Mark Drakeford

I would like to cunt this ex teacher who has decided to “protect” the people of Wales from that most evil of entities, the “English”.

Apparently Von Drakeford believes he can almost imprison the population behind Offa’s Dyke until Covid1984 is brought under “control”. Of course the Führer of Wales believes in Marxist dogma so he will keep this going as long as possible.

He has his token kaffir Vaughan “unbongo” Gethin who will implement his most excellent desires.

This fucker is an East German disciplinarian type who believes that every cunt agrees with him at the parliament for the “socialist republic of Cymru”.

Fortunately we have Neil Hamilton (a true Welsh/British patriot) who also is opposed to the ethnic cleansing of Pembrokeshire, or muddying the waters as I say. The people of Pembrokeshire would never vote for the Orwellian goons so hopefully the tide will turn against these cunts.

I hope this fucker Von Drakeford is given his P45 at the next Welsh politburo election but he’s in a “safe” cunt seat, sorry I mean Labour seat, so not much chance of that.
Von Drakeford you are a cunt and always will be!!!

Nominated by: Captain Ian Douglas Van Der Byl Quimson 

and another one from Gutstick Japseye

Our glorious leader in the principality, Kim Jong Drakeford is at at pains to gazump that sicked up furball masquerading as a prime minister in plunging Wales into another lockdown, on top of the lockdown I’m already suffering.

Reichsfurher Drakeford has even given it a different name, firebreak. Like the rest of the fucking megalomaniac fuckwits, he expects people to believe if everyone stays in for a couple of weeks, it will go away. No, honestly, it will this time.

All I’m waiting for is that spite ridden racist crank Sturgeon to beat the pair of them with her own diktat to imprison her grateful flock.

Cunts, every last one of them.

54 thoughts on “Mark Drakeford

  1. Looks like he easts too much fatty food and probably guzzles to much fine wine too.

    Fat cunt, hope the taffs rise up and get him toasting like a fat pig on a hot plate.

    The man’s an obvious glutton, look at the state of him?

    • Neil Hamilton’s the saviour??
      Are in trouble then!
      Neil Hamilton’s a right grasping shady little cunt!
      Only just heard of this Drakeford fucker,
      If he’d volunteered the Northwest he’d be swinging from a lamppost but not sure if the Welsh are happy about it or not?
      If they’ve small businesses it’s doubtful..

      • I’m a great fan of Neil Hamilton and his battle axe of a wife.

        I rarely disagree with anything they spout. Bit like Godfrey Bloom.

        What a sick, twisted, disturbed motherfucker I must be.

      • When I see Neil Hamilton Ruff I feel like posh people must do when I fart at the dining table.
        Didn’t he do porridge?
        More ex offenders in politics than in Strange ways prison.

      • Sorry he didn’t do porridge
        He was part of the ‘cash for questions’ thing.
        Time yet though!
        Sure he’ll get there in the end.

      • Vision of lovelieness, Christine. I think she and Emily Thornberry would make a formidable wrestling team

      • Sick, twisted,disturbed motherfucker R.T.C. ?
        Yes, we know you are and that is why you are at home and valued on this site with all the rest of us sick,twisted etc.

      • I heard from somebody in the know that he’s rather light on his feet and Christine loves nothing more than noshing on younger chaps. It’s always been a marriage of convenience.

  2. And if this “Fire Break” as he calls it doesn’t work and the infection cases start to rise in Wales, what will be his next brilliant plan, a 10 week Fire Break?

    Of course for cunts like him and other public servants, he won’t give 2 shits if the lockdown is 2 weeks or 10, he’ll still get paid a salary+expenses etc.

    Moreover, will this fire break be paid for by the Welsh Assembly, or central government?

  3. Another Labour Cuntoid!

    I’ve got a better idea. Let’s lock down this fat cunt and all the other Labour Goons inside a leaky submarine and fuck them off out into the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and watch it sink via satellite.

  4. He would make an excellent …… funeral director, after listening to this cunt a wet weekend in Morecambe would seem very appealing.

    Wales in lockdown, they are all miserable cunts so I doubt anyone would notice.

    • Being the “leader” in Wales must be like being the manager of a medium-sized charity shop You think you have a lot of power but you’re just a organiser of shitty old shoes and deceased people’s trousers.

      • Afternoon Capt,
        Your stint as advertising officer for the Welsh tourist board not panning out???

      • Afternoon Mizzer.
        I was disappointed when they sacked me for refusing to go on their annual excursion piss-up to a sheep farm.

      • Great analogy Cap?
        Are the Welsh nationalists on the rise?? A holiday home in Wales is probably not the best investment, at the moment☹️

    • The Drakester is living in his garden shed(really!) on account of not wanting to drag the plague back home and infecting his fragrant wife and 150 year old mother in law. What a martyr huh? Throw him a friggin’ Bonio. Still,he’ll be able to watch pornhub undisturbed all evening.

  5. Hey, don’t criticise supreme leader Herr Drakeford. It can’t be easy being as thick as pigshit as he is.

  6. There is a plethora of candidates for the most incompetent, dis-likeable and dishonest politicians in the country but this cunt tops the list.
    Someone I respect, a businessman, had dealings with him at the beginning of lockdown. He commented that he wouldn’t give Drakeford a job cleaning lavatories he was that incompetent.
    Whilst he wasn’t buggering my mate around he was busy, on a Friday afternoon at the end of March, passing legislation to allow 16 year olds and convicted criminals to vote in elections for the Welsh assembly.
    About 3 weeks ago, Rishi Sunak told him there wasn’t any more money to pay for future lockdowns. He is now expecting the UK taxpayer (meaning the English taxpayer) to pick up the bill. There is an old adage ‘ he who pays the piper calls the tune’ so as far as I am concerned he doesn’t even have the authority to call for a ‘firebreak’ lockdown.
    What have the people of Wales done to deserve this unmitigated piece of shit?

  7. All these leftie fuckers, in Europe and the USA, want to lock down everyone and everything. Of course they would love the economy to come crashing down and we’re all begging in the streets. That would suit their little plans just fine.
    Anyone would think the Chinese Communist Party sent us this virus deliberately. ? (strokes chin thoughtfully)

  8. Labour loved the idea of devolution, they thought there would be two areas of the UK that would be forever labour, as at the time Scotland wasn’t in the grip of the SNP at that point.
    I thought he had a little balls by not making masks compulsory until recently, but it was a lull, and he has full out pandered to the fuckwits who think this shit is going away if we cower indoors for a couple of weeks. Then, when it doesn’t work, they try again.
    Shield the spackers, let the cowardly fund their own isolation, and let the rest of the world get on with it for fucks sake.

  9. The corpulent bag of Welsh wind should have a metal pole hammered in each end with a Bramley in his gob and then turned over one of Unkle Terry’s ‘MP special’ heavy duty, extra-large barbecues.

    Roast until his juices flow clear and the cunt is covered in crackling.

  10. These devolved fucking assemblies should have been strangled at birth. It was always going to be misfits and weirdos putting another layer of cost and bureaucracy where it wasnt needed. The Welsh and Scottish overblown parish councils are a fucking disaster for their populace.
    We have the ridiculous logic of Braveheart driving the mad Jocks. Only a matter of time before the Hosts of Rebecca (look it up if you are an English cunt) drive some Welsh cunts the same way. Perhaps need a film with some antisemitic drunken weirdo starring. Another fucking fairytale.
    The N Irish devolution didnt function at all for fucking years but still cost billions if you include their corrupt green energy project.

    The UK should be just that. United. The Jocks can fuck off to their EU dream. Us sheepshaggers should have more sense. NI will always be a problem while the IRA are involved in their assembly.

  11. I think those Mayors who have been MPs (Burnham, Rotherem, Khan for example) are the worst – they were useless fuckwits as MPs and they accepted Mayoral positions because they knew they would either lose their seats or be deselected if they tried to hang on.

    Self important,meddling greasy little bastards they are, who enjoy telling other people what to do, but have no idea what to do themselves All these bloody lockdowns and circuit breaks will do will be to delay things for just a few weeks, so we hit the heights at the worst part of winter. Fuck them.

  12. I was driving in Wales when I was overtaken by an Italian supercar. In the passenger seat there was a small sheep wearing swimwear.

    I looked at my mate in disbelief and asked, “Did you just see that.?”

    He said, “Yeah.”

    I said, “What the fuck was it.?”

    He said, “Looked like a lamb bikini”….

  13. Andrew Gwynne, 46 going on 15 a Manchester MP was just heard on Wireless 4 ranting. He reminded me of a kid exploding at the dinner table becaue mum has cooked the wrong vegetables. The silly cunt thinks the government “Hate Manchester”.

    You need to hear the little wanker to get the full picture. His majority was greatly reduced in 2019, so I suppose he feels his tour-de-overacting justified:

  14. Gwynne is one of the saddest limp-wristed spâstics ever to walk the third planet of the solar system.

  15. Another featherweight plastic Stasi shite dictator.
    Hopefully will drown in his own bullshit.
    If not then oven.

  16. ‘I proclaim myself King of Wales’, he said.

    ‘Where’ said the rest of the world? ‘Wales’, he said.

    Fucking have it say I.

    The UK consists of England and the celts that hate us because they were too fucking shit at fighting to repel the Saxons.

      • We don’t still hate the Normans though do we CC? I know you can’t help being Welsh, i know there are some Welsh people that are decent and not stewing in hate for the English, but you have to admit the Welsh go a bit far with it all.

        I’d be all for Welsh independence if Liverpool was part of the deal.

      • Sixdog@

        I still hate the Normans.
        I’ll never forgive those castle building french cunts.

      • Can’t hate the French MNC, they are but sheep grazing the fields where the British and the Germans settle our schools.

        The French have many traits of the goat, they are stubborn, smelly and eat any old shit.

  17. At least the fat cunt won’t have to worry if he has to self isolate. Looking at his neck he could feed half of Wales – fat prick.

    • 2 weeks at home in his nice Vale Of Glamorgan residence won’t bother this wannabee Welsh Baptist God Botherer. Faggots& Peas 3 times a day then down the local leisure centre every night ,(A sheep on 15 ft of rope tethered to a pole) surrounded by refreshed old farmers with wellies on for the poor sheep’s rear legs).


    I emailed him last night and advised him to take a break from his hard work during his two-and-a-half-week lockdown, which just oh so coincidentally encompasses Halloween and the US election.

    I suggested he go to the Benelux and get transport to Sint Marteen, avoiding passport and customs kerfuffle since it’s Netherlands territory. Once on Sint Marteen, he can take several submarine trips, courtesy of the G Maxwell ‘TerraMar’ foundation to nearby islands, such as Epstein’s Little St James, Buck’s Island, and Biden’s Water Island.

    Then he can come back looking the picture of adrenalised baby-blood health, ready to announce his January 2021 lockdown, which has already been leaked to Bridgend Council and was shared with staff yesterday.

  19. He has some worrying similarities with the pie-gobbling cunt Blackford:
    A similar surname
    He’s one almighty fat fuck
    He’s a pompous windbag

  20. couldn’t agree more drakeford and that shit for brains gethin are total wankers a complete pair of cunts,being english and living in pembs i dont like being told you cant visit england by some fucking sheep shagger like drakeford,now look what this cretin has done pubs cant sell a drink but they can open what is this wanker on is he sniffing glue or something who are his so called fucking experts laurel and hardy,josef mengele,i reckon ebenizer drakeford should do the honorable thing and shoot himself in the brain,it wouldn’t kill him i dont think you can die from being shot in the arse.hopefully this tosser will get his just deserts at the assembly elections thats if they allow them due to corona virus

  21. I’m an ex-teacher and people like Drakeford should NEVER be given any responsibility outside the classroom. I look at his face and I feel ashamed that I once shared his profession.

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