This cunt just won’t go away, like some turd that survived the flush, and is slowly dissolving in the pan.
It was on this cunts’ computer model that the first lockdown was initiated. A lockdown he broke himself, as he was fucking some cuckolds’ loony lefty wife.
Yeah, that cunt.
He’s still wheeled out as the foremost expert on all things Covid on the BBC, his last appearance on radio four was him telling us all that Christmas equals death. The beeb don’t mind his past transgression, as a lefty he is redeemable, unlike that murderer Cummings.
It has been noted that for years, this cunts predictions on epidemiology have been so wrong, it would have been better asking a drunken tramp for advice.
Do the decent thing professor doom, and fuck off.
Nominated by: Gutstick Japseye
and seconded a few days later by JeffWode:
Alleged Prof Neil Ferguson should be cunted off for eternity.
The cunt has a long history of making an utter cunt of himself by continually getting his predictions wrong by a million per cent.
Remember foot and mouth? Yep he was responsible for that utter bell end T Blair’s slaughter of 6 million farm animals-as it turns out completely un-necessarily.
Bird flu? 200 million worldwide deaths according to cuntyfergy-total deaths 282. Swine flu? Cuntyfergy says “65,00 UK deaths” our survey says…wapwah….”457″.
So who do the cuntus maximus’s in government turn to for some cool, reasoned, level headed advice? You got it-Prof PanicPants himself. Result? A nuclear holocaust through the economy, no 84 year olds lives saved ’cause they bunged ’em all in plague centres and an OBE for the world’s biggest cunt.
This cunt will have the country on it’s knees if the government are stupid enough to go on listening to him, and the broadcasters continue to broadcast his vapid thoughts.
I honestly think this four eyed cunt needs to see a psychaitrist – he has watched too many episodes of Quatermass.
In any case, many of his p-rojections have been proven to be false, so why keep going to him?
Chief cunt, the cunt of cunts, a veritable leviathan among the cornucopia of cunts knocking around today. If I was as hopeless as him I’d shut up, but like most of the left wing rabble they can’t see their own failings and keep pontificating.
We haven’t seen the last of him I’m afraid.
He probably doesn’t give two shits about the country, not least because he doesn’t have to stand up and tell the nation what they intend on doing next.
Boris is a bit of a cunt at times, but he is the bloke who has to face public and media scrutiny, while shitwipes like Vallance and Fuckfeatures here, can just hide in the shadows and throw some made-up stats at people.
I hope he gets Covid. Cunt
Anyone got sean Connery in Deadpool?
He shhnuffed it.
Good shooting Cuntakinty, youve won Deadpool and taken out Bond and lipservice Scottish patriot Sean!
He only has himshelf to blame.
From the BBC website-
‘In truth, his Bond is now a museum piece; the portrayal of women impossibly dated. The action scenes are still thrilling, but the sex too often bordered on the non-consensual.
Thankfully, its been a while since 007 slapped a woman on the backside and forced a kiss. But Connery’s performance was of its time, enjoyed by millions of both sexes and gave the silver screen a 20th Century icon’.
Straight to PC. Couldn’t they have left it out until a later appraisal. No, straight to it.
Yawn, your not funny either eh Graeme?!!?
No, I want him to have a real ailment, and I’d probably pick the miserable life robbing existence that dementia provides. It’s also the number one cause of death in the U.K. too, where even in the worst affected areas it barely scrapes into the top ten. That’s ONS figures, not tinfoil hat bollocks.
Sorry, I am guilty of fake news here. I am completely wrong when I said it barely scrapes into the top ten, I should have said top twenty, as it was at number 19 in England last month, 24th in Wales.
Well i cant say im surprised at this miracolous unveiling of the bastard obvious
Real genuine scientists are not on the telly unless they are making a documentary.
As MNC quoted not long back boris keeps these in a stable^barn 5months out the year and they make an appearance when needed.
ARSEHOLES would be a better phrasing than CUNTS
Fucked off with this bullshit virus, more scaremongering by useless idiots, looking more like a complete shutdown of England next week until Xmas, trying to keep my head above water, working all fucking hrs what’s the point when cunts like this want to destroy people who actually work for a living,
Protect the vulnerable let us fucking carry on or I guarantee there will be riot’s
I can’t wait until the cunts complicit in this bollocks are suspended from high lamp posts the length and breadth of the country, by their actual bollocks.
The cunts!
When people have nothing left to lose, and life isn’t worth living that’s when the real anger spills over. We aren’t that far away from that moment.
Lets get busy im bored of this shite.
Bit of action would cheer everyone up.
A nice riot and a lynching or 62 at the end of it?
These cunts have never worked in their lives. Fuck the lot of them, lying rats.
I don’t think people realize how perilously close we are to the edge, economically and socially.
There is absolutely no guarantee we’re ever going back to normal, and with each passing day I doubt it more and more.
The economy was close to the edge even before Covid.
The fact is we’ve already gone over the edge. It’s only the eye watering amount of Government borrowing that is giving the illusion that we haven’t.
In other words, it’s fucked.
Which is what TBCC just said.
Captain Obvious.
Whatever the good Professor professes, he himself will be exempt. Naturally
He’s not exempt from being a shit-gibbon cunt though, Herman. He’s like those football managers who keep being given new appointments on the strength of their last woeful job.
Andre Villas Boas springs to mind.
Except he’s probably a better scientist.
Did anybody have Sean Connery in their Deadpool?:
There is a cabinet meeting today….. can only mean one thing
The last day of black history month ?
The only truth in a cabinet meeting is in the name itself. Bunch of useless liars, congregating around the well stocked booze cupboard, paid for by us, to natter total bullshit.
There must be an element of politics to this scaremongering cunts constant doom protestations, as he is undoubtedly a lefty. There is no way that XR loving activist harpie that he banged during his own mandated lockdown would let anything other than a paid up member of socialism. Cunt.
Professor of hindsight at the University of Wokedom.
Do not panic. We are doomed anyway. Doomed I tell you.
Fair play to him, he apparently did single-handedly eradicate influenza. Official published figures have influenza deaths down 98% in the last weeks. Now we also know that it was in fact talking that was responsible for the latest kung-flu spike, I guess we’d all do well to shut up and say no more about it.
This cunt Ferguson needs a good kicking the fucking computer nerdy cunt, everything he ever predicted was wrong
Uber-galactic cunt of cunts, along with all his shill colleagues at Imperious College.
Fuck off Ferguson, you bag of self-important shit. Frightening old people and children is the lowest of the low.
Neil Ferguson – cunt.
Alex Ferguson – cunt.
Sarah Ferguson – cunt.
Massey Ferguson – Tractor
Fucking good tractors too. The odd Cunt may own one though.
Darren Ferguson (cunt son of Alex)
Barry Ferguson (ex- Rangers)
Big Dunc Ferguson ( ex Everton) However, not in front of his face.
Albert, didn’t the same genius who burgled Duncunt Ferguson’s house attempt it a second time?
Did he Captain? He must be absolutely dense.
It’s a wonder he came out alive.
Liquidate. Sick and fed up with these cunts. Fuck em.
As I understand it an OBE…Orifice of the British Empire…is a step below a CBE…Cunt of the British Empire.
When it comes to being wrong, he has an outstanding track record. But he’ll have to do better if he aspires to the next level.
A bolt gun to the head.Afterwards leave his body hanging from a lamp post as a warning to the cockwombles in Westminster.I mean the swamp.A month.A whole month.As I said before Rome burns while Nero plays his fiddle.We will have no jobs left
Just breaking on US morning news…Somebody must have Sean Connery in the Deadpool.
Cuntakinty. The lucky so and so.
May I just get my noms in quick smart before Miserable nicks them all?
Harvey Price
Harvey Weinstein
Ghislaine Maxwell
Katie Price
Tracy Emin
Actually, Miserable beat me to it. I skipped right over his post.
(Like I usually do with all his posts.)
In London it’s pissing down with rain, it is so dull you need the light to read, and it’s only 1340, and then, just to show things can get worse Diddy Dave Miliband and George Osborne on Wireless 4 Any Questions, both pompous bastards, Osborne prefacing every answer with “Look…” and Miliband reminding you of a toddler who is so proud of having learned to shit in his potty he takes it round and holds it up to everyone for praise.
I particularly liked the way the selfrighteous shites piled into the Corbyn fuss. Osborne fucked the economy, Miliband fucked off: both are now minted thanks to their former cabinet positions…obviously we wouldn’t want to get into all that. And we didn’t. TGIC(orbyn). Pile into the beardy oik, chaps (even though 17 Jobs Osborne ‘got on rather well with him’ in the Commons – shouldn’t think he does now).
The remainder of the panel were one Devi Sridhar (Asian wimminz -tick), a public health scientist, for the NHS question, and a Sarah Elliot who represents US Republicans abroad, for the Trump question. So it was left to Osborne and Miliband – both implacable enemies of Corbyn – to supply some balance to the discussion. They didn’t, needless to say.
He’s probably a filthy communist. Undermining Dear Old Blighty from within.
The cunt.
This afternoon, The Jellyfish will speak.
Can’t wait.
Fat useless cunt.
Get To Fuck.
Afternoon JTC – unless the jellyfish traitor starts with “For the good of the Country I resign and hand power to Victor Orban” it will not be worth my attention.
We are “ruled” by an incompetent, lying, morally bankrupt, greedy self serving elite who are busy using a fabricated crisis to fill their own pockets, Johnson, Cummings, Sunak – they are all snatching a fortune of taxpayers money in a smash and grab before they get fired.
Need a beam and some hemp with 13 loops at the top for these lot.
Good afternoon, Vernon. This lot are doing far more damage to the economy, than the KGB ever did.
For a final ironic flourish, they will rebuild the Red Wall.
Mr. Burnham will be ever so grateful.
Cunts, all.
If I asked a gambler for their tips and they were wrong every time I would not bother asking them anymore.
But this damn fool gets everything wrong, has a permanent lefty angle poisoning what should be scientific advice, ignores his own rules to poke some tubby scrubber – and Boris the jellyfish still regards him as the second coming.
And fuck any type of restrictions, rules or lockdowns from now on – I will wear a mask in shops etc out of politeness and reassurance but apart from that I will just tell them I am a muslim protesting at someone saying mean things just because barbaric savages butcher three people.
My patience wears thin.
Common sense, like tolerance and civility becomes extinct, as we watch on.
Will the last cunt to leave, please turn the lights off.
i don’t wish this cunt any harm but it’s time to bomb the fuck out of him – i’ve ordered my tank ….
Better hope it’s not being delivered by Hermes. Twice in the last week I’ve had packages left at the front door, in the rain, where any passerby could see it and pinch it.
Oven please.
They killed a king because they said they were better. I doubt that very much.
Following his failure to deliver 200 , 000,000 deaths in 2004/5 ( his prediction for pan avian ) He has obviously learned very little. The model ( faulted ) is the same, and so to is the prediction.
Hell awaits this idiot, but worse is to come for the sheeple who allowed it to happen.
Once again!
A sensible chap that