Steve Huffman (CEO, Reddit)

This is my first foray into the world of cunting, having found out about a cunt that might well be of interest.

The CEO of Reddit, Steve Huffman, has been moderating his posters’ comments when they aren’t ‘woke’ enough. On instructions from this ‘woke’ signalling clown Huffman, Reddit moderators pretty much delete anything that is against his own political views. A black man dared to question the Black Lives Matter group recently and the post was swiftly removed.

But wishing death from Coronavirus on a 74 year old Donald Trump is Huffman’s idea of fair, free speech and the post remains. This chinless wonder represents everything that is wrong with the world today and is my nomination of a true cunt, in every sense of the word.

Nominated by: Big AL

30 thoughts on “Steve Huffman (CEO, Reddit)

  1. The problem with cunts like this is they begin to believe that everybody thinks the same way they do because they never see any alternatives or opposition. They are then stunned when somebody sees them personally and gives them a metaphorical smack in the gob. They are lucky because I believe in giving them the real thing.

      • Nah, clearly something to do with MMA, maybe he cleans bellends with his tongue. He’s almost a ringer for the manager of a pub I frequented many moons ago, nice bloke, not gay at all, but sadly (for him) had the mannerisms.

    • Steve puffman is a pencil necked, effete, weak little ducky darling.
      Picture above tells me everything I need to know!
      Bedwetter, breastfeeding little mammys boy.
      Good first nom big Al.?

      • Probably still on the breast now, like that character from Little Britain….want bitty!

      • Another fish-faced ponce who would benefit from a few slaps.

        What a pity he doesn’t have a board of directors above him. Then we could see the expression on his face when he’s told his job has just be given to an ‘Efnik’ woman of greater worth.

        ‘Wanker’ indeed

  2. Another robotic looking
    Megalomaniac control freak like suckerburger.

    They think they own the fecking universe – they ae all the same from Bill Gates onwards.

    • This is how I imagine all Gestapo officers looked though apparently they all had brown eyes und black hair. This one is more like something from ‘Allo ‘Allo.

      Steve: Qvickly Herr Rolant, take out my Gestapo trüncheon.
      Rolant: Mein Gott, Vot are you going to do vith dat?
      Steve: I am goink to batter ze politically incorrect vith it on ze Reddit. Zen I vill insert it up your botty.
      Rolant: Ooh, yar.

  3. No idea what Reddit is. I thought it was what frogs did.
    The picture looks like Peter Tatchel’s pin up.
    Welcome, Big Al to the twisted world of cuntery.

  4. What worries me is that him and cunts like him are controlling free speech through social media.

    If all the owners of the major social media sites are Lefty types like this cunt, then clearly people are going to be brainwashed into thinking that whatever is said on social media clearly must be true because all other debates that go against the grain will be censored from the public arena.

    Of course if you complain to government about this, or some regulatory body, those very same owners will bleat about freedom of speech and human rights etc. while completely missing their own sense of irony.

  5. Looks like a cunt to me – chinless wonder who has just accidentally sat on an aubergine? And so does Reddit, an overinflated BBS – user-generated content, only overheads are the servers (Amazon’s – more cuntery), sit back and watch the loot rolling in. They sell ads. And they sell a premium service which removes the ads. Win-win.

  6. Never heard of him, never used reddit, looks like a a load of old bollocks, I will stick with the totally unbiased ISAC ?

  7. Good maiden nom Big Al – when I am President (my lust for power knows no bounds!) BGT will be replaced by fkers like Huffman being pursued and eviscerated by ravening dogs.
    I will enjoy watching that much more than pants, dick and jizzarse Holden!

  8. Where are the poor boy’s strings? He looks like Alan Tracy of *Thunderbirds.
    Those dark circles under his eyes, he needs a long rest, then a cup of tea and cake.

    *That puppet show, not Saint Greta Thunderbirds.

  9. Looks like the type that would toss off Owen Jones under the table in a vegan cafe whilst discussing BLM’s contribution to human rights

  10. Big AL should not be confused with me – I have been cunting – and a cunt – for years
    Big Al

  11. There’s a lot of this going on……people who “wrongthink” being kicked off Twitter, Facefuck etc even having their entries withdrawn from Wiki.
    This is the kind of shit you expect in China and North Korea but it’s coming here, make no mistake about that.

  12. This cunt reminds me a bit of Jeremy Corbyn during his election campaign.
    He believed his own hype and surrounded himself with people who thought just like him and would not listen to any critism. Look where it got him! Hopefully the same thing will happen to this cunt.

  13. these companies promote violence and immorality routinely yet the people are ‘not allowed’ – typical hypocritical scum

  14. Never been on the site, never will go on the site, it sounds from the comments on here like a pile of festering crap. The thing in the picture, never heard of it but it definately looks a 110% cunt.

  15. Limp wristed little powder puff, what chin he has got looks like a place where a pair of sweaty balls Can call home.!

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