An emergency cunting is due as I think this cunt should be immediately cunted for she is not only an SNP quisling hypocrite, that would be enough, but apparently this fucker has been tested for Covid. She tested positive and thought it appropriate to travel from London to Scotland by fucking train, even though she basically called for nothing short of the execution of Domonic Cummings for doing exactly the same thing back in the spring.
She’s now apologised (probably with her fingers crossed behind her back) for this “misdemeanour”, the porridge w@gs have suspended her but I’m sure we’ll all forget about it in time, unlike the great “visionary” that is Cummings who went in a private car, she decided she’d go by train to pass it on a bit to the evil cunts south of the border.
Hang the rancid old cunt on Leicester Square to put off others. I think Covid is a load of old shit, but I really can’t resist putting the boot in to this utter cunt!!!!!!
Nominated by: Captain Ian Douglas Van Der Byl Quimson
She looks like she would test positive for alot more than fucking COVID. Ugly bint.
I can’t believe she didn’t go on her broomstick, surely that would have been the safer mode of transport.
The only thing that sucks more than the bullshit Covid restrictions is this old vampiress.
No need to wear a mask around this bitch. Just hang some garlic around your neck and she’ll be forced to maintain a social distance.
And don’t waste time hanging her in Leicester Square. Drive a fucking stake through her heart and ship her un-dead ass back to Transylvania.
Fucking hypocritical old cunt.
Holy Shit! Talk about timing!
At 1:03 EST Fox News is reporting live…that President Trump and the First Lady have both tested positive for Covid-19.
This comes on the news that earlier today White House aid Hope Hicks tested positive.
Stay tuned. This promises to be good!
Actually, I’m a cunt.
While I believe the Covid hype is way overblown I want to wish the President and Mrs. Trump a speedy recovery.
Still…I can’t imagine what effect this will have on the current political situation.
But then again both Boris the Spider and Chucky Big Ears each had the virus and they’re still making fools of themselves.
Biden’s aides and supporters must be bricking it. It’d likely prove fatal to that washed up old geriatric.
Shakespeare would need to revise his work, if he were around today: “Oh, hypocrisy, they name is woman”
This applies to men as well, because most politicians are old wimmin. Dame Keir is their patron saint.
The rules don’t apply to our betters don’t you know?
Set it on fire and push it out to sea.
Apart from the moronic cow having Zero common sense, & plainly unable to follow the simplest of instructions, (i.e. You’ve tested positive, so isolate at home), she ialso guilty of causing suffering to all the commuters on her train.
1. She has exposed them to the virus
2. She has caused vommiting & nausea, as they have had to smell her B.O.
3. She has caused mental distress & anguish to anyone unfortunate to have gazed upon her witch like appearance.
These bastard free-loaders get paid too much, claim expenses for every paper-clip & meal they eat at the tax payers expense. They set isolation rules & then ignore them, the fucking cunts.
I’ve just had a bloody enough of this horse shit…..
Fucking hell! Tie it to a wooden stake, surround it with faggots ( we’ve got plenty of those to spare) and burn the witch before the evil spreads!
May The Lord have mercy upon us!!
Owen Jones on top please.
Och eye the cunt. Hoost on ye ooon petard ya coonty cunt.
I hear our old friend, Catweazle the Red, has also been caught with his pants down attending a dinner party for more than 6 people. That’s not fair though because one of them was the lovely Diane. There may have been 7 family size buckets of KFC delivered but she ate 4 of them.
Do hardcore socialists attend “dinner parties”?
Probably discussing their millions.
I thought exactly the same – it seems a bit precious for a fiery old left winger and his moll. Of course, I am sure under new management, Keir and Mandy, Adonis and Blair enjoy discussing affairs of state with candleabra, lace tablecloths, grouse, pheasant and an unassuming little Moet, but I would have thougt Steptoe would have been a pie and mash and a crate of brown ale type man
The cunt is a Islington millionaire with matching mindset.
Nothing spartan in Catweazle’s life. Daft cunt.
Pass the brandy
Egg, beans and chips for everyone else I hear, and working man’s tea served up in tin cups.
Solidarity with the workers and all that.
Doesn’t mean that Cummings isn’t a total shit stain just because this worthless loudmouthed old hag does the same.
Both are a waste of good hardworking oxygen.
Well at least Cummings and Dozy Boris have ensured that we won’t have to put up with a load of faux-outrage from No.10.
I can’t understand her testing positive and then getting on a train,of all things….presumably her broomstick was in for repairs.
Krankie’s all over the media with the usual outrage, though. Surprised you can’t hear her from across the border!
She seems to be in a permanent state of outrage,K. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more permanently angry woman in my life…apart from Greta Thundercunt,of course.
Did she claim for a train ticket for her black cat on expenses?
A necessary journey – you are all just being mean!
Imagine – fresh from the work at Baroness Sturgeons castle, back to the cave to find bits dropping off, and instead of Einsteins brain like you wanted the deaf ginger bitch has given you Weinsteins brain!
And Nancy Pelosi’s face.
One positive to emerge from the Chinky Flu episode is that the silent majority is losing its regard for authority. I see this as being very encouraging in the defund the BBC saga. Rather than continue to pay for the licence , more people will start to question whether the BBC is providing them as individuals with the services they want and then decide the answer is negative.
it will be interesting if this stupid twat actually does resign or not!
She probably won’t of course because she doesn’t want to give up the power thing, and of course the lovely tax-payer’s money (the ironic thing being is that she’s SNP, wants Scottish independence, but doesn’t mind being on the House of Commons gravy train at the same time)
Cummings was a cunt for his lack of judgement, but at least he was in his own car thus reducing exposure; but this twat actually had the virus and was dumb enough to potentially spread it around while travelling on trains (1st class presumably) and taxis.
One rule for one, quite another for the plebs….
To be fair, the rules are the same for all but it’s the consequences of not following them that vary so widely. She should go, simply for the scale of fucking ignorance in going anywhere by train when she knew she had tested positive.
Morticia is undead and well(ish)!
Selfish hag.One rule for them and one rule for us.Covid restrictions are a piss take now.I see riots ahead.Ordinary people have had a belly full now.Time to bin off these incompetent clowns and install Sir Nigel as our leader.
I think all that needs to be said about politicians and hypocrisy has been said.
I add: she is living warning to her fellow Scots, on the dangers of living on a diet of deep fried mars bars , irn bru, Dundee cakes and pints of “heavy”-the manky-toothed-auld-cunt.?
There is no comparison between Dom C and this hag because the Dom wasn’t tested, I know that he didn’t act in good faith but this one was a locked and loaded act of pure idiocy.
She had the test and travelled to London (why) while in London she gets the result which was positive and then knowing 100% she decides to fuck off back to Jock land by train.
You really have to question the intelligence of the MPs and the idiots who elect them, it’s like the Onasanya woman who committed perjury to avoid 3 points on her licence.
I wonder what that Onasanya is up to now? A disgraced MP ( that takes some doing) and banned from practising law , who would give this fool a job. Fuck me, even an understaffed care home would think long and hard about taking on; some of the residents have rings, watches and other things of value.
Fiona Onasanya is now claiming to be a motivational speaker (about the discrimination and lack of opportunity for wimminz of colour etc, yawn) and has got a grown up to write a book which she is claiming to be the author of – and of course the book is all about how she is completely innocent and the dreadful racism and discrimination wimminz of colour suffer in prison. (The three copies sold have not had good reviews).
Try not fucking getting yourself sent there Fiona – or at least take Margaret of Mordor with you.
If cunts like her were caught in the act of sticking a knife in someone they would still claim to be innocent.
Hasn’t Wee Jimmy called her out for her actions and suspended her from the party?
No choice I suppose, stupid cow.
Apparently this old hag has reported herself to the coppers. (before some other cunt does presumably). Bitch will probably claim the fine on expenses.
Will it end in one of those ‘no further action taken’ situations, I wonder?
Well, if there is ‘No further action’ Lockdown will collapse and lawyers will have a field day claiming the returns of issued fines. Get the beer and popcorn in, it promises to be entertaining.
A charming young lady whom I met once on the Platform of Waverley Station. Indeed , I found her most sociable and hospitable. We shared her bottle of cider whilst we waited for the train ( delayed ) Finding that we had a fair time to wait , we had a lunch together in Princes St Gardens, and sat in the morning sunshine whilst we enjoyed our cider and Mars Bars. A few rude tourists were extremly uncomplimentary when ( following sufficient cider ) she broke into a cultural rendition of the “Glasgie Street Song” Hairy Mary, the Flower of the Gorbals
Anyone knowing that song, will understand the tourists objections to that example of contemporary folk song. We had a splendid time that day. I do hope my little narrative has thrown some light on the character of this fine young lady, and I hope we may now all have a better understanding .
Father, you are an inspiration to us all. We are all on the road to redemption; apart from the obvious ones.
If I was her I would sue the cunt that took that picture. I do landscapes and pretty things like ivy covered cottages and such. I could have done a better job than that.
I am all for realistic interpretation of an image but that pictures a technical drawing. Whoever the snapper was they sure lack an artistic sensability if this is what they turn out Should have got Francis Pork nee Bacon to knock out a canvas or two, would have been more flattering.
At least she’s not had the Trump treatment from Al Beeb. On their website they’re showing his age and BMI (with ‘obese’ next to it). Never seen them doing that with any other famous cunt who got the China Virus.
They then debate how likely he is to pop his clogs. They’ll claim that they’re just ‘reporting on the news and informing people’ but the real truth is that they’re practically chomping at the bit and screaming, ‘The cunt might die! Yipeeee!’
I bet Ferrier is pleased about this diverted attention away from her massive fuck-up!
What was it some cunt said a few years back? “A good day to bury bad news!”
Well I hope she still resigns and gets the fuck out of politics. Even Jimmy is demanding her signature – so things must be pretty bad!
She should offer to lick Wee Jimmy’s tuppence if she wants to stay on the gravy train.
Has to be said; she’s not a looker. Clearly not a thinker too. Self important cunt.. Sums the SNP’s mentality up completely. Me Me Me Fuck everybody else, what they might think believe or right to even exist.
She urgently needs a fucking dentist by the looks of it.
Krankie’s asked her to resign. This is god-given for Krankie – Ferrier’s fuckup has focussed attention away from Krankie’s extremely unsatisfactory performance in every other field, and on the one area where Krankie most needs to be seen as a strong leader. Soft target for Krankie!
RTC- I hope I’ve got the right Ferrier here:
Ugliness and criminality seem to run in the family…
Tee hee – touché, K.
Fuck me, is that a woman? Can’t be a trannie as they keep calling it she. Makes Scottish Maggie look a right sort.
Not gonna lie, I was so happy when I found out she was SNP. Yet another stick to beat the wokes with.
Her attitude is typical – ‘I know the rules but they don’t apply to me’. Clearly there are lots more selfish thoughtless bastards like her around because thousands of new infections are reported every day. And as far as I know, she still hasn’t resigned.
She’s passed off Wee Krankie.
That’s good enough for me!