‘I Am Greta’ (2)

We’ve had Blaxsploitation. We’ve had Sexploitation. Now welcome:-

Mongsploitation – ‘I Am Greta’.

Thrill as she mopes about and bunks off school.
Gasp as she addresses leaders who should fucking know better.
Wonder what the fucking point is in flying a sailing crew half way across the world so she could shit over the side in a multi million $ yacht.
Wonder what the fuck Swarzenegger is doing in this hokum.
Finally twig that she and her abusers, sorry, parents get a lot of moolah from this shite.

‘I Am Greta’, coming to a closed cinema near you.

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

60 thoughts on “‘I Am Greta’ (2)

  1. Silly little cunt.

    Caning room now – don’t worry Greta, the rattan has been enviromentally sourced.

  2. This uneducated retard must be the new Joan of Arc or something.
    The way people hang on to her every meaningless word is astonishing. Worse still is the hierarchy who encourage the cunt. They know she’s full of shit, but it would bad for their image not to jump on the gravy train.
    I’m waiting now for some levy to be imposed upon me, because one of this mong’s policy ideas gets adopted.

  3. If the Govt. continue with their current “Nanny Knows Best….Bankrupt the Country” policy, Greta’ll get her Utopia…nobody will be able to afford anything that might pollute. Air-travel,private cars,heating etc…only available to Celebrities, Politicians ( plus their friends,advisors,old-school chums and tarts/boyfriends)The Very Rich and Dole-Wallahs with obese,ill-mannered brats.

    The rest of us can Fuck Off.

    • Greta just needs a bit of Mongy-luvin’ to take her mind off our impending destruction…lock her in a room with Harvey Price for a couple of days.. melting ice-caps and future-stealing’ll seem pretty unimportant once Harvey’s been at her for an hour or two.

      “How very dare you” indeed.

      • I can’t see Harvey being interested. Greta has no tits at all whereas Harv is used to riding his mother’s plastic whoppers.

  4. Funny how it is only the civilised west that she seems to target. Never India, China and Africa who are the biggest, most unashamed polluters on the planet.

    I would love to put this to her at one of her rallies, but as it would be off-script, I would be bundled away by one of the many minders / rabble rousers she has lurking in the crowds.

    St. Greta of Mongberg is just a puppet for some very shady and unpleasant cunts.

    • Exactly, OB.
      The more tree huggers she gets on board, the more likely it will be that we are subjected to some ‘green tax’, or have to fund some ill advised wind farm, whose directors happen to be related to Caroline Lucas.

  5. Spot on OB.
    She never tackles the filthy Chinese, or those dirty 3rd world countries.
    Because theyd tell her to fuck off.
    China maybe poison her.
    With their food.

  6. “None of this matters because the climate hysteria movement is not about science,..If it were about science, it would be led by scientists rather than by politicians and a mentally ill Swedish child who is being exploited by her parents and the international left.” – Michael Knowles “The Daily Wire”

    Despite the obvious truth of this statement, Mr. Knowles was driven from the airwaves of American TV and banned from future appearances.

    Perhaps St Greta of Dumberg…properly; Greta Tintin Elonora Ernman Thunberg…is right about one thing…we do indeed live in a “post-truth society.”

    • I doubt it has ever seen a barbie doll or has the emotional capacity to cry. Nor do I think that its committed environmentalist handlers, aka parents Svante & Malena, would ever have let it play with a non-recyclable plastic dolly. It was probably given a real cabbage as an ersatz cabbage patch doll or a favourite stick to fetch and chase on its morning walkies.

  7. She might stop all this nonsense once she gets a good stiff one inside her.

    Not many blokes want to do a mong though, so it’s probably not going to be easy.

    I’d advise her to move to a place like Rotherham, somewhere near a taxi rank or kebab house. Those fuckers will do anything, including chickens it seems. A mong would be like Miss World to those cunts.

  8. Today’s homework :
    “Greta Thunberg deserves an honorary posting on the wall of cunts.” Discuss…

    Spitting image got her spot on :
    “… And here’s Greta with the weather forecast”
    ” HOT!!! “

    • Im not in a rush to see the film about her,
      If I wanted to watch the antics of a rubber faced simpleton id watch Dumb and Dumber.

      Besides, I hear she doesnt get her kit off.

      • With regard to our homework:

        While she doesn’t have the requisite number of cuntings, she was named Time’s “Person of the Year” in 2019. On that basis I think the psychotic little qualifies.

        How dare I!

      • I’m having real problems this morning!

        That should read:

        “…psychotic little cunt…”

  9. A prime example of the type of person Jordan Petersen says they need to clean up their own backyard before taking on the world’s problems.

    People with problems in their own life will look past all these, instead looking at problems in the world that will never be solved by one person on a crusade. Enter Greta Thunderbirds whose own life is clearly a bit of a U bend.

    Petersen nailed it as usual. The Jigglypuffs of the world, with their blue hair, will scream, flap their arms wildly, cry and consume another half a dozen family-size dairy cream sponges.

    • Peterson is one of the smartest people on the planet I reckon. Libtards, SJWs and other fuckwits are always on his neck, so he’s doing plenty of things right.

      • There is a Trigglypuff too General, gaining internet stardom by having a meltdown at university while attending a Steven Crowder and Milo Yiannopoulos function.

      • I know of Trigglypuff LL. He/she/it is a walking advertisement for Abortion if I ever saw one.

        Based on Paul’s reference to the great Jordan Peterson I assumed he was referring to Smuggly not Triggly.

      • I think Smuggly and Triggly are in reality, the non binary, indeterminate gender, sub human Puff siblings.

        Actually, I don’t think they’re sub human. I know.

      • Clearly there are some withered branches in the Creampuff family tree.


      • That should read on not in the family tree.

        Clearly, the Gremlins are alive and well IN my keyboard this morning.

        Or are they dancing ON my keyboard?

        (I need more coffee.)

      • Morning General.

        Ann Coulter’s gone a bit quiet lately, is all well? Is she an honorary member of our Is a Cunt community or not?

        I’ve not seen enough of her to judge her properly but from the little I have seen I rather like the cut of her jib. And her tits.

      • @Issac

        I love Anne Colter!

        (I think) The reason she disappeared from view is that she was an early supporter of Trump and pissed off the Libtards.

        Then she trashed Trump and pissed of the Trumptards.

        Now none of the tards like her.


        I answered you about Jonathon in the Covid party thread but you didn’t reply. Love is a two way street Darling.


  10. She’s a cunt, pure and simple.

    Loves the attention and the celeb culture. She hates the West because it isn’t green enough for her liking, even though the West has made massive strides in being environmentally friendly over the last 20-30 years.

    She’ll give it large to the likes of Trump and co, because she (or rather her parents) knows it never makes for good PR for a politician to tell a kid to fuck off!

    And yet she doesn’t bother criticising the real culprits around the world – China, India, Brazil, Bangladesh, Mexico and other shitholes. Probably because they’re not WASP countries, and therefore it would be seen as racist to take a pop at them.

    Therefore, she does what all woke cunts do: bites the hand that feeds her, safe in the knowledge that nothing bad will ever happen to her (unless she takes the piss out of the Prophet of course)

    Pity the poor cunt that ever gets married to her: he’ll be pussy-whipped to the sink 24/7, with everything he does – even farting – heavily scrutinised by her charmless personna.

    What a cunt!

  11. She looks just like one of those rubber puppets Gerry Anderson used to make for his grotesque childrens adventure series.

    That is the kindest I can be as I am still fucked off about “Saving Xmas” via yet another pointless lockdown – words almost fail me, ecept, possibly – fuck, cunt, bastards, poofters.

  12. I find it hard to cunt a fucking kid, especially one that appears to have special needs however, in this case I will concur with the posting. Greta = Cunt. Though not quite as big a cunt as the so called leaders that fawn to her on every word she says pathetic. They are even bigger cunts.

  13. I have noticed the self absorbed little cunt still has a mobile phone despite them being very bad for the planet.
    Put her to work in a nuclear power station,preferably in North Korea.

  14. Not that Greta shit cunt again.
    She needs to spend a weekend with me…I’d take her aaaaht for a steak, then off to a club to dance the night away, loads of drink and drugs, then back to my flat for a late night/early morning pounding. That would sort her out and she would realise the error of her ways.
    Piss off.

  15. Thanks to the plague, I totally forgot about about this freak. Thanks for ruining what’s left of a fuck awful day.

  16. Every time I see this moon faced bitch I set fire to a load of old car tyres, saves shipping them to China.

  17. I hate these modern terms like autism, and ‘on the spectrum’.
    I like the old terms better, like Joey, arsehole, and murderer.
    When the world hangs off every word that comes out of a slow kids mouth (she’s no savant, I bet she’d be shit at counting cards), it really is end of days.

  18. Now this is a cunt that I would put forward for involuntary euthanasia!! Silly gobby cunt!!

  19. She has OCD, something I’ve suffered with my whole life.
    Something so controlling that it even prevented me from being able to do something as ordinary as joining a football club, although, that all changed the day I found Abcde Fc….

  20. Thunderbox is just a mardy-arsed little teenager who needs a clip around the fucking earhole.

    Oh, and here’s the aforementioned legend itself. The beast that is Trigglypuff. I’d need a lot of drink and someone would have to pay me a LOT of money to go anywhere near it…


  21. Whoa that is one scary thing. If there was any chance of that monster appearing in the woods near me a large double rifle of .600 would replace my usual ash plant stick. Though even using solids one doubts if one could stop a charge from that beast if one was caught traversing a thicket, sure it would maul you before passing away. Horrible really horrible.

    • I think even Sir Jim’ll would pass up this one. Greta’s rubber faced smug fizzog would see to that.

  22. At least she doesn’t need a Spitting Image puppet.
    She could appear on the show in person and no fucker would know the difference.

    Sanctimonious school skiving little rubber faced mong.

  23. Been protesting outside the Chinese, American, Brazilian or Australian Embassies recently Greta?
    No – too busy counting your shiny mong coins?
    Fuckoff Greta.

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