Britannia Hotels, Migrants and Lefty Reporting

Every now and again, a story comes along that you read in your local rag that
boils your piss and puts a local slant on a national issue. When I read this one, it was a nailed on nomination. There’s a hotel in my area that is housing what the fuckin’ 18 year old left wing reporter calls asylum seekers. The Britannia Group are using several of their hotels for this purpose.

This cunt just tries to build sympathy for these people by attacking the nasty local racists who object. He even tells us about an ‘incident’ that supposedly happened last month when members of the far right group ‘Britain First’ broke in to the hotel and started banging on people’s doors. The poor dears were frightened for their lives and some even thought it might be Border Force officials — that’s a fuckin laugh when we know these cunts don’t work in the day, let alone at night! Besides, if you’re a genuine asylum seeker, what have you to fear?

Where the reporter really fucks his story up is by interviewing some of the immos. Rather than me rambling on, I think the best way of illustrating the mindset of these parasites is to give a few genuine quotes, straight from the camel’s mouth as it were.

“It’s a prison” (Not true. They can leave as long as they sign in /out morning and evening)

“You have four walls, you can’t go out”.

“90 per cent of the guys inside, they don’t go out of their door because they don’t know if somebody is going to jump them.”

“It’s like we’re told ‘don’t work, don’t breathe, don’t eat – get lost, get crazy, get sick and now we will detain you’.”

“The food is poor.” (They receive 3 meals a day in a 3 star hotel). This particularly got me with the number of our elderly folk who are lucky if they get one at the moment and are truly imprisoned in their homes.)

You fuckin’ ingrate, lying arseholes.

Fortunately, the public don’t have to come into much contact with them because the hotel is rather isolated on the edge of a business park. The usual other observations apply — most are men in their 30s. People who have seen them sitting on the grass outside when driving past mention them smoking, drinking and using their mobile phones. When they do choose to leave the hotel, there are reports of them intimidating people at a nearby farm ice cream shop and harassing people at a shopping centre some distance away.

Interestingly, of the 65 or so readers who commented on the story 60 were ‘racists’ who fitted in with IsAC’s line of thought. People have just had enough.

So fuck off you illegal economic migrants. I could equally have chosen to cunt the newspaper, the juvenile reporter, Britannia Hotel Group and the Government, so you take some as well you cunts! Hopefully, I’ve gone some way to redressing the balance of this fuckin’ ridiculous article.

Nominated by: Bertie Blunt Tory Cunt

54 thoughts on “Britannia Hotels, Migrants and Lefty Reporting

  1. A prison?! Poor food?! These illiterate dirty treeswinging cunts are used to living in shitholes and eating mud and dead bugs. These human filth have never known luxury like it. They are just coming it, like they always fucking do. Bastards.

    Of course, they shouldn’t even be here. Send the cunts back, get all the animals (lions, elephants, rhinos, zebras etc) out of the place to safety, and then nuke Africa. Nuke the fucking shit out of it and them.

    • I am sure that if this country is failing to live up to their expectations arrangements could be made for their speedy return to their cesspit of origin.

  2. Bertie Blunt Tory Cunt, you are indeed a true wordsmith and rather than bemoaning local reporters, you should be one yourself. I feel your local rag would love to have you on the staff, for you cut to the central issue with great aplomb, that being of course, they are all poncing cunts who need to fuck off. Well done sir.

  3. I’d like to think at some stage they will all be rounded up and gassed.
    Hard to say if it will happen.
    It’s a nice thought though on a Sunday.
    Fuck them and their 1st world enablers.

    • Convert the showers to German Spec.

      Come to think of it, didn’t a peaceful start Greenfell? Move him in with the old fridge

  4. Blik lives matter dont you know Bertie 🙂 I always wanted to know how to use the bog without toilet roll and sanitation; I’m certain those bliks can teach me that plus knife crime and intense violent misogyny too – enrichment!

  5. Funny that this nomination should be made! I heard on the radio the other day that theft in hotels has increased hugely in the last year and it isn’t soap/toiletries/towels etc – it’s fucking flat screen TVs………… I wonder if there could be a connection?! I mean it’s hardly as if the usual, law-abiding clientele have been frequenting hotels in the last 6 months in the same numbers is it?!

    Clueless lefty cunts in the media need to give their heads a wobble.

  6. Everything is free, so why don’t they like it, the answer is simple.

    They are all cunts, not seeking asylum they are seeking a nice little life of crime, come to the UK, even if you are caught thieving or selling drugs it will be fine, let of with a caution. Back home of course they would be thrown into a deep dark hole never to be seen again.


    • I was thrown into a deep dark hole when touring the Amsterdam red light district back in the 90’s. She was a big woman.

  7. This is a fucking national scandal which only the locals know about. There’s a video on YouTube where Sir Nigel goes into this 4 star hotel and gets thrown out by security. Fucking millions are being pissed up the wall on this filthy scrounging trash. Like a swarm of voracious insects these cunts will keep coming and politicians will do the square root of fuck all to stop them. Except, perhaps to bung even more millions to the Frenchies to send them over.

    • The header pic says it all, umbongo types sitting around doing fuck all, just like being at home, they must be happy because at least here the get free food.

  8. Won’t be long when boat loads of fighting aged cunts will surpass the numbers of operation sealion. It would be very simple to stop it if there was any will.fuck the one party state that’s been in power since 1997.

  9. I must confess I’m somewhat disturbed by some of the comments in this section. People talking about gassing and nuking. That’s disgusting. It’s such a waste of humanity.

    Find a positive solution. Utilize them as a resource. Turn them into dog food.

  10. I passed this hotel the other day and you could tell where they’d come from. One was still wearing his life jacket and waving a spade around.

  11. They are not “Asylum seekers”.They are dirty ragheads who want to destroy Britain.We are NOT a land of milk and honey you filthy turds.Piss off back to the middle east.Scum scum scum.Form an orderly queue for Unkle Terry’s Aga.

  12. Dear Sainsbury’s,

    I won’t be shopping in your supermarket ever again whilst you promote racial segregation and discrimination.

    Sir Laurence Fox. A prince among men.

    • I wonder if Sir Lol knows about ASDA as well?
      ‘Happy Ramadan’ banners in their Manchester stores, only a matter of days after the Arena bombing. Cunts. Disgraceful cunts.

    • I have written a letter of complaint to the CEO of Sainsbury, I hope lots of other do the same, probably some little twerp in marketing trying to make a name for him/herself.


      • Spot on, I am sure that these ‘initiatives ‘ are dreamt up by some 25 year old media studies graduate of the university of shitville who thinks that they are advancing their career.

  13. I wonder how many government ministers, or their relatives, have shares in Britannia Hotels?

    • The Britannia will surely have to change its name?
      As it is too colonial and imperialist. I also take it that these parasitic spear lobbers get everything for free, while every other cunt has to pay readies to stay at one of the Britannia crapholes.

      And the Britannia in Manchester is shit. The Midland Hotel, it ain’t.

  14. It’s kicking off in the camp in Pembroke, where the cunts are whinging and have tried to burn down an accommodation block. Some are saying they wished they had sought asylum in France. The barracks have only just closed, so the conditions these cunts are moaning about were deemed perfectly acceptable for serving military personnel, yet these cunts were supposed to be living in a dirty tent in a dirty camp. What is never said is that the tents are dirty because they made them dirty, and the camp is dirty because they made it dirty.
    Economic migrants pure and simple, and that is not grounds for a successful asylum claim.

    • I don’t mind the barracks being set on fire.
      Just so long as everyone last one of these evil fucking savages are locked inside.

    • A Welsh minister (from the overblown parish council of misfits on Cardiff Bay) has said it’s the target far ‘far right extremists’
      Yes, who knew that the people of Tenby, Penally and Mahorbier were Neo-Nazis ? The cunts.

    • This happened a year or two back at the Britannia in Stockport.
      They were filling the rooms with 3rd world parasites.
      I had a membership at the gym at the Britannia, use the weights, have swim, jacuzzi, didnt use the sauna though, cant hack it.
      Anyway all the lockers started getting broken into, and the MSM got hold of the fact they were being put up in a hotel, bit of a scandal and it stopped.
      I cancelled my membership when they first arrived, the cunts were all milling about outside and one gormless cunt got the back of my van wingmirror across his head when he didnt get out the way fast enough!
      I politely asked him from the drivers seat to ” fuckin shift you dozy cunt”
      And he did so well done him on learning english.

      • No I meant to do it DCI,
        Dawdling cunt was stood in the way.
        Just a little welcome to the UK.?

      • The header picture is Britannia Stockport, the sign behind the umbongo is Asian Events at Britannia Stockport ???

      • So it is!
        Didnt notice before Sicky.
        Check out the reviews for it!
        Theyre dire!!?
        Fagburns on the sheets etc, the best review is by some yank whos over for a family do, gets the Fawlty Towers treatment.
        Surly staff chewing gum etc

    • Offer them their dinghies back and a tank of fuel, float off back to France, I am sure the French coastguard will welcome them with open arms.

  15. A national disgrace.
    We should honour those who have suffered to bring this story to light: The Little Veteran, four conflicts for Queen and Country, locked up, kicked to shite by police and all his valuable personal possessions confiscated by “the powers that be”.
    Meanwhile, a P.aki London Mayor openly displays his hatred of white Anglo Saxon culture, an Indian Home Secretary is completely fucking useless and an Indian chancellor thinks he’a Playing fucking monopoly.

    Fucking cunts.

  16. Sorry fellow cunters, but the liberal left do gooders will make sure they stay. More votes for them. Bet the channel is a bit rough.

  17. Fuck me, we have veterans who can’t get treatment for PTSD and end up on our streets as human wreckage.

    These cunts pay criminals to get here on a dinghy and are then fed, washed and watered for fuck all and they ain’t happy.

    IF this ain’t enough for them then please offer them a free single trip on a Sealink ferry from Dover to France. I will gladly chip in so they could even have a breakfast on board so they don’t have to eat the fucking swill they serve up in Franceland. That’s how nice I am.

    It’s bad enough when the fucking gypos invade the local park…….

  18. Poke holes in dinghy. Back to France or drown.
    It’s got to that stage with me – those with the power to do anything are not, and will not despite enormous public anger and frustration so we just need to give them nothing if they do arrive except a hell of a lot less of a warm welcome (baying mobs optional!?) and a ship back.
    Enough is enough, in every sense of the phrase.

  19. I think Britannia Hotels may have already been cunted but if not it’s a most timely cunting.

    Their business model is simple, buy distressed hotels and distress them even further but fill the rooms at an average rate of £35 a night.

    I’ve stayed in a few over the years without realising until it was too late.

    Take for instance the Bosworth Hall Hotel in Market Bosworth.

    On the face of it a lovely hotel in a great location but look just under the surface and it tired, very tired.

    And they also seem to have a policy of having the hardest most uncomfortable beds known to man.

    I had a mate who ran a hotel on St Martin’s, he used to say once you have 50% of your rooms filled you start to make a profit and it increases exponentially with beer and food sales.

    It looks like these cunts are filling their shit holes and will be making a fortune on the basis they’ll be feeding them well, courtesy of you and me.

    All that said what lies behind all this is a fucking disgrace.

    A government that we gave our votes to because they promised to get Brexit done and get tough on immigration.

    5000 shit cunt boat people alone this year have entered U.K. via the Calais Dover dingy service and there’s nothing that can be done to stop them.

    Our Government is a disgrace. It tells us it’s hands are tied in dealing with these sub Saharan AIDS addled Ebola carrying Boons.

    Bull fucking shit.

    Declare it a National Emergency in line with the Covid ‘crisis’ which surely it’s got to be.

    If they did that then they could blockade the route, the French Fisherman have no problem doing it so surely the British Navy could have a go?

    Genuinely I am disgusted with our Government, the sheer arrogance they display over the so called ‘migrant crisis’ is beyond the pale.

    Millions of Northerners lent them their votes to sort this shit out once and for all and they have neither the will or guts to do it.

    They know they’ve got another 4 1/2 years in power and they think it will be all forgotten by then.

    But the good people of Britain shouldn’t be treated like idiots and they also have long memories.

    • Just E Mailed the PM via Conservative party with these exact points. Let’s see if an answer is forthcoming. ???

  20. The two in the caption picture, aren’t they ole gunnar solskjaer latest recruits to the theatre of dreams???

    • Are they Pogba’s brothers?
      That’s all we need. Two more lazy arrogant shit stirring tree swinging cunts.

  21. The government let the figures for housing the illegal gimmegrants slip last week.

    £4Bn. Thats £4,000,000,000 of our money being spaffed up the wall to process, house and feed rapists, murderers and jihadis.

    If that doesn’t boil your piss, nothing will.

  22. The Tories. Planning how to lose the next election since 2019. The ineptitude of these fuckwits we have in charge is actually quite laughable. I wonder what professions the two colonial cousins practised in their own countries?

  23. Homeless soldiers yet disused barracks turned into illegal ponces accommodation.
    Clown world, honk honk.
    Bollocks to Bozo.

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