Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. (Joe Biden)
Calling this individual a cunt is an insult to cunts. I can’t find a worse word than cunt so I must settle. The best I can do is add modifiers like Ultra, Mega, Turbo, or Super to the word cunt to attempt to describe this creature but it still falls short. Oh well, I bet y’all have been able to relate at times with certain noms.
JB is the lowest form of life on Earth; Opportunistic, self serving, deceptive, corrupt, creep of a male homosapien (not a man). A person entrusted with power to serve the people and uses that position to enrich himself and betray the people is a special brand of cunt. He is everything a bad politician on a TV show or movie ever was and more.
If he “wins” the US election, it will be like a final torpedo broadside in an already listing ship. What a Megalacunt!
Nominated by: Texas Trumptard
and seconded by Norman
Joe Biden is a cunt.
The doddery old twat has recently attempted to get down with ‘tha kidz’ by being ‘interviewed’ by Cardi B.
Yes, the same plastic slag who has songs entitled ‘Wet Pussy’ and admitted to drugging men before having sex with them (err isn’t that rape?).
The company he keeps shows what sort of a cunt Biden is, but to associate himself with such an anti-white, anti-male cunt who is basically a prostitute with a record contract is a major mis-fire and pure stupidity.
Satan Blair looked a cunt when he hooked up with Noel Gallagher (bliuenose cunt) back in the day. But a man running for the American Presidency with a piece of garbage like Cardi B?!
What a stupid old cunt he is. They should share notes on their proclivities. Pair of dirty cunts.
Doddering /senile/kiddy fiddling /greasier than an italians hairdresser/lower than whaleshit
I wish he would keep his political aspirations to himself and stop misleading people^what people dont realise is they ll be in the stoneage if they vote for him/Ive no real interest in politics but one look at this lounge lizard makes trump the most viable alternative
Alright Skeletor?
Thought I smelt stale piss.
Hope Donald wipes the fuckin floor with you come the election!
You mr Burns looking kid sniffing old twat, your not fit to be president of the US, your a creepy type and look like the Roswell autopsy.
Go Trump!!????
Creepy Joe currently 14% ahead in the opinion polls Miserable… prepare to go back to your constituency and eat Cyril Smith’s face. ?
Poles smoles, Trump will prevail Ruff.
Remind me again what your lunch will be if you lose?
I’ll get the ketchup…???
Whatever’s left of Pâddy Pantsdown’s rotting carcass. ☺️
Ah yes. So it was.?
I’ll allow condiments and garnish Ruff. In fact a accompaniment like pasta or chips,
No point not enjoying a meal is there?
Oh and if I lose I’ll wear a BLM placard for the day!
You can wear a MAGA cap and chant “USA, USA!” On Portmeirons high street.??
That’ll suit me fine Miserable. No way do I want to see Biden as president!
Seem we and the americans have some hard choices with political candidates eh Ruff?
Although weve got the worst of it I think,
Remember on here the other year, Boris had plenty of cheerleaders on ISAC!?
Only me and you, maybe one or two others that said he was a wanker.
Now the loves turned to disillusion and anger.
Boris is a complete joke and people are seeing that.
The polls have been so wrong for so many years and in so many countries.
Really? Who would have thunk it…
You apparently, when using them as a base to poke at people.
What people?
Well cunted, chaps.
Perhaps collectively, we on ISAC can come up with a new female genitalia based term for Biden.
Any more?
A pissflap?
A fanny fart?
Dunno CG?
An ankle. The only thing lower than a cunt
Junket trumpet
The wound that never heals.
Sole split pisser.
Dunno much abaaaaaht this cunt although I know he is not gonna win…unless Coronavirus gets Donald Trump and even then I don’t think he would win. Can’t they get some younger potential Presidents? Him or Donald could drop dead at any time.
Go fuck yourselves.
What age we talking BWC?
20 somethings?
You seen Trumps aide who also got bat flu?
Hope Hicks?!!
Shed get my vote!????
The minimum age to be the Prez is 35. Trumps spokeswoman, Kayleigh McEnany is a fox too and regularly chews up CNN pussy ‘journalists’.
Abaaaaaht 40-50 MNC, the President should be a man of action, I bet Donald couldn’t run more than 20ft ?.
As for Hope Hicks, I would happily let her give me Coronavirus via her bumhole. ,?
Full of charm i see b&wc a nice way to go tho/i dont think the donald could run more than 20ft/id conjured up visions of biden on his zimmer frame stopping after 10ft cos he forgot what day it is
Hopeful Dicks more like B&W, you are a rouge and a cad.
Man of action BWC?
You want Donald to do his own stunts?
A back flip or handstand on stage??
I think him and Joe should cage fight, get our money’s worth.
It’s a shame politicians aren’t like us MNC…men in their prime who lesser men look up to and want to be.
A President should inspire the people.
I should go into politics… I would guarantee the housewife vote, the black vote and the white vote, unfortunately I am too busy to get involved.
Your spot on BWC!
A true shame politicians arent like us, but we are rare exceptions!
Lesser men want to be us, women want us!
Natural leaders, alpha males, we dont come along often once every few years, to be honest im surprised we arent asked to open stores, sporting events, etc
Maybe they get shy around us?
But one things for certain the statues they erect of us won’t get pulled down by a crowd of fuckin idiots!!?
That would be a laugh. Watching Joe wheeled out to ‘tha kidz’ not knowing where he is despite his team whispering in his ear, feebly waving off a gum-shield and shouting profanities, patting his incontinance pants before shuffling forwards then trying to fuck the steps leading into the octagon.
I am sure the old wank trumpet is just a wooden horse for the coontart – even the woke Democrats are clever enough to know that they wouldn’t vote for her in the South, so I guess the old fucker will “win” (if he can or does) and then will retire for “health reasons” within the year. I am sure our Labour party would have done the same thing if Corbyn had one – Dame Keir would have been turning up in his tiara about now.
I’m late replying to this thread and would have had much to say…but now to no avail.
Except to say that W.C. nailed it with this post. The left’s agenda is unpopular with the public. It can win in a few places, but overall it’s a national loser.
Kamala “Flatback” Harris was a horrible candidate who ran awful campaign and had to drop out of the campaign. She had no popular support and never competed in a single Demonrat Primary election or garnered a single vote.
Why was she chosen? She is the female Barry Obummer. She’s a self absorbed, empty headed ideologue who can be relied upon to advance the Progressive Brave New World agenda for no reason other than personal gain.
Not many likes for this post W.C. but you really nailed it. Very insightful.
I don’t think so. The last thing Corbyn and the Corbynistas would have wanted to succeed him was a New Labour Blairite like Dame Kweer. More likely it would have been John McDonnell or Rebecca Wrong-Dailey or even that evil shit Richard Burgon.
Now please excuse me, I must be getting back to bed, the nurse with the large rack is beckoning…
Not sure about Commie Corbyn and (the) Damn Quxxr but the important question is; are you ill? Nurse? What nurse? Rack? What rack?
Are you back in that damn village again?
Not ill as such, General, though my mental state is anyone’s guess. ?
Have long retained a few nurses in my employ, thank you for your concern.
Glad to hear it and you are quite welcome my friend.
Antifa was born in 1930s Germany under Ernst Thalmann. They were not a bulwark against the actual Nazi Party. They were their competitors to stamp out democracy and spent most of their time attacking the German Social Democratic party. Nothing has changed. The US Democrat party is the party of slavery and the Jim Crow laws that the actual Nazi party lifted almost entirely to form their own racial laws. The “proud boys” waded ashore on Omaha,Utah,Gold ,Juno, Sword beaches. Its the same fight and poor old Biden has no clue. Cunt.
It’s never an easy decision decideing what to do with a loved one who’s getting on in years and who no longer has all his marbles. At some point, most of us will have to decide. It’s a sad time.
With my nan we just left her at the services on the M5.
It was a bit sad, but she soon forgot us.
Judging by the speed of service, your Nan now works in the M5 catering.
Yes i agree im sorry joe but like an old dog(festering fleabag in his case)who stinks of piss its time to do the humane thing and take you out into the woods while i put this 30 odd 6 to the back of your head
If you check out Youtube, you will find dozens of clips showing what an asshole sleepy Joe is. My favorite is when he introduces his wife as his sister and his sister as his wife at a rally. He is so thick I wouldn´t be surprised if he got lost in the polling booth and ended up voting for Trump by mistake.
On a brighter note, if I was The Donald I would make this brilliant Elvis remix my campaign theme. It represents everything that is great about the US and why everyone in every shithole and lefty dictatorship in the world want to move there.
Listen to the fantastic, hypnotic music. Look at the girls with their skimpy shorts, bare midriffs, bobby sox, baseball caps, cascading hair – cute pigtails too – and sheer fun. (The three hotties around 2:14 get my vote.) Who wouldn´t want a bit of that? Well apart from the Democrats, the New York Times, Guardian, CNN, Greta and the Gang etc.
Top that mr Polly!??
But surely your not suggesting Trump and creepy Joe have a dance off?
I think trump would tell biden to fuck himself.
1min 40 mmmm nice just my type/i wonder why id like to fuck everyone of them.True embodiement of america thats for sure .
I think this is great-
I agree
can’t beat a bit of Elvis
My neighbour two doors down is ninety one. Health wise she’s not been too good recently, so I popped in to see her.
Took a couple of tins of soup, some frozen ready meals and half a bottle of gin.
Hopefully she’s too ill to notice they’re missing….
Hilarious JRC
You’re on form mate.
The guy is no suitable replacement for Trump. Like others here on ISAC I’m disappointed that the orange man hasn’t raised his game and behaved more presidential and less like a dodgy CEO, which I know he has great form in, but according to what I have read Biden is as low as a snakes cock and doesn’t even have the charisma or a good catchphrase for fucks sake.
Sleepy, creepy, cunty boring uncle Joe.
Don’t agree with this.
Biden had the decency to withdraw attack ads. Can’t imagine Trump ever doing that.
He also mocked his rival for wearing a mask. More fool him; he has simply proved how stupid and irresponsible he has been.
I hope he survives and learns a lesson- to be more humble and inclusive.
I wouldn’t bet on it though.
Whenever I see or hear some libfuck cunt bigging up Biden, it reminds me of this old advert.
He’s a doddering old fart isn’t he?He’s a shit.Creepy Joe sums him up
Dont know or care about this cunt but I do know that his party will destroy patriotism and unity in the USA.
Oh it’s a tricky one this.
I want the Big Don to win and crush vermin like this Bidet into dust.
But I also wouldn’t mind the Lost One Biden winning so the soy cunts get what they want,for better or quite possibly worse.
Trump is a polarising President like very few others and yet Bidet is the best opposition the left can wheel out.
Says it all really.
Bring it on.
328 million people and 2 senile old men are being presented as the only choices they’ve got to run the country?!
Did anyone see the debate the other night? I switched off after 10 minutes. You had an old man acting like a child, lying, interrupting and arguing with the moderator, and another old man who couldn’t even count to 3 more than once!!!
I’m no expert on American politics but from what I’ve picked up about Biden he’s an absolute pre packed off the shelf politician.
Corrupt to the core.
47 years as a full time politico, no external business interests from what I understand but is a multi millionaire.
All that on a State salary. ?
I’m not sure if the Yanks have an ‘unexplained wealth’ law as we do here, perhaps the General can shed some light on that but he really does put Keith Vaseline to shame.
Oh hang on a minute, wasn’t his son awarded a multi million dollar contract by the Azerbaijan ‘Government’ following a trade mission when Biden was VP, despite his son having zero knowledge or experience of the oil business!!!!
I think that’s what’s called a legal back hander.
There’s a saying that we get the politicians we deserve.
Maybe we do, maybe we don’t but it really comes to something when the worlds only true superpower can only offer up an ageing, border line senile, probably corrupt septuagenarian that has spent his entire life suckling on the teat of the public purse as contender to The Donald.
God bless, but hell, God help America.
Hey CMcC
We do not have an unexplained wealth law. We do have a series of “National Security / Patriot Act” laws that are supposed to “flag” large money deposits, withdrawals, transfers etc. But these laws are aimed at organized crime, drug dealers, terrorists and the like.
Your post is another insightful comment on our state of affairs.
Washington D.C. is referred to as”the Swamp” by us “Deplorables” in “fly over country.” And Creepy Uncle Joe is the very essence of the “Swamp Creatures” who inhabit our nation’s Capital.
His son Hunter has made millions by flying around with his dad to places like China and the Ukraine and cutting secret business deals. (His “partners” include Christopher Heinze son of the late Senator John Heinze and step son of former Senator and Secretary of State John Kerry.) It has only been recently disclosed that the Wife of the Mayor of Moscow transferred millions of dollars to the Hapless Hunter.
Hunter by the way is/was a drug addict…(not alleged he actually was discharged from the U.S. military and was also arrested trying to buy drugs)…who while married, fathered a child with a stripper. When paternity was proved and he was ordered to pay child support he refused to provide financials even under the threat of contempt from a judge.
Then there’s Biden’s brother James. He’s a millionaire who made his money as a “Board Member” of a construction company despite never having worked or been in any way involved in the construction industry.
After being named to the Board, “his” company received millions of dollars in government contracts to build houses in Iraq after the (ongoing) war and somewhere in Central America after some natural disaster.
And we’ve only begun to scratch the surface…
“What comes out of my arse is more intelligent than me” Said Joe upon inspecting the toilet pan..
“Joe Biden is not nuts and Joe Biden is not demented.”
said Joe Biden.
Man U 1 : 6 Spurs
The Glazers who own Man U are just like Biden:
Fucking Inept cunts.
We are finished, CG and there is no way out. Been going since 1974, and this is the biggest load of cunts I have ever witnessed playing for United. A waste of fucking space and, as much as I loved him as a player, Ole simply has not got it. He’s too nice and not tough enough, like O’ Farrell and Sexton weren’t up to it. Mind you, with the Glazers and Woodward in charge, he is on a hiding to nothing.
The biggest fucking mistake, in recent times, was sacking Jose and keeping Pogba-he is a fucking poisonous cunt.
Sad times?
Constantly picking the fraud that is Pogba will cost Ole his job. Pogba did for Mourinho, and Ole’s imminent demise will also be Pogba’s doing. It will make the exits of McGuinness, O’ Farrell and Mourinho look like an episode of Magic Roundabout. It is going to be very ugly. But hopefully Pogba backstabbing one of United’s own, as it were, will also lead the cunt’s own destruction with any luck.
United have somehow ended the day with the bragging rights over Liverpool Norman, so it’s not all bad mate.
7:2-have that you scouse twats???
The hair sniffer is GUILTY!
Cardi B drugs men for sex? That makes sense, she’d have to pump me so full of rohipnol and viagra that it would kill me. I suppose she could wait for rigor to set in…
I don’t know who Cardi B is!
Thought it was some birds drink.
Biden is the swamp, whoever wins the US election there is going to be a shitstorm. Anyway the Don seems to be over the worst, I wish him well.
I hope the President recovers, wins and all the Hollywood woke cunts explode and then drown in their own fanny batter.
Viva Big Don!
Like ‘Scanners’ but their minge goes bang instead? Wouldn’t that be something.
It appears Donnie Tango is recovering, thank fuck.
I’ll be nervous till he wins I’ll admit, hes our best hope of throwing a spanner in the woke machine.
Get well and come out fighting mr President!????
(Don’t be surprised if the woke media change their tune and suggest Trump’s condition was really fake news, and was looking for the sympathy vote – DA)
Funny i said something similair a day or two ago
Im not that easy to surprise where theyre concerned Admin!?
Here in the states they already are.
Interesting fact. Or not. That scene in Scanners was eventually pulled off with a watermelon and shotgun. I think Biden’s would exploded with a pea shooter.
Off topic but that Kim Wilde has let herself go hasn’t she.
Saw a Darkmilk Cadburys advert and she has put me off buying one.
Darkmilk could be my new name.
Go fuck yourselves.
(And here she is….. DA)
Kim Wilde Goes Wide
(Oh, and is “darkmilk” slightly racist these days? DA)
If that ain’t Fay Weldon I’m a Flabbott’s uncle!
Even worse look out for Kim Wilde ,her sister, and dad Martys new advert for a family album!
I genuinely thought it was a spoof at first!
Beyond cringeworthy…
I think you’re right DA, Darkmilk does have a racist sound to it… something Dick Fiddler or Freddie the Frog might say. ?
Fiddler probably boycotts Darkmilk on principal as well picking out the black and yellow Jelly Babies.
Your probability right LL, that dreadful man should be ashamed of himself. ?
He should be B&W, but his many court appearances and rhino hide like thick skin has made him immune to any shame. He should really be a politician.
Let him who is without degeneracy cast the first stone.
Talking of 100% cocoa. Poor Lewis has had his rag pulled.
First debate cold open snl(saturday night live)on utube basically a debate parody (alec baldwin as trump)jim carrey as biden
Fucking hilarious carrey nails it as biden lmfao.
Thanks my fellow counters! Y’all did not disappoint. Well done everyone!
Biden can’t be a cunt because he doesn’t know what day it is. You have to be conscious to be a cunt.
That said, he was an All-World Cunt for decades. Stupid but cunning, utterly devoid of anything resembling a principle, and willing to say and do anything to protect his phony-baloney job.
Plus the world’s worst hair plugs.
Pay no attention to 99 percent of the American press and to the so-called polls. Biden is going to lose badly. People might not care for Trump’s style, but they do remember the best economy in 30 years pre-COVID.
And people don’t like riots much either.
If we have learned one thing in the past 4-5 years, it’s to ignore opinion polls?
Spot on my friend.
The anti-Trump MSM have no choice other than to continue to slander The Don and big up Biden. If they keep repeating Biden is ahead, Biden will win, Trump is divisive, Biden is the answer blah blah blah…then some swing voters may be influenced enough to not bother voting, thinking it’s already over before it’s begun.
Another Trump victory will be a great thing for America because it might just make the Demoncrats realize their catastrophic shift to the far left is unelectable and perhaps convince them to return to a more centrist position and be a viable opposition once again. With their own ideas and policies, rather than never Trump.
I believe enough Americans like America’s capitalist, free speech, free economy, free enterprise, work hard and make it ethos. And reject socialism, mob rule and woke intimidation. Yanks, in my experience, are proud folks who don’t take kindly to being pushed around and spoken down to. I just wish it wouldn’t feel like we’re on a precipice every 4 years. It’s all I’ve known in the 20 years I’ve lived here. It’s very stressful.
If this old turd wins we can kiss our gun rights goodbye. Where I live we all have them all over the house (typical in Texas). They will find ways to quickly undo it all so we are completely defenseless.
As an insult, ‘cunt’ seems to have lost some of its potency. Perhaps we should go back to some of the terms used long ago – eg ‘silly billy’. Remember that one? Old whats-his-name said it … er … ummmm … Denis Healey wasn’t it, stupid old fucker.
Silly billy does seem appropriate for Biden, however.
Toodle-pip, cunters.
I wish the admiration for Trump were just a little more critical. His supporters look more like a personality cult than a rational political movement. I’m not attracted to Biden, who is a machine politician, and past his sell-by date, and whose main interest is probably Biden. But.
Apart from the ‘machine’ aspect – substitute raving sociopath, compulsive and childishly obvious liar – I’m not seeing a lot of difference, in fact.
If you cunts vote Trump in, and even if you narrowly vote him out, you run the real risk of having Trump not just for a second term, but for his lifetime, with an option on that of his nominated but unelected successor. He’s told you of his contempt for elections already. Thing is, if he leaves office, the spinning plates fall off the sticks and the IRC and the people he owes money to will converge.
Why anyone in the UK wants Trump to win is altogether beyond me. Think we’ll get favoured status? Fuck off. Trump’s got rednecks to keep sweet with his MAGA bullshit, and that does not involve giving trade away to the limeys. Trump will reliably act in his own interest first, and that depends on keeping the lowest common denominator on side. Not international diplomats.
(More on Trump later today – DA)
At a particular time dubya was sll the rage /this was because of george bush senior who got on with it.What im saying in essence might not have any bearing in the polictical sense but more a case of better the devil you know see the post i mentioned and take comfort in the fact that they am both as bad as each other admittedley in their own way.Rest assured politics aside common sense usually prevails.
can’t be arsed even thinking about this demented old fart ……. there’s already enough turmoil in the planet without this fucking twat …