Grassroots Voice

I’d like to request a ‘here we go again’ cunting for Grassroots Voice. as the biggest turds float to the surface, this collection of cunts want to be elected to the NEC of The Labour Party in order to drag it to the left and crusade onwards to victory in 2024. Delusional is not a strong enough word for them.
It will come as no surprise to hear that my favourite demented commie Geordie loser, Laura ‘jizz on my glasses’ Pidcock is featuring at the centre of this merry band, and they intend to ensure that Labour shapes policy in their image, using phrases such as:

‘global environmental emergency’
‘anti-racism, an end to scapegoating of migrants’
‘advancing migrants’ rights’
‘the authentic voices of working-class black women must be central to our movement’
‘supporting the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination’
‘allow the voices of BAME, disabled, LGBT and women members to be genuinely heard’
‘anti-austerity, internationalist Labour government’
‘re-elect me so we can organise for the socialist future young people deserve’
‘under Jeremy Corbyn we re-democratised the party and restored socialist policies to the core of our manifesto’

So basically, ‘Same Shit, Different Day’ then? You’d think that after touting this drivel previously and getting at the wrong end of a royal fucking-over by the electorate, they’d want to get the brown stains from Corbyn’s arsehole off their tongues, but it seems not.
A definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different outcome each time. Well fill yer boots leftie loonies, crack on and torpedo Kweer’s ship for him. Boom!

Nominated by: The Stained Gusset

54 thoughts on “Grassroots Voice

  1. Fucking hell! Elections for the Labour Party NEC look like a honey trap for mingers, munters and mongs.

      • That should be the header for the NEC Christmas do!
        ‘strictly scum dancing’.

      • Sicky@
        Just been reading the findings into the investigation of Labours anti-Semitism ,
        Loads got let off by Jeremy & co,
        But they were pretty blatant.
        Some of the things that got said would of made ISAC blush!!

      • The Jewish people I have come across are pretty thick skinned, I haven’t read any of the findings or accusations but…
        Having seen how the far left operate I have no doubt that they are quite capable of being aggressive to Jews and any other fucker who disagrees with them.
        We know they are all pro Palestinian and anti Israel, but I don’t know anything about anti Semitism, I am not Jewish so don’t give a fuck ?
        I wouldn’t trust that equalities mob though.

      • I dont know any jews Sicky,
        Move in different social circles to them,
        Although my mates circumcised,
        And a bloke up the road is tight fisted with a right fuckin beak on him!
        Close enough…?

  2. Things have changed. Loony in chief kicked out. Expect the Judean People’s front to engage in bitter fighting with the People’s Front for Judea aided by corrupt union cronies.
    Laughing my bollocks off.

    • What makes me laugh is Laura Pidcock whose ‘always been Labour seat’ went Tory still nails her colour to Corbyn’s mast.
      Mind you she must do a deal of canvassing for the party whilst signing on at the job centre.

  3. All for torpedoing Kweer’s ship. He’s just another fucking Blair, if a brighter one and even better at stabbing his rivals in the back. About time the party split as it doesn’t know what it stands for or who it’s representing. The woke cunts aren’t confined to the Corbyn end, either. Starmer will kiss immigrant LGBTXYZ arse with the best of them if that gets him his London constituencies. Once the traditionalists are out of the way, look forward to an all-black shadow cabinet. With funding from Spurs supporters…

  4. Ha, ha – same old shyte.

    The “Special Guest Speaker” shown on the above flyer, Apsana Begum has just been charged with housing fraud. Perhaps they could replace her with Shamima Begum – nothing would surprise me with this salty bunch of commie cunts.

    Gemma Bolton – I would love to shoot my hot mess into her corkscrew curls!

    • As for the Begum woman, she is yet to have her day in court but the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree as they say.

      • Bet she gets off but I hope not! More fun and frolics with Labour.
        It’s better than The Muppet Show!

      • She’s sure to be found not guilty if they hold any trial in a local court as most of the jury will inevitably be of her faith / political leanings. They wouldn’t dream of convicting one of their own no matter what the charges were.

    • Gemma Bolton does indeed have a rack of justice Paul.

      Personally, I would like to shoot my god gravy up her arse and then wipe my shit covered hampton on her corkscrew curls.

      She’s into being totally humiliated, going by her political persuasion.

  5. Put them all in a field and ……

    Beat them with Jeremy Corbyns rotting corpse, followed by Kweers rotting corpse, followed by…. Bomb the Bastards!

  6. Starmer is out of his depth. He withdrew the whip from Corbyn, but one suspects we haven’t heard the last of that commie cunt.

    Moreover, Starmer was up Corby’s arse a few months ago trying to make him the next PM despite his anti-semitic/IRA overtures

  7. FFS, has anyone ever seen such a pathetic bunch of bitter, woke fuckwits? And that manifesto?? It’s like a woke socialist pick n’ mix:
    evil billionaires
    rigged system
    climate ‘collapse’
    Green New Deal
    systemic racism
    BLM… it goes on an on!
    And what the hell is Afrophobia?! How many words do they need to mean racism??!!

  8. Grassroots? They are fucking joking ain’t they? Tree hugging, vegan, immo loving, Jew hating, anti British commie bastards who have never done a days work in their lives.
    There’s nothing “grassroots” about this bunch of cunts. They’re the sorts of grassroots you encourage your dog to shit and piss on.

  9. Stop sniggering at the back.

    This is just another diversion tactic from Labour, for the last 4 decades they have given us all the impression they are on the verge of self extinction this charade is rinsed and repeated with monotonous regularity.

    We cannot go on believing the Labour Party will destroy itself, we must rise up and destroy it.

    • SV you are so right in your observation Labour keep on tricking us into the belief they are about to implode then come dashing back to win votes and fuck everything the other lot haven’t. It’s so apparent a conspiracy could be mooted. Total annihilation in a shitstorm of knee taking, transbender rights, multicoloured women’s workers rights flexi ferry illeagals and all the other cunts who sell us down the road, that would be fucking heavenly.

  10. Anyone else ever noticed how Steptoe Corbyn is always surround by young Pak! tarts?

    Oh, and other news…
    Jeremy Corbyn, Seumas Milne and Karie Murphy just held a “council of war”. They were joined on ‘Zoom’ by John McDonnell, reps of Unite, Momentum, CLPD + Campaign Group.

    • Ah, but did you ever notice how Tony Blair was funded by Jewish businessmen? And how assiduously Tony worked on behalf of the Israelis? Seven year sinecure ‘representing’ the Quartet in the ME (IOW shitting on the Palestinians in Israel) after he cut and ran? Check it out*. The facts are out there. If Corbyn hadn’t (consistently, and rightly, IMO) supported the Palestinian cause, he’d still be leading the party.

      *Good starting point:

      See also under ” Lord Levy”.

      • Komodo’s obsession with the Jews again.
        You are the reincarnation of Goebbels and I claim my £10

      • Fuck the Palestinians, they should be wiped off the face of the earth along with all the rest of the carpet kissing bastards.

  11. And is that repulsive abomination transbender of a cunt still Labour’s ‘Women’s Officer’?

  12. FRANCE: So far this week…

    – Nice, 3 killed in knife attack, attacker arrested
    – Avignon, man shot dead after attacking police with knife
    – Jeddah, Saudi citizen wounds guard in attack at French consulate

    Go on, Macron. Just nuke the camelfucking filth. Bomb the lot!

      • ….. or sausages. Okay I admit it – I dig nerdy, specky chicks. Sorry, not sorry.

        I also dig Layla Moran (although it would be an epic hate fuck).

    • Exactly RTC, ever since her ‘forgive them, they know not what they do’ speech, I’ve been keeping an eye on her nonsensical outpourings & being an ex-constituent of Durham NW, a safe Labour since it was created, it tickles me that someone who can piss away a 9000 majority in County Durham (ha ha ha), still thinks she has any credibility or relevance. Fuck off Laura.

  13. In whatever incarnation Labour exists, it is a redundant Party. It is a party that no longer represents the hopes and the aspirations of the working classes, the law abiding citizen and those who cherish their nation. They are in fact, a rabblement of misfits, anguished and irredeemable. Indeed, that much can also be said of all the ideological parties, each vying for supremacy in a hunger for power. It has taken a few hundred years to build a great nation, but only a few decades for the low life in politics to destroy it.
    Forgive me in my prophecy….we are surely well screwed.

    • So true. Until the 1970s the Labour Party had an appeal for the ordinary working man largely because the MPs had been in the armed forces during WW2. There was the occasional anomaly such as Tom Driberg but most of them were decentish politicians. The current crop are despicable cunts.

      Labour under John Smith, had great appeal for me. But he died and that was that. Labour can go fuck themselves before they see my vote again- DA

      • Labour’s problem is that not only their supporters, but their well-paid MPs like to pretend they are victims, because so many belong to some minority or other, but I hardly see Lammy as a downtrodden black, any more than Russell-Moyle is a downtroddenj homosexual. Either they are totally deluded, or they are just preening actors.

        Victimhood stinks and is off-putting to the well-balanced.

  14. What a state of democratic politics in this country.

    On the right you have Blow Job Boris, flattering to deceive, and as about as True Tory as a fart in the wind.

    On the Left you have Smarmy Starmer, who wouldn’t know dedication if it kicked him in the bollocks.

    On the Far Left you have Momentum, Greens, XR and LibDumb cunts, all of whom would love to fuck the country over at the drop of a hat.

    You’ve got to feel just an ounce of pity for today’s youth and the kind of fucked-up future that lies ahead for them, not least a crippling national debt.

    • Unfortunately today’s youth have been completely brainwashed by a Marxist education system and are now ready to fully embrace communism.

  15. When you think about it, it’s labour being irrelevant to working people that has put Scotland under the Scottish Nazi Party. The tories were never going to fill the gap so the vacuum has been occupied by deluded Braveheart fans. The same might happen in Wales where Plaid Cymru are even more unhinged.

  16. I don’t think they would know what grass was if they saw any. And roots – well that’s a sacred programme from olden times about the heroic captives send to the wicked states in America, isn’t it?

    Labour party – joke.

  17. Bout time they changed the name from Labour Party as I very much doubt any of these cunts have done anything harder than wiping their arse. Should have a national competition to select a new, right on, radical name. The winner gets a signed copy of “I don’t talk to white people about racism” and a free course of gender awareness issues plus a free conversion to the peaceful persuasion.

  18. These commie lunatics will never, ever let it go.
    DId the biggest electoral hiding for nearly a century against the most lousy opposition in politics teach them nothing?
    Clearly not – so here’s a message – sane people will never, ever vote for a UK communist Government.
    But it’s yet another way for the champagne socialists to get their snouts right back in the trough – their brass neck is unbelievable.
    And if they are so keen on the cancer of socialism feel free to fuckoff to Venezuela.

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