No need to make a racist or sexist comment, Gary Lineker has already presumed you have and got his reply in first.
Jug eared Gary appears to have jumped the gun by publicly congratulating Alex Scott (mixed race female) on becoming the new host of the BBC’s “Question of Sport”. The BBC have not confirmed this and it is appears Gary’s tweet is the first to break cover on the subject. It is therefore irritating the twat felt it appropriate to write “Smart, knowledgeable and perfectly qualified for the role. Oh… and if you have a problem with Alex getting the job, you might just be part of the problem.”
What a self-righteous cunt.
Nominated by: Cunt Spotter
Oh…and if you have a problem with the fans having an opinion, you just might be a cunt.
Oh…and if you’ve been cunted 13 fucking times on ISAC…you need to have the decency to off yourself so the rest of us can enjoy the sport without your cuntish drivel.
Sue Barker and the two team captains have committed the cardinal sin of being white and old at the BBC, General. Alex Scott only finished playing in 2018 and has had bit part co-presenting roles, popping up at live games or highlights programmes to offer her limited insight so how much ‘”experience” the immo loving ball sack says she has to land a big role is bullshit.
Breaking down his comment-it appears he spent most of the late sixties in San Francisco:
“Hey, Mr Lin-ek-er, if ya is not part o’ da solution, den yous is part o’ da problem!”
What a totally condescending prick-just like a smug junior school teacher, preaching to a classroom of 7 year old kids.
Question for you Mr Lineker;
If diversity is so great and we are all one under the same skin, why did you send your boys to Charterhouse as full borders?
Not much diversity there. The only thing those boys gave in common is the extreme wealth of their parents.
Your lovely boys-well rounded little cunts: abusive and disruptive, drink, drugs and leaving their house matron in tears in numerous occasions.
Oh, and a CUNT.
How typical of this smarmy fake libtard bastard. The Scott bitch has got the job not just because she’s black but mainly because she’s a sort. No doubt Jug Ears is hoping to get a portion, he’s known for that, as well as being a crisp munching fucking cunt.
Has anyone else noticed that MOTD has at least one BAME pundit talking bollocks every week? Good old BBC…….and don’t forget to show those millionaires taking the knee before every game, that’s one highlight I wouldn’t want to miss!
They should get rid of Linekunt, everybody hates him and he is far too old and white. I’d like to see Alex get that job, showing a bit of leg and tit.
No, YOU’RE the fucking problem Linekunt so fuck right off.
Spot on, Freddie. I was only thinking the same whilst watching it last night. EVERY fucking game. I know what a bunch of cunts, kneeling, look like, I don’t need to be reminded every ten or so minutes. And the black/white pundits? At least they”ve all played at the highest level, though, unlike Alex ‘Sunday League’ Scott and her fucking cronies. Interestingly watching the rugby, yesterday, Bristol didn’t kneel during the ‘Remember BLM’ farce and whilst some Londin Irish players did, some refused.
Agreed DCI.
Have been avoiding a lot of the wokeball of late due to the constantly never ending kneeling bullshit.
Decided to watch good old MOTD2 for the highlights instead and the absolute cunts deem the kneeling as a highlight of every fucking game!!!
Piss boiling, race baiting, insidious, social engineering, sell out CUNTS!
Indoctrination of the fans, that’s what it’s all about – social engineering at its most sinister. The millionaire players are just a bunch of useful idiots.
It’ll be interesting to see the reaction when the fans are allowed back in if this right-on jamboree continues then. Probably threats of fines and life-time bans, with cameras up close to indentify the perpetrators, if they object. I reckon the only reason they’re carrying on so long with the shit-fest is there’s no cunt there.
I’m almost tempted to break the habit of 30 years and resume attending a footy match (one day) specifically to get kicked out and banned for expressing my opinion on players taking the knee.
One of the BAMEs , (possibly it’s the eminently sensible and top bloke Les Ferdinand?), has stated it’s time this virtue signalling stopped. He probably realises it does more harm than good now.
Limited number of fans let back in to begin with.
Empty headed millionaire fuck wits continue the kneeling despite most of them not having a clue what for.
A few of the darker millionaire players naturally continue with the black power salutes.
Disgruntled fans voice their disapproval.
Players feelings hurt when virtue signalling is called out by the boos from the long forgotten fans.
Certain players (you know the ones) walk off the pitch and demand the rest follow in a show of solidarity with Burn Loot Murder.
Working class fans inevitability accused of various hate crimes, identified and banned for life and sacked from their jobs.
Football returns to empty stadiums at the request of certain influential players (you know the types) due to intolerance of racist fans hurting their feelings and pouring scorn on the players valuable work in tackling racism in sport.
I know football isn’t everyone’s cup of tea amongst the esteemed cunters on here.
I personally have been a lifelong follower of the game and I can’t overstate how much this crap has fucking rattled my cage.
What a steaming pile of fucking shit.
You are not alone and there are many lifelong followers who feel exactly the same.
Hermen: ditto
You’re far from being alone. I used to love the game, now it can fuck off as far as I’m concerned.
Bravo, can’t argue with one word of that.
Why hasn’t this fucker died in a fireball? No justice in the world, a grade a cunt
Lineker is a supercilious Cunt who stirs up and provokes trouble. I don’t think that many people would have been too bothered about Scott taking over if Lineker hadn’t deliberately written about it in such a challenging way…most people would have expected such an appointment from the BBC…and, well ,most people just don’t watch the fucking programme anyhow. Lineker likes to air his views in a way that elicits a response from those that don’t share his views and gives him the chance to sneer at the “racists’ who respond.
PS…Wonder if Lineker still has the “super-injunction” in place that stopped reporting on some of his own peccadilloes?…He’s all for his right to question other people’s views and attitudes….not so keen on transparency in his own affairs,apparently.
Fuck him.
PS…just checked up and Gary apparently vehemently denies ever having a “super-injunction” in place despite all the rumours. I must apologise for maligning him….I would hate to slander a man who feels comfortable accusing anyone who disagrees with his views a “racist”
This could be the one (of many) by the looks of it
He’s a prick end of.
I’d love to see Linekar’s face and hear what he has to say when the BBC announces that from next year he will be replaced on MOTD by David Lammy.
SuperCunt Lammy will have a friend who is a footballer; no doubt Grenfell academical.
A nice self congratulatory wank fest as these immense cunts enjoy a lavish lifestyle that an immoral tax on the whole population pays for.
Mouthpieces of a new Marxist order.
Gas them.
Gary loves to show off his education. Alma Mater…’s Guardian.
There are lots of copies laying around the BBC.
Nothing against Alex Scott, seems reasonably intelligent, has a sense of humour and pleasing to the eye. But we all know that when the BBC announced that the existing three would be replaced, there would be at least one (I reckon 2) people of colour as replacements.
They will have got the gig because the BBC floods us with blacks and the alphabet gang at every opportunity. That’s what pisses people off, the systematic racism in appointing non-whites and then calling us out for being racist if we pull them up on it.
Linekar is a prime example and a spectacular cunt who thinks he’s cut from a cloth above the majority of the public. A shit presenter as well.
In a previous nom I mentioned about the replacements for the team captain’s.
Apparently there are fivE in the running and Chris Hoy is the only one not of colour.
Shameless hypocrite. The cunt grew up in Leicester (white population around 50%) and the first chance he got he fucked off and now lives in an area which is 90% white.
Yes and still keeps banging on about Leicester and how wonderful it is. Rather like Katy Perry and the removal of borders in a interview inside her house with a 12 foot wall around it.
The hypocrisy of the leftie celebrities shows no bounds.
The only thing I want to hear come out of Garys mouth are
“Yes theyre cheese &onion”
“Please call a ambulance! Im begging you”….
The only retired footballer comment I want to hear is 1 minute I’ve just got to change the barrel.
Whoever gave a fuck about a footballers’ opinion on anything that wasn’t about football? It’s about time Walkers got rid of the cunt for someone more diverse too.
The cunt.
Will he fit in your oven Unkle Terry?Will his ears stop him being stuffed in?
Not if they’re sliced off and stuffed up his arse before cooking… ?
I was just about to mention their removal.
Thank you sir.
In any event the jug eared commie goes in,broken at The Wheel beforehand as necessary.
The evil little cunt.
To cut a long story short, my Dad once came home with a freebie turkey for Christmas; well, more like a feckin pterodactyl. Ma had to rip its legs off to get it in the oven. I think quite a lot of Linekunt might have to be ripped off before he’s oven-ready; I’d LOVE to take the poultry secateurs to him…
I despite Linekunt and his smug fucking grin!
He is just a money grasping, happy-clappy right-on-with-the-kids cunt, who not only works for the BBC, for also BT Sport and one or two American sports channels.
Therefore he doesn’t give two-fucks about loyalty and the BBC, he’ll just do what he’s told just so long as he picks up his £”x” million every year just for reading a fucking auto-cue and asking facile questions to the other rich fat cunts in the studio.
If ever there was a person who I wish ended up on the wrong side of a gang of “poor” migrants raiding a rich mansion it would be this cunt. No doubt he would shit himself yet again, just as he did back in 1990, the wanker!
Just another instance of some cunt with loadsamoney and instant access to the media lecturing the little people on what they should be thinking.
A much bigger and better one here:
The underlying sentiment is that ordinary people are backward, dumb and should be led from on-high.
It’s no wonder that woke politics has so easily been co-opted by corporations, cash-stuffed celebrities and even royals. It allows filthy rich people to pose as being on the side of the oppressed, all while leaving their material wealth untouched.
That is a good read, absolutely right that if they are all for equality then the titles should go, just be plain old Harry and Meghan Cunt.
There is nothing wrong with refreshing a program and Alex Scott is fine, at least she can string a sentence together unlike some of the black pundits who are on TV.
If the only reason to refresh is to shoehorn bliks into the show then it’s not ok and if they end up with two black captains then that will be a travesty.
When Clarkson got the boot from top gear it went down hill and the three retards they have now are cunts, it’s like seeing the Friday night ‘giving it large mob’
Lineker is a cunt and fuck knows why they need to pay this cunt 1.3 million to introduce match if the day, the football fans would watch it even if they had a chimp in the chair.
His tweet is like the Sainsbury one, confrontational and unnecessary, and why the fuck is he sticking his fucking nose in anyway.
(Personally, I’m glad Barker and co have been given the boot. They’ve been there far too long, and their smarmy chumminess always grated – fuck ’em! DA)
I’m finding it very disconcerting that hypocrites like this cunt are allowed to flourish even when exposed.
Down with the sickness!!
This is precisely the sort of unnecessarily provocative nonsense that the new DG Tim Davie has threatened to shut down. Well no change there then.
Like so much of ABBCs output, QOS has been limping along in the same tired format and unchanged presenters for literally decades past its sell by date. In its long-forgotten glory years you’d get sporting superstars as guests; now they’re invariably all ex-players already sucking on the Corporation tit as pundits.
I really couldn’t give a shite who the new presenter is.
It’s probably in his BBC contract. Be a nauseating woke cunt and we’ll pay you over £1m a year and not replace you with a bame lezzer.
Oh and you also have to pretend you’re going to take in a dinghy dweller or two.
And whilst we’re on the subject of Linecunt we can’t ignore his latest absurd pay deal. It’s a 23% cut and now he has to get by on a mere £1.35 million a year. The real stinger is that he’ll trouser this for FIVE MORE YEARS!!. So in other words he’s really had his contract extended at a similar rate for four years but has to “work” the 5th for free!! Pretty good, well it’s outrageous really, for a cunt who’ll be well into his 60s when that ends!!!
This year, with no World Cup or Euros and only Prem shite and FA Cup he might have to clock on for at most 50 days. So that works out at £27,000 a day to introduce a few crappy MOTD Saturday games (because the best ones are always on a Sunday anyway). Then on top are all the lucrative crisp adverts that come his way on the back of all that free exposure!! Surely the imbecilic cunts at the BBC who ‘negotiate’ (LOL) his salary should realise he’dve accepted £100k pa or better still walked away and been replaced by a perfectly acceptable journo on even less.
I almost feel sorry for that spunk-filled slapper Zoe Ball being underpaid for getting up at 3am for 230+ days a year to spout her unlistenable drivel.
A Question of Sport was way past it’s sell by date when Ian Botham was on it. Top bloke Ian though, loves Brexit, getting pissed and stoned. Gary Lineker, well what can you add that’s already been said. He sucks the sweat off a dead mans balls. Off topic slightly but a great interview with Nigel Farage this morning. Basically said that we now just have to live with Covid, it’s mainly affecting over 80’s with underlying health issues and that the cure is worse than the disease. Wish we had him in charge. Sensible, no bullshit and says it how it is. A British Donald Trump.
I totally forget this cunt exists until he keeps appearing on here. I used to have a mate who went out of his way to wind everyone up. He didnt really mean it, but that’s he was. Perhaps Linecunt is the same. Still he is still a total cunt.
lineker is a grade one, arrogant, self-obsessed cunt
How long is it taking to vet the migrant he is taking in? Seems like a long while given that none of would harm a fly and are decent, salt of the earth types.
They’re probably struggling to scrape off 30 years of ingrained shit before the hand her over.
How noble of Lineker to publicize his support for her appointment. Why would he bother when no-one I know would have a problem with it? She’s not one of these demented shrieking female commentators, she’s an able pundit who was able to stay composed and do her job even when Chris Kamara was drooling over her. Not to mention the fact that she’d be a damn good shag.
Nevertheless I would like to jump on the bandwagon and congratulate her on having parents of mixed race.
What a fucking cunt.
QoS has been shite for years, so they can let Peter Sutcliffe host it for all I care.
Still, I’ve seen her on the telly. She’s a token diversity/gender hire. She’s a bloody awful ‘pundit’. In fact, she’s one of the worst I’ve seen.
I’m sure there are other wimmins who’d do a much better job, and if you’ve got a problem with someone having a different opinion, then you’re a just a virtue signalling fucking cunt, you jug eared tax Dodger.
Why does he ask for arguments, the prick?
I’ve never watched this apparent pile of shit, but if Peter Sutcliffe were hosting I’d be the first to tune in!
First of all, Lineker wasn’t even that great a player. Yes, he scored goals and in World Cups. But he was not a team player. Players like Beardsley, Robson, Waddle, Platt and Gazza did all the work and he used to just tap them in. He was prolific, but he was not a forward in the mould of Kenny Dalglish, Mark Hughes, Kevin Keegan, Denis Law, or Jimmy Greaves. He did the job that was required of him, but he did nothing else. Also, he was a boring goody goody arselick cunt. Give me an exciting player like Bestie, Cantona, or Gazza any time.
Second of all, how this goalhanging wet lettuce sees himself as some sort of social oracle is fucking hilarious. His hypocrisy also reeks like Madogga’s minge in a heatwave. He preaches equality and diversity, yet the fucker still happily takes his obscene wages while his BBC ‘comrades’ get far less than he does. All for equality, except when it comes to money, of course. Also, this human oil slick simply blocks anyone who dares to question, criticise, or disagree with him on Twatter. Makes out he is the great thinker, yet the jug eared slimeball couldn’t have a discussion or a debate if his life depended on it.
And I fucking despise how he thinks he is suave and funny on Match Of The Day. It’s a football show, not a fucking comedy programme, you odious fucking cunt.
To the tune of ‘Guantanamera’…
Shit Desmond Lynham! You’re just a shit Desmond Lynham!
Absolutely. A selfish tap in merchant who had a bit of pace over 10 yards.
People coo over how he never got a yellow card in his entire career. To me, that shows he was never a team player. If his team was down he’d never get stuck in and harass defenders. He never bullied any defender. Ever. He just hung around on the verge of being offside and making a quick dart to tap it in from 5 yards.
I’ll admit that he did read the game well, but he was a selfish cunt. And his petulance was seen during his final game for England in Euro 92 vs Sweden. He was having a fucking shocker (and had been showing his age for a while) and was rightly substituted.
He’s never shut up about it but never says the truth. He was fucking dogshit during that game and the previous 5 or 6 games.
Yet another twatballer who takes the piss and gets paid millions for doing it
Norm-a totally mercenary cunt:
Fucked off to Spain for the sun and money.
Traded wife in for a younger model-literally.
Preaches about diversity and equality while living in a gated, private estate in Esher, complete with it own cricket green and clubhouse, no nee-grows though?