Dana Nawzar Jaf

The Cunt would be “British based”,wouldn’t he?….


A product of Durham University and another who sees nothing wrong in some fanatic decapitating anyone who offends his religious sensibilities…indeed,is more concerned about the fanatic getting shot.
What the fuck is such a type doing here? Why doesn’t he take his outrage at the brutal slaying of some murderous fanatic and just Fuck Off back to where he came from?

Good for the French Police…I hope that our “Force” will adopt the same robust response…but somehow I doubt it.

Nominated by: Dick Foxchaser-Fiddler 

60 thoughts on “Dana Nawzar Jaf

    • Dana ought to be grateful ive no political clout or a firearm id shoot the cunt just because of his name.
      In fact id wipe out his whole family just because they stink of shite.
      Its not because im racist.
      Its because im racist and have a strong sense of self preservation.

      • Id equally bludgeon this peice pf shit to his literal death with a fucking pencil !coming over here talking shit about his imaginary god(kill whitey)just because he feels insulted.fuck off back to your own country and die out the way you hate preaching race baiting peice of shit and fuck you and the camel /or goat you rode in on.

      • Anne f that was a powerful statement of your disaffection made more eloquent by dispensation with grammatical rigour. Good work!

  1. I don’t like the French but I’ll say this for them: they don’t fuck about.
    You can bet that if this Islamic filth had been shot by police in this country that it would be investigated by the IPCC and the officer in question would be up on a murder charge.
    Why do we fuck about with this scum? They want to kill us so let’s just kill them. An eye for an eye etc.

  2. Some cunt decapitates a guy and this wassock condemns the cops for taking the criminal nutter down.
    What a world.

  3. Send the cunt to Turkey, I am sure he will be welcome.

    It’s a pity the Frog police didn’t shoot all the fucking scumbag islamists.

    • I like to think that the cunt tried to surrender & they shot him anyway, in the legs first, then in the face when he was on the floor. ‘Say Bonjour to Allah, cunty-bollocks!’

  4. The frogs have been projecting the Charlie Hebdo cartoons on public buildings now.
    All of them, all 3 Abrahamic sky pilot bollocks.
    Front wheel skids, dune kunes and christian sandal eaters the whole shebang.
    Hallelujah and all that.
    Be offended and eat a bag of dicks.

  5. Jaf & his ilk are the fucking enemy within. I hate these kind of cunts with real passion – take our help, then criticize us & chip away at our way of life.
    In whatever shit-hole this turd stain is originally from, it might be normal behaviour to cut someone’s head off for talking about a few fucking cartoons, but it’s not our way in the West.
    Instead of blogging & tweeting his peaceful bollocks, the cunt should be fucked off back to Iraq to see how long he fucking lasts there. That’d wipe the shit eating grin off the bearded cunt’s face.

  6. Just another quick story to cheer you lads up regarding filthy muzzles.

    My old mate Arthur fought in Aden back in the 60’s and told me about a patrol in the desert one early evening on a Wombat with a 120mm anti-tank gun. Way off in the distance they saw an insurgent sandal wearer and let rip for a laugh. Well, my mate said when they arrived a few minutes later it was like a scene from a cartoon with the only thing left being a pair of smoking sandals. Pure class. Enjoy your afternoon gents. ?

    • Drop the cunt in harlem see how long he lasts /or any other shady place for that matter as long as some cunt puts a bullet in his head at point blank range.

  7. As a Kurd, maybe he would like to be sent back in time to Iraq during the time of Sadaam Hussein to see what real brutality looks like.

  8. On a different matter. Some cunt has just shouted at another cunt “bacon”. What is this random meat based slang ?

  9. If the cunt wants to advertise his loathing for our justice system, let’s treat him to some good old fashioned punishment.
    Hung drawn and quartered, and that’s just his family in front of him. as for this stupidly named cunt, I think burning on a pyre of used toilet paper, infused with pig fat should make the rest of us feel better.

    • If beheading somebody with different views is acceptable to cunts like this then they should have no objection to a thorough, but ultimately not fatal, kicking. On reflection, they should have no objection to a fatal kicking either, why should others hold back?

      • It is the very fact that nothing is ever done that spurs this filth onwards. It’s time to respond in no uncertain terms, starting with brutal imprisonment, deportation, or armed response.
        Nothing of the nature of this idiot should ever be tolerated again.

    • I could not agree more with this sentiment. Let this piece of shit experience the kind of shit we USED to do, it’ll be in line with the things their retarded religion does now. Brown cunts.

  10. Just put the cunts head in a vice.
    If it has family and friends here immediately deport them to the Yemen.
    Any agitators or supporters of the wicked little cunt get full oven.

  11. Let’s see…a peaceful kills an unarmed man with a knife because he showed a cartoon of the prophet and this Turdish cunt objects to a disproportional use of force by the police

    As a show of respect and solidarity…and as your police aren’t armed, I think when they see Mr. Jaf they should take a knee…on his fucking neck!

    Got to give kudos to the Frog Gendarmes. They totaled that murderous cunt tout suite. And kudos to the Frog government…they rounded up about 100 peacefuls that were on their “radar” and are deporting them. (Probably by dinghy to England via the Channel.)

    They’re still a bunch of manky, snail eaters…but they did this one right.

  12. I see the Mail’s put up an anti-adblocker page. Fuck you, Mail. I’m not paying for the extra bandwidth to read your sponsors’ bloatware. Even if it means I have to read the Grauniad.

    When the MidEast is glazed over and the radioactive dust settles, history will record that, of all the shitstirring tribes formerly occupying the area, the Kurds came pretty close to being the top stirrers.

    Seems Jaf was on a Chevening Scholarship at Durham. These are for international students: specifically “high-calibre graduates with the personal, intellectual and interpersonal qualities necessary for leadership.”
    They’re funded by the FCO. 1650 scholarships at various UK universities, were awarded in 2018.

    Talk about making a rod for your own back

    • When will the madness end? Is there something wrong with tutoring our own children?

    • The only Chevening I have any time for is in a well-known song:
      “Mr. Brown goes orf to town on the 8.21
      and he comes home each evening and he’s ready with his gun.”

      Shoot, then Uncle Tel’s oven, set on pyrolitic.

  13. Fucking cunt comes to this country and spouts his murderous hate but we deserve a death sentence for taking the piss out of some cunt who only exists in his fucked up head. How the fuck does that work?
    It works because the libtards say it does.
    I hear some of the cunts are complaining about the conditions some of these dinghy riding fuckers are kept in. Sorry libtards but there are only so many empty 4 star hotels in the country. I’m sure some of you posh pricks have got boats so take them back to France and fucking stay there with them. We can move some British people, people who belong here, into your empty houses.
    You fucking arseholes.

    • I agree Paul:
      Repatriate dangerous filth, fumigate the tax payer funded accommodation and use it to house the 13000 plus military veterans, currently homeless in the uk???

  14. I recall in the late 1980s, there was much angst here for the plight of the Turds under Saddam Hussein. Seems like old Saddy had the right idea about dealing with these zealots with cocktails of VX and mustard gas.

    The press at the time potrayed the Turds as peaceful victims of Saddam’s brutal regime. Now we know that the worst thing those wankers Bush and Blairpoodle ever did was to remove Saddam Hussein. Both Saddam and Gadaffi were tyrants, but they kept their backyards in check and prevented murderous scum and proponents of scum such as Dana Carvey here from migrating to the west.

  15. Cunts like this become government advisors and then convince inbred MPs Islam isn’t the problem.

  16. Nobody seems to like the Kurds. It seems to be one of the only things that whole shitty region seems to agree on. I wonder what they did to earn such a reputation.
    I can’t take this bellend serious anyway, that photo needs a speech bubble coming out of his mouth, either saying ‘you want salad with that my friend’ or ‘a little off the top sir?’
    It says it all that he only cared about the fucker who shared his religion/delusion and not the poor fucker who was murdered.

  17. The biggest scandal and disgrace as far as I’m concerned is the lack of condemnation from those that condemned the killing of the gentle bank robber George Floyd.

    That happened 4000 miles away yet France is our nearest neighbour and barely a whimper.

    I’m reminded at times like this of the ‘poem’ First they came…….

    Which was all about the cowardice of intellectuals.

    Fucking disgraceful.

  18. A Kurdish activist eh ?
    But living in the UK.
    How quaint.
    Novichok his door knob.
    Get To Fuck.

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