I would like to cunt the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences who awarded the Nobel prize for physics to Roger Penrose, Reinhard Genzel and Andrea Ghez.
Note the names. Not one of them is black or even suntanned. White fucking supremacy yet again overlooking the contributions to science of our black brothers.
Music and literature now openly acknowledge the contributions of barely literate writers and rap artists. When will science wake up and smell the looting?
Science is indeed racist and this is a sorry day.
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
Those poor black scientists missing out!?
The greatest brains of their communities.
Advancement in fried chicken methods,
Self peeling bananas all callously overlooked.
Those swedes are vegetables!!
Only thing theyve done is Abba meatballs and the chef from the muppets.
I am just surprised Butler and Lammy haven’t yet reported them to the racial equalities gestapo.
Lammy has already stated that he knows somebody who should by rights have won.
Butler wants to know where Sweden is.
Are Lammy & Butler still a brand of cigarettes?
That was Lambert and Butler. Lammy and Butler make black bog rolls and black fanny wrappers.
My mum smoked Lambert & Butlers. I still treasure the half smoked pack of 20 she bequeathed me.
No, I am not Norman Bates so don’t claim your £5.
Did she leave you 10 unsmoked or all 20 half-smoked?
I knew some smart-arse would ask me that!
I’ve just had a look and there are actually 18 left unsmoked! So only one tenth smoked, not half.
I smoked L & B for 20 years or so, same quality as B & H but cheaper. I asked the other day at Asda how much L & B are now, nearly a tenner a pack!
B&H were £12 a packet last time I looked.
I stopped smoking in 1983 and out of interest I calculated in 2015 that I had saved £63,000 (at 25 tabs daily) over the intervening 32 years…
I stopped on Christmas Day 2009 and reckon I’ve saved about £30k. I’ve also cut down on drinking by at least 90% since then. Yet I’m still fucking skint.
Look on the bright side Moggie – better being skint than £30k in debt or carked from lung cancer.
I also stopped drinking about 12 years ago so reckon that’s another £35k….
Yes, there is that. If I was still smoking I would almost certainly have some ‘orrible lung disease. As it is I use an inhaler each morning.
Stopped the fags and the alcohol four years ago.
Now I’m less skint than normal.
Lungs feel better can run and ride a bike
Food tastes better and other things do too
No fear of Booze buses.
“Have you had a drink today sir?”
Ossifer, I haven’t had a drink in facking FOUR years.
I’d be utterly ASTOUNDED if your equipment picked up alcohol.
No more doing stupid things when pissed.
No more waking up feeling like shite.
But there’s booze shops everywhere pushing their drug at you like it’s normal or even expected.
Fags are good for you, they protect against wuflu and, er… aids. And mental illness! Same with beer, it gives me something to look forward to when I wake up, and being in pub saves me from having to talk to Mrs Magiccunt. Death would be a blessed relief if unable to satisfy my cravings. If government really cares about covid everyone should get baccy on the NHS, smoking genuinely does prevent serious complications. MSM will not report that, on account of being soppy lefty pussy cunts. (Almost forgot to swear, cos I am so chilled post booze and ciggies)
Reinhard Genzel sounds like a name of a GDR border guard, it pains me to say it CC, the kaffir has never done anything of note anywhere in the world. except of course
And they of course don’t have Nobel prizes for that ……………….yet!!!!
What the Penrose number directly answers, is : What are the chances that the universe was created by random, as scientists have proposed since the Greeks. That basically, no creator is needed.
It’s one chance in 10^ 10 x 10^123. This is an impossibly small chance.
He draws this from the number of available universes ( in a theoretical multiverse), compatible with the 2nd law of thermodynamics, and therefore capable of existing in the first place.
He doesn’t even begin addressing the fine tuning of parameters in the early universe. That would make impossible, more impossible.
Teleological Argument and Entropy
QUESTION: Teleological Argument and Entropy
The term “entropy” describes the degree of thermodynamic “disorder” in a closed system like the universe. “Maximum entropy” would describe the “heat death” of the universe (which is the state it is slowly gravitating towards). Amazingly, our universe was at its “minimum entropy” at the very beginning, which begs the question “how did it get so orderly?” Looking just at the initial entropy conditions, what is the likelihood of a universe supportive of life coming into existence by coincidence? One in billions of billions? Or trillions of trillions of trillions? Or more?
Roger Penrose, a famous British mathematician and a close friend of Stephen Hawking, wondered about this question and tried to calculate the probability of the initial entropy conditions of the Big Bang.
According to Penrose, the odds against such an occurrence were on the order of 10 to the power of 10123 to 1.
It is hard even to imagine what this number means. In math, the value 10123 means 1 followed by 123 zeros. (This is, by the way, more than the total number of atoms [1079] believed to exist in the whole universe.) But Penrose’s answer is vastly more than this: It requires 1 followed by 10123 zeros.
Or consider: 103 means 1,000, a thousand. 10 to the 103 power is a number that has 1 followed by 1000 zeros. If there are six zeros, it’s called a million; if nine, a billion; if twelve, a trillion and so on. There is not even a name for a number that has 1 followed by 10123 zeros.
Teleological Argument – Practical Impossibility
In practical terms, in probability theory, odds of less than 1 in 1050 equals “zero probability”. Penrose’s number is more than trillion trillion trillion times less than that. In short, Penrose’s number tells us that the “accidental” or “coincidental” creation of our universe is an impossibility.
Concerning this mind-boggling number Roger Penrose comments:
“This now tells how precise the Creator’s aim must have been, namely to an accuracy of one part in 10 to the 10123rd power. This is an extraordinary figure. One could not possibly even write the number down in full in the ordinary denary notation: it would be 1 followed by 10123 successive 0’s.” Even if we were to write a 0 on each separate proton and on each separate neutron in the entire universe- and we could throw in all the other particles for good measure- we would fall far short of writing down the figure needed.1
It takes far more “faith” to believe that this happened by chance than to believe that it was instigated by an incredibly powerful mind. The latter inference does not require blind faith!
It’s important to recognize that we’re not talking about a single unlikely event here. We’re talking about hitting the jackpot over and over again, nailing extremely unlikely, mutually complementary parameters of constants and quantities, far past the point where chance could account for it.
There is one big irrelevance in all the theories, scientific or religious, the human race pondering on all this makes absolutely no difference whatsoever.
We know that everything has a finite existence, including the universe itself.
Given an infinite amount of time, probability becomes meaningless. This is what Penrose fails to address. Without knowing how long the universe has existed for ‘pre Big Bang’ (for want of a better phrase), then how is it possible to calculate the probability of the creation of all matter? If the universe has always existed pre Big Bang, then the creation of matter in the form of the known universe has a probability of ‘1’ i.e Certain.
Oh yes Miles, could have told you that.
‘Oh yes Miles, could have told you that’
You’re missing your calling Miserable. ‘Rethink, reskill, reboot’ is the mantra of the day. I think you should declare to Mrs Miserable that you’re giving up the removals business to become a cosmologist. She’d back you all the way I’m sure.
Naw, no money in it Miles.
Its for people who were bad a sports really isnt it?
Theyre prone to migraines and “the vapours”.
According to Number Two’s files, the average income for cosmologists in 2017 was £90,615.34.
Hope that helps. ?
Its dropped significantly since then Ruff.
Most of them hang out round soup kitchens nowadays.
The rent their socks and underpants.
Not a job for the ambitious.
Sure there is just put an ad in the tradies pages
From one Higgs boson to an entire universal eternity
no job too big or small
prompt service
competitive rates”
The answer is still 42.
Ignore the mice!
Miles: I respect the fact you obviously have a decent grasp on some pretty deep cosmos knowledge. What bothers me is you ultimately still cling to the same conclusion, i.e. god did it.
If Earth had a different orbit and there was no life here, would god still exist?
Through scientific observation we know stars have a life span. They eventually go all red giant and fry everything in their immediate vicinity. One day, a long time from now, our sun will destroy the Earth. God’s day off?
The orbit of the moon is decaying. Over time it will have less and less effect on the Earth. There will come a day when the moon is no longer there. Without the moon, there would be no life on Earth. Is god bored with us? Why not have tides etc. without the need of the moon’s gravity? Wouldn’t that be simpler?
The molten core of the Earth provides a magnetic field which protects the Earth from solar radiation. That magnetic field is weakening and has flipped polarity in the past. If that happens while human kind is around, we’re fucked. Is god not bothered by that? Why not have a sun which doesn’t spew deadly radiation in all directions, thus negating the need for a magnetic field for protection? Wouldn’t that be simpler?
Why would a deity create mankind, then create some convoluted systems to sustain life on one specific planet, only for those sustaining systems to be the source of man’s ultimate demise? Does that make any sense to anyone?
The thing with science is, even if you don’t believe it, it’s still true. I believe everything will ultimately be explainable. It’s only a matter of time. I’m just sorry I won’t be alive when some really juicy “a-ah” moment drives the final nail into deeply flawed belief systems. Discovering intelligent life elsewhere in the universe would do it I think.
On a different level, I’m annoyed at the idea of being created from nothing, put on earth’s playground and if I fuck up, be damned to an eternity of agony in hell!
What kind of facking deal is that? thanks a lot.
And on that, even for being good all you get is sitting on clouds playing a violin sounds facking boring.
Wouldn’t want an eternity of that either
I think you missed the point?
Last night I watched an interview with Penrose about the beginning of the universe, in which he put forward the theory that it’s an endlessly repeating cycle.
Let’s see if I can sum it up. Basically, reality is eternal. There were endless universes before ours. Our universe is expanding, and doing so at an increasing rate. At some point in the FAR distant future, all matter will have ‘decayed’, and space will have stretched to such an expanse, that the universe will have no clock, no reference by which to relate to, or measure itself. Entropy will be supreme.
In effect, the universe won’t know its arse from its elbow at this point; it won’t know if it’s infinitely large or a point of infinite density. It’s at this ‘now’ that the next generation universe explodes again in a new ‘big bang’.
Fuck me, that’s something for cunters to ponder on over their beer.
All very erudite Ron. But what about those racist Swedish cunts.
The truth of the Penrose Number is that there must have been a Creator of not only this observable universe we live in but of any theoretical multiverse in which this universe is situate.
I thank you.
The probability was 1:1. It happened.
And it’s all wavefunctions anyway. It’s Buddhist maya – illusion. What you perceive bears no resemblance to any ultimate reality because there is no ultimate reality.
300 Hail Marys, Miles, for completely misunderstanding God.
PS, if you (re?) read Penrose’s ‘The Emperor’s New Mind’, (1989 OUP paperback edition, p444ff) you’ll find that what you’re calling the Penrose Number gives the ratio of final to initial phase space volumes required to balance theory with observed entropy…or something like that. Penrose goes on to say that this less than microscopic probability is wholly unsatisfactory, but a working theory of quantum gravity could address this: he is using the notion of a Creator in a spirit of gentle irony and not as a serious first cause.
Technical note ends.
:…ratio of final to initial phase space volumes required to balance theory with observed entropy…’
I know nahffink abaaahht it.
All I know is Fr Robert Spitzer has explained it. The Atheist position is ‘untenable’ with these new astrophysics.
‘It’s in the maths’.
You’re not an Orcadian by any chance are you, Komodo?
Spitzer, LOL. Jesuit polemicist and Business Studies graduate.
Author of ‘A Contemporary Metaphysical Proof of the Existence of God”
Aye, that will be right. ‘It’s in the metamaths’
@ T-T, no, not Orcadian. Why?
There is probably some savage rubbing two sticks together to make fire in the Rift Valley who could be nominated.
In the news today, daily mail and times, BAME over represented on TV (as if we didn’t know already) and infested with shirt lifters ?
Link for those who haven’t seen it.
It’s interesting that the report says 40+% of Londonistan falls in the BAME group. Who would have guessed?
I wonder what percentage of the over-represented groups actually pay for a licence?
‘Professor‘ of black studies Kehinde Andrews will be devastated
I understand that Penrose won for his work on black holes. Andrews claims cultural appropriation.
White Holes Matter
Has anybody from Paxtan ever won it?
Contributions to terrorism?
Resistance to washing?
Expertise in beard-growing?
Acid-throwing at women?
Didn’t that bird whose ‘contribution’ to humankind was getting shot by the Taliban win the ‘Peace Prize’?
Yes she did. I cannot fathom why she got it. Perhaps the Nobel Prize for medicine should be given the surgeons who put her head back together in a British hospital at the expense of the U.K. taxpayer.
Oh Targhit aghibeenshot?
There was that Pàki Nobel winner who was bragging he’d invented all the stuff that had previously won.
Bin Dair Dundat
Great nomination. Our brilliant black African scientists are constantly overlooked by these bodies.
Take, for example, the story of Umtibi Goli Goli.
Whilst lying in his hammock one night, gazing at the stars, listening to the jungle sounds, he suddenly came to the conclusion that all the people in his village looked exactly like the chimpanzees who lived just down river, thus was born the theory of evolution.
Or the story of Nig Mtebe, who, whilst throwing sticks at the coconuts to harvest them, was struck on the head by a returning stick-thus discovering gravity.
Also, none should forget the huge contribution to medical science from Chief Joram Ndabo, who, whilst disembowelling his enemies to make a nice casserole, wondered if it were possible that by eating the heart of a youngster, it would reinvigorate his own, ageing body-thus was taken the first step in organ transplantation.
All advances culturally appropriated by whitey.
Reparations are needed.?
An outstanding contribution to a topic of considerable substance.
Ha ha, excellent CG!
A superb cunting, it’s about time these bodies woke up and awarded a member of the BAME lot a Nobel prize. I’m sure one or two of them got a Science GCSE this year possibly a grade 5 and above. Swedish cunts.
This award is nothing but an insult to Neil deGrasse Tyson, who may be a cosmologist rather than a mathematical physicist, but deserves recognition because of the discrimination his ancestors have endured since the first slaves were shipped from Africa.
Statistics prove that black scientists are far more likely to be arrested than white scientists and are far less likely to be released on bond. This man should be given a Nobel prize and a sizeable monetary settlement so that we can all feel better about ourselves.
I have it on good authority from someone within the scientific community that Neil deGrasse Tyson is a cunt, all about the showbiz side of things and his fee.
I went to one of those James Randi multi-day events years ago in Vegas. The Amazing Meetings (TAM) I think they were called. Anyway, he was one of the guest speakers. Right before some nobody, who had probably worked their arse off preparing for their big moment to speak to the audience. Tyson went long in the most gratuitous way and completely walked all over the next guy’s time slot. I thought that was a cunty thing to do at the time and nothing he’s done or said since has altered my view that he is a big headed, small minded wank stain on the cosmos.
Carl Sagan could kick his arse, even from beyond the grave.
Interesting. I assume he was allowed to get away with it to make up for all the racial discrimination suffered by African Americans.
Yes, he was allowed to get away with it. The poor sod after him had almost no time because there was a break scheduled after him. His slot wasn’t re-scheduled either. I felt bad for the guy. Towards the end of his slot, Tyson was on a roll and actually asked the audience if they’d like him to continue. Of course the sheep all whooped and encouraged the bastard to keep going and of course he obliged.
Very cunty thing to do. If the next guy had been a major celeb or some big name in science or whatever, Tyson wouldn’t have pulled that stunt. Utter cunt.
After Obama got the Noble prize it should of been retired, no ones ever going to exceed his greatness, well maybe his wife Michael.
Michael oBama looks like James Brown with diabetes.
Hasn’t he also got a dog called Michelle?
No, that’s his tortoise.
Good evening.
Ok Cunters, your starter for 10. Can anyone name your one Dar key that has ever invented something ???
Winnie Mandela. Necklacing, although it is disputed whether she actually was the first. Shaka Zulu made do with sharpened stakes up the arse but that was before tyres were culturally appropriated.
Also, wasnt jam an ethnic invention? The jars seemed to claim that.
It was a dark key who invented the mantra that is taught to all dark key children in US elementary schools:
I didn’t do nothin’
I swear to god
Think they invented the i twig and the estick,
Mud lipbalm and footgloves?
Loads really, the nostril pocket, and even the rope necklace.
Although we helped on that last one.
Evening Fenton. Lads.
WJ Ballow invented the Combined Hat Rack And Table in 1898, patent number 601422.
Think that answers your question.
PS: Loads more Dark Key inventors below:
When I first left home, I moved into a shared house with a couple of mates, and we had a lizard in a fish tank which we called Stompie, after that unfortunate kid who upset Winnie Mandela so much she had her friends kick him to death. What a lovely lady. We called him stompie, because he just lied there doing fuck all.
Hi RTC, long time no see. Are we absolutely sure Granville T. Woods was a Dark Key? I think he should have a Statue!
Stompie is Afrikaans for a fag end.
Knife and gun crime? Criminal gangs? There’s lots they have contributed to society
Michael Jackson invented the Moon-walk but only after he’d begun changing into a honky even whiter than Barrack O’bomber.
Surely that, and his wonderful collection of popular tunes, will be his legacy.
Marcellus Gilmore Edson invented peanut butter….thats about it….
I must point out to you cunststable that black holes matter!
You have to admire the nod to BLM culture with the building apparently in flames.
We here at Admin Mansions are given license to explore our creative sides. I felt the BLM and anarchy motif added a certain je ne sais quoi. As did the flames. – NA
Nobel invented dynamite. I bet the soldiers of the first world war wished he’d never bothered.
Einstein’s theory contributed to the invention of the Nuclear Bomb. I bet the people of Hiroshima, Nagasaki wished he’d put his talents elsewhere.
You could say YT’s inventions have brought the earth to near extinction.
Meanwhile little Mtebe has kept on fetching water from a hole in the ground as he has always done.
At least he isn’t hurting anyone.
Don’t you believe it, Miles!
Mtebe now runs a prostitution ring just outside J’berg. He is the Afrikan Snoop Dog.
Every week I send mtembe a photo of me drinking a bottle of Buxton springwater.
No award for Antifa?I am surprised.No award for our water rats?I am speechless.Bunch of jokers
The point of this cunting is that there are achievements based on merit and there are achievements based on bullshit.
Where bullshit overtakes merit you have modern day S Africa. And it is coming our way.
I commend you, CC. “wake up and smell the looting” made me absolutely piss myself laughing. That, my friend, was top drawer.