Siegmund Freud the ‘father’ of it. The ‘legacy’ carried in by his daughter Anna. But what was that legacy? The sexualisation of children I will argue.
You know that whole Freud family it turns out were fucking sexual weirdos- Lucian painting his daughters naked, Clement sexually abusing minors (Officially confirmed, just in case an “allegedly” was needed – DA)
Let’s start with the most famous ‘The Oedipus Complex’ that’s the little son wanting to shag Mom. Remember this is early childhood (3 or 4) not at puberty. But kids of 3 or 4 don’t have sexual feelings!
‘The Elektra Complex’. That’s the lltle daughter wanting to shag Dad. She wants more than cuddles from him she wants sexual relations!
But the poor daughter has another hurdle to get over -‘Penis Envy’! That’s right seeing her little brother waving his penis about makes her feel envious. Or she feels she’s been castrated. Or some such shit.
I mean what kind of family home has a brother waving his penis about in front of his kid sister. I didn’t wave mine about in front if mine.
Oedipus, Elektra. It’s all based on myth isn’t it? Its all Greek. And we know that that whole pantheon of gods were were dodgy sexually. Zeus was always shagging his sisters.
It’s sick. It was always fucking sick.
Nominated by: Miles Plastic
(Let’s try and focus responses on the topic “Psychoanalysis” rather than any detailed analysis of sexual relationships with children, thanks – DA)
Cor, this is a bit of a blast from the past. Psychoanalysis is way old hat – bin out of fashion with the trick cyclists for fucking decades.
It’s all ‘mindfulness-based cognitive therapy’ stuff nowadays.
Despite being an atheist, Freud took a keen interest in religion, which is no doubt where he got his kooky ideas about incest from, albeit subconsciously.
Fact is, the human race was built on incest, God was a right sicko. With the creation of Adam & Eve he knew their sprog would be forced to fuck each other if the human race was to survive, forking pérve. He had every opportunity to nip it in the bud there and then but he chose not to. Tells you a lot about the cunt’s values.
As a result we’re all the product of incest, at least us whiteys are – Adam being a clone of God who we all know is white:
“So God created man (Adam) in His own image; He created him in the image of God; He created them male and female.” (Genesis 1:27).
Presumably He created blacks along with all the other beasts a day or two previously.
Anyway, back to psychoanalysis. Who among us can honestly say that as a red blooded 13 year old boy they weren’t sexually attracted to their mother? I know I was.
Not really!!!
Different story when it came to some of my friends’ mums though… and auntie Ruth was pretty hot. Not so auntie Angela on my father’s side – even I wasn’t that desperate! Sadly I never had a sister, but if I had I know she would have been well fit.
My mum was the fittest among her 5 sisters. Grandad told my dad “you got the pick of the bunch!”
Never consciously aware of wanting to fuck my mother, her sisters Ruth and Jackie didn’t half give me the fucking horn. Unfortunately their cunts remained in Scunthorpe (176 miles away) so I never really got the opportunity to find out if they were up for it.
Trust me, I’m a Doctor of Psychotic Enlightenment (D.O.P.E)
Bloody hell, Auntie Ruth and Jackie together in the sack must have produced quite a lot cream ?
Oh God SOI, now you’ve got me going again!
Have you any pictures you could post and we could judge for ourselves?
Maybe a auntie poll where we all vote???
@ Miserable
I most certainly have!
Let Admin know your address and I’ll send you some pics.
Don’t expect anything smutty though – they weren’t that sort of girl! ?
Have they shapely ankles?!!!
Ankles turned to die for MNC!
Everything is about sex until you get too old to be bothered and the women are to old to produce a reaction….
Old women get fucked by young studs because young men can get a stiffy anytime, old men need a firm young women to produce the desired effect… it’s the law of nature ?
For people with too much time on their hands.
Save you time, yes your mental.
No it’s not mummy or daddy’s fault!
It’s just your fuckin full tilt whacko
Do some work thatl cure you.
And take your underpants off your head.
It seriously wouldn’t surprise me if Lesbian wimmin have penis envy. Think of all those butch wimmin firemen, policemen, butch army types, Jess Phillips and Kate Green – they would love a dick – to possess not benefit from. Looking at the state of my dear wife in the late 1960s and early 70s, I can’t imagine my son would have had any pre-pubescent “desires” – I would credit him with more taste.
I bet Cressida Dildo wishes she had a ten inch schlong.
I bet she’s got one..
Psychoanalysis has been one of the most reliable ways of parting fools from their cash surplus for a very long time. Energy crystals and ear candles can’t hold a, er, candle to it. Its only possible rival is the Catholic Confession. Respect is due to any good scam. Respect
I dated a psychiatric student in my twenties, a right know-it-all bitch and no mistake.
“I know you better than you know yourself,” she stated after a couple of months of dating.
That same night I bummed her enthusiastically and I seem to recall that she didn’t enjoy it.
Wonder what her analysis of my rather rude decision would have been?
She chucked me the next morning and was livid when I smirked. We both knew I was thinking of the night before and wondering whether my knob still smelled a bit whiffy.
Ha ha-brilliant Thomas!???
Reminds me of the time I was seeing a bird who was a right flash cunt, Porsche, high end job, designer clothes ….
She did wear nice lingerie though and we fucked morning, noon and night. Long story short, I ended it when she started to “plan” my schedule-fucking uppity twat.
She arranged to meet up to return a few thing I had left at her gaff-where she proceeded to break down in tears and say we should give it another go.
Sitting in my car, parked in a national trust car park, she proceeded to give me a blow job. At the critical moment, I pulled out and decorated her hair, face and Italian designer business suit with man-batter?.
She was not impressed, she had just had her hair cut at a cost of £150 and was due to attend a business meeting that afternoon.
Still makes me chuckle, nearly 30 years later?
Oh, we never “saw” each other again, after that. Job done???
We don’t need psychoanalysis-we just need to talk to our friends and family.
The Freud family were fucking weirdo’s though.
I wonder if Clement used to fuck Henry? Judging by Henry’s hang-dog expression I would think it’s a racing certainty.
Freud was a wrong’un.
I reckon he smeared Minced Morsels on his fat helmet and got Henry the dog to chow it off.
Filthy cunt.
Haha – great minds etc, Paul. I posted my comment above before seeing yours.
Hmmm so a freudian slip would be getting your knob out to commit to something unthinkable /thinking about it then putting it away again/judging by said expression in the nom pic wouldnt be the first time
The creepy bastard
If you want assistance with a mental health issue you’d have to be insane to ask for it from a coke head.
The last time I went to the doctor,
Doctor: “How do you feel?”
Me: “With my hands usually”.
Is that when you last saw him and told him that you felt like a pair of curtains? Didn’t he say,” Mr Spoonington, stop trivialising mental illness and pull yourself together? “
Boom boom! Indeedly, Bertie. 🙂
The time before that, I said to the doctor, ‘People keep talking to me about cereal crops’.
He said, ‘Migraine?’ I said, ‘ Don’t you start’.*
*Joke number 707. Page 223, The Tim Vine Joke Book. 🙂
ISBN 978-1-846-05827-1
It has been one of the major mysteries in my life that Freud has been given so much credibility for what was, basically, a few insights into his own family life.
The desire for human therapists of all kinds, psycholgists, sociologists, psychiatrists and counsellors to ‘prove’ they were scientific was the over-riding factor in enabling them to be granted funding for their experiments – behaviouralists used animals and projected behaviour onto humans (think current behavioural insights team) – must be the only explanation for the massive upsurge in human therapy/counselling from the early 1900s onwards
Before this time people just lived and died without to much concern, Since then there have been a plethora of angels and rogues vying for our attention to assist our well-being – Freud was a rogue – whether that makes him a cunt also is debatable
Nudge nudge, wink wink – say no more my squire
Well, you know what they say.
The smart sickos out on the white coats and take the money off the thick sickos.
And Freud was the biggest nutjob of the lot. The weird cunt.
Never hear of Carl Jung, who was much more on the ball with his analytical psychology as a comprehensive system separate from psychoanalysis. This is too heavy, fuck off.
I don’t think I’d make a second appointment with Siggy,
Once he started with the shagging your family stuff
I’d give it a miss.
It’s ok to be mental
But incest is a no no.
I wouldn’t trust the freaky cunt to mind my dog nevermind shrink my head.
Interesting topic. My grandfather, the old Von, as a young man was part of that scene in Vienna. Dissolute young cunt, as were most of the young bloods in that prewar cafe society, he was very sexually repressed which it where Freud and his clique came in and earned their fat fees. Austria and its empire was in rapid decline, ossified by its strict social conventions and bloated failing military. The ruling Hapsburgs had become too inbred and rigid, Franz Joseph was too old (he died in 1916) to accept any change and the state was ruled by a rod of iron – unless you had money.
Sexual repression was the order of the day trying to deny a new wave of sexual desire fed in part by the art and artists fighting that repression (eg Klimpt). Up stepped Freud and his followers to ease the angst of the middle classes and their secret liaisons in discreet hotels that all was perfectly normal, their desires were just products of their repression and they needed to work them out physically. “That will be 800 schilling please” (the old Austrian currency).
Modern Austrians are still a kangaroo short of a picnic, imho.
And now a jolly little tune to complement the nom.
Happy Freuds by The Nice
Explain to you,
The girl who tells me that she knows herself.
I say to you, (my girl, )
You don’t know you, (my girl, )
Only really shallow people know themselves
It’s true to say.
Everybody’s playing happy Freuds.
I say to you, (my girl, )
You don’t know you, (my girl, )
Your Capricorn is showing,
And the edge is getting frayed, frayed.
Here’s to all those people
Who know themselves; (They really know themselves.)
They look into a mirror and
They know themselves. (They really know themselves.)
I will build them
A mirror they can see themselves
As other people see them!
Everybody’s playing happy Freuds.
I say to you, (my girl, )
You don’t know you, (my girl, )
Your Capricorn is showing,
And the edge is getting frayed.
Bum bup ba! Babba babba ba!
Bum bup ba! Babba babba ba!
℗ 1968
Very apt RT.
The Nice – one of my favourite bands with the great Keith Emerson on keyboards. Saw them at The Festival Hall (when they briefly reformed) in 2002 and they were superb.
Nice to see you back GeeDee – no pun intended! ?
An intergalactic Cunt …
“Edward Bernays, whose uncle was Sigmund Freud, is credited with fathering the field of public relations (AKA propaganda). His methods were often to shift massive cultural trends in order to make his products or ideas more appealing. Here are 10 ways he did just that.”
Seigmund fraud.
Love’s a family get together.
A psychoanalyist shows an inkblot to a patient and asks him what he sees. ‘Two people fucking’ says the patient.
He shows the patient another inkblot, and the patient replies ‘two people fucking’.
After doing this twenty times and receiving the same answer, the doctor says ‘I’m afraid, Mr Jones, that you’re utterly obsessed with sex’.
‘What do you mean, I’M obsessed?’ says the patient. ‘You’re the one with all the dirty pictures’.
Freud? Cokehead and perv.
Sexual perversion an myth, seems part of the human condition. Suffer the little children and that…
“According to his analysist my eldest boy has an oedipus complex”
“Oedipus shcmedipus what’s it matter as long as he loves his mother”!
‘I mean what kind of family home has a brother waving his penis about in front of his kid sister.’
That made me laugh aloud, thank you Miles.
Carl Jung had a falling out with Freud of many of his theories, rather take Jung view than Freud. Anyway, in time context they were all a bit anal retentive then where hysteria in women was controlled by regular visit to the doctor for a therapeutic orgasm, I kid you not, It’s where the electrical vibrator was born as history tells us, lazy cunt’s finding a way to not have to give a good fingering. So those ideas at the time were interesting as they knew fuck all, most men didn’t even know about playing with the little man in the boat got her off, most just vigorously pushed the elevator button not knowing it won’t come any quicker. So give Psychoanalysis a brake, there ideas are as fucked up then as they are now, it’s a well paying industry, gone from obsession with sex to everybody’s a victim, there’s money in it.
Mostly, if I consider the name Sigmund Freud, I remember having to stick greasy bullets up my arse, and then the cream. I lived in Vienna for two years, and I often heard that Freud didn’t catch on as widely as generally thought, as they were quite happy to toddle off to confession, and speak to a perv on the other side of the grille, or to go and sing dismal, depressing songs in the Heurigen (wine-gardens). Getting pissed in this way actually saved my life; the next day I awoke, bloody-mindedness renewed, and dismissed suicidal thoughts.