Uni Students & Their Covid Hardships

A Freshers Week cunting please for the arriogant stupid kids going to university for the first time, who are being indulged by Wireless 4 (latest example World At One 25th September).

The poor little fuckers are crying so sore
Sad boys and girls are they
For they can’t get pissed at freshers week
And life’s such a frightful bore

I am sick of hearing posh girls and boys whinging that it is “unacceptable” that they have to stay in their rooms, can’t go to the pub and get drunk (we have just had a concerned mummy on – Jacasca has only been to the pub once since she went back for ther 2nd yar, poor love). Their lives are ended.

The silly mummy bitch thinks we ought to have more “test track and trace”

The 3Ts is the latest throwaway line for the stupid, just as in Blair’s day it was “make a difference”. Any airhead can say it.

Could we remind these little bastards that they go to university to learn, not to get permanently pissed as they entertain themselves in the playground.

Nominated by: W. C. Boggs

62 thoughts on “Uni Students & Their Covid Hardships

  1. The apple never falls far from the tree. Cunts bred by cunts from a complete line of cunts. Lock them in their dorms and get a box of matches. The alcohol and the paper messages in the windows that I’ve seen in the windows of these poor wankers should get things going to a temperature that fights off Covid. Fuck them all. A complete drain on society. If Mummy and Daddy want to help then lock them in too. Cunts.

  2. Do they go to learn? Only in theory. In reality they go to make connections that will help them climb various greasy poles in the future. The only thing they really learn is libtard, tree hugging identity politics.
    I would open the student boozers 24 hours, let them catch it and some of the cunts at least will die. The ones who survive make them do an extra year and screw more money out of them. Most of them are just poofs and foreigners anyway.

  3. Not sure I’m entirely onboard with this. Whilst I decry the arrogance and self- indulgence of the posh, young people have been lied to for years about the importance of a university education.

    When I went (late 80s) university was very much a minority pursuit. Tuition was free and you received a grant. Fast forward to today and a lot of ‘degrees’ are worthless and so are the ‘Universities’ – the FE College where I did my A Levels now reckons it’s a university.

    It does seem to me that the more worthless the degree, the higher the level of entitlement. Medicine, engineering and history – yes. Gender studies and black studies not so much. And who’s the thicko? The person who gets a trade after leaving school at 16 or the twat who gets 50 grand in debt for a worthless piece of paper and works in McDonalds?

    Second part of previous post…

  4. I should have added that when Jacasa’s mummy made the remark about only going to the pub once, she had only been back at “uni” for a week.

    I suppose most BBC reporters are too young to know these days, but had I been interviewing the delicate little flowers, I would have pointed out to them that my generation, when they got to 18, were forced into the army/RAF/Navy for 2/3 years (two for the army 3 for RAF/Navy) whether they wanted it or not – the dorms and such were not centrally heated, if you were enlisted this late in the year you would not have been home for Christmas (and in any case “home” was 12 weeks away), and instead of a kindly tutor holding your hand you were shouted and screamed at all day every day, and if you did run home to mum (as some the students were saying they would do if things didn’t improve AT ONCE) we would have been on a charge of going AWOL. As many of you will know, some of the punishments and treatments in those days verged on cruelty, but we had to get on with it. I was fine, but I know a lot of lads who were not, and in fact, one of ours actually topped himself a few weeks in. These “uni” kids (none of them had the strength to add “versity”) are far too soft. God help them if they ever had conscription again.

  5. I’m no lover of Students…bunch of wasters,mainly…but in a way I see their point. I know that this’ll sound a tad selfish but I agree with People who have had enough of their lives being run according to whatever ridiculous idea has wafted into the Govt.’s head that particular day. Students…and a hell of a lot of other people…know that even if they catch the virus,it’s unlikely to do them much harm. By all means protect the vulnerable (which is what they should have done at the start) but let the rest of us live our fucking lives at our own peril,if that’s what we chose.
    If we are ever to return to some kind of normality we must accept that arbitrary,off-the-cuff decisions and actions are doing more harm than good…and I really can’t see how locking 100s of University students up while insisting that Schools are safe works ?

    • PS….Perhaps it would be wiser to put the vulnerable in total lockdown instead of the vast majority of the population who are unlikely to take much hurt.

      • You always speak good sence Dick, and I do agree with you in many ways, but the constant whining of students just gets my goat. There are many people, many quite young who are far worse off than them – people who can;t work because of the restrictions, like musicians, who don’t earn much at the best of times, for just one example.

        I think the students and mummy and daddy have themselves to blame. If I were one of this shower, I would have just guessed when we got to summer and lockdowns were still in place, that you would be throwing your money away this year both in the fees and the housing costs and deferred till next year, but the self aggrandising little bleeders couldn’t wait to say “I/or my Toby/My Jessica is orf to uni in September”, and they bought a pig in a poke. I also agree with CMC that the girls and lads who leave school and have nothing to do with the “Uni con” are far better off and far more sensible, but snobbery sadly still rules in this country. That said I would have been interested in joining the Fiddler University if I were younger, if only for the wenching, and the drinking and the pronographic films on a big screen.

      • The whinging is a Cunt,Mr.Boggs…I suppose what I’m getting at is that even I was young once and if,in my youth,I was told that I must be locked up to (perhaps) safeguard a tiny minority..well,being a bit of s selfish Cunt,I’d have probably said “It’s not going to kill me,so Fuck it and get the beers in ”

        Mike has a good point about “Uni or Job”…there was a young lad who worked with me while training to be a tree-surgeon (he did do odd weeks at college) and I remember him telling me how his “Uni” mates were sometimes a bit sneery…the laddie now owns his own home and does very well for himself after setting up on his own…I wonder if his “Uni” mates are doing as well?

        You may yet get your chance to attend Fiddler Uni. yet,Mr.Boggs…I am currently applying for endless grants to open a new Campus which has the stated aim of ” Retraining Cantankerous Old Farts to Survive in the Modern World”…I’m confident that we will be ordered into total isolation fairly quickly which will allow us to adapt our circumstances to suit our particular attitudes..

        PS…I do hope that the fragrant Mrs.Boggs will be free to join you….you deserve it.

      • Unless there is a course for Advanced Soap Studies, I don’t think she would sign up – even if I told her she could spend the whole of her student allowance on Mars bars, crisps and Toblerones!

      • Your suggestion, whilst eminently practical, runs contrary to the so-called ‘precautionary principle’ that dominates the West today. If the government followed your advice, they would probably find themselves liable for zillions in compensation for those who died with/of Covid19.

        Lawyers are cunts.

      • There’ll be no fucking money left to pay compensation (or anything else) to any Cunt if this continues…Yes,we may all be “safe” from “Covid”..but at what real long-term cost?

        This may sound callous but you can’t make an omelette without breaking a few eggs.

        PS….the Govt. could negate the threat of legal action by changing the Law overnight….something which they seem to have no problem doing currently.

      • PPS…Be interesting to see if people whose operations were postponed,care-home residents, people made redundant etc. are able to sue the incompetent bunch of Wankers…not that it’ll matter to them,they’ll just pass on the bill to the taxpayer and get a nice new job in The City.

      • Those poor dears!!
        Its beastly!
        All excited to go to university, sex,drugs,radical politics,
        Learning the odd thing ..
        Then this.
        Locked up like Nelson Mandela!!
        Oh well, it gives a insight,
        Look at it as research for your black history course.

      • MNC – I got expelled from the Anti-Apartheid Society at University for asking for my free Nelson Mandela.

        I’ll get my coat.

      • Mike, I once got called out for buying south African fruit in the late 80s!
        No shit, a leftie punk rocker told me I was funding apartheid.
        I like to think I did my bit!?

      • TT DF@ – Sir Fiddler, I declare you health minister and overseer of common sense!
        Protect the vulnerable, get everyone else back out into life in stages.
        “But, what about the fabricated winter fluvid 22 epidemic which we are just in the process of arranging – we need to lock everyone down forever”! (That will be next, trust me).
        Really? How does fuckoff sound? Because as Tony Blair demonstrated – a little permanent drip, drip, drip of fear keeps the people in line, whether it be the perceived fear of t*rrorism or the false fear of Covid – sorry mate, it doesn’t work with me.
        Utter nonsense from a “Government” so shambolic, incompetent, draconian and piss useless Boris Johnsons replacement is already being openly discussed.
        Students are cunts, as everyone knows (I used to be one so can attest to this) but locking people in does remind me of being in a dictatorship.
        And the rule is: Blue hair? Vegan? Nose bar? One punch in the face, administered weekly! Fkin students..

      • Yeah!

        And stagger the frequency a bit , like a second random punch just minutes after the weekly one – keep the dykes on their toes.
        That and the odd kick in the cunt.

      • The vulnerable is everyone over 30 in my experience as the person in charge of Covid medicine in a major hospital. Just because you dont die when you are under 40 doesn’t mean this virus doesn’t screw you over and leave you with long term damage to lungs, heart, nerves, brain, liver, kidneys. And we are talking about a majority of those who end up in hospital not just those in ICU.

      • Sadly the “vast majority” you speak of is a myth – Everyone over 40 has a decent chance of dying if they get complications especially if they have a previous condition which includes being overweight 63% of the population, being a smoker 15%, and even if you don’t die you can get permanent damage to lungs, liver, heart, brain, nervous system, to name just a few. I work in a Covid hospital. There simply isn’t a way to put all those people in total lockdown. I know its shit but the reality is this disease is not easily dealt with despite what we would prefer to be true.

    • Exactly Dick, most young cunts who catch this nonsence barely know anything is wrong, if they got all the under 50s infected they’d soon reach a herd immunity stage, why people are still putting up with this shit I don’t know, but the government is well known to pandering to cunts, such as that thick tongued spaz who used to be a “singer” now activist!!!!

  6. It gets worse even still. You may well have heard about those 4 uni students that died in Newcastle as a result of some bad ketamine recently. Well, the students at Newcastle university have come out to voice their outrage over this tragedy and have demanded that action be taken to prevent it happening again.

    How? You might ask. What is their ingenious plan to tackle this issue exactly?

    If you said that it’s to do something that will ultimately make it less likely that they will take highly dangerous drugs, like perhaps better counselling or education on the matter, even maybe calling for more policing, then you would be wrong.
    In their typical, entitled manner, they have managed to outdo themselves once more and instead launched a petition that demands that free, anonymous drug testing kits become available to anyone via the student union. The logic being of course that they can then test their drug batches before they exert their self-proclaimed right to do what they want with the responsibility and the bill naturally being somebody else’s problem to deal with.


    • Flipper:
      I saw a lengthy report on this last night (not on the MSM)-I agree with comments made in the thread pointing to the obvious fact that the blame for this cuntish behaviour lands squarely with a generation of areshole, indulgent parents.

      I have witnessed this mentality first hand-this is just chickens home to roost.

  7. I see Johnny Nash has snuffed it.

    More questions than answers.

    I can see clearly now.

    Too fucking right mate. RIP

      • Cruel and incorrect, Isaac.

        I guess you were having a bit of sound-a-like fun.

        As a matter of fact if you are comparing UK chart success, Nash had 6 top ten hits, including a No.1 and Cash had 2 and none.

        No doubt Cash was the bigger world star but that doesn’t diminish Nash who had a wonderful voice and was a big influence on Bob Marley.

        I like Nash and Cash and both were great singers.

        Just putting the record straight.

      • Yep back in 72 /it was a starting point at least for bob /mostly recording &demoing in nashs basement ^somewhere in america i believe wilmington/delaware /nash was upstairs getting coked up an carrying with pros etc bob just kept out of it as was to immorral fir him and argubaly was the more serious musician at the end of the day.

  8. All right, I’ll admit it. I work at a university, and a woke one at that. We have confirmed cases (like everyone else whether they admit it or not) both in campus accommodation and in local rented flats. The numbers are rising.

    The policy of bringing back students under the present circumstances was IMO completely insane, but the universities have to cover their costs somehow and government has been less than lavish to the sector. We’ve been taking progressive cuts in anything that doesn’t get bums on seats or impress the (arts grad) politicians, for decades now.

    The policy of sending every cunt who could remember his home address to university was my old friend Tony Blair’s. This got embarrassing numbers off the dole queue and ensured that oversupply would allow employers cheaply to employ graduates to clean the toilets. Why would they want a brain changing bogrolls? Search me, but privatisation, privatisation, privatisation required students to carry the debt and universities to become businesses manufacturing a product.

    Consequently the degree factories are no longer interested in education, but in ticking achievement boxes and rubberstamping the identigrad output. Individual academics may well not subscribe to this, and do their best, but in order to be paid they have to toe the line. Incidentally, the first few years of an academic career are insecure and not very well paid, contrary to tabloid opinion. Only the really pushy cunts hit the big time, just like politicians.

    WTF has this to do with whining students? Simply that their expectations have been raised unrealistically by the current system, which assumes that they will be as smoothly and inevitably processed as battery chickens. When that goes tits-up, there’s a lot of squawking.

    My view is that if the cunts were actually bright enough to justify a university education, they’d have worked out that if they went, (a) either they or their colleagues would inevitably been carrying Covid from a regional hotspot
    and (b) they’d have to follow whatever rules were put in place as a result, or get infected. Of course, if the government had been bright enough to justify its PPE from Oxford, it would have banned students from going to any university outside their Covid-zone of residence. Which would have required some juggling, but with heavy reliance on online learning, could have been made to work.

    Hindsight’s a wonderful thing.

  9. Did anyone have Eddie Van Halen on deadpool?
    Students are all cunts, these fucks have ruined Cardiff, anyway a degree in whatever is worth less now than ever, these dicks just want to avoid growing up for another 3 years, and then its off to be a manager at Burger King if their lucky and crying about the student loan they have to pay off, which i hasten to ad they pissed up the wall for 3 years instead of using it to pay rent,books,food, clothes, soap and car tax, utter cunts i have not a shred of sympathy for these arse holes, fuckem if natural selection dosnt weed a few out jumping off bridges, playing chicken with trains or commiting suicide because they cat go to the pub then bollocks let Covid sort the cunts out….

    • Eddie Van Halen! Expected him to succumb to a Mt Everest of coke, not mouth cancer caused by holding a guitar pick under his tongue.?

      Talking of which, how the buggery has Sly Stone managed to soldier on … his brain was fried decades ago?!!!

      • PS
        ? Might as well Trump – TRUMP!
        Go ahead and Trump – TRUMP !!! ?
        Cue chugging solo from Eddie ?

  10. It should also be noted in the Year if the Wuhan Bat of Confusion these academic types are paying a fucking fortune for the sum total of nowt as they are locked up and classes abandoned.
    Try getting a refund ?
    Nope,a hearty Fuck Off from the Big Business that is UK Universities Inc.

    • I completely agree that universities are now run nominally as businesses, and agree that students should be allowed credit to pay for any parts of their course missed due to Covid. At least.

      I recognise also that universities are running into huge debt themselves, cancelling planned projects and trying to retain staff against any return to normality. Overheads don’t pay themselves, and student loans don’t fall due until the cunts are earning a reasonable amount …£26,575 p.a. ( a bit more than me right now)

      We’re all in the shit, and as the economics bite, getting deeper in. My sympathies have to be very thinly spread these days…

  11. The university system and degree has been degraded in this country ever since Blair wanted it expanded it to encompass half the population. As others here have said, humble but useful polytechnics remodelled themselves as “Universities” and changed their courses from the practical to the obscure. I myself am tempted to open the portacabin in my garden as a uni – with the fees I could get the roof fixed properly.

    In France and other European countries there is no mass exodus to uni – the youth studies locally or online and live at home. Perhaps we need to adopt this system. The students would surely end up with much less debt. Of course the elite would still go to Oxbridge but maybe we need to return to the days when less than 20% – the elite – go to university. And everyone else gets a practical education which can be applied to proper jobs. Not arty-farty degrees which are meaningless in the real world.

  12. I did university but being neither social nor a heavy drinker I never got the fuss around Freshers Week.

  13. Don’t agree. We were all young cunts too once upon a time, remember?

    University is the first time, and for many also their last time, of being away from the nagging clutch of ‘societal responsibility’ that comes from both parents and wider society.

    At 18 you’re still a child really, let them have some god damn fun. They’ve got decades of crushing pointless responsibility, working shit jobs, paying taxes for the government to spunk and pocket, and no retirement to look forward to.

    This nom has inspired me to get around to composimg a long overdue cunting of the boomers.

  14. I joined the forces when I was 18. I was sober a lot of the time, subject to discipline and did two responsible jobs. I had fun, too. Though maybe I was unusual – with my natural love of rhythm I actually enjoyed drill.

    • What do you want, a round of applause? Taking on debt is less foolish than putting yourself in the hands of people who can send you off to die at the stroke of a pen, or have you kill others. There is nothing noble about it.

      All the young ‘lads’ I’ve ever met who were military were just as much of a cunt as those who weren’t. On par with the rugby boys and other assorted preening roosters who think they’re top dog. Full of testosterone, bravado, and not much else. Dumber than a sack of rocks.

      • I wasn’t looking for applause, not sure why you think I was. I was trying to make the point that university isn’t the only outlet for 18-year-olds, and that the forces at least offer something in the way of reponsibility. Joining is voluntary: and I quote the oft-repeated Forces adage – “If you couldn’t take a joke you shouldn’t have signed on”.

        I could, I did, and much later I did a degree. I know which gave me most, and it wasn’t the degree.

        Sure, Forces cunts are as massive cunts as any other cunts. You want a Guardian Award for Social Insight?

      • My point was, what’s this obsession with ‘societal responsibility’ and the need of this nom for cunting children who are getting their first and probably last taste of freedom in our shitpile society?

        Let them enjoy three years of fucking about. They’ve got the rest of their lives for pointless tax paying drudgery to look forward to.

      • Chunky-the counting, as I have read it, is that the young lives are whinging about restricted freedom of movement.
        Well, in case you have been living in a bubble since March, the fucking rest of us have had the same restrictions imposed-stooodent Gwaant and chums just whine more “cause” they are entitled little cunts.
        Hope this helps?

      • Also:
        With regards to responsibility, never have the young “had it so good”-with regard to responsibility.
        My parents generation were married to the job, married to a partner and married to the responsibility of raising 3 plus children, before they reached their 25th birthday.
        With the welfare state, entitlement to further education and everything available to “rent” without the responsibility of long term ownership, most of this present crop won’t experience the grim realities of “adulthood”, until their thirties.

      • I’m tempted to add that as 18 is the current age for getting the vote, and most age-dependent options for risky behaviour are legally open at 18, the generalassumption is that 18-year-olds are adults, rather than children.

        Can’t resist temptation, me.

      • And the “go to” cannon fodder for the next oil war.
        Anyone prepared to put their life in danger for their Country gets my vote – it just baffles me that Army recruitment is around the white trash sink estate Towns and RAF recruitment is not..

  15. Students only have to start paying toward their taxpayer funded ‘debt’ once they’re earning over £26,500 p.a. Many of them will never earn that much.

    In fact a substantial proportion will not have to contribute a penny toward obtaining their Mickey Mouse degrees. And besides, whatever debt they still have after 30 years is written off.

    Fees etc are paid up front by the Government, not the student. Universities nowadays (aided and abetted by the Government) are little more than big businesses scamming the taxpayer.

    • Yes. That’s why I suggested credits, rather than ‘refunding’ the price of adjustments to courses.

      It wouldn’t be so bad if universities were *good* big businesses, but they are hopelessly inefficient, wasteful and managerially encumbered. They unerringly pick the wrong priorities, and grovel to the Students’ Union. The worst of all have a School of Management.

    • A cunning plan RTC – ask employers where there are skills shortages and tailor University courses around need not a sense of self gratifying requirement because, without sounding arrogant or elitist – too many students are as thick as pigshit and just should not be at University. (Meeja studies? Seriously?).
      Secondly, make courses free at source for relevant areas and charge a small amount of extra tax and National Insurance throughout their working lives – guaranteed repayment.
      And stop giving University places to fkin morons!

  16. Being a thicko who didn’t go to “Uni”, I don’t identify with the academic world. I went to the University of life instead.

    I do think that the current batch of students have been brainwashed into the panacea of a Uni “Education” by the likes of Blair and co. Sadly they are in for a rude awakening, with the millstone of fees around their necks.

    They should never have gone back, unless the real plan was for them to develop herd immunity pronto.

    My best advice is to stop whining and face reality – the world is different now.


  17. I can understand students getting pissed up — I did myself. What is completely beyond belief are the sizeable number of students who are willing to take dangerous drugs and putting their lives at risk. An 18 year old fresher died the other day. She had taken ketamine – a young life over before she’d even started her course. Are we really talking about some of the country’s supposedly brightest kids who take substances, not knowing what they contain or where they come from all based on the premise of experimentation.


    • Bertie-a student who’s fellow students have now petitioned the university to test the safety and quality of the drugs before they imbibe them.
      That entitlement at work, right there???
      The brightest and best???

    • she probably did herself a favour if she was that fucking stupid. Most of them are a waste of air.

  18. What ever happened to self medication at University. Smoking hash and drinking snakebite and black, followed by dirty unprotected sex. ..It’s the cure I swear by..

  19. A truly excellent nom, W.C.Boggs 🙂

    I had considered doing a nom for this, but at the time I was too incensed with rage that I couldn’t type.

    Thank Christ we don’t have a world war now. We’d have surrendered before the ink on the declaration was wet !
    Think of the teenagers in the 1940’s – flying spitfires(& hurricanes), digging trenches in North Africa fighting krauts, sweltering in the jungles of Malaya fighting Japs & dysentery, ssiling merchant across the icy atlantic (knowing if they were torpedo’d, they would drown or freeze to death)
    This lot are crying about no beer & short of bread after 3 days, the pathetic self-centred cunts.
    Fuck the lot of them.
    2 years national service in the army, fighting Isis, will knock the pansy faced shit out of these fucking weaklings !

  20. some of them do go. To study and want to learn but the majority of them are snotty stuck up little cunts who only give a shit about their selves just like their parents. A good beating for all of the snivelling and stupid cunts wouldn’t go a miss and that’s including their parents.

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