University of Chicago

A brainwashed, politically correct, indoctrinational cunting for the once great academic institution that was the University of Chicago.

In it’s short 130 year history the University of Chicago has made a name for itself as one of the premier academic institutions in the world. Consistently rated among the world’s top 10 schools, it’s list of accomplished graduates make up a “who’s who” in politics, science, economics, medicine, law and just about every field of human endeavor you can imagine.

But that was then. Now, the inmates who are running this asylum have announced that if you want to do graduate studies in their English Department you MUST be:

“…interested in working in and with black studies.”

No Shakespeare, no Chaucer, no Dickens, no Shelley. No Twain, no Melville, no Steinbeck, no Fenimore-Cooper. Forget about travelling with Gulliver, exploring with Quartermain or the trials and tribulations of Lord Jim. The Department has said that English has a:

“a long history of providing aesthetic rationalizations for colonization, exploitation, extractions and anti-blackness.”

So in essence they are saying, that the very nature of our being and heritage, (i.e. our language and literature) is racist.

Well I say; Fuck you, you miserable, revisionist, virtue signalling, brain washing cunts!

Your politically correct, virtue signalling bullshit won’t save your faux academic asses in the “Brave New World” to come. When D’Nigglius Washington and Lagroidian Thomas usher in their “Utopia” and the BLM cunts come to burn your ass down, what are you going to say when the flames are tickling your ass.

Yu be a bett’r man den I Schvarte’ Jones.

Pointy headed, ivory tower cunts!

Read the story here:

Nominated by: General Cuntster (Deceased)

75 thoughts on “University of Chicago

  1. OMG, General – pass me the sal volatile! I am in need of something after reading all this cunt-bullshit. Heavens! The racist bullies! They are really out to get us and to grind our souls into the dust. May their own bla-k souls rot in the darkest pit of hell – if they have souls. Probably not.

  2. And why not? With the population of Africa set to treble while the rest of the world shrinks, we are going to be overwhelmed by savagery anyway. Might as well start by trashing literature.

  3. “No Shakespeare, no Chaucer, no Dickens, no Shelley…”….lucky fucking escape I reckon.

      • And ‘no Melville, no Steinbeck, no Fenimore..’ Mr F.
        Thank God. At the risk of upsetting our American cousin I would say from my extensive reading there is no such thing as ‘American Literature’. Nothing on a par with ‘English Literature’ or ‘French Literature’ or ‘Russian Literature’. No-one of the calibre of Trollope, Balzac, Tolstoy. Indeed we are still waiting for ‘The Great American Novel’. I cannot think of one American poet I admire. No-one of the calibre of Keats.
        I think it must be something in that frenetic atmosphere over there that makes them unable to write.

      • Jim Morrison?
        He was a poet,
        And Jack Kerouac, Allan Ginsberg, Michael mcClure etc “the Beat generation’.
        Dont you rate them Miles?
        Dont you dig them daddio??

      • They have a different take on the language, that’s all. Twain and Melville are ok by me – Twain’s a very acute and witty observer who actually got his hands dirty. Though apart from Eliot, writing about England, US poetry doesn’t do a lot for me, but then again I’d have no difficulty living without anyone’s poetry.

      • Can’t agree about Steinbeck, Miles.

        The Grapes of Wrath and Of Mice and Men really capture dust-bowl, poverty-stricken America during the depression and rank very highly in the pantheon of great literature.

        I can only conclude that Chicago Uni is excluding works which are not dominated by black history.

        White folk who were exploited and down-trodden don’t count.

      • Steinbeck, Melville, Twain, Roth, Henry Miller, Joseph Heller, etc – there are dozens of great American authors and novels.

        You’re wasting your breath on some of the xenophobic philistines posting here M’lord.

      • As a devout xenophobe and ingrained philistine I’ll surprise you here Ruff,
        Some great american writers,
        Steinbeck definitely,
        Kenn Kesey, your friend Hunter Thompson,

      • I’ll surprise you too here Miserable… my post was not aimed at you! Far from it. Or Komodo. I know you admire Steinbeck, we’ve discussed his work in previous noms.

        And Thompson – Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas is ace! As is Hell’s Angels.

        With only 240 years behind them the Americans punch well above their weight when it comes to literature.

        @ Komodo: I’d have little difficulty living without poetry too. About the only stuff I like is my own…. and Edward Lear’s. And Lewis Carroll… And I heard a poem on the radio last night by Pam Ayers that weren’t bad.

      • A hippy,eh? Years ago I had a hell of a do with some hippy types who were trying to stop us felling a wood where their magic mushrooms grew.
        Scruffy Cunts’ll have to wait a few years to get any mushrooms after we levelled it.

      • Better plough up any pasture you’ve got as well, Dick. P. semilanceata* loves a nice old field.

        Or maybe not on second thoughts. You want a good clear field of fire, don’t you?

        *if they haven’t reclassified it again

    • No Twain!
      Poor Shania!!
      Just wanted to feel like a woman, ..hate crime.

      • I like Shania…unusually for an old biddy (over 40) she’s still worth chucking a bone.

      • Not much Miserable. For such a vast country it’s all very bitty. In the past they went for an outdated classicism. Now they have opted for the modern looseness. Either one doesn’t work..
        They should stick to the truly ‘American Art Forms’ they have created: Jazz, the Movies.

      • She’s a vegan Herr Fidldler, so she’s probably not keen for a gentleman of the realm to dip their pork sword in her rose salad!!!

      • Is she ? I’ll sharp cure her of that affliction. Once she’s had a real meat-eating man hammering at her cervix like a turboed jack-hammer she’ll forget about all that veggie nonsense.

        It won’t be “Feel like a woman”…it’ll be “Feel like I’ve just had a Sexual Tyrannosaurus”

      • How dare you mock my Flid arms ?….you don’t know the frustration of never being able to reach your own cock for a good tug.

      • I’ve just been modded…I wonder if the word F L I D is a trigger word?

      • Hehhee!?
        Ive run out of offensive words to get moderated by now.
        Need to expand my vocabulary!?

    • You’re not the only one who abhors England’s literary heritage, Dick.

      Music to Islamist ears! ?

    • Lots of responses to this and some are a bit surprising to me. This seems life as good a place as any to post my response to your responses.

      I’m not offended that many seem to disagree with me. My choice of authors was more about recognizable influential names than personal like. I hate Melville. I never developed an appreciation for Shakespeare. And Chaucer didn’t do much for me.

      But that isn’t the point. Our history, tradition, culture and values are being systemically erased by these Marxist goons masquerading as educators and they are starting with our literature.

      Replace the names on my list with the names of those you admire…in any genre…in any time period and then tell me you feel the same way.

      You all expressed you point because even if you didn’t read any of the authors listed you knew who they were. Nobody will know who they are when the “Red Guard” erases them from history and replaces them with…who?

      As an aside…Good evening Mr. Fiddler.

      • Evening General – excellent nomination.

        Very sad the way the wind is blowing in the West. I should have mentioned Ray Bradbury in my previous post, Fahrenheit 451 appears to be just around the corner, aided and abetted by some posting here. Unless they’re having a laugh.

      • Hey Ruff,


        Bradbury could have easily made my list. Along with Orwell…John LeCarre…Emily Bronte…the names themselves are irrelevant. (I must confess I’m more than a bit surprised that some cunters didn’t get that.)

        They could write novels, short stories, poetry or comic books…it makes no difference. They will be replaced with the names of ideologically acceptable, state approved authors who toe the party line.

      • The gist of The General’s cunting is 100% spot on. It’s the lack of tolerance of other peoples’ differing opinions that grates and it’s coming here.

        I will add a few more outstanding US novelists:-

        Franzen. He may be a bestselling author but don’t let that put you off
        Auger. Tricky to understand in terms of structure but worth the effort in the end
        Salter. Check out All That Is
        Tom Wolfe. Bonfire was great but I rate ‘A Man In Full’ as one of my top 10 favourites of all time. It’s effectively Tango Man’s biography written decades before he truly came to prominence. It’s an epic doorstop just begging to be adapted by the likes of Netflix or Amazon

    • True to a point mr fiddler but they are english literature written by fine minds/now it seems the bar has been lowered and the I Q to go with it according to their revised policys

  4. I almost said I cannot agree. Although since all our literature is being ripped apart and branded racist/colonial excuses, perhaps you are right.

    But even if such literature is not to your taste we cannot yield an inch to these racists can we? Perhaps things have already gone too far. That is should come to this!

      • Did it make sense? It should have been posted in reply to Mr Fiddler right up top, but I messed up with the place to put it. Anyway General, good post!

      • Lady C,

        Thank you and don’t worry about your posting intent. I intended to write paragraph not paragraphic.

        (There are gremlins in my keyboard and spell check is a tool of the devil.)

  5. I wonder if N***er Jim will be excised from Huckleberry Finn. Conrad’s “N×××ger of the Narcissus” will also not feature presumably. Othello will be taught as an example of racism against a noble black man and a precursor of the racist OJ Simpson trial.

  6. The University of Chicago receives significant State funding.
    Remove it – go woke, go broke.
    And The Donald is pushing through legislation to stop this kind of hateful nonsense.

  7. So what jobs are available for a doctor of black studies? Writing for The Guardian? Getting on the telly and spouting racist, anti white bullshit? Surely there are plenty of cunts competing for those positions. You don’t really need academic qualifications to talk rich whitey into feeling guilty for his privileged position and shifting the blame on the racist proles.

    • I think that you also need to be transgender or at the very least, gay, to get a job at the Guardian or BBC.
      I wonder how long it will be before the head of diversity at the BBC bites the bullet and hires a token,straight,white male.

      • Trevor…… Hahaha
        Or ending in “in” eg Colin, Kevin, Martin. Whoever gets christened with those names these days?!

      • They are due to come back into fashion soon. We’ve been thru all the old testament stuff (for boys) and girls are now named Ethel or Nora or Lily/Ruby without shame.

        So your Trevor days will come – maybe a bit late for some old cunts here though.

      • First thing I ever encountered when going to Uni a lifetime ago was having a big broad beamed Nigerian mama in my group.

        Her name was Edith Akin-Lotan but she was a fuckn hoot. Lovely lady, hope she’s not raddled with Aids.


    • Professor of black studies at Birmingham City University?
      Racist hate baiter Kehinde Andrews and clown Sir Lenny “Katanga” Henry have both declined to answer the question I asked them on twatter – why does Birmingham City University have a professor of black studies but no professor of white studies? Why so racist?

    • Nope you only have to look at lammy dont you for divine inspiration /they say god created man in his own image if thats true he dropped a right bollock

  8. If any of you cunts haven’t seen Grayson Perry’s Big American Road Trip you should try to catch up with it. Yes I know he’s a big Jessie but the episode the other night on the liberal elite was a real eye opener. He gets right inside the head of these woke wankers. Highly recommended.

    • University of Chicago,
      Where entrepreneur and business man Al Capone studied, shameful.
      But if you leave we now
      Youll take away the very heart of me!
      Ooow oww baby please don’t go!!

      • Chicago? We’ll have fifty Year old Rene Zellweger playing 20 Year old Roxy Hart next!
        Oh, wait a minute..

  9. Chicago, isn’t that city famous for Black studies in the streets

    75% of murders are black on black.

  10. Black history is what was recorded by Europeans and Arabs when they came into contact. Blacks have no writing. It is how we know that the slave trade started when Angolan/Congolese kings swapped people, black people, for western goods. This may have been going on with the Arab traders in the east and north even earlier. It is how the slave trade operated. To say only whitey was wicked patronises blacks as dupes.
    Black literature has only come about in the last century or so. Using non African writing systems and technology. I may be wrong but I cant think of a single black writer who could stand with the European and American masters.
    This may be woke but it is also dumbing down to a poor standard. Twain or Wilde would have summed it up with cutting wit.

  11. The only book worth reading in Chicago is the police report book. Hundreds of thousands of crimes committed by blacks. Interesting read though slightly uncomfortable if your a bit woke…

    • Have the faculty meet in a garage and sprinkle liberally with machine gunfire.
      Do it on Valentines day
      See if they appreciate the irony.

  12. I heard that the University had approached Diane Abbott to head up a new ‘Dept. of Black Mathematics’.
    Graduate entry requires that applicants be able to add two and two.

      • No, they must be able to add 2+2 but the answer they provide is open to infinite interpretation.
        A bit like my chosen field – econometrics. That is a way to waste your life.

    • Failed fucking miserably then /it was by no means a pass it would have taken gargantuan cunning for her once she took the banana out her mouth.

  13. Wat a rotten state of affairs. The only decent American author is Lionel Shriver and she’s moved to England. Presumably they have no Jane Austen either for fear they’d learn some manners. People are so hung up about what they can’t have that they forget what they actually want.
    “Only a country that feels invulnerable can afford political turmoil as entertainment..”

    • Steinbeck is a good writer JJ – Hemingway is not.
      And Jack Kerouac needs standing “on the road” and fkin running over.

      • Kerouac’s work has not aged and I simply could not get to grips with ‘The Catcher in the Rye’ by Salinger yet I am still told that it is brilliant. The grammar of each author is dreadful.

  14. No, fuck that. Universities should be places of learning, not political manipulation. Putting that cuntery into a context I can understand, that’s equivalent to entry to a chemistry course being dependent on expressing an interest in rubidium.

    It also fails the ‘reverse-it’ test spectacularly. “must be interested in KKK studies?” I think not.

    Of course any of Chicago’s enormous AfAm population should be able to do their own history: almost certainly this is already catered for by optional modules (I can’t be arsed checking, but that’s how specialist interests are usually handled). When they’ve graduated, they might then pursue the matter further instead of shooting each other – great!

    • Just out of interest but is there still places left on the kkk studies course?

      • Fully booked Miserable but there is the ‘Bernard Manning Drama Club’ and ‘Hitler Youth Community Outreach Programme’, places still available.

      • Put me down for both.
        Dont let anyone say im not willing to expand my mind LL!!?

    • Eerugh!!
      Dont be so dirty.
      I expect better from a man of the cloth to be honest.
      Satan spunk everywhere!

  15. Looking into a future I have compiled a list of future authors…all of who are sanctioned by the Revolutionary Guard:

    “Peaceful Jihad” by Ahnad Habibi

    “Controlling the Masses” by Phuc Yu

    “The War Against Whitey” by Nandi M’Butu

    “Burning the Burbs” by Laschivious Smith

    “We Are Trans” by Rainbow Warrior

    and finally…

    “We Be Kangz” by Archie Markle

  16. Agree with most of your thrust general.. Let the new age dark key s search research for all they are worth for great literature written by from Afriyanks from history .. When they finally realise that, well not to put to fine a point on it that there are little examples of this, then maybe just maybe a little common sense might be re applied..

    I’m I not trying to say that white is better than black because it isn’t really but look to what you are good at celebrate it develop it and realise that different skills and aptitudes make up the human race.

    Stop trying to rewrite history accept it accept the fact that people of any colour can get on but stop pretending..

    Oh fuck it stop being fucking deranged BLM socialistic cunts fucking grow up stupid fuckers ..

  17. Saint Chicken Floyd George’s sister says she’ll never watch video of Police killing her brother.
    He probably sold her TV set for drugs before he copped it.

  18. I can imagine the application process. Honky man applies. He must have at least the Yankee equivalent of 4 A levels at straight A. He’ll have to pass two interviews with bizarre questions thrown at him like, “If you woke up and were now an egg, what would you do?” One single grammatical error on his 5,000 word personal statement will mean he’s goosed.

    Then on to Lionel Joseph’s application.

    Academic Qualifications: Me no done dis ting what dis where my chiggun?

    Personal statement: I see dem white biitches plenty too. Good bursaree for black man me can buy chiggun every day and plenty crack.

    Guess who gets in?

    • ““If you woke up and were now an egg, what would you do?” ”

      Get cracking?

      I’ll get my coat…

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