Westminster cowards

DMS plastics make riot gear for the police, riot shields.
Sky news has pointed out that the US police trying to contain riots by BLM in the US were using these sheilds.
The shields are used to protect a police officer from bricks, bottles, attack with weapons, various projectiles.
Our old friend Emily Thornberry waded in saying they could be used for ‘internal oppression’!!
The fuckin nutter.
When asked if indeed the shields used are British manufactured the Government rather than say
“Yes indeed we make the best police protective equipment in the world!
Saving police officers around the world, buy the best! Buy British!??
“Theres no proof ”
What the fuck??
Like theyre ashamed!
Like its something wrong!
Clueless fuckin piss weak government, default mode, lie& deny.
Wankers to a man.
Theyll shaft us.
On Brexit on everything we believe in.
Traitors to a man.

Nominated by: Miserable Northern Cunt

(More info here – DA https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2020/oct/05/us-police-used-british-anti-riot-gear-at-black-lives-matter-protests)

26 thoughts on “Westminster cowards

  1. quite – they can do what they like to us and we apparently have to accept it – but the other way round – nah, we’re naughty, promote hate and violence – the dystopia we are currently living in is inhuman and immoral – nothing changes – and it is Thornberry, thought she’d gone on a diet

  2. A Champagne socialist cunt. They are all cunts, hypocrites, and lying scumbags. I hope they will be infected with Ebola.

  3. Spineless and craven.
    WW2 used up all our strength it seems and made our rulers servile.
    What a disgrace.
    All our riot gear should have a Union Jack on it.
    Let’s see what shite we get served up next..

  4. Reading the Grauniad article makes my proud to be British. The shield is a great example of our skilled engineering and design. And these exports are put to good use – knocking the skulls of cunts. Win win.

    Thornbury might take note that if she starts to ban arms export, etc, there will be no jobs left in the North whatsoever. We’re beginning to learn that the economy doesn’t run by selling coffee and falafel.

  5. Thornberry doesn’t need worry too much…when the Furlough Scheme ends the Company that makes them will probably close.along with most other businesses..still.at least Public Sector jobs, pay increases and pensions will be safe..for now.
    Probably wise of Johnson to cause the closure of this Company before the ungrateful.jobless,bankrupt Plebs drag him fra his bed and shove a riot-shield up his arse.

    The Cunt.

    • Reassuring to see MPs have been awarded a 4.1% pay increase (£3,000), bringing their basic pay up to a paltry £85,000, especially as most of them now have to work from home, poor loves.

    • I have a customer who makes police and military accessories. It is non-violent but very useful and is exported all around the world. He has been busy all year as from around the world the authorities knew there would be civil unrest as soon as lockdown was ended.
      The BLM is just an excuse for a ruckus, if it wasn’t them it would be some other cunts.

  6. Who gives a flying fuck what the fucking Guardian and fucking champagne socialists like Lady Nugee think about anything? Doesn’t the Jellyfish mob realise it was those values which were so decisively rejected last December? What clearer message do you have to send to these limp wristed wankers?
    I fucking despair. ?

    • That’s ok, her cunt of a boss was on all media yesterday dictating what Britain must do next in its efforts to completely ruin the economy. Fuck off Kier, and fuck off anyone who thinks hiding in the house for a fortnight is going to reverse the rise in chinkyflu cases. It’s like an unpaid gas bill, it’s not going away because you ignore it. So much for opposition. Cunts.

      • And if Boris is daft enough to agree to Starmer’s “demands” (who the fuck does he think he is?), when the economy falls in the lavatory Starmer will take full advantage, completely forgetting it was he who instigated it – despite the fact that up until Monday the witless cunt was questioning whether Labour should support further restrictions

        As for old Thornberry – she and that filthy looking cunt Anal-ease Dodds ought to be advertising those cheap knickers for incontinent old bags like themselves.

  7. Of the 600 plus in the Commons it is hard to think of any who are ‘ Fit for purpose’. Don’t get me started on the Lords.

  8. Not only did this once proud nation have to buy secondhand German watercannon, but it got a fit of the vapours and flogged them, unused, for scrap, at a massive loss. Whicn leaves us, as before, dependent on the poor bloody infantry to clear looting vermin off the streets. I think that says it all.

  9. “A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within”
    Looks like we’re fucked then!

  10. Riot kit will only be used for “internal oppression” when non-BAME protests manifest themselves.
    Or if NugeeFugee’s jaffa cake storage facility is threatened.

    Meanwhile, in accordance with empathy,soy latte drinkers ,BLM and XR, DMS Plastics will be adding the manufacture of padded,asphalt resistant knee pads to its product line.
    NugeeFugee, you’re a fek’n disgrace and if only you could be persuaded to swim in the seas offshore japan you would within a short while find yourself infested with harpoons and dragged up the loading ramp of a factory ship.

    You’d hate to be her household plumber. Blockage central.

  11.  Emily Thornberry is my number one archery target.
    I’d like to give her one of these sheilds and put her at the bottom of my garden and see if she could protect her cunting self from a stream of arrows from a 75lb bow.

  12. Emily has one of those eminently punchable faces whenever she’s making that look of disgust and disagreement, rolling her eyes, and being a fat egotistical cunt that won’t pipe down.

    If you showed her that nom picture she probably wouldn’t even see circular riot shields but delicious giant digestive biscuits running towards her. Stupid blimp.

    • It’s the condescending, actorly Patricia Hewitt tone of voice that boils my piss (does anyone remember La Hewitt, the P.I.E. poster girl?)

      • It is a guaranteed piss boiler indeed, Mr Boggs. I remember my very first encounter of her, and that sneering tone, on BBC Question Time. Vile woman, if one may call her that.

        Her protégé must be Diane Abbacus because she does that voice, and the eye rolling too. Unfortunately Diane still has much to master as she can only manage a half eye roll and gets stuck looking at the ceiling lights.

  13. Well Emily, an interesting point you make. Let’s take the politics away and look at the practicalities.

    Remove the protective gear and you have officers who’s choice will be take a kicking, bathe in a Molotov or use the one line of defence they are left with, their guns.

    This is why we never vote for your lot Emily. You’d fuck up the eco system of a small puddle if you were left in charge of it .

  14. 650 useless fucking sellout cunts in the houses of parliament.
    It’s about time that all MP’s are made to sign an oath of allegiance to Britain and it’s interests when the get elected. Any breech of this would be instant expulsion and jail time for treason.

    This would get rid of the likes of Thornberry, the Magic Grandpa, Dianne Flabbot in fact all of the Labour party, all of the Lib Dems, all of the SNP and well over half of the Tory mob.

    See what I mean? Pretty much all of the 650 MP’s display hatred or treacherous traits against this country and its people in some form or other.

    I personally have lost all faith in the freeloading, treacherous, dishonest and incompetent political class and may one day they all get held to justice for their crimes against this country and its people.

  15. Compared to other European counties we don’t have enough riot gear and more importantly enough police to fucking kick the shit out of BLM and Extinction cunts.

    We need to double the number of police and allow them to kick fucking ass, none of this ‘pandering to community sensitivities’

    Woke needs to put where it belongs, in the shit house.

  16. It seems like Boris and chums are allowing the Police to constantly operate above and beyond their mandate, when it comes to policing non-BAME: some of the footage I have viewed on the net recently, has left me wondering if I have somehow strayed into a parallel universe, a’ la Judge Dredd.
    Whilst I have some sympathy for serving police officers, the way some of them behave, it is no wonder parts of the British public are turning against them.

  17. This is where the Donald would shine, If asked were they his “Shields” oppressing protesters he would proudly say Yes indeed and im sending more in case the cunts break one. God Bless these United States Of America Jobs

  18. Emily ‘Arse like O’Reillys bull’ Thornberry is a stuck up snobby champagne socialist who thinks anyone with a pound less than her is a peasant. Whenever I see her vile features appear on my tv I have a compulsion to put my foot through the fucking screen

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