This is an unusual one, cunting our own Police – but badly needed. These piss wet clowns decided to politicise themselves by “taking a knee” before marxist BLM rioters, looters, thugs and arsonists began their never ending orgy of destruction, the Same with Antifa and the world witnessed the humiliation of serving Police Officers running away from rioters and apologising to these scum as the Police got a good kicking. (Or “pushed” as the marxist BBC described it).
Refusing to do anything about thousands of muslim filth completely ignoring lockdown and social distancing rules that whitey has to follow or be arrested and fined.
Refusing to do anything about thousands of snowflake shit at illegal raves and hundreds more at illegal house parties.
The same Police who appear not to see hundreds of illegal immigrants coming to the UK in their floating rapemobiles but do not think twice about attacking, assaulting and hospitalising a white protester and military veteran engaged in his legal and constitutional right to make his voice heard.
The same Police who arrest, assault and fabricate charges when white Men LEGALLY, IN A PUBLIC PLACE film this invasion of filth.
The same Police who recently dived in mob handed and brutal to beat seven shades of shit out of white lockdown protesters exercising their LEGAL RIGHT to protest and caused a number of serious injuries to the very people they are supposed to “protect and serve”.
These fuckwits and their carpet munching bosses should realise that public support, trust and cooperation with this force of plastic SS Officers has gone and will never likely return – you have shown whose side you are on – anyone’s but whitey, you have chosen to racially discriminate against white people in their own Country and we will not forget, ever – this is a turning point.
I have decided on a policy of non cooperation with the bully boy racist pigs, not just now but for the rest of time – they are traitors to the British people and the worst kind of Quisling vermin. It would be wise if they gave me a very, very wide berth from now on.
So, in closing – FUCK THE POLICE!
Nominated by: Vernon Fox
I can’t condone this cunting for the average bobby, but, certainly valid for their politically correct senior officers and overmasters.
Sorry, but it’s the average bobby on the best that is administering the kicking. I’m with the Fox on this one. If they want cooperation from now on they can go and ask the filthy scum they protect from the law, see how far they get.
Beat, not best. My fucking tablet changes words even though predictive text is switched off!
Mostly under orders. Trust me, I have enough to do with the police to know they’re as sick of all the shit that’s going on as you and I.
Why does the Nuremberg defence suddenly come to mind.
If we had lost the war things would be completely different as to how they are now that is inherently obvious
They police by consent.
That consent can be very quickly removed.
Consent is irrelevant to an aggressor, such as the police or ‘government.’
They police the “easy option”. So much easier to beat the shit out of a peaceful non violent protestor as opposed to blm, stinking rebellion or other Marxist left scum who defile our streets like the dog shit that they are.
Always had respect for the plod. Know a few rozzers and they hate all this BS as much as we all do. One of them quit the force about 2 years back due to all the woke bollocks (appeasing dark keys and woofters).
However, the way many behaved in taking the knee to those BLM cunts has created a situation where even people like me have lost respect for them.
And yes, I would rather lose my job than get on my fucking knees to anyone. I’d like to see the cunts try and avoid compensating anyone to the tune of hundreds of thousands (possibly more) if they sacked somebody for not getting on their knees to people when they demanded it.
And to be fair, a lot of those joining nowadays are fucking snowflakes. About 5 years back I knew a lad who joined up. Wimpy cunt and full commie type.
He loves it.
So, with a heavy heart, I kind of get why people are losing all respect.
If they don’t respect themselves (by kneeling and dancing with the ‘gayness’ types) and dish out the law depending on you being from left or the right (BLM and /Antifa were allowed to deface Churchill’s statue and the Cenotaph FFS). I saw footage of an old bloke who took an Anitifa banner off the Cenotaph, only for some little Antifa cunts in masks to point him out to a rozzer….who then proceeded to chase down the patriot. He was quite happy to watch the commie bastards destroy the Cenotaph though. That was the final straw for me.
So fuck em, yeah.
Not for me this one,I’m afraid Vernon.
I’ve known a lot of Police Officers over the years…both in their professional capacity and socially. Yes,some can be Cunts…the same as there will be some Cunts in every walk of life but most are not. They are decent enough people.
I suspect that many of them don’t go along with much of this current nonsense but it is their job. I expect they are unwilling to risk that job and pension by raising their heads above the parapet (rather like the “take a knee” footballers)…they have nothing to gain by doing some King Canute act but a lot to lose.
Like the Police or not,most of them do a fucking difficult and dangerous job and I respect them for it.
Sir Dick-the rugged rugby playing, beer swilling lads from Northumbria probably bear fuck all resemblance to the university graduates, gays, muslim, black, Marxist fuckwits that are fast-tracked through the force in Londanistab and other metropolitan forces.
You could be right there,General. One of the finest nights partying I ever enjoyed was at a (mainly) Durham CID do.
During the recent anti-covid demonstration in London, it take make me laugh to see a little parking stanleyi woman with a headscarf trying to contain all the big burly white lads. We need more of the useless cunts like her.
But did you see the hatred in her face LC?
I agree with Nick, sorry Dick
Who exactly is the “average bobby” these days?
Do you ever see one on the beat? The austerity cuts appear to have wiped out the concept of local policing.
They rely on cctv for any kind of investigation now. If it ain’t on film forget it.
They are so scared of being painted as racists that they avoid ethnic areas which have become no-go zones, tread softly around BLM protests, were almost compliant with the Remain cause. And they are terrified of pikeys.
But I do think they have an impossible job trying to enforce the covid rules. In fact the chief constables have already surrendered.
Motorists however remain an easy target and a cash cow for automated fines.
The BBC are not Marxists.
Correct. Metropolitan, woke, liberal, profligate lefties with unearned funding is more accurate. Unworldly Londoncentric chatterers.
Establishment cocksuckers.
Privately educated, Oxbridge cunts who disdain working people.
So, defund the police then? That’s where this is going.
Not defund them CC – just de-politicise them and make them Police everyone fairly and legally.
I get this is an unusual one but when the Police act against their own people and engage in illegal discrimination, racism and violence but only to certain sections of the population something needs to be done.
Aint gonna change while promotion depends on affirmative action, politics and quotas rather than record and ability.
Cressida’s Dick being the prime example but there are many others. And it seems that when the ethnics are promoted beyond their abilities any shortcoming is down to racism. There are many examples of this, mostly in the Met.
Not all countries put quotas on minorities in the police CC, try and find a white pig in Rhodesia these days!!!!
Correct CC – doing the job has taken second place to quotas.
If you want someone to do the job you get Winston Churchill.
If you want to fill quotas you get Cressida Dick.
Privatise them.
My daughter in laws sister had no trouble getting into the police ‘force’.
Lesbian complete with actual ‘wife’.
About five feet two and borderline obese. Yes, just the kind of copper we need. And obviously if she hadn’t been accepted it would have screamed discrimination!
They are advertising for coppers on the radio right now. There’s only one reason governments advertise jobs on tv or radio……. no cunt wants to do it. Hardly surprising as they make it sound like a glorified social worker…….except not many social workers get a kicking or shot or stabbed.
What happened to the cunt who shot that copper last week? Is he still alive the bastard? The politicians have cried their crocodile tears so just forget about it. That’s the problem, not the coppers on the front line but the fuckers running the show.
The plod in Birmingham used to be right old selective cunts!
Too shit scared to investigate proper gritty crime involving dead bodies, gangsters, drug dealers and the like; but were super efficient nicking cunts doing 33 in a 30; or parking where they shouldn’t or nicking drunks.
no idea what they’re like now having moved out of the area, but given the racial mix in that city it wouldn’t surprise me if they’re no different to the London mob – bend the knee to the BLMs and knee in the groin for the innocent indigenous citizens.
They’re also too busy pissing out on their computers looking for hate crime cunts (as we saw with that D’Arcy Banana nomination yesterday), than bother with child-porn, “migrants”, and other degenerate cunts that seem to get a free pass not only by plod but the wishy washy court system
It will come back to haunt them. One day they will get on the knee and get their heads kicked in, just like in the states. Never pick sides and never show weakness.
A long overdue cunting, well written?
Like Vern, I feel ashamed of our weak leaders, allowing our institutions to succumb to marxist pc infiltration.
He police force requires a complete overhaul, so once again it is fit for purpose.
This current mob have behaved like total cunts.
This cunting is very refreshing Norm, in that you’ve chosen a subject that will prompt a range of opinions. It makes a change to read a challenging cunting rather than the usual safe subject of the BBC for the umpteenth time.
I agree with the view that the blame goes to the top, where ‘politicians’ like Dickhead are verging on the incompetent.
However, for whatever reason , it’s probably indisputable that many people like myself have less respect for the police than they used to have.
Sorry, Vern not Norm!!
I get the thrust of frustration but we need to not throw the baby out with the bath water. What’s the alternative? Some sort of communist motley crew patrol comprised of Jerome’s, Muhammad’s, Albanian’s, Somalis and gypos? FUCK that.
The police are like school teachers. There’s some good, some average but do their job, and then the deviant nonces. But as always it’s those near the top who draw massive salaries and hidden bonuses in exchange for being political puppets who are the real issue here.
And possibly Masonic involvement, but that’s a whole other topic.
The alternative? Policing which is fair, legal, impartial and non racist would be a start.
And pretty much every top copper is in the craft.
There are lessons to be learned, sadly it’s the one who shout the loudest who are driving the police agenda.
The constant barrage of cunts rolling out statistics about young bliks being 9 times more likely to be stopped and searched than their white counterparts, yes maybe but there is a fucking valid reason for that.
The constant barrage of respecting ‘cultural sensitivities’, this is bollocks cultural sensitivity has no place in preventing the police carrying their job.
The social media idiots who are more interested in getting likes for the videos of police making arrests in difficult circumstances, the level of violence against the police as been rising at a ridiculous rate and instead of criticising police for use of excessive force concentrate on excessive violence of the scum bags who infest the country.
Sadly in some areas ‘Policing by consent’ is no longer possible and a tougher line needs to taken, the like of Strap on are the reason the police are almost powerless to control situations.
Yes the police are cunts because our leaders have decided that It’s better to let the rank and file take a kicking that to upset the minorities and their woke supporters.
Who would want to be copper, it’s a thankless fucking job and I agree with comments on the taking the knee shit and the lack of action against those fucking BLM vandals, once you sell the water cannon the message is carry on rioting because we will do fuck all about it.
PS, I have written to Priti today with my views on the lack of action against the fucking channel invaders!
This year’s antics have confirmed what I’ve thought for quite some time.
The corrosive effect of weak political leadership and the rise of left wing extremism has diluted the Police force into a shadow of what is required to protect the silent majority.
Our country is a much less secure place because of it.
It’s a national disgrace.
Be honest, it’s no longer ‘our’ country. It may be only 14% BAME population, but it’s 100% BAME shithole.
14%? Not according to television, especially advertising, it’s not…
Yeah, well London is another country, and an African one at that. It’s where the advertisers operate. They seem to believe that the whole country is the same. It’s not. Yet.
The police is full with sjw wankers from top to bottom. There might be a few “bobbies” who mean well but they are , and always have been the enemy of freeborn Englishmen. Today they are the politicised armed wing of the state. In other words the very thing those who opposed their formation warned us about. Give me back my right to bear arms and Il look after myself thanks.
Have a word, son. David Icke’s website’s over there…
What Ike got to do with the arguments for and against the formation of Peels police force. You really are pathetically ignorant.
‘always have been the enemy of freeborn Englishmen. Today they are the politicised armed wing of the state.’
Says the plum that posted the above. Run along and polish your tinfoil hat.
‘pathetically ignorant.’
Re-read your own post. You need some more sertraline, son.
And what has General/President Eisenhower got to do with the story?
DCI, you’ve been warned before about how you speak to others. If it carries on you will be banned. Y
Only the one, General, only the one.
Screaming “Tinfoil hat” or “David Icke” if you disagree with sombody is the same as a hysterical lefty screaming racist.
Not really. The quote I mentioned is beloved of the tinfoil hat/David Icke brigade.
I think the last thing I could accuse someone of on this site is being a ‘Lefty’. I’ll concede to ‘Facts’, not unsubstantiated ‘My mate works for the police and I watch The Bill on Drama’ opinions. And, yes, my blood boils when I watch them stand around watching statues beibg pulled down, but, it’s the bosses and political masters who are in charge, not the fucking boots on the ground.
I’m with the main thrust of your comments DCI. But sadly it wasn’t the bosses who made the boots on the ground take the knee in front of those statue vandalising BLM ‘protesters’. Or made them paint their nails at Pride marches, or dance at traffic blocking Extinction Rebellion jamborees.
That’d be the woke fuckers infesting the ranks, Ruff! Terry should weed them out!
Nothing to add on either side of this excellent debate – good points abound, and it’s good to see the well-reasoned discussion going on. Pity it wasn’t allowed by the Blair or Cameron regimes.
Growing up was told the Police are the enemy.
Bootboys for Maggie, beating up working men, (the miners) and was always suspicious of coppers.
As a adult I understood the need for them, the hard job they did.
Respected them.
But the knee taking did for that, I lost a lot of respect for them.
Whoever controls the political climate (the woke) control the police.
They just do as their told.
They have no choice in it I suppose?
Not if they want to keep their jobs.
But they could cover it by saying “I vass only following ze orders”! ?
Operation Augusta. Purposely leaving innocent girls to be raped and murdered. That is our so-called good old boys in blue. And that’s the GMP. The Manchester police are as rotten and as sickeningly and as blindly woke as the Met.
And as for the Somerset mob? Frightened of a bunch students and unwashed skivers? A fucking laughing stock.
Best copper ever was ‘Gods Cop’ James Anderton.
Tough on druggies
Tough on Crime
Tough on blasphemy.
The trendies and lefties hated him.
Great beard too!?
Through personal experience of just how bent they are, I long ago ceased to have any respect for our Polizei. Being assaulted by gang of “colour” and being told that I should have got their names and addresses. On another occasion, they claimed I could not tell the difference between a Range Rover and a Renault 5. Frankly I will never co-operate/assist them in anything unless it were affecting my family. As for the “Persons in Blue” they can sod off. Incidentally, have any been spotted simply patrolling, by which I mean actually walking a beat?
My respect for the rozzers over here has increased due to the grief and calls for defunding they’ve had to endure.
That said, I still believe there’s something inherently wrong with you if you seek out that kind of job. Having the authority to affect the lives of ordinary people and basically push them around. Same goes for politicians.
The claim over here is they join up to “protect and serve the community”. Bollocks. They join up to get a gun and a badge so they can push the rest of us around. Don’t lie about it. Protect and serve my arse. It’s a power trip. The only question is to what degree.
We once had a police force who went toe to toe with the IRA and who were hated, but also had the genuine respect of some of the hardest gangs and criminals in Britain.
Now, they see someone telling a joke on social media as a ‘crime’ and top priority, and they can’t even deal with teenage darkquay gangs in Londonistan and thick as pig shit gimmigrants. Pathetic.
What chance does the copper on the ground have when the entire senior staff of his force are politicised, positive affirmation libtard cunts. Plus he has to contend with the fucking useless libtard civil service sticking their oar in and lord alone knows how many publicly funded single interest action groups concerned with such life altering subjects as school children must learn to diversify their gender status etc and how the Police should rigidly enforce benderism and other strange practices. Shit every copper of the lower ranks should be tested weekly on unman rights and equality law. What the cooper on the ground needs is arming, back up he/she/they/our/them/itsa needs to know if they make a decision they won’t immediately be treated like a crim, not soldiers after all. Proper riot control equipment and the balls to use it when required. More than a two day sentence suspended for 5 seconds for some scummy cunt who abuses a copper. Kill a copper, fucking good hiding life no parole. Pointless allegations of racism if unproved sued for slander, libel malicious prosecution. Apart from earplugs to cut out the libtard screams my program for raising the spirits of the lower rank old bill would cost fuck all, we have everything except the earplugs.
I have the earplugs too.
The Future, it seemed to me, was one of enclaves of (what we now call) civilisation in a sea of ignorance. The savagery necessarily following on was not because of ignorance, I’d thought, but because of education systems extinguishing all methods of learning:
“There is in every village a torch – the teacher; and an extinguisher – the priest.”—the-teacher
We live in a world with all the benefits of education, of simply accepting the evidence of our own eyes, seeking to explain electricity germs gravity atoms chemistry astronomy biology disease vaccines cures medicines planets robots, robots on planets, but there is another world.
How our world collapsed into pockets, by what expedient should this come about, how widespread all this cuntitude may be, descends from ignorance not of facts as such, but of what “facts” are.
Protecting the community if the community in question denies what we’ve learned again over many centuries since the last time this community was in charge, is the mechanism by which a fragmented island knowledge based world, the first world, existing in a sea of revolting pus that is pus vomit murder OK OK they’ve made their point by now. How would that distinction come about?
If it’s ever going to happen at all, it’s happening now.
Bring back the 6ft plus rule for police on the beat.
Get rid of all these jumped up 5 foot 5 inch power trip happy squirts.
And definitely get rid of the wimminz coppers, – they can stay back at the nick brewing tea and cutting the sandwiches, (no ham of course, can’t eat those next parking stanleys anymore).
On a serious note, when i was a nipper the local bobby on the beat was a terrifying yet fair gentleman whom i had a lot of respect and fear for.
For some reason i threw some blue engineering bricks off a wall into the River Nidd in winter.
I was ordered by the bobby to get in the river and haul them back out, and return them to the wall, – the condition being that he wouldn’t tell my father who would have given me a certain ‘good hiding’.
He remained true to his word.
I trusted and respected him.
This sort of social structure has all but collapsed today, – indeed they are strange and unsettling times.
I don’t even know my local bobby, let alone have any respect or interactions with him.
Probably, it’s not the Police explicitly at fault. It is more likely that the society around them is crumbling. Difficult one Vernon.
Top Cunting sir
Fuck the filth, useless pussy bastards
I’ll bet you don’t use that quote if you ever ‘phone them.
Mrs Jelmet works for the police and has told me it has gradually became more politically correct and woke infested over the years.
Look no further than the consistently spineless and hypocritical behaviour from them over the last few years.
Now where’s my tinfoil hat.