A finger lickin’ cunting for one of IsAC’s favourite children, good ol’ Diane ‘Flabbott the Hutt’ Abbott.
Flabbott’s been quiet for a while, but she’s back to her old race-baiting habits again. Addressing a ‘Stand Up to Racism’ plenary (no, I don’t know what that actually is either), our belovéd Corbynista gobbed off about The Donald being (yawn) ‘a racist, the most racist president I can remember’. And (of course) ‘Boris Johnson is a racist’. Oh, and apparently, there’s also been ‘a rise in racism among state institutions’.
As we know, our Di isn’t the greatest when it comes to actually producing some sort of figures or analysis to back up her claims; two plus two generally equals three in her world. Never mind though, in the current climate it’s much easier for she and her ilk simply to hurl the usual lazy, loony left insults about; ‘you’re a racist’, ‘you’re a fascist’, ‘you’re a xenophobe’.
The name-calling’s all wearing a bit thin now though Flabbott. People are seeing it for the hollow, de-valued, mud-slinging tactic that it is; an attempt to intimidate them into silence for fear of being branded a bigot.
Still, we’re not above a bit of name-calling on here either, so I’ll take the opportunity to throw in my twopenn’orth as well. Flabbott’s an extremely limited individual who manages to embarrass herself by spouting shallow drivel every time she opens her mouth. She rambles vaguely and often incoherently, giving the impression of someone who doesn’t have the capacity to assemble an argument or deliver it.
She’s as dim-looking and ridiculous as she’s ugly, and that adds up to a shitstorm of cuntitude that’s impossible to take seriously. She’s a joke, and a bad one at that. She and those constituents of Hackney North and Stoke Newington who persist in voting for her deserve each other.
Nominated by: Ron Knee
I bet she wasn’t moaning about white people when Magic Grandpa was 6 inches deep inside her.
Theres more flab than that on the flabbopotamyhugearse.shame he didnt give her sumet to keep her quiet to
No not oral/drugged her then put her in a crate next stop zoo in africa with all the other hippos
Three inches surely. That had to be independently verified as the stupid CUNT Flabbott can’t count further than two
At least 2/3 of that was magic grandpa falling in
Way hey!
Big Di, not seen her for a bit,
Expect to see flies buzzing round her dont you?
The cunters full package,
That thick shes borderline simple,
Fat, speccy, condescending,
Cant even put on a matching pair of shoes,
A leftie bullshitter par excellence, and all round compost heap in a skirt.
Dont know where to start?
How’s yer mental son?
The cannibal???
Di, you dont know what real race hate is!
You point the finger and accuse anyone who disagrees with you that much its meaningless.
Maybe theres a day coming when youll get to learn?
I for one pray for that day!
I would die a happy man.
And take that fuckin Beatles wig off!
You look deranged you dopey cunt.
Mis-am I right in thinking that “you wouldn’t”, then?
Oh I wouldnt go that far CG!
Sure she scrubs up alright?
Mini skirt on, hose her down,
Better wig on, spray her with pine disinfectant, you never know??
* Id club her to a pulp with a crowbar really.
* You lying get.
I don’t think there is enough good ale in the Peak District, to give Mis the “beer goggles” necessary!!!
If forced to choose between Di and join that paki shagging chickens,
Im using sage an onion lube and in the henhouse!
Not Me! And I’m pretty sure unless you’re MNC (who has quite an imagination about these things!), no-one else on the planet. Except……. Catweazle Corbyn of course, and there can be absolutely no defence for letting your standards fall as far as fucking this, and thinking it’s alright.
Hes on a playdate with harvey price!two for one
You cheeky monkey anne!
Doesn’t Harvey go the same school you went?
What with bars up the windows and teachers with radios
I know naaaffffiiinnnkkk abaat it.
The Flabbotimus strikes back.Yes dear we all are waycist.Crawl back to your cave dear
Using the word ‘racist’ has lost all its weight (pardon the pun Flabbotasaurus Rex) as it’s overused and wrongly-used. It once carried an onerous threat (pardon the pun Flabbotasaurus Rex) but is now only used by Lefties when losing an argument. I hope they continue using it, though a fat (pardon the pun Flabbotasaurus Rex) lot of good it’ll do.
The Flabbotasaurus Rex: a beast so ridiculously cumbrous and woefully ugly she makes you question your sexuality.
Back in your cave you disgusting fat cunt.
Then dynamite the entrance.
Only British politics could create such a creature.
Fuck Off.
Yet another complainer of the White-dominated population. And yet still enjoys the pleasures of her comfy lifestyle and easy access the media in order to spout her own inverse racism.
But will she fuck off elsewhere to sunnier climes and a more “tolerant” society? Will she fish hooks!
Bread+buttered:= Sorted.
Diane – if you weren’t masquerading as an MP you would be cleaning a Travelodge or eating more than you were serving at a KFC branch – you are one brain cell away from being special needs and if we are so racist why not fuck off to say, Nigeria or Somalia – see how you like black democracy and politics.
There is no more racist scumbag in the UK than Abbott, with the possible exception of some of her black political colleagues – but Hippo the Gyppo was happy to use her colour and position to get her crackhead nutcase Son sent to a holiday home instead of the five years in prison whitey Man would have got.
The race baiters are being called out more and more and more on twatter, and they either shut up, retract what they have said or play the victim – enough people have had it with this shit and it no longer goes unchallenged.
Yet another example of trailer trash who hate our Country but don’t mind bleeding racist whitey dry.
Cunts, one and all.
She looks like a fucking chimpanzee in a wig and a fucking ulgy one at that.
if she auditioned for re-booted tea adverts, she would be rejected due to her inability to remember her lines and being just too-damn-ugly.
In addition, people would have started buying Tetleys or some other beverage – PG Tips would be obsolete by now.
APE – no chimpanzee is that fucking ugly.
If we fired her out of an RN cannon, how many migrant boats would she rip through before losing velocity ?
I’d like to see her, Butler, Chakravarti, Sarker, Alibhaba-Brown, & all the other white-hating cunts dropped in the middle of the Congo – let’s see how wonderful you think a blk utopia is then !
They’d scoop out Abbots Flab & use her as a house boat ….
Or use the hull as the basis for the remake of ‘African Queen’ , starring Stormzy and Lily Allen.
She seems to be at daggers drawn with good ol’ Stammerer as well. ‘I blame his mother for calling him Kier’ she snidely remarked recently.
I don’t think she’s happy with Stammerer’s intention to ‘de-Corbynise’ Labour. It’s all good fun for the comrades.
Keir could privately retort by saying “…as opposed to being born by Boing Boing, the silver-backed gorilla, at London Zoo!”
Diane may require assistance in understanding the integer of cunting she currently holds at ISAC. Think she struggles a bit when it’s not single digits.
Perhaps someone could help her, maybe count out KFC chiggun wings together?
‘one for you one for me, one for you two for me, one for you three for me…’
….and here is a classic home video from the Abbott collection. The time Diane employed the “piano-moving-tea-swiggers” services.
That ginger one at the back looks like that rug wearing MP Michael Fabricunt. Proper advertising when our Chimps knew their place.
Classic if they aired that these days the woke ad av a meltdown!
Poor cow, looks like someone has sneaked a 007 gas grenade into her fried chiggun and now looks fit to explode. Kenanga in Live and Let Die swallowed one of those and burst into a billion pieces. Or was it a million? No it was 546.. no 20,000 Diane says. Oh well they are the same colour so thats a common enough thread at least. She is gonna explode, and when it happens its gonna be messy.
Read the below ad let me know how far you get
3 paragraphs.
1/2 a paragraph.
The picture of some pavement ape in a frock. Never made it as far as the text.
I only saw the picture of a young Diane and got the impression that CC might be in the background ‘getting the horn’ and then i got scared and left.
That’s what she’s smiling at.
I think that just shows how far removed the left are from reality.
Which is inversely proportional to the distance the flabbotapottamus is to any free buffet.
A racist fucking two faced greedy useless ugly spiteful, fuck it : eveil drain on society cunt.. And that is being generous …
Well done on the Nomination photo-if your intention was to induce vomiting.
Having just eaten a cheese cracker for lunch, I can now inform you that it tasted better the first time i swallowed it……
***breaking news!!
Oil tanker zigzagging in the English Channel with reports of ‘stowaways aboard’
Police helicopters following it off the coast of the Isle of Wight.
Yes there are empty hotels in Sandown just waiting.
Can’t they dump some of these “migrants” in leafy Islington, Kensington and all the other boroughs where libtards and celebs live?
If it’s not British flagged, then ” Fish away ! ”
Get To Fuck.
Send in the Special Air Service to sort them out
Just send it to the bottom of the Channel.
‘The Brexit People have given permission to racially abuse and attack people’.
‘White people play the divide and rule card’
Diane Abbott
To which the reply should be
‘Fuck off Abbott, that cotton ain’t gonna pick itself and when you have finished that, the shithouse needs cleaning’
The thing about Diane Abbott…..
She would still be a cunt even if she wasn’t black.
Rendered to lard, but wait!!!! Lard is white.
Vile fat ugly cunt.
Always think of the West Indian mothers go further for their children comment which Andrew Neil pulled her up on.
She refused to apologise. Since then the anti white comments just continue as it’s ‘positive racism’ and she won’t be charged with hate speech.
Its that wig that bugs me.
Why that one?
Shes got a few quid could get a half decent syrup!
But no, like Johnny Ramones hair and its been run over.
But suppose it makes no difference?
Like sprinkling 100s an 1000s on a dog turd.
This is her glaring hypocrisy: the classic “Glass houses and throwing stones” trope. Doesn’t mind dishing/stirring the shit, but can’t abide others doing it to her.
Have you seen a hippo pool in Africa? I’ve got some pictures and I’ll swear she’s right in the shit-filled middle!
Neil was always putting the boot into Flabbott. Here’s another classic;
Afternoon Ron – Good cunting, and no-one out there deserves it more that the Abbottpotomus. However, there is hope – The term racist just doesn’t mean ANYTHING any more. It is so over-used by every extreme left cunt, and indeed semi-normals too, that it is a pointless epithet.
AND with Abbott, terms like stupid, fatuous, ridiculous and irrelevant and ugly are seen as merely being the truth anyway. Do YOU know ANYBODY who listens to a word she says? I don’t – in fact she’s all she’s really good for is a spitting contest.
Afternoon Mickey.
You’re bang on mate. Everything she ever says just make people squirm with discomfort at her utter ineptitude.
No wonder Labour kept her mostly hidden away during the 2019 election; she’s a disaster.
Look at the photo !!!!
Fook me !
We’re gonna need a bigger oven !
If, for some perverse reason, you want to know what she smells like, ( you filthy cunts ). Go to Chester zoo on a hot day.
The horror ………… the horrer.
Get To Fuck
Strangely, once upon a time she wasn’t that bad looking…
Photoshop ???
I’ve got to say, after a few pints on a Friday night…
….of what? Fucking vodka?
Great timing Ron. Thought you´d like to see this from the latest issue of Socialist Worker, soon to be renamed Black Women Worker.
“People´s champion and veteran freedom fighter Diane Abbott has welcomed the decision by Steeple Bumpstead University to establish a chair in Anti-Ron Knee Studies (ARKS). It will be headed by Kunta Kinte Pogba Mbappe X, who declined to be gender identified and described itself as an opponent of racism, fascism, homophobia, fatphobia and meat eating (except for Kentucky fried chicken.) He/she/it is also the founder of the Confederation of Unforgiving Nitpicking Trendy Students (CUNTS).
‘We will expose Knee´s disgusting scribblings on the fascist ISAC site as the product of an innately racist society that deliberately tramples on the cultural heritage of the downtrodden non-white, non-hetero, non-tran, non-thin and non-Kentucky fried chicken consuming population. We also demand that the statues of slave trading fatphobes like Winston Churchill and Bonnie Prince Charlie be torn down and replaced by monuments to Fats Dominoe and Chubby Checker’, Mr/Mz X said. Knee´s articles will be cyberburned live on the Black Broadcasting Corporation (formerly the BBC) to mark Black Celebration Century which starts next week and will present programs about black achievements for the next 100 years.
The ARKS course will be funded by Sir Elton John who will donate royalties from “Goodbye Yellowbrick Road” (renamed Goodbye Neutral Colored Road so as not to offend the world´s yellow people).
‘My life was made a misery as a youngster when I was called Reg the Rotund, Podge and Fat Arse. So I am at the forefront of the fight against fatphobia just as I am on the side of those fighting for the rights of black people of all genders and non-genders, weights, heights and all that kind of right-on thing, trannies, bent old millionaire rock stars etc.’ said Mr. Chubbybum.
When asked to comment, Nazi Knee spewed forth the kind of fascist bile expected and said, ‘Fuck off you bunch of whining cunts!’”
Fucking hell; fame at last!
Thanks Mr P.
That Kunta Kinte Pogba Mbappe X is going to get a right cunting from me in due course. Race-baiting cunt!
He will probably be Man Utd’s next marquee signing???
? Sunday Funday Quiz time ?
The Flabbotasaurus hairstyle closely resembles the one in which Jim Carey film:
a) Bruce Almighty
b) Ace Ventura
c) Dumb and Dumber
After much consideration, I’m going for (b).
I think it’s the quiff
Ron, our survey said…✖ WEH-WEHH.
The clue’s in the title.
I wish Abbot could go on a gameshow paired-up with her mad, bitey son.
Brucie: (Turns over a card) It’s a …2! Now Diane, to win the game, Higher or Lower than a 2?
Flabb: Oooh, erm…I don’t know. James, what do you fancy?
James Abbot-Thompson: (salivating) A nurse’s neck.
She is also a dead ringer for James Earl Jones ‘Thulsa Doom’ in Conan the Barbarian.
James Earl Jones is much prettier?
Lib Liquors, I just had a glance at Thulsa Doom and that is properly funny. He even has the 100-yard, vacant glower/post-ECT stare.
He bloody does too Cap! Just needs to practice his “Oh Andwoo”…
Nah she gets dumb and dumber!
I can imagine at the last election magic grandpa saying to flabbot ok cmon in you go /cmon diane in the cupboard /puts a bucket fried chiggun in there her gets in and door is locked.thank fuck for that!niw wheres that map of the magic money forest to wow the punters
I’ve zipped up more attractive things than her in body-bags.
Her son would love your job, Gene. All those nurses waiting to be chomped.
I’m tending to agree with the woman that some institutions are racist, but not against bame that’s for sure. Police and the fire service are actively looking for non white recruits, and to fill that quota they will get the job every time, regardless of who is a more suitable candidate. And this is seen throughout the employment sector, public and private, as the race to become diverse is all consuming.
This isn’t fair on both groups, unfair on white candidates that weren’t picked regardless of being more suitable, and unfair on any bame candidates that actually were the best person for the job, as they will not get the respect they deserve because of the current system of numbers over competence.
It’s already happened with women, where to try and get a balance between the sexes, a lot of women have been promoted over men, again regardless of merit. This might be acceptable in manufacturing, but when it’s job where people’s lives are at stake, say like Met police commissioner, sorry just isn’t going to cut it.
If she actually said that quote in the nom pic, how is that not hate speech leading to an arrest?
I love Flabbott. She is my favorite archery target. I can get a lot of arrows in that fat ugly face ?
Thick as a chog and twice as solid
Another one of the New Labour Disciples A-total dimwit racist
A Balanced View:
LEFT: Waaah! I’m offended! By that picture, in fact. Mods, don’t you know it’s waycist to put up pics of Die Flabbenschlampe without (a) warning, (b) heavy photoshopping and (c) her halo?
RIGHT: Picture offends public decency, dammit!
She’s my nomination for cunt of the year! Although I am hedging my bets as I’ve also got her down as munter of the year, fuck me looking like that she’s gotta win something! Well done the Labour Party, probably had their best chance at being elected in the last poll, but did a great hatchet job on themselves with this cunt and Corbyn at the helm! I salute you you silly cunts!