Gordon “Small Portion” Ramsay (3)

Popeye lookalike and cook Gordon Ramsey is charging £56 for sunday roast dinner, the thieving cunt and its tiny.

I take a sunday roast dinner serious.Almost a religious sacrament. And happily pay what it costs, but the cunt served me this meagre stingy portion id hit the roof

“Why have I got Karen Carpenters fuckin dinner?”

He’s also doing a Bobby Sands steak and chips for £23, you could fit it on a slice of bread, the robbing fucker!!

Now I know he needs money for hair transplants and fillers in his craggy face, and all those celebs and posh cunts in London he feeds are Bulimic and are straight in the bogs honking it up, but what about if a real person goes in peckish?

He’s no cook, where did he learn to cook? Tenko?

I’d leave hungrier than I went in.

Nominated by: Miserable Northern Cunt

(More info – DA https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/whats-on/food-drink-news/gordon-ramsay-ridiculed-over-56-18971599 )

45 thoughts on “Gordon “Small Portion” Ramsay (3)

  1. This guy is a gobshite cunt, it dosnt matter what he say,does t,thinks ,hes a colossal cunt, and now a miserly cunt ripping people off, his new series has him risking being eaten by a shark…..we can only hope, you can imagine what the shark would say….what the fuck i8s this sweaty ,balding,gobshite cunt doing in my territory, and he taste like shit like most of his menu, what do you mean he,s asking for £65 the theiving cunt…….

  2. At our village fete on Saturday they were charging five fucking quid for a small bowl of jelly.
    Daylight wobbly….

  3. Ramsey is a bully. That makes him a massive cunt. All bullies are cunts, not all cunts are bullies.
    But Ramsey is a bully and a cunt.

    • When I first saw him on TV years and years ago, I could understand why he shouted at his staff – most of them were fucking mongs. But he plays on it now.

    • And they choose very carefully who they bully. Like that other loudmouth Piers Moron, if its’s his ‘mate’ Ant Middleton or an England rugby prop it’s all bow scrape and kiss arse whatever their views are.
      Bullying cunts.

  4. Why do these ‘celebrity’ cooks think that they are something to be worshipped?
    I don’t choose to watch this type of programme but Mrs Guzzi enjoys them so it is anything for a quiet life. Should I ever meet one of them and they spoke to me as they address their staff, they would be sampling hospital food for some time.

  5. Best thing I ever heard him called on one of his predictable programmes…….”you stupid faced cunt.”
    I would punch the cunt in his stupid face if he tried to charge me 56 quid for that pile of shit.
    Those roasties look like those frozen ones, fucking appalling.
    The only good thing you can say about Ramsey is that he hates that mong mouth, Jamie Up His Own Arse Oliver.

  6. ‘A Bobby Sands Steak and Chips for £23’


    As the Ibrox faithful used to sing…

    Could you go and chicken dinner Bobby Sands,
    Could you go a chicken dinner Bobby Sands,
    Could you go a chicken dinner
    You dirty fênian fucker
    Could you go a chicken dinner Bobby Sands.

    I’m sure Gordon would know this chant as he was on the books at Ibrox, except he fucking wasn’t.

    This lying piece of shit in the early days of his TV career used to say he was a reserve at Rangers but didn’t make it but he was full of shit

    When he got exposed he came out with some shit like ‘in his dreams he was’.

    Instead he ended up cooking food for a living, I have a suggestion for his next series….

    Use Uncle Terry’s oven…..

    • Yep CmcCunt, he is a Fat bullshitting none footballing useless cook of a cunt that some how has made a living, a good one at that, out of saying “fuck” a lot.

      Fuck, fuck, fucking, fuck….Here’s hoping to improving my income. Fucking fat fucking cunt.

      • Erm.. excuse me..your language is appalling,,, you forgot to say CUNT…there..I saved you the trouble..good evening

  7. A few years back a boss I worked from came over from the USA and on the no doubt slinged advice from the concierge of the hotel he stayed at – he invited me ta meal at Mace Grill in London. The staff were a combination of persons with as much knowledge of the English language as Manuel, or cunts with square specs looking down at you through them as if you stole their lunch. On ordering a ribeye for a tidy 42 pounds we were asked what sides we were ordering as it came with none. At an average of 8-10 for a few potatoes, then add veg or anything else the cunt was netting close to 60. To be expected. Toughest steak i have ever had and sure the veg was microwaved. Thieving cunt

  8. The cunt’s on my list of top fifty most punchable faces.
    He’s a fucking cook who thinks he’s a star. Wanker.

  9. I am surprised that Ramsey has customers. His food is average , the prices extortionate, and the service poor. A visit to one of his restaurant some 3 years ago minded me of the Lords 5 Loaves and 2 Fishes. The portions were incredibly small. I did leave a very small tip though, very small.

  10. This prick obviously spent more time in Home Economics with the other gays and not enough time playing football with the straights-net result, he puts on a hard persona whist baking his fairy cakes.
    Before lockdown, I had a steak dinner at a country pub we used to patronise. £85 1x starter to share, 2x steak & chips, 1x pint coke, 2x glass of wine.
    The staff were indifferent, the place was shabby and chavs everywhere.
    3x sirloin steaks, baked potatoes and a bottle of reasonable red-£20 from Sainsburys last night- will be a lot tastier too?

  11. Fuck, I absolutely loathe this cunt. Currently being reinvented as some Bear Grylls type of cunt, he loves to play the tough guy, an act I hope ends in tragedy, and I don’t mean another series.

    • Hes a piss taking cunt.
      I sit outdoors on a sunday at a pub that overlooks the best view of the peak district you could imagine, friendly staff that all know me,
      And have a laugh &joke,
      Have a great range of ale on draught and cook perfect reasonably priced food.
      I always tip, and when buying a drink say “and one for yourself”.
      Its my favourite place to eat out.
      But wouldnt get that at Gordons place!
      Snotty staff, starvation rations, overpriced,
      Its pretentious bollocks.

      • Nothing worse than snotty staff who act as tho they’re doing you a favour by taking your order.
        It happens infrequently to us I’m pleased to say, but I always leave a tip under the plate; ‘sharpen up your act’ written on a post it note.

  12. I make a point of not eating anywhere that has a celeb chef’s name above the door.

    Ramsey is taking the piss with the portion sizes that look like they wouldn’t fill a five year old.

    It does beg the question though as to who is the bigger cunt?
    The cunt asking for £56 for a Sunday roast sample portion, or the cunt willing to pay £56 for it?

    I would take a Toby carvery over his overpriced bullshit any day of the week, where £56 would stuff a family of four to bursting point.

  13. He probably knows a lot of people hate him for being a cunt, but the fact is he really doesn’t give two shits!

    He’s made his money, got the fame, and his over-priced eateries, so why should he care what others think? If people are stupid enough to queue outside one of his places just for the privilege of eating a £56 meal then more fool them.

    Am not defending him as such, but its more to do with the mug punters who insist on designer shite, whether it be clothes, cars, bling, smartphones, wine or food. These cunts probably wouldn’t notice the difference between a Wetherspoons roast beef carvery at £9.99, and this posh shite. But they can tell their friends via Shitebook “Oh darlinks, my partner and I had a simply divine night at Ramsey’s eatery last night. Only cost £399, but it was so divine, especially the Yorkie Pud!”


  14. Cant fault the cunt. He obviously is a fan of Harry Enfield’s ‘I saw you coming’.
    Cunts who pay his or any of the hyped up restaurant prices deserve to be fleeced.
    Fuck them.

  15. Anyone who’s watched the ITV plug programme on The Savoy hotel will realise it is run by a gay mafia, particularly the restaurant. The Oxo lady’s son has a job there and got a bollocking, supposedly for forgetting to put enough champagne on a party trolley but in reality for not succumbing to the ‘charms’ of his boss.

    Gordon was there as acting like a cunt as per normal. Probably the first cunt most of them had seen.

  16. Doesn’t this story just totally sum up modern cuisine?

    Tiny portions served up “artistically” on a plate with a dribble pattern and a couple of leaves.

    The whole celeb chef culture is a scam.

    More fool anyone who pays exorbitant prices for this crap.

  17. Daft enough to pay it? Crack on – clearly money than sense.
    In my local area there are plenty of places that do a good Sunday dinner for ten quid, and it’s usually enough for two (it can be embarrassing – if you dare to leave any some hefty cooking ladies appear from the kitchen and glare at you until you do!).
    These Ramsay types have to get up pretty early to catch the fox out – just recently I swapped my old house for 9 amazing magic beans from an honest Northumbrian farmer Named Sir Fiddler – I totally stitched him up, but I hope he is more careful with his driving – as I cycled away laughing he nearly ran me over by accident.
    Four times!

  18. I ,of course,enjoy Fine Dining and would happily pay Chef Gordon’s prices if he wasn’t such a Cunt. Occasionally on my way home from an afternoon on the piss I like to visit a local highly rated eatery called “Restaurant Hjem” which does a Scandanavion/Northumbrian fusion tasting menu for a bargain 85 Pounds…I like to poke my head round the kitchen door and ask “Chef” if he’ll rustle me up a plate of Spam,chips and beans….how he laughs at my wit.
    Luckily he is unlike most Chefs in that he isn’t an alcoholic with anger issues but he did once batter me with a whole dried cod.

    • So it wasn’t you buying a £2.99 burger & chips mini-deal at the Washington Northbound Services on the A1(M) the other day then?

      • Certainly not…it would ruin my refined palate…how could I savour my dinner of Fray Bentos tinned pies with cannonball-peas and HP sauce after tasting such common muck?
        I am an epicurist who enjoys and understands the finer things in life.

  19. Fifty six quid ?
    That’s more than a dozen steak pudding, chips, peas and gravy.

    ? Gordon is a moron,
    Gordon is a moron, ?
    Gordon is a moron,
    Gordon is a moron?

    Get To Fuck.

  20. Nice cunting Miserable. His excuse will be the “Dining Experience” or “British grown veg and road miles”, as if being environmentally aware and supporting British farmers is a green light to mug off punters. That said there will be plenty of muppets willing to pay and would M’tembe would feast like a king for a week.

    • ‘Clip of Teddy Sheringham wiping out the gobshite’

      Got a job and couldn’t finish the post…

  21. You reminded me of the top joke in 1981.
    Where was Mike Hailwood going when he was killed. To get Bobby Sands fish and chips.
    Never forgotten it.
    Cannot blame Ramsey, it’s the cunts who pay it.

  22. £56 for three roasties, a couple of carrots, some ropey looking beef, a dodgy looking Yorkshire pudding, and gravy that looks like it’s run out of an Ebola victim’s ass? He’d have to fucking pay me to eat that. And I’d still tell the arrogant prick where to shove it. This cunt will throw you out of his one of his overpriced eateries for committing the ‘sacrilege’ of ordering a steak to be cooked well done. Listen, you overrated burger van cook, If I’m the guy paying for the steak, I’m the guy who gets to decide how it’s fucking cooked.

  23. If I want roast beef I do a good joint of topside. Overall cost per portion, including electricity, vegetables, gravy and seconds, £5-7. Why people even contemplate a restaurant is beyond me, but I grant that if the price is less than orbital, the quality excellent, and entertainment is the aim….due to Covid you can probably still forget it…

    • PS, my late Yorkshire granny would have favoured Ramsey with some bitter words if she’d seen the disastrous Yorkshire pudding in the picture. Boy could she be bitter. Would have been worth seeing.

    • The entertainment is indeed a critical component. Especially if she has big but firm tits, a tight arse, long legs. And a nice smile.

    • True, Komodo. I went with a mate to a local chippie last night that advertises itself as “old fashioned English style fish and chips. Pig’s arse they were. There used to be a couple of outlets over in the Eastern Suburbs operating as English chippies. They weren’t cheap but at least they were a bit authentic. This joint yesterday serves frozen bloody Birds Eye “French Fries” with the manky lookin’ bits of fish that were on display. We ended up getting a couple of 5 buck pizzas from Dominoes. Not gourmet but not indigestible. Plus, we probably saved coin on not needing out stomach’s pumped after eating the wonky-eyed fish.

  24. Just one thing I don’t understand…how come this is only the third cunting that this arsehole has had on here?? He’s up there with Simon Cowell and Chris Evans for me as a cunt of the very highest order.
    To be honest most celebrity chefs are cunts with the exception of Nigella who gives me the horn big style!!

  25. Popeye that fucking hair cut and foul mouth ??
    Isn’t he supposed to be Scottish or is he another fake Scotsman like Connery and Rod Stewart ?? ??
    Total wanker fuck off ??

  26. The tiny skerricks of food on a plate has never been my thing. I worked in restaurant management for many years and have heard many pooncy chef waffle on about dishes or ingredients. Their arrogance regarding what they assume the paying public will enjoy is outstanding. I do physical work constantly. I need fuel and a couple of micro thin slices of some bloody wog ham, a rebranded gherkin and a “dollop” or fucking “drizzle” of sump oil won’t do me for a hard day’s graft. Cunt chefs piss me off. I also went into a local cafe yesterday. I’d just been to the bank so fortunately was carrying a few notes. All I wanted was a coffee. Any rate it cost AUD$4.20. The tattooed young staff, both male and female (and the bird is reasonably fit) acted all nonchalant and aloof. But the young bloke had the temerity to ask what I thought of the coffee when I was leaving. I replied “You want a review, eh? Well I’m deducting 2 points off just because you asked.”
    I reckon Nigella is alright though.

  27. The tiny skerricks of food on a plate has never been my thing. I worked in restaurant management for many years and have heard many pooncy chef waffle on about dishes or ingredients. Their arrogance regarding what they assume the paying public will enjoy is outstanding. I do physical work constantly. I need fuel and a couple of micro thin slices of some fancy bloody ham, a rebranded gherkin and a “dollop” or fucking “drizzle” of sump oil won’t do me for a hard day’s graft. Cunt chefs piss me off. I also went into a local cafe yesterday. I’d just been to the bank so fortunately was carrying a few notes. All I wanted was a coffee. Any rate it cost AUD$4.20. The tattooed young staff, both male and female (and the bird is reasonably fit) acted all nonchalant and aloof. But the young bloke had the temerity to ask what I thought of the coffee when I was leaving. I replied “You want a review, eh? Well I’m deducting 2 points off just because you asked.”
    I reckon Nigella is alright though.

  28. Anybody who actually goes into one of his glorified chip shops is a bigger cunt than he is.

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