A Diagnosis of Dementia

In extreme old age I mean. It used to be called ‘your dotage’. Grandad or Grandma losing their faculties. Seems quite natural to me. Your body declines and so does your sharpness of mind. Just slowing down it seems to me.

We’ve had a spate of ‘diagnoses’ recently. The latest is Bobby Charlton. Manchester United released this statement- “Everyone at Manchester United is saddened that this terrible disease has afflicted Sir Bobby Charlton and we continue to offer our love and support to Sir Bobby and his family.”

Terrible disease? Really? He is 84 or something. Sean Connery has just died- there was mention of Dementia with him as well. He died aged 90. I just think it’s your faculties giving out.

Sometimes it’s almost inferred someone or other didn’t die of old age or ‘natural causes’ but died of Dementia.

I’m not going on about Alzheimer’s here. Because that does affect younger people. They can see the brain wastage on x-ray.

It is said a lot of the 1966 World Cup players have had Dementia because of heading the ball. I am sceptical of that as well.

Another thing I really dislike is hearing someone has died aged 89 or something ‘having suffered dementia for many years’ and their family and friends are ‘deeply shocked’.

Instinctively I feel all this is simply not accepting death. There must always be a medical reason instead of people simply dying of old age.

Nominated by: Miles Plastic

58 thoughts on “A Diagnosis of Dementia

  1. Without resorting to any profanities at all Miles, you have a point. One I agree with you on. I personally think it to be an extension of the blame culture. Like you say at 80 + it is probably old age but people just need something to blame these days.

  2. Forgetting stuff, dribbling and lying in a pool of piss starts with initial forays into alcohol, it’s not a prerequisite of dotage unless you save the best for last.
    I’ve been doing it for decades.

  3. Alzheimers and Dementia are living deaths – the friends, relatives and immediate family see the person they knew fading away from them. They are terrible illnesses, but at the same time, those going through the awful scenarios still have what remains of the person in front of them. However expected death is, it still comes as a shock. The behaviour of people seeking an answer, or even trying to proportion blame is totally understandable.

    The only problem I have with some people who have dementia is being arrogant enough to think that at a fairly advanced age anyway, they can assume the leadership of the free world. Such men are dangerous and should be locked away where they can do no damage.

    • They are indeed terrible living deaths…but mainly for their long-suffering carers. In the extreme cases, the unfortunate victims are invariably carrying on blissfully unaware of things. Telling the nurse she has lovely big juicy tits* every few hours and getting away with it is some consolation I suppose.

      The disease I fear most is the terrible Motor Neurone Disease. In this instance the brain remains razor sharp but is just unable to convey messages to the rest of the body. I had an uncle afflicted with this severe thrashing helplessly around in frustration. He went from retired BA pilot to a wheelchair in just three months and died 2 yrs later.

      * You can imagine Fat Reg, Mandy and Adonis one day telling their male carers they admire their arses….. and asking them to get their cocks out!!

      • Afternoon Isaac.
        That’s so true what you said about MND.
        My Mother died of it 30 years ago.
        She had a pin sharp mind and tongue to match. Ended up talking through a machine and fed by a tube.
        “Our NHS” wasn’t much cop and couldn’t get care or even hospice as she was not deemed ill enough!
        I suppose if you are going gaga you don’t know about it.

  4. I’ve had many of those symptoms since I was a teen. I think the cause of most of them is overuse of alcohol.

  5. Dementia isn’t so bad. Joe Biden has it and 74 million* people think he’s capable of running our country.

    *Including the dead people that voted for him.

    White Lives Matter
    Armed Resistance
    Never Surrender

  6. Go back 40 years ago; there wasn’t the medical advances we have now. Life expectancy was shorter and many people dropped dead in their 70s due to heart attacks and cancer. Many cancers are now treatable and there have been massive advances in heart disease treatment.

    What we are finding now is that many people are overcoming cancer and heart problems and living to ripe old ages. Dementia is on the up, partly as a result of this and partly because of environmental factors. Dementia is a terrible disease, but, sorry, I can’t get on board with cunting the diagnosis of dementia – it is just a result of the medical advancement we now all rely upon.

    The disease itself is terrible – I have seen otherwise fit and health older people fall to this insidious killer that eventually robs everything.

    I can’t believe I have posted without using the word ‘cunt”.


    • I always though that once you got over 80, signs of “dementia” were inevitable, as your brain tries to remember everything and simply gets so crammed full of thoughts and menories, nothing more can be added, only gradually subtracted through natural decline.
      You can’t get more than one pint of piss into a pint glass.

      • Hi Thomas,

        As you get older, there is some inevitable cognitive decline as the rest of the body declines. However dementia is caused by plaques on the brain which form from a specific protein in the body.

        The challenge for the medical world is to find a drug to remove the plaques or prevent their formation in the first place, which has eluded the medical research world to date.

    • i’m not sure they are medical advances – a lot is propaganda and scaremongering – the pharma companies are not poor and you cannot trust them – getting old for many of us is awful, the sense of loss is enormous

      • ‘i’m not sure they are medical advances – a lot is propaganda and scaremongering’

        Fuck me, just when you thought you’ve read some shite, THIS beauty pops up! It’s enough to make my fucking eyes bleed. I’ll not explain the advances in pre-hospital care that have enabled my colleagues and I to save countless lives, as it’s all propaganda and scaremongering.

        ‘Stand HEMS down, they’re just propaganda’.

      • Once upon a time people thought pain relief and anaesthesia were the work of the Devil.
        Well, if that’s the case, I don’t blame Satanists one little bit.
        Appendectomy without anaesthesia ?
        No, thought not.

  7. Refusal to accept the failings of the mind and body due to advanced age are most often the preserve of younger people who see their own mortality in such natural events. I believe that the ability to deal with such things with stoicism is something that has to be acquired over a lifetime. Although I tend to agree with your view MP, personally I would not be too hard on people who like to put labels on things if it helps them cope. A very thought provoking nom.

    • another good point here Twenty – by trying to understand diagnosis and your own condition it does help to manage it, to try to remain as independent as possible

      • Exactly so, LDC. Of course this is not what the Government, and many public sector cunts want. More dependency means more power for them and guaranteed jobs for life. Kids on Ritalin, adults on anti-depressants. Perfect.

  8. Fact is people tend to live to a much greater age than in the past. That’s why there is such a problem with dementia.

    So yes it is a symptom of ageing but a terrible one which destroys a person’s whole character. It can’t be compared with a malfunctioning body.

    As for the great Sir Bobby, I don’t remember him heading the ball much. He was too busy shooting cannonballs from a distance.

    • Morning Ruff. Could you please elaborate on that cry of frustration.
      You’re not normally known as a man of few words!

      • Maybe Creampuff forgot what he was going to post.

        All those symptoms of dementia seem to describe this current Parliament.

        Morning Cunters.

      • Morning Bertie, morning LL. Sorry, but I’ve already given this nomination more of my time than it deserves.

      • I think Miles should be commended for such a thought provoking nom.
        It makes a change from some of the 3 sentence trivia that sometimes appears on here.

      • Maybe… if you consider insulting dementia sufferers and their families to be “thought provoking”.

      • Ruff – Ah. I see. If that was the intention, then I don’t think it’s been successful as most posters are sympathetic to sufferers. Some titles of noms are not phrased correctly. This one suggests the cunt is the diagnosis of the disease which most would agree with. I agree that the body of the text does not often support this.
        Fuck it – alright, I did not read it carefully. I was mainly going from the title!!

      • The title of the Nom was too long it wouldn’t fit on.

        Should have been –

        ‘A Diagnosis of Dementia in Extreme Old Age’

  9. The increase in cases of dementia has increased considerably, as was predicted, following the BSE scandal which meant that contaminated beef infected some people with prions which caused Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease (CJD). There are two “versions” one of which caused rapid decline and death, the other which was “slow burn” taking decades to cause mental decline and death. Shortly after the fist wave of deaths, doctors were forbidden to diagnose CJD in patients, instead the are compelled to use generic terms like “dementia” and “Alzheimer’s “, thereby saving successive (and the present) governments billions in compensation. It is the Politicians not the doctors who are the duplicitous CUNTS in this criminal cover up.

  10. What a load of bollocks. It’s not a consequence of living longer because of medical advances, as it can affect perfectly healthy people. My father has been slowly fading because of it for the past few years, and it has been heartbreaking watching him being robbed of his memory and his dignity.
    It could be worse, we could be Catholics like my friends in laws, where the husband blames himself for his wife’s dementia as a punishment from God for not preying enough. Then again, it would probably be a release for a lot of Catholics losing their memories, as they can finally forget being molested as a child by a friendly priest.

    • Sorry GJ, it is not bollocks. Dementia is more prevelant partly as a result of people living longer, but yes it is on the increase due to environmental factors so some younger people are being affected.

      I am truly sorry for your Dad’s plight. It is an utter cunt of a cruel disease. My wife’s Uncle has it. He has transformed from a happy, jolly retired chap who walked miles and played bowls to someone who now needs around the clock care.

      • I think I was referring to the idea that it is purely a consequence of age, as the nom suggests. Obviously as people live longer there will be more sufferers, as more people live to that era where these conditions are prevalent. I think it’s hereditary too, both his mother and sister died of it. So I guess I’m fucked too.

  11. Can’t agree with this cunting, sorry. Dementia is an awful affliction. See it all the time. It also masks pain. I’ve seen dementia sufferers standing and mobilising with a NOF, (neck of femur), injury. That is agonising but they don’t feel it. Worst part from my point of view is seeing what they were, as in Isaac’s uncle, (different affliction but the analogy is the same), wartime photo’s and the like. Took a Lancaster navigator in, once. Went back to the ED later with another patient, went to see him to find out he’d died. Absolutely choked. Locked myself in the back of the truck for five minutes to get a grip of myself. Wish I’d not seen the picture of him and his crew.

    • Had to rely on you guys quite a bit in the last year, as my dad tried to stay independent and would fall over and my mother couldn’t pick him up. You have my eternal gratitude.

      • Dementia is a cunt. Having watched my old man succumb to a particularly aggressive dementia ( there are many types, as I’m sure you’ll know ), I know what you’re going through.
        Life is a lottery, my old man was in his late eighties and became a living corpse.
        I have an uncle who’s in his nineties, he’s as sharp as a tack, tends his own garden and plays a number of musical instruments, other pastimes are reading voraciously, and exploring the Internet. He’s a joy to talk to, he’s taught me a lot, as did my old man, as I said, life is a lottery.
        Squeeze it for as much as you can get out of it.
        Good morning.

      • “Life is a lottery.” Extremely true Jack. This is the case with this terrible condition.
        Is it just down to good or bad luck? Perhaps.
        However, a recent inquiry into the nation’s health has revealed that the causes of health inequality are broadly similar across the country and on average, poor health increases with increasing socio-economic disadvantage. The severity of the cases is greater in the North. No surprise there then. It just seems as though many poor cunts don’t get a chance to buy a ticket. I would be interested to see a breakdown between north and south of all the life limiting conditions, including dementia. I suspect, however, that this could be an exception where everyone is susceptible whatever their wealth.

  12. Terrible disease (s).
    I know a few people who have lost elderly relatives with covid plus dementia. (Should I say plus being c19 +).

    There does seem to be a culture swing where everything and everybody has to be labelled.
    Naughty, cunty kids-ADHD etc-although that is another counting for another day.

  13. It’s a right cunt and no mistake.
    Quality of life over longevity would be ideal.
    Pass the scotch.

  14. Three score year and ten. As we exceed that historically understood natural lifespan in greater numbers we see more degradation of facilities in the very elderly.

    It’s sad but it’s natural, human life is artificially extended beyond what some of our organs are naturally capable of, some have the capacity to function well into an extended old age, many sadly do not.

  15. If dementia can be caused by heading the ball then I suppose that is similar to the brain injury that Muhammed Ali got that caused his Parkinsons.
    Gary Lineker famously avoided heading the ball for this very reason and he still turned onto a massive cunt.

  16. It is truly, a tragic affliction. I remember my grandad suffering with it. He was at one time, the fittest over 70’s person I knew and would do headstands on the carpet at my house. He went quickly downhill soon after and started chopping up his furniture to burn. In those days there was absolutely no help for sufferers.

    • My nan was a sufferer too Bertie, seeing people in the garden and telling doctors to “fuck off” amongst other things, I suppose you have to remember they are not the same people as you remember them. My mum was bringing up two kids under two at the same time so it was a double cunt, as you say, things were a lot different 30 odd years ago.

  17. a really good point Miles – as we are witness to today, healthy people are being declared ill even when they are not – the narrative that we can all catch covid just by breathing next to somone else is pervasive and people believe it – it’s medico-fascism

  18. Genuinely sad about Bobby. A boyhood hero and one of the all time greats. Arguably (alongside Jimmy Greaves) the greatest English footballer of all time. And I am so glad that smear of slime, Lineker didn’t beat Bobby’s England goal scoring record.

    I wonder though, how long will it take for some cunt to say Bobby’s condition is down to heading a football? Rest assured, they will. Only thing is Bobby hardly ever headed a ball in his entire career. He never had to, when he was blessed with two magical and lethal feet. When he scored that header in the 1968 European Cup Final, he surprised his team mates as much as he did the fans at Wembley that night.

    With Bestie gone and Bobby on his way, there will only be King Denis left out of the Holy Trinity.

    • What a virtue signaller Radford is. He’s got to be there at every opportunity-

      ‘Sir Bobby, you are my hero and I am devastated that you are having to go through this’

      I thought your ‘heroes’ would be the ones you grew up watching. How old is Radford? 23. His heroes should be the players of the 90s.

      Such a virtue signaller.

      “Stay strong, we love you,” said Rashford in his latest post before signing out.

      • I thought Rasford’s heroes were those Black Panther cunts.

        The little fucker does that stupid raised fist salute enough.

  19. There are 4 main types of demenia: Alzheimer’s Disease, Vascular Dementia,
    Lewy body dementia and frontotemporal dementia.

    My mother in law has vascular dementia. I never really liked
    her when she was well and it is now intolerable for me to
    be with her when she is really bad. She’d shout, scream, open the car
    door while the car was moving. Eventually I couldn’t take it so only my
    brother in law takes her out now. My wife does all her food shopping
    and she tells her to go away when she brings food in. Who does she think brings the food in? The fucking food fairy?

    Dementia is a cunt and it is difficult to accept it. My dad’s mind was sharp at 84 but weakness and kidney damage through years of smoking caused his death.

    I think everybody wishes they could live in perfect health until they are 160 and pass away peacefully in their sleep, but that’s wishful thinking.

  20. A dreadful disease.
    Both for the poor soul suffering and their families.
    Good nom Miles.

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