We’ve had Blaxsploitation. We’ve had Sexploitation. Now welcome:-
Mongsploitation – ‘I Am Greta’.
Thrill as she mopes about and bunks off school.
Gasp as she addresses leaders who should fucking know better.
Wonder what the fucking point is in flying a sailing crew half way across the world so she could shit over the side in a multi million $ yacht.
Wonder what the fuck Swarzenegger is doing in this hokum.
Finally twig that she and her abusers, sorry, parents get a lot of moolah from this shite.
‘I Am Greta’, coming to a closed cinema near you.
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
I think she’s sexually frustrated , to scared to frig herself off so she’s taking her frustrations out on us , perhaps that other uber cunt Lily Allen can lend her a womaniser dildo and then both fuck off to a desert island , cunts
Fucking hell after all this Covid bollocks I thought we’d perhaps seen the last of this vile little goblin looking cunt. But just when your back is turned the powers that be slip on in ya and wheel her out to start entertaining the sheep with this climate nonsense. It’s all staged BS anyway – have you ever seen her when she gets questioned without one of her handlers in close proximity or when she’s forced to go off script? She’s totally lost at sea like a four year old illegal making the channel crossing on an overturned dingy. Speaking of which, you’d think a girl her age would be going out in Stockholm on the lash looking to get that bald fanny blasted by one of Sweden’s new arrivals from Africa/Middle East.
Obviously not.
She is maturing beautifully-she has gone from cabbage patch mong to the girl puppet in “The Dark Crystal”.
Let B&W corrupt her, for the good of mankind?
I think more notice needs to be taken of what she says. We need to save the planet. If she made videos telling us about it while she’s in the nude, you’d watch it wouldn’t you? Well I would. Does that make me a pervert?
(Yes – NA)