Actress, activist, asshole, annoying twat, living proof that most celebrities are morons, and raging fucking hypocrite. And it is the last of I will be nominating her today.
She’s just hit the headlines for calling the police (though she’s now claiming that she DIDN’T call the police, she called 911, which is the same fucking thing) due to concern that there was a gunman loose on her property.
Five-0 responded promptly, with seven squad cars, a K-9 unit and a helicopter. Oh yes, a truck from the LA Fire Department turned up too. Turns out that it was just a teenager with a airgun, shooting at squirrels.
She’s now taken an enormous amount of shit on social media for this incident, because Milano recently signed a petition calling for a 90% defunding of the police and tweeted a link, while urging her followers to sign it. Oh dear. Guess she forgot that.
And this isn’t the first, or even the second time Milano has been caught out as a massive hypocrite. Back during the furore over Trump nominating Brett Kavanaugh to the US Supreme Court, she turned up to the protests dressed as character from the Handmaids Tale and demanding Kavanaughs head on a pike after he was falsely accused of sexual assault. Yet when a former intern accused Joe Biden of sexual assault, she went against her equally demented MeToo sisters, by insisting therw must be due process.
I’ve only given two examples of Milano’s hypocrisy, but this cretin really should have her photo placed next that word in every dictionary on the planet. And going off some of the things I’ve read about her over the years, it seems she thinks she’s far more important than she actually is, and certainly more than us mere mortals. Step forward Alyssa, you are a cunt.
Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw
She may well be a cunt, but ‘back in the day’ as the Yanks say, she was as fit as fuck, and well worth a wank.
Would still smash the back doors in, back gates, portcullis etc etc
Would smash her back door in with crushed glass and iron fillings
Never heard of her.
Have now.
Cunt of the first order.
Never heard of her but like all those who call for the police be defunded they should be blocked from calling 911.
You can’t have your cake and eat it ?
Who on earth is this cretin??
Genuinely I have never heard of it.
Shame though it was only a kid shooting squirrels.
Send in OJ Simpson.
I think o j has had enough for now !All i can say is just well she doesnt live off the back country /she d have more to fear than a fucking squirrel
How I laughed when I read this.
If there really is any justice in the world, Gary Linekunt will take I’m a peaceful who suffers from the “elf” and snaps: the thought of reading of Gary, locking himself into his panic room and calling the Police to rescue him, standing there cwying in his Rupert the Bear pyjamas ?
The thought of that gives me a warm glow inside.
Or is that last nights curry on the move?
Needs my cock rammed up her arse. Nowt else to say really.
Never heard of the slag but as it lives in LA i’m assuming Hollywoke whoredom here. A classic tale of ignorance, double standards and self indulgence. Some cunt should make a film about it and she could star. It would probably be the first part she got without having to suck cock.
The only time I had any real interaction with the police was when I was arrested at a farmers market.
I was disturbing the peas….
She was in Commando with Arnie.
Apart from that,cunt.
Yet another disgustingly hypocritical democrat celebrity slut (see Skanklett Johansscunt and Natalie Portmouth) who has triple standards, never mind double ones. All mouth, false social conscience and indignation when it suits her, but conveniently overlooks the (cough) proclivities of the Clintons and Biden. I have also no doubt that this tinsletown trollop was (cough) concerned when the scandal about Uncle Harvey broke globally. Hollywood… Probably the biggest whorehouse in the world.
One does not have enough fingers and toes to count the episodes of hypocrisy this cunt has been involved in just this year.
In fact she has made a career of hypocrisy in a town where hypocrisy is a way of life. Bill Clinton supporter…MeToo…Cavanaugh hearings…Defund the police…and on and on.
She’s elevated her hypocrisy beyond stratospheric levels and propelled it out into a cosmic level that is infinite and ever expanding.
Cosmological cunt!
Like many I never heard of this woman until she started expressing her deeply-held convictions on Twitter.
It didn’t take long to realize she is like a rat in a Psych 101 experiment. Light goes on, press the metal bar, get a treat. Press bar when light is off, get zapped. Repeat.
Alyssa Milano…
You can put a ribbon around a slag.
But, at the end of the day, it’still a slag.
Been to LA a couple of times, only to fly home. But one visit we went down Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard, only whities in sight, came across an oil field. You do not see that in the glam shots, nodding donkeys in the city, couldn’t believe it. Apart from that the place is a shit pit, why the fuck anyone wants to live there is beyond me.
daft bint, cunt, hollywood troll,cunt,fuck off