Emergency cunting…(Is it though? Oh go on then – NA)
The identity racists on Twitter have gone into meltdown over Israeli actress Gal Gadot playing Cleopatra in a new fillum. Some loud mouthed know-nothings are demanding the part should have gone to an Arab or black actress. Jesus wept.
Here’s some facts…
1/ Cleopatra was the last in the line of the Ptolemaic dynasty who had ruled Egypt since the late fourth century BC after Ptolemy Soter, one of Alexander the Great’s generals, seized power there after Alexander’s death. She was of Greek- Macedonian descent, she was neither African nor Arab.
2/ Egypt was not conquered by Arabs until the 630s AD. Cleopatra died in 30BC. Interesting that those who denounce the USA or Australia as ‘settler-colonialist’ states don’t apply this logic to Egypt. The actual descendants of the Ancient Egyptians are the Copts who make up about 10% of the current population.
3/ Egypt did have black African pharaohs – from Nubia (modern Sudan). Just look at the faces on some of the monuments. Cleopatra was not one of them.
4/ My favourite historically illiterate tweet came from the person who said Cleopatra was born in Alexandria and Alexandria is in Egypt so she was Egyptian. Fuck me sideways. The official name of Alexandria (one of about fifty cities of that name founded by the great king) was Alexandria-By-Egypt not ‘in Egypt.’ Well into the first century AD, Alexandria had a Greek/Jewish population – there were regular riots between the two communities that led to interventions by various Roman emperors.
Learn some fucking history you twats.
Nominated by: Cunt’s Mate Cunt
Well I’m incensed that they picked an Israeli actress, have they forgotten about the six day war? How insensitive can you get? Besides, the part should have been given to a man. Think of the transsexuals who will be offended by this decision. How difficult can it be to find an actor that looks like a woman? I really don’t think they’ve thought this through.
I believe that some DNA tests were done on the remains of Cleo and they discovered that although her descent was mostly Macedonian, she also had some local Egyptian and Libyan ancestry among others.
This makes sense considering that those peoples would have had noble dynasties too so it would have been beneficial for the Ptolemies to breed with local nobility to grant themselve’s more legitimacy after Alexander died.
Regarding the number of Alexandrias, I think there were around 30 of them, not 50. Sorry, just being a stickler.
Aside from that, an absolutely superb nomination and a history-related nomination at that – a man after my heart!
Sources vary. Plutarch reckoned Alexander founded more than 70 cities. Just looked in my Robin Lane Fox biography and he says there were more than ten ‘Alexandrias’ just in Media (nw Iran). Most of them were probably just forts. Suppose it depends on what you mean by a ‘city.’ Could you link to the source for thirty cities please.
Fuck all the history stuff, I’m going to have a tug over that photo.
Too late. I already did.
The definitive Cleopatra is Amanda Barrie, 85 now if anyone wants her for their Deadpool.
Also fucking bent. Who’d have thunk it!
Aye. Bloody shame that, because she was stunning and a nice lady as well.
Cunts who tear down statues of Abraham Linclon clearly don’t give a shit about history. It’s about channeling anger, hatred, and terrorizing everyone with the threat of being labeled a racist. It’s a damn power trip. It doesn’t matter how woke you try to be you are still going to commit some sin in the eyes of the self proclaimed victims of some fucking injustice. Makes me want to see the movie even more now just as a small way of saying, ” Fuck y’all Cunts!!!”
Wouldn’t kick her out of bed for farting!! Fed up with these up tight cunts getting offended by fucking EVERYTHING!!!
It’s a fucking film and irrelevant who plays the slapper Cleopatra, it will be shit, so fuck off.
I’m kind of torn as to which Cleopatra I would like to fuck – Gal Gadot or Amanda Barrie in the 60’s………… tough choice.
I might have to jump in my time machine and go all Austin Powers on them (possibly at the same time).
I’ll get back to you guys regarding who has the better head game 🙂
Ah yes……Amanda Barrie in “Carry on Cleo”…….. now there was a right sort, better than Liz Taylor in my opinion. Even years later, when she was in Corrie I would have fucked her over the bar of the Rovers while Mavis looked on in horror!
Don’t know who this skinny bitch is and don’t care. I won’t be watching this shit woke film anyway.
Couldn’t agree more, Freddie. And here’s a great pic of Amanda doing her Cleo make up.
Mind you, Liz was shit hot in her prime too.
Interesting…I’m torn between which Wonderwoman I’d like to boink. Gal Gadot or Adrianne Palicki.who played her in the television pilot.
Some people say she has a manly physique but I’d like her to wrap those long legs around me
No debate required.
Amanda Barrie in Carry on Cleo???
Bathe in ass milk.
A quart of blue-top – fired straight up the ringpiece.
That’s my kind of ass-milk.
Blimey, I would make a right mess of that. You’d not see her face for my man fat.
But the post is wrong.
We need more of the real story of the dark keys throughout history.
Winston Churchill, for example, was really a dark key with a bone through his nose. Lord Nelson had a spear and wore warpaint and had lips like a rubber dinghy. Queen Victoria was really the cleaning lady off Tom and Jerry (“Thomas! What you gone did wit maaah wardeemelon!?”).
I’m tired of all the racism in history. For example, everyone knows Henry the 8th was a rapper from Nigeria. His famous rap has been ignored of course, by the evil white racists (“Was tired of da same bitch I’m mah bed, So got off my damn throne and cut off da hoes head (Shaba!”)
“lips like a rubber dinghy”
I hope the mad Bolshevik Lesbians get there way.
Instead of a fit bird they can have some crossed eyed angry Dark Key with an “agenda”.
That will revive Hollywood right away.
Great cunting.
The insanity continues.
The daft cunts.
Their way ffs..
If she’s an orthodox 4×2 you’ll all need a hole in the bed sheet between you. No tits, looks like a 10 year old Philippino boy. She’s Israeli so you’ll have to fire it across the fence anyway and probably hit the wrong person.
Last evenings Channel 4, shows a history of innocent Africans subjected to slavery by horrid white people. It was portrayed that, a) Only White people enslaved Blacks b) Slavery did not exist prior to the enslavement of Africans.
In short, a massive distortion of history to serve the purpose of a racial castration of white people.
On the subject matter of Cleopatra, Amanda Barrie was the hottest of all Cleo’s FACT !
That Cleopatra look does it for me.
Black hair, loads of mascara, but it doesnt suit me.
They want a black Cleo?
How about nonsense talking Cleo Laine?
Skitbabadoo zappadeski bop!!
I saw Amanda Barrie in the Hacienda one night. It was in her Alma Sedgewick Corrie days and she had this black jumpsuit on. Well into her 40s, but sexy as fuck and just as gorgeous as she was on screen. She also didn’t do the celebrity cunt shit either. A down to earth but very attractive lady.
Tracy Shaw, who played Maxine Peacock in the 90s, however, was an arrogant and big headed cunt. Treated the lads in there like shit and mostly got away with it because of who she was. Thing was, she couldn’t fucking act anyway.
But Amanda was class.
This black shit is pathetic.
Are we to believe that the beaches of Africa were lined with slaves from the rest of the country – just waiting to be picked up by prospecting masters?
Of course not. Naturally the fucking blacks must have been herding up their own cunts to make a dollar or two.
She is fucking lovely. She could play Winston Churchill and I wouldn’t give a fuck.
Amanda Barrie. Out.
I’d love to see Brian Blessed play Idi Amin in a remake of ‘The last King of Scotland’, the woken SS would implode. Black face optional.
Where did that idea come from ? It is brilliant!
So let’s get this right – Cleopatra is not to be played by an Arab (or Berber, resident or nomadic in the Maghreb long before Mohammed) but by an Israeli, presumably Jewish, and a descendant of the traditional enemies of Greeks such as Cleopatra in Alexandria by, with or from Egypt.
The Jewish population of Egypt is currently estimated to be 19, and most of them are probably Mossad. I think she might just as well be played by an Arab.
10/10 for historical research, but I don’t share your conclusions. I do however share your taste in the female form and would unquestioningly give it a good bagelling.
You’re not a fan of the Red Sea pedestrians are you Komodo?
Or the studio have chosen a high-profile and extremely good-looking actress for the part.
The reason for the emergency nomination was that Twitter twats love to tell people to ‘educate themselves’ but generally know the square root of fuck all about everything.
Depends entirely on the Pedestrian, SV. Einstein and Tom Lehrer are fine by me. Philip Green, Shirley Porter, Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, not so much.
If you can’t find great Africans you have to manufacture them.
Cheers Admin. ? ? ?
That’s the most relevant comment on the thread ?
Double Phwoar!!
Been to Egypt (1st class of course) and saw all most of the great sites whilst there (before the recent uprisings) a truly amazing place with a civilisation more advanced than most at the time. Well summed up CMC, and for the record I bet Cleopatra was proper sexy, nearest I’ve had to Cleopatra was a one stand with a young woman from Crete…oh my god she was like a Mediterranean princess…dark flowing hair, eyes that immediately seduced you and a nice body. It was shame we didn’t have more time together as I would have given her more of the good stuff.
On that basis Cleopatra would have got my tongue up her arsehole.
Go fuck yourselves.
Good cunting. Facts don’t matter to the permanently offended black and muzzy loving above anyone else brigade.
Didn’t you know that a very dark key muzzy tribe from central darkest Congo land sailed to the Americas around one thousand years before Columbus..
All this took place before the peaceful clan was even started by Mo somewhere in the desert. No matter I didn’t either but don’t let facts get in the way of promoting black history week/month or whatever it is and the constant promotion; to ridiculous lengths; the peaceful gangs beliefs and how they practically invented everything and are so much better than us simple Caucasians cunts..
These retards did the same thing with Rami Malek when he was cast as an ancient Egyptian. Shitloads of abuse about a “white” guy playing an ancient Egyptian character, and not one of the dumb fuckers knew that he’s the American born son of EGYPTIAN immigrants. Not that it matters to the so called ‘woke’ Leftwaffe. Facts are merely an inconvenience when you’re so righteous.
Ha ha ha!
Indeed I remember that one?
But we were kangz n sheeeit
If this choice of actress enrages the perpetually outraged Twitterati,it’s alright by me.
Gadot is extremely easy on the eye in any event.
Excellent nom. You just need to look at the paintings in the pharaonic tombs to see that the ancient Egyptians were not Arabic or black Africans. The Copts are Christian and persecuted and attacked by the Islamists. They are like the other remaining Christian communities in the Middle East and deserve our sympathy. I would give Christian refugees preference over Moslems as I think the US does in an unspoken way.
Could cause a problem this! If they insist on the historical Cleopatra, (not Amanda Barry), being a woman of colour how do they reconcile her vast retinue of slaves?
She wasn’t particularly beautiful in real life but was reported as having “charisma” which attracted Caesar and later Mark Antony.
When Caesar was assassinated in the Senate (actually it was at the Theatre of Pompey because the Senate House was undergoing construction work) his great nephew Octavian and his general Mark Antony teamed up to defeat the armies of the Republican assassins at Phillippi in Greece, then they fell out.
Octavian had the good sense to realise that he wasn’t much of a commander personally but put his fleet in the hands of somebody who was; Marcus Agrippa. When Agrippa defeated Mark Antony at the naval Battle of Actium off the coast of Greece Cleopatra’s much-vaunted charm didn’t work on the winners so she killed herself rather than be taken prisoner and sent to Rome, where she would have been led in a Triumph but probably allowed to retire to private life afterwards.
Mark Antony had also committed suicide which left Octavian master of the Roman world. He became Augustus, in theory the First Citizen but really the first emperor. He’s the one mentioned in the Bible when he ordered the census. The Romans liked bureaucracy.
obviously, there’s no future in history