A cunting please for the solicitors, charities and other cunts who appear to be doing very well from the invasion of illegals braving the Channel in their flexi ferry’s.
One of the national papers ran a story about a firm of solicitors who had “earned” nearly £200 million pounds of legal aid for assisting illegals to gain permission to stay in U.K. they stopped the deportation of many as well, costing the Govt thousands in cancellation fees etc.
This particular firm also sends staff members to France to learn about conditions in the camps and help out the charities with legal advice for the prospective English subjects.
My beef with all this bollocks is that these legal firms and charities are committing an offence under the immigration act. They are in breach of Appendix B sect25 (1) and sect25A (1) this basically states that an offence is committed if a person aids an illegal entrant to avoid immigration process the offence is also committed if the person reasonable suspects the person will avoid set immigration procedure. 25A makes it the same offence in regard to someone claiming asylum.
My question for our great leaders is, these firms and charities are breaking the law as they must reasonable suspect these illegals are heading for England. I mean why sit through a lecture about claiming asylum in England then paddle of to Spain?
The money wasted will soon be on par with the millennium dome. What the fuck is going on apart from some hotels making a fortune. The approach of our Tory government as to this issue is basically the same response as a liibour government apart from the fact that liebour would use the navy to bring them over.
We are truly being taken for cunts, lies lies more fucking lies. More houses must be built more schools hospitals blah, blah There are too many people in this tiny space now! Yet our so called government is giving millions of pounds to people and charities to encourage more to come in they are doing this in contravention of the immigration act and making a tidy sum in the process they ain’t doing it for kindness
Challenge these cunts in the courts they are after all breaking the law.
Nominated by: Black biscuit
Indeed the 5th column cunts will use anything to exploit the weakness of politicians and line their own pockets.
The Dinghy Filth are a perfect opportunity for this legal racket as so many left wing babies love a dark skinned sob story.
It would be much cheaper to ferret out the organised crime syndicates masquerading as lawyers and have them shot.
All sympathisers immediate oven.
The enemy within; always the hardest vermin to deal with.
Unfortunately The Tories are using the Navy as a taxi service. The only taxiing they should be doing is towing the boats back to France, disembarking them all and then sinking their boat in front of them. The French should also be warned that any assistance given by them helping these cunts over here will be met with force, we all know any threat of force towards them always brings out their national ‘white flag’.
If global warming is really true we can only hope that the English Channel warms up a bit and becomes shark infested.
With regard to the “most foul and foreign French”:
The problem is when the “refugees” arrive on French soil they are immediately met by the elite L’Abandonnement du Field d’Honnuer Battallion de Francaise.*
They escort them directly to, and then turn them over to, the equally elite Force du Collaborateur Francais** who prepare, process and aid them in their “transport” to England.
My recommendations; Mine the Channel. Bomb the coast.
*French Surrender Battalion
**French Collaboration Force
I think you may be overlooking the obvious and overthinking the problem to be honest GC(D).
In England we still have an ancient law that requires all men over the age of 14 years to practice the longbow for at least two hours per week.
I personally would love to see this revived and encouraged, specifically on the beaches of the South coast of England.
Imagine, if you will. The sight of a thousand stout English yeoman lined up in rows on every beach within paddling distance of France.
A single dinghy tethered 250 yards out in the briny, fully loaded with human rights lawyers, all bound hand and foot.
Then the cry goes up “NOCK! DRAW! LOOSE!” and the sky becomes dark with a hailstorm of bodkin pointed Ash.
A good longbowman can have three arrows in the air at any one time and can loose off up to 12 arrows a minute.
Repeat as required and don’t forget to put it on youtube, so that any dinghy pirate considering the illegal crossing to our green and pleasant land knows exactly what welcome to expect when they arrive.
Now, I know what you’re thinking. ‘What about the kids under 14 years old? Surely they must get a look in too?’
Of course they do. We want them to be proud of their Island home and they certainly won’t be left out when it comes to defending it.
Here in England, we have what is known as the Black widow catapult (or slingshot, if you’re from across the Atlantic). Every kid in the 80’s and 90’s had one of these for twatting pigeons and squirrels. Usually the ammunition of choice is the .38cal steel ball bearing.
The under 14’s get to drag the wounded back onto the beach and have at it with their Black widows at 20 paces. All while the gathered crowds jeer and spit at the traitors to our realm.
All those in favour say aye – NA
Oh aye!!??
Best of British
Healthy team building and a foreigner massacre
Best family day out you could have!!??
Fuckin’ ‘ell Odin, you had me brought to tears by that wonderful description of English might…*sniff, sniff*.
There’s only one thing for it, you’ve inspired me..
My cousin, Westmorland? No, my fair cousin;
If we are mark’d to die, we are enough
To do our country loss; and if to live,
The fewer men, the greater share of honour.
God’s will! I pray thee, wish not one man more.
By Jove, I am not covetous for gold,
Nor care I who doth feed upon my cost;
It yearns me not if men my garments wear;
Such outward things dwell not in my desires.
But if it be a sin to covet honour,
I am the most offending soul alive.
No, faith, my coz, wish not a man from England.
God’s peace! I would not lose so great an honour
As one man more methinks would share from me
For the best hope I have. O, do not wish one more!
Rather proclaim it, Westmorland, through my host,
That he which hath no stomach to this fight,
Let him depart; his passport shall be made,
And crowns for convoy put into his purse;
We would not die in that man’s company
That fears his fellowship to die with us.
This day is call’d the feast of Crispian.
He that outlives this day, and comes safe home,
Will stand a tip-toe when this day is nam’d,
And rouse him at the name of Crispian.
He that shall live this day, and see old age,
Will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours,
And say “To-morrow is Saint Crispian.”
Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars,
And say “These wounds I had on Crispin’s day.”
Old men forget; yet all shall be forgot,
But he’ll remember, with advantages,
What feats he did that day. Then shall our names,
Familiar in his mouth as household words—
Harry the King, Bedford and Exeter,
Warwick and Talbot, Salisbury and Gloucester—
Be in their flowing cups freshly rememb’red.
This story shall the good man teach his son;
And Crispin Crispian shall ne’er go by,
From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be rememberèd—
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition;
And gentlemen in England now a-bed
Shall think themselves accurs’d they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin’s day.
I can do 13 arrows in a minute
Hey O’s balls,
I’ve often been accused of overlooking things but nobody has ever accused me of thinking too much.
PS I do love the idea of “citizen archers.”
PPS I’m getting rather emotional.
The link won’t work. It was to a traditional version of “England’s Green and Pleasant Lands.”
Wow what a fantastic method to deal with these scurrilous traitors. May I join in the arrow storm I do not shoot a longbow but my ottoman bow drawn to 32” is right nasty with military style arrows. Please let me know the location of the muster. You’ve made an old git happy again
Are they brave?Bollocks.Send them all to be gassed.Filthy brown rats.No addition to our country at all.
Just an additional burden and probably a net gain on crime figures. Trouble is though, as much of a cunt these legal lot are, the buck should stop long before any of the water rats hit the beaches. Soft in the head thats our ‘leadership’.
Where theres muck
Theres brass.
Aye and those cunts are filth.
I imagine myself also touring the immigration camps when bored.
Im wearing a peaked cap,
A lovely Hugo Boss assemble, nice polished jackboots.
They are all lined up outside their shacks,
Eerily quiet, the odd sob farther down the line but thats all, not wanting to draw attention to themselves after all this is notorious herr Miserable!!
The butcher of Brighton
The hammer of the woke.
I survey them point at one with my riding crop he starts to scream as hes pulled away,
A shot rings out.
Quiet again.
Anyone else daydream?
The Mail are running a story titled: ‘How Sweden became a gangsters paradise’
Sweden’s Gangsters (Fixed! – DA)
Apparently, the country is being terrorised by migrant mafia clans with the police and the politically correct government powerless.
Gosh, never saw that one coming. Couldn’t possibly happen here though.
Sweden along with Germany are fucked. Give it 10 years time both countries will resemble a ghetto. No sympathy for the Germans in particular. They were the thick cunts (fixed – DA) that invited them all here. Reap what you sow.
The worrying thing is the surrender monkeys across the channel seem hellbent on assisting as many of them over here as possible before we regain control of our waters.
Has the jug eared cunt taken in his migrant yet? Or are they still looking for a doctor or a lawyer amongst the rabble for him to take in
Absolutely spot on and some Swedish people have been highlighting the problem for a long time but to question the Swedish liberal model is condemned, crime stats hide the fact that it is linked to the mass immigration because they don’t specify ethnicity of suspects and arrests.
Macron is trying to crackdown on the Islamification of certain districts in France.
There is only one answer, kick the fucking lot out.
Sorry my old son, it is impossible for the left to break the law in the UK. The pigs and the PPC are all run by the left, hence Grimes , Robinson, and the pisser are hounded. But KILL WHITEY is just a laugh, and the list is endless. I used to polish my dads medals when he went to remembrance service, he stopped he could see what a waste of time going to war was. All cunts everyone of them.
I’ve gone a bit softer on the economic gimmegrunts since I heard they’ve promised to wear face masks when they rape our kids.
There is a news report today – even carried by the Brexit bashing BBC – that money laundering is rife in the rag trade in Leicester – no prizes for guessing who are at the top of this questionable profession in the home of Keith Vaz.
As dor the bastards who seek to exploit British law for the benefit of illegal immigrants – a trip to the Caning Room would sort them out.
Being Leicester I can only assume the rag trade there is composed of effnicks and therefore it shouldn’t be surprising at all to know that corruption and crime is rife. No doubt there is another Rochdale/Telford situation going on behind the scene too
Good morning Mr. Boggs. Radio 4, tonight I think. Eight o clock.
We may as well cede Leicester to Bangladesh.
Typically topical from the BBC. Everybody in Leicester has known about the goings-on in the local textile industry since the 70’s. There’s never been the will to tackle it because the leaders of successive councils have relied on the votes of those involved at the top.
Shakespeare said something about killing all the lawyers.
He had a point.
Get the piano wire ready!
The overriding problem is that ‘asylum seekers’ are not bound to seek asylum within the first safe country they land in. Well done our Tory government for signing up to that one.
So, the UK land of milk and honey beckons. One of the only countries in the world where you will be showered with largesse, food, shelter and cash for doing abosolutely sweet FA and cpontributing same towards our economy.
The challenge is to the undoubtedly overwhelmed immigration services is to prove that these feargals are economic migrants and not asylum seekers. Difficult when the little schwarzers drop their passports in the Channel.
Could we not drop them back off in the channel somewhere (without a boat) to look for their dropped passports/documentation?
Nature in her infinite bounty graced this sceptred isle with The Goodwin Sands – made for the twice daily job of temporarily parking such refuse ready to be swept down-channel with the ebb and off to the Azores they go.
Indeed quite right they travel from one country to another before being issued with said rubber dinghy snd making oy 20miles across the channel to blighty/never fear in a news article of recent some navy top brass said they were going to stop channel surfers with nets /then load them up onto their(navy )boats and take them home/also they intend to stop them arriving in other countrys before arriving in france to do their channel surfing/no plans to bring this into force now and after 7,000 have arrivrd illegally words fail me
Cunts the lot of em
TT PM@ – International law (UN Charter 1951, UNHCR Charters ad nauseum) is very clear – any individual claiming refugee or asylum status must do it in the first friendly Country they come to, Priti Patel is talking nonsense alleging she cannot do anything about it.
Patel is a fucking joke, the “Government” are a joke.
When these filth land, collect them up and dump the vile rats in France – and change the law so any foreign or dual national convicted of a criminal offence is automatically deported after sentence, ten year sentence for any coming back.
No benefits or money while the dinghy rats are being held prior to return, just food.
Sweden and Germany are lost and unless we wake the fuck up we are next.
Lawyers? I worked in law for a number of years – I utterly hate lawyers.
Burn them.
Sorry to urinate on your deep fried root vegetables, VF, but the UN Refugee Convention does not make this requirement of refugees, and UK case law supports this interpretation. Refugees can legitimately make a claim for asylum in the UK after passing through other “safe” countries.
We’re all fooked! Theresa the Appeaser agreed to take more ‘child refugees’ back in 2018, especially those with 5 O’clock shadows.
Cap’n Mag: Why don’t they remain in one of the many safe counties through which they’ve passed?”
Libtard: Actually they come here because they speak English so it’s a language fing, actually. It helps them integrate, actually.
Cap’n Mag: Hey Syrian, you’re not supposed to shit in the street!
Syrian: Me no English.
Exactly Cap’n, these bastards only speak English when it suits them. Whenever they’re in trouble it’s all No english speaky but when handouts are being offered the rats are as fluent as fuck.
On a serious note:
We had the same problem with illegal immigrants crossing into the US from Mexico. For years Mexico said there was nothing they could do about it.
Then along came President Trump. He said (paraphrasing); I understand there’s nothing you can do. By the way:
(1) We’re cutting back substantially, on the foreign aid dollars we send to you.
(2) And we’re imposing tariffs on all your goods coming into the US.
(3) We’re also imposing an export duty on all the goods we export to you.
(4) And we’re now charging a toll on all vehicles entering the US from Mexico.
It’s really too bad you couldn’t help. But now we have to build a wall and this is how we intend to pay for it.
The Mexicans caved in faster than the French Army defending Paris. Within days there were Mexican Army troops patrolling the border on their side and within weeks the flow of illegal immigrants dropped dramatically.
For his part, Trump agreed to drop almost all sanctions…except the toll charge. The greasy beaners south of the border were most grateful, Now, the flow of illegals is at a standstill and the wall is being built.
At least until Biden is elected.
Viva El Don!!
How much of his wall has he managed to get built? I’d be for something similar in Dover
Over 400 miles out of 540 needed?
As said: Viva Trump ??
Install the machine gun towers on that wall!
Lawyers. Bunch of ball washing bastards who should be thrown off the nearest multistorey asda carpark.
We’ve been taken for mugs.
When people are rescued why are their dinghies then slashed by the rescuers?
Surely that is adding to pollution in the ocean.
They don’t. They supposedly send them back to France
There is NOTHING positive about this load of scum coming into the country, agree with everything in the nom.
Half the country have no sympathy with the dinghy cunts and I am sure that more than half would support the government if they took REAL action to sort it out.
Put the cunts on a ship and take them back to France, if the French object tell them to stop them coming in the first place. If Europe had proper fucking borders the majority of these cunts wouldn’t be on the beaches of France.
Secretly round up the cunts , and drop them from 30,000-ft with a parachute somewhere over Europe.
Repeat until there’s non left.
Lawyers are like whores except prostitutes won’t fuck you when you’re dead.
This whole sorry saga is not going to end until the Government actually gets a grip on this piss take.
The main problem is the left and their human rights charities, loony lefties and legal firm’s making massive money aaaht of it all.
Not forgetting the cunts in France making loads of cash from these ‘skint’ refugees who can afford to pay thousands of Euros to get a seat on the dinghy.
It’s also the system that’s at fault that allows charities, legal firm’s etc to exploit the system.
The French don’t help as well as they escort the rat cunts to British waters.
This country is going down the shitter.
“For just £2.00 a month your donation could* help poor, abused dinghies who suffer lifelong scars both physically and mentally when being ridden and worked hard for hours sometimes days nonstop by lots of people, then having their rubber skin slashed and their bodies left in the sea forever drifting aimlessly with no hope, no future.
Please help today.
*notice charity adverts they say could help. They never say will because they want to be vague about where the money is going and how it will help.
Please see that not I did about charities being vague with donations.
I forget the name of it.
I’ll donate a £2 coin, so long as it’s used as ammunition in a railgun and blasted at the dinghy hull.
The millennium dome like the new West Ham footy stadium – how many backhanders were paid? How many people were disappeared coz they got in the way? Cunts
Latest news: it has been exposed that many/most/all of the dingy riders are claiming disability living allowance for PTSD-the trauma of fleeing a war torn nation and risking life and limb, crossing the worlds busiest shipping lane in a dingy.
£150 smackaroos a week when combined with the allowance they were already getting.
3x meals a day
Free TV and broadband
£650 a month spends.
To have that much spending cash after mortgage /rent /bills, I am guessing you would have to earn £30k a year gross, minimum.
Meanwhile pensioners scrape together the tv licence fee for fear of prosecution, 13000 plus military veterans, many with genuine PTSD are homeless and hard working brits are seeing their futures pissed up the wall by a weak government.
Makes you feel right proud, doesn’t it just?
And three million people in the UK going out of business due to no support from snake bastard Sunak, military veterans sleeping rough (I come from an army Family – it fkin enrages me) and three million UK Citizens using food banks to survive.
As these vile rats invade and laugh at us.
Time to remove politicians who do not serve the people, by any means necessary.
I’m trying to work out why we have a navy.
Repatriation should be conducted by the armed forces, so there can be no interference from do gooder cunts. All those caught in the channel should be redeposited on the beach from where they set out.
As for the cunts who are making big money from the legal aid system, they need the same treatment that was given to those cunts who went to Iraq and Afghanistan looking for anyone who fancied making a claim. Bloodsuckers.
And commie MP’s Nadia pig face Whittome and Rebecca-Wrong Daily have just voted against legislation which would stop vexatious litigation against military personnel.
These dirty traitor scum should be forcibly removed from politics.
Weren’t those two sows sacked?
The only answer is the Australian model: make it clear that only those who apply through the correct channels will be considered. ALL illegals attempts refused.
A Governments obligation to its people is to ensure its borders integrity and security.
This is not happening right now.
How do we know that Iranian government agents/special forces aren’t amongst that lot?
Once off the boat they could (God forbid) target an attack on one of our Nuclear power stations and expose us all to harmful radiation and we wouldn’t even know who dunnit.
Why the fuck is the government allowing even complicite with these illegals entering our country?
The Royal Navy should be given full task to use lethal force against anyone/anything that attempts to gain entry to our shores.
We are a fucking laughing stock. How can Britain project a military globally when it can’t even defend its own fucking borders.
Fucking useless cunts Priti Patel and Boris Johnson.
I think it’s far too late to be honest. There’s already too many of the fuckers over here as it is.
Start fresh and kick the bastards out that are already here.
It’s the only way.
Clear three whole generations of these immigrant fuckers.
i think the lawyers are worse than the tidal wave of shite that keeps arriving from Calais, solicitors are professional law benders who dont give a fuck about anything except a few quid, never trust a solicitor lying cunts one and all….
Just like the cunts that chased our soldiers down for following orders in Ireland, Iraq and Afghanistan.