Student Covid Parties

Three students have been fined £10,000 each for holding a house party that up to 100 people attended. The students from the University of East Anglia in Norwich were supposed to be self-isolating after showing symptoms of Covid-19. … The university said it fully supports the actions of the police.

If these are our brightest hopes for the future then God help us. How thick and selfish do you have to be to invite a crowd to your house when you are already infected? It beggars belief.

No doubt mummy and daddy will pay the fines but I think the Uni should sack the sods on the grounds that they are too fecking stupid to educate.

Nominated by: Lord Helpuss

63 thoughts on “Student Covid Parties

  1. I suspect that very few,if any of the £10,000 fines will be paid. Dominic Cummings and the flouting of the law by other high profile creatures have left the door open for peasants to revolt . The tv adverts are on the way. ‘Have the police fined you found acting like a twat? Contact Leigh Day to have your fine disappear AND get compensation ‘.
    Phil Shiner must rue the day he was struck off.

  2. Agree completely in these arrogant overindulged Generation Z fuckwits being fined, there is big difference in rebelling against increasingly draconian rules and creeping Stasi like behaviour from police and actively taking the piss almost begging to be fined. They really should have pelted the police with bricks when they tried to break up illegal street parties like what happened over the summer in various diverse neighbourhoods when they turned tail and fled.

  3. Fines won’t get paid. Politicians (Ferrier bitch for one) don’t pay fines for disobeying orders, so why should anyone else!

    Wouldn’t mind giving that bird on the left in the header pic a stiff penalty notice mind.

  4. I shudder to imagine a student party these days. 99% of them will be brainwashed liberal latte types sitting around talking about tree hugging, veganism, trannyism and the twin evils of brexit and Trump. That’s if they can hear each other above the “music” of Stormzy and……sorry he’s the only racist hip hop cunt i’ve heard of. Every single one of them will be white but that won’t stop them wearing BLM t-shirts and being jolly determined to end slavery don’t you know yah?
    £10,000 fine? Just spray the place with machine gun bullets and have done with it.

  5. I don’t blame them..Covid is very unlikely do them much harm even if they caught it. Perhaps they are just sick to the back-teeth of all the bullshit and want to live some kind of a life that doesn’t involve hiding away like frightened rabbits all the time. Fine..let the vulnerable shield,indeed help them to shield instead of expecting everyone to just meekly accept the next dictat from a weak Govt. advised by fucking doom-merchant Eggheads.

    Party On Dude.

    • In the admittedly rather unlikely event of me being invited to a student party,I’d be there quicker than a Govt. Minister can utter the words “world-beating” if it involved bus-loads of drunken.looking-for-a-real-man,itchy-fannied tarts like those three in the photo.

      • Be warned that not all that glitters is gold.

        Those 3 bints might look like ripe fannybait, but I suspect they have majorly woke credentials, and would probably bombard you with their Weapon of Mass Virtue-Signalling Destruction, demanding to know where you stand on this, that and the other before you even got within 10ft of of their boobage

      • No you won’t… they’ll be looking for the more suave, sophisticated Gentleman- about-town type….not Jack Duckworth’s less couth grandson.

      • Failing that a few lessons from fred west have taught me a no does mean yes if you have a few essentials handy!look at ted bundy he did alright lovely bloke !

      • “Unlikely event of me being invited to a student party.”

        That’s not what I hear from the undergraduates at Fiddler University, Dick. Many a student get-together has apparently been ruined by a foul-mouthed, drunken Vincent Price lookalike drinking all the booze and groping the more nubile of the young females present.

        My Ph.D research is not going well.

      • Better not to be invited. Gentlemen of our maturity are seen as old farts.
        Any that did show an interest would only be curious as to ‘what you did in the war ‘.
        Good morning, Dick.
        Good morning all.

      • Morning Jack,
        You think we’d bomb with the student crowd?
        Surely they enjoy talking about medical problems and being asked to turn the music down?
        “Would you care for a werthers?
        I’ll be back in a minute I need the toilet again!”

      • Hello MNC. They’d sit us in a corner and say ( in a loud patronising voice )
        ” Just let us know when you want another bottle of Guinness or a pork pie ”
        Before scampering off, to sit on Tarquins face.

      • …and I shall tell them that I am a war hero who smuggled Dark-Key women slaves to safety…Fuck them..Needs must when the Devil drives.

      • Yes i dare say most would mr fiddler!!!
        And i agree let them party and thin the herd if theym that stupid to risk it /its no great loss to our future survival of the fittest

  6. I wish these witless little bastards were in Singapore and broke the rules, then it would be off to the caning room for a minimum of four strokes for the followers and up to 24 for the instigators and daddy’s money and mummy’s whinging complaints wouldn’t have saved them.

    They remind you of the little cunts who licked dorrknobs when the lockdown started to try to get Covid19 – water cannon would have broken that shower up.

    • always makes me smile when you get some witless Gen Zen wafting off to places like Singapore (for the experience), choose to ignore the strict laws and bylaws (especially to do with booze and what women can and can’t wear); get all cocky on social media saying what a great time they’re having by ignoring those laws.

      And then of course when the authorities close in and arrest/jail them its up a different fucking street, banging on about how “innocent” it was to get drunk in the streets; and how backward the country is; and “I’m British don’t you know!” and the inevitable Go Fund Me and blah blah “woe is me” blah bollocks.

      These cunts are quick enough to wag the VS finger at others, but choose to forget same when it affects them.

  7. Your all looking at this the wrong way, student parties in covid lock down times gives natural selection an excellent opportunity to sort these fucking wasters out, student culling can’t be bad and it’s cunts who are hell bent on wasting the next few years to get a degree that’s not worth a wank and means a lifetime of sponging and winning, let covid do its worst to the stupid cunts I say….. Fuck em

    • It won’t be a cull. They have a 0.000001% chance of being hospitalised. If I was one of these students I would be fucking livid at my freedom being taken away so some very old people can be looked after in an ICU.

      Covid should be used as a cull of the demented and infirm. I for one would be more than happy to die if I spent my days sat in my own shit by the sunny window.

  8. I’ve of two minds on this one. On the one hand, I’m sick of our so called leaders using the pretense of public heath to regulate where we can go and who we can associate with.

    On the other hand…despite of the government overreach…Covid is real and is highly contagious…if less deadly than we were originally told.

    However, I am sure that unless we take steps to educate these self absorbed, spoiled, little Gen Z cunts, rather than allow our leaders to indoctrinate them, the future of the human race is bleak indeed.

      • I did indeed like a (few) good drink(s) when I was in college Mike. And I burned a lot of rope and indulged in some other more…exotic substances as well.

        But that was a long time ago when education NOT indoctrination was the goal of higher education.

        I made the grade based on my intellect not my inclination.

        I chased a lot of girls too. And caught a few.

    • Morning General.
      Two questions you may be better placed than most of us on here to answer:-

      1. Did The Donald actually contract the virus? Seems to have made a remarkably energetic recovery for one whose age and physique would certainly raise alarm bells.

      2. Will we wake up to President Geriatric Joe next Wednesday morning?

      • Morning Issac,

        1. I think President Trump really did have the virus. All indications point to him having it and even the Liberal Media says he did.

        With regard to his recovery. Trump has long touted Hydroxychloroquine and even says he took it as a proactive measure. It’s been reported that he also took a cocktail of drugs specifically for the Flu Manchu. That cocktail and early detection are credited for his quick recovery.

        2. Who will win? Pre Covid I would have told you hands down…Trump…by a large margin. Now? I wish I knew. And BTW…anyone who tells you they know…is a cunt.

        Most polls give Biden an easy victory. But many of these are run by left leaning groups and cannot be trusted. There are polls that show Trump will win. One…the Trafalger Group…correctly forecasted his victory last time.

        Biden has raised more money than Trump…but not as much as Hillary. However, the enthusiasm for Trump is off the charts. It’s like nothing anyone has ever seen before. Tens of thousands of people attend his rallies.

        It is also said that in some key states that he has a solid “ground game.” (Campaign volunteers who campaign door to door and focus on getting out the vote.)

        In short…I don’t know who will win. I think it’s too close to call. And being that close could work in the Demonrat’s favor. They are absolute masters at stealing elections by voter fraud.

        They have also assembled a huge team of lawyers headed up by former Obama administration giga-cunt Eric Holder to mount legal challenges to a Trump victory.

        As of today…I wouldn’t call it one way or the other.

      • What I don’t understand is, why everyone in the states is given the vote when it seems just a handful of swing states decide it anyway? Perhaps, dear General, you will explain the logic of it.

        Most kind!

      • Lady C,

        The Presidency is the only US elected office not decided by a majority pf the popular vote.

        Our Founding Fathers realized the “dangers” of majority rule. As we were a nation made up of 13 different states of varying geographical sizes and populations they were concerned that the states with the largest populations would dominate the states with fewer people by virtue of a numerical majority, regardless of another states resources.

        Therefore it was decided that each state, regardless of size or population would have 2 Senators each in the upper house of a national congress.

        Then each states membership in the lower house would be determined by proportional population regardless of geographic size. Each state was guaranteed at least 1 member in the lower house.

        Then they set up the Electoral College to determine the Presidency. Each state would have as many votes in the Electoral College as they had in the Congress.

        So a small state like Rhode Island would have 3 votes in the Electoral College. A large state like New York (on the basis of a larger population) might have 12.

        Whoever won the state’s popular vote would get all of the state’s Electoral votes.*

        When we vote for President, we are actually voting for a pledged elector.**

        Some states voting patterns make them virtually a foregone conclusion. When I retired I moved to Alabama. Trump is hugely popular here and will win the state easily thus getting all it’s electoral college votes.

        In other states opinion is more divided and the outcome is more in doubt. These are the so-called battleground states.

        The total number of Electoral college votes is fixed at 538 so regardless of the national popular vote the candidate who wins 270 Electoral College votes is declared the President.

        So it’s a state by state Electoral College numbers game rather than a grand total, national popular vote.

        I hope this answers your question.

        *Two states, Maine an Nebraska are not winner take all and award Electoral College votes by congressional district.

        **Hillary Clinton is a pledged Biden elector in New York. A vote for Biden is actually a vote for Hillary as an elector who will then vote for Biden when the Electoral College votes.

      • Very wisely put general i myself hope trump wins just so biden can be put back in his carehome the senile delusional kiddly fiddling cunt

      • General, apologies but I have only just seen your excellent analysis on yesterday’s Merkel thread so no need to answer that part of my query. ‘Polls suppressing votes‘….. a very interesting concept; you taught me something new there, shame but no surprise that the highly paid, DC based and Tangoman-obsessed BBC staff never identify that!!

        The sheer number of registered voters, voting early, seems from here to indicate a quiet determination to elect Biden, just because he’s not Trump. High voter turnout invariably favours the Left; at least it does here in the U.K.

        There’s not a lot of enthusiasm for Biden, (jeezus what an uninspiring candidate!) but whilst The Donald is a master at whipping up a big crowd he also inspires extreme hatred and maybe there’s a desire in the US for a quieter, less dramatic White House.

        Whoever wins, I hope it’s conclusive. The prospect of citizens taking to the streets and bearing arms to let off the frustration of a narrow defeat would have the Founding Fathers turning in their graves.

      • No worries Issac.

        You make an excellent point about the early voters. But…the experts here are son’t know how toi interpret that info.

        1. While there are more Democrats that Republicans voting early that doesn’t mean they are all voting for Biden.

        Attendance at Trump rallies shows about 20% of the attendees are Democrats who support Trump…but not necessarily other Republicans.

        In addition some polls are showing traditional Democrat constituencies are voting for Trump. It is estimated that Trump could receive as much as 30% of the Black vote and close to 50% of the Hispanic vote. These numbers are unprecedented.

        Young people however, are an entirely different matter. Information indicates they are voting in high numbers and the bulk of that vote is going to Biden.

        2. In many states Republican turnout on election day is higher than Democrats. Republicans tend to be more traditional and want to vote in person. They also aren’t buying into this Covid crap and are unafraid to vote in person.

        3. I will predict that the violence will be real. Especially, in the Democratically controlled big cities…Washington DC…Philadelphia…San Francisco etc.

      • That should be:

        …the experts here don’t know how to…

        And one other point…we may not know the winner for several days or even weeks. That’s just going to make the violence worse.

      • Acticroatica. Biden spelled backwards is Nedib. Nedib is a muslim name that is committed to acts of destruction.


      • Whoever wins next week arguably can’t or won’t contest it in 2024 (end of 2nd term or mortality) which makes the relative lack of scrutiny on the Veep candidates surprising.

        No publicity here either on the concurrent Senate elections in which it seems the Dems have a more than decent shot at gaining a majority which would bolster Biden or open up the possibility of a more successful attempt at Impeachment.

        General I’m staggered the Black vote is so heavily behind Big Don. With a black VP candidate and a tax and spend manifesto I’d have thought they’d be queuing round the block for the Dems?

        With 250m population then surely the time has come to find candidates who aren’t film stars (Reagan/ Arnold) or reality show people (Trump). It’s also high time to move on from the unhealthy obsession with Bush’s; Clinton’s; Kennedys and the Dem gerontracy. If Kushner or Ivanka ever get near the ticket next time then I really despair at the lack of judgement from Party Bosses.

      • Reply to the general
        I read thru those posts with interest /you say you retired to Alabama are you familar at all out of interest with jonathon odom

      • @Anne

        I have actually heard of 2 Jonathon Odoms!

        My sister (and everyone) else down here follows the University of Alabama football team. The state of Florida borders Alabama and the University of Florida football team is a rival. They have a young man named Jonathon Odom who plays for them.

        However, as I don’t think too many of you English foreigners are SEC football fans…let alone Alabama or Florida football fans…I assume you’re talking about the Jonathon Odom of “Bigfoot” fame.

        He has his own YouTube channel.

      • @Issac

        You make a lot of relevant points.

        First the Senate. Every 2 years 1/3 of the Senate is up for election. That means 33 (sometimes 34).

        This cycle there is a disproportionate number of Republicans running…23…I think…including 2 that were appointed in the interim to fill vacancies.

        As with the other polls I mentioned I can’t really get a firm handle on what the numbers will be in the end but I think it’s a little better than even money that the Democrats will take control of the Senate.

        As for the blacks and Hispanics. Nobody wants to give Trump his due. He may have been a TV star but the unspoken reality is he has delivered.

        Pre Covid we had a record setting, booming economy. and in fact yesterday’s 3rd qtr GDP was an astounding 33% growth over the 2nd quarter.

        The Stock Market was at record highs. Unemployment was at record lows. Taxes were cut and real wages were up substantially for the first time in decades.

        Trump championed “prison reform” and actually got something done. Blacks support this and the economy.

        Trump fought illegal immigration and those Hispanics who came here legally support that policy. Many of them by the way were South and Central American refugees that fled Marxists and Socialists regimes. They support Trump’s opposition to the far left.

        Trump also championed a new North America trade agreement and they support that.

        Many of these minority groups are starting to realize that racial politics and the politics of victimization are destructive and they are leaving the Democratic “plantation.” We’ll have to wait and see in what numbers.

        In foreign affairs Trump is also trying to end our involvement in foreign conflicts. He has signed peace agreements with Israel and many Arab states. He virtually eliminated ISIS and quieted North Korea. He has stood up to China and played tough with Iran.

        Speaking of which he is the first President…at least since Nixon…to call out the liberal media. And due to his opposition to their agenda, he “lives rent free” in the heads of the celebretards and New World Order types.

        But you are right about people wanting something quieter. Even some of his most ardent supports wish he would tone down the fucking tweets. Particularly women…who hate him. There’s a huge gender gap.

        There’s also a hidden Trump voter. Those who won’t voice their support for fear of being outed, doxed and harassed. Some of these are actually liberal Democrats who are tired of watching the violence in their cities.

        These are all things to be factored into the election and I still don’t know how they will play out.

  9. The best is yet to come, Christmas this year will be a challenge for all families to not be flouting the law. New Year’s Eve will see chaos will ensue, the infection rate and R number will be on the rise and this whole mess will roll on into 2021 with everyone still no wiser and no nearer a vaccine. Trump will be into his new term and we will be heading closer to a raghead PM as Boris considers his position, great days ahead. Keep calm and curry on.

  10. I was wild when that age,
    Id of been at that party like a fuckin shot!
    Cant blame them for partying but they have to accept any punishment without crying or whining.
    They know the rules, so if they break them they have to accept the payment for breaking them.

  11. Being and old fart and in my mid fifties I remember partying until I puked at this age but I still had respect for authority.
    These lefties, woke cunts these days have been brought up being told they are special and never told the word no. They are also following the examples our political leaders have set as in do as I say, not do as I do.
    God help us when I’m in a nursing home and these cockwombles are running the country.

  12. Its the self entitlement thats driven these cunts to this. Never been told “no” by mam, her BF or dad.
    Should have been cannisters of zyklon chucked in

  13. Blindly accepting rules that curtail personal freedom without a good reason is not at all wise.
    Let the buggers have a fucking party.
    State and media control are overt enough with more shitty scare stories.
    Fuck that.

  14. The modern student would be crying if they got a bit of a cold, just wait for the sob stories from the ones who get Covid and end up in hospital ?

    Fuck them, especially the cunts who aren’t doing proper degrees.

  15. The purpose of life is to live. To live is to enjoy all the fruits and benefits that life may bring. Life is also full of dangers, and those dangers remind us of the life and the freedoms we must cherish and not relinquish.

    “…and from the mountain top I could see forever. But hidden in the valley I could see nothing…” Isaac Rosenberg.

    • Oh yes Norwich.

      Let’s raid the old cliche book.

      Everyone wears smocks, chews straw, has 6 toes on each foot and shags their cousins.

      And go to covid parties obviously.

  16. Morning all.
    I see that some cunt in sunny Wolverhampton’s been done for 10k for throwing a Christening party, attended by punters from far and wide.
    No doubt the offender will ask to pay at a quid a week or something.

  17. up to now all fines made during the chaos have been ruled unlawful and thrown out by the CPS – the police are acting above their remit, the regime are acting totally unlawfully and we should be fighting the tyranny not blaming others – I DO NOT CONSENT

  18. Just imagine eh.
    The audacity of young people wanting to enjoy life in the face of a practically non existent threat.
    I’m willing to bet they are also a little bit suspicious of the bullshit fear porn spewed out by Sky and the Beeb.

  19. Oh to be young again. Mind you, I don’t think I would want to go through puberty a second time.

    If I had the energy of youth and the wisdom of age that would be nice. But spots and hormones and mood swings all over again no thankyou.

  20. Dear General, thank you very much for bothering to reply to my question in such a comprehensive manner. I have kept a copy for future reference, but I think I understand how it works now. Cheers.

  21. University attendance does not require intelligence – just talk to any student to confirm this.
    Is this the generation with no social responsibility, or, like me, someone who sees through the shamdemic lies from plastic dictators and puppets of the NWO?
    Fuck lockdown, and the nazis in charge – fine me then fine all the MP’s and advisers who have broken the rules as well.

  22. University students, the best brains of the next generation, showing why we have nothing to fear for the future. They might know a fair bit about their chosen subject but they’re as thick as pig shit about everything else.

  23. I don’t care what the catalyst is as long as it involves the mass extinction of woke fuckheads it’s all good.

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