knife-wielding Múzzies not Frog poltroons). Aren’t there 400,000 potential decapitators camped in Paris?
Macaroon Poltroon Macron seems to be more concerned with attacking us Brits than ridding the izLam vermin from France.
Morning Cap’n.
All those nests of vermin that these savages travel from are countries cobbled together by commission following various wars and so forth.
I propose redrawing the boundaries by way of B-52 bomber.
If they want a Stone Age then let us give it to them.
The goat shaggers are thick fucking vermin and just do what the religious leaders tell them to do.
It’s time for western governments to put a stop to these cunts, we have 3000 on a watch list and another 20000 persons of interest.
Every time we have an incident the cunt who carries out an attack is ‘known to police’, just get the fuckers out of the country, how can you have a situation where there are so many people in a country that have the potential to commit random terror attacks.
They are all cunts, at least the French are sticking to their guns any saying fuck off, just hope they keep it up and really crack down on the Islamists.
Go Tango Man, count all the votes until you win and then stop.
Fucking right, SOI. And then invoke the Insurrection Act and immediately have the Nation Guard start shooting dead a few dozen commies and BLM pricks.
Johnny Arab – yellow streak a mile wide. Stab you as soon as look at you. Richard Coeur de Lion had the right idea, grab a fucking big sword and sort it out.
Clearly we are thinking along similar lines MNC, just read your earlier post – after the usual red mist had cleared a bit!
He checked their entrails for gold and jewels.
Had the bodies opened up.
Now thats a proper king.
We’ll give that job to Vernon Fox when ISAC goes on the crusades.?
TT MNC@ – gold, jewels and mayhem you say?
Count me in! ??
When you have articles like this that don’t even hit the news, then you start to wonder what is going on.
Europe needs to wake up to the fact that letting these cunts into your country is going to be bad for your health.
Don’t worry, Macron will be kicking the bastards out. He just has to open up a few more dinghy factories.
Too true. I expect that it won’t be long before we get a few more outbreaks of ‘peace’ around dear old Larnden tarn.
This is exactly what will happen if Macron or some other French cunt cracks down on them. Well it might not be dinghies but they’ll head to “soft touch” Britain for asylum from those nasty intolerant Frenchies.
All he needs to do is close down the French Mosques, which are the nerve centres where extremism can proliferate beneath the surface of a too-often professed “tolerate ‘Muslim community’. Many of the cunts will then leave the country and go to the nearest country where they will be welcome with open arms. Oh, er, hang on a minute!
It will take some balls, certainly. There will be Muzzie riots; oh most definitely. Pandora’s box is well and truly open; the question is – does anyone have the balls to do what it takes to close the lid?
These shithole countries have a nerve. France is full of Moslems, mainly Arabs but also Turks and Kurds, who are there because their homelands are such dumps that they get out as soon as they can. As for the Pakis, I don´t suppose any of those protesters in Islamabad have paid attention to the fact that a guy who attacked a man and a woman outside the Charlie Hebdo office recently with a meat cleaver was one of them. Why the French even allowed this fucker in is a mystery. Don´t forget Pakistan shielded Ben Laden for years and the Americans could not even trust them so they sent in a team to take him out without informing their Pakistani “allies”.
The latest murdering rat in Vienna had taken part in a “deradicalization” program. Why did the Austrians even go to the bother of trying to reform scum like this? Why not just deport them back to their scabby homelands?
As For Erdogan, Turkey´s economy is dependent on remittances from places like Germany, Holland, Switzerland, Austria and the UK that allow non-EU member Turks in, along with payments from NATO to station foreign troops on its soil. The Charlie Hebo cartoon ridiculing his hypocrisy was great. Check it out.
It doesn’t matter what any Western European leader does now. It’s too little too late. We were expressing our concerns about the enormous spasms of migration from Third World shitholes 20 yrs ago, and got shouted down as racists. Let’s not forget that the waves of peacefuls from devastated Middle Eastern countries are direct and traceable consequences of our interventions in Iraq, Libya and Syria. Until Tony Blair is publicly put on trial we have absolutely no right to claim the moral high ground.
We do have the right to defend ourselves.
The real definition of Islamaphobia.
The real fear of having your head sawn off whilst still alive. Evil vile cunts.
Remove. With force.
Keep islam in islamic Countries.
Seems more than fair.
After what they did in Vienna as well (I used to go regularly to a Beisl / pub-grub just yards away from the atrocity) I am firmly of the belief, as I always have been, that eye-slime is nothing more than a deranged, death-cult, spread by swivel-eyed, hateful, inbred psychos.
Fuck off back to your shit-holes if you can’t cope with the (reasonably) civilised western way of life.
Nuke Iraq!
Nuke Iran!
Libya, Syria, Pakistan!
With a nick nack paddywack, give the dog a bone.
Why don’t they all fuck off home?
You could have just as efficaciously left out the ‘Anti French’ and ‘ic countries’ parts out of this cunting, to have gotten to the heart of the matter.