For your cuntsiderstion:
An “Gaw blimey, apples n’ pears, Gawd bless Ronnie n’ Reggie-they only slash their own guvnor, they lavved their mavahh!!l” cunting please, for the cult of celebrating violent thugs and elevating them to folk hero status.
Over the years I, like many fellow ISACers I am sure, have witnessed an ever increasing plethora of books, documentaries, films and with the advent of social media like YouTube fan made documentaries, all celebrating, or promoting the lives of a long line of violent criminals.
These “I can ave a fackin’ row” Robin Hood types all seem to blame their “nature” on the environment in which they “was raised”.
Bollocks-you chose a life of crime because it “beats working”-everybody has opportunity to get an education in our society, if you were a cunt in school, that’s on you chum.
In truth, these violent thugs, even the Krays, were nothing more than bullies from the local council estate, around whom “legend” is created, embellished and celebrated.
A full English Breakfast, Dave Courtney style cunting please?
Nominated by: Cuntfinder General
Absolutely agreed.
The Krays didn’t just harm their “own kind”. They walked into shops and terrified the owners into paying protection money. Reggie was arrested for threatening a poor guy who sold leather hand bags!
And when they wanted to take over a club they befriended the landlord and then just said “we’ll buy this place and sort out the money later” They never did. It was a fait accompli.
The only people they “looked after” were those they beat up and then gave a few quid hush money to to keep them from going to the cops.
However, the story of how they ruled London and built a wall of silence around themselves is fascinating. Hence the legend.
But in reality they were crooks and thugs and not later day Robin Hoods.
As mentioned before I’m originally from Bethnal Green so grew up with the legend of the Krays. Whilst I agree with your nom, I’d like to make a couple of observations:
1. They did only sort out their own kind – no mugging/raping of old ladies like the scum of today.
2. S’funny how all the books saying how they were a couple of poofs etc only came out AFTER they were imprisoned or dead.
I’m not trying to gloss over what they were, but they need to be seen in the context of whats going on currently. AND I was at Violet’s funeral (but not really ?).
They “sorted out their own kind” in a similar fashion to the para-militaries in Belfast. With extreme violence.
They wanted a finger in every pie; if you committed a crime on their manor they expected their commission.
And being a friend of the Krays was worse than being an enemy; you got dragged into doing “favours” which incriminated you and then there was no way out of the “firm”.
Comparing them to the horrible gangs of today does not make them good guys.
Ronnie was a sadistic nutter who should never have been loose on the streets and Reggie was little better. Charlie “the charmer” reckoned himself a ladies man and had endless affairs with other gangsters’ wives safe in the knowledge there would be no come backs due to the twins’ reputation.
Luvverly people. Salt of the earth. Diamond freezers.
Although a few bodies probably ended up in freezers.
Unlike nowadays it wasn’t fashionable to be qüeer in the 1960s, so not surprising they didn’t flaunt their sexuality.
George Cornell called Ronnie a “fat poof” and paid with his life. Reggie’s marriage to Frances was a sham.
And have you never hear them speak? Couldn’t have sounded more gay if they’d tried:
According to freddie forman these pair of vicious arse bandits were going to be ‘ironed out’ anyway! because they had already had a meeting about it at simpsons in the strand, unfortunately the old bill got in the way and had them sent down for life, albert donoghue just wanted to plug the pair of cunts in the back of their motor and roll em down an embankment somewhere!
Can’t agree with this cunting unfortunately CG, when I was 8 years old leaving for Southern Rhodesia, I left a Britain from what I remember as an 8 year old being pretty close to utopia, the reason being, nasty gangster cunts kept fellow cunts in line, true they were violent, nasty pieces of work, but I felt safer walking around London on a day trip in 1962 than I did when I last visited 3 years ago, the streets were really safer in “dem days”, of course in Rhodesia they’d probably have been disembowelled by the Shona cunts!!!
The bullshit surrounding violent murdering thug Raoul Moat was sickening. And our bleck brethren have cannonised another violent thug. Saint George Floyd.
Mark Duggan was another one. There were riots allover London after the police shot that drug-dealing “gangsta” who reached into the glove compartment of his car. He could’ve been going for a gun as far as the police were concerned.
Films are bollocks.
Organised crime is everywhere.
I’d like them to get jobs as Traffic Wardens and smash the cars of the Carpet Riders who clog up the local beauty spots.
Then giant oven party.
Just like in the movies.
I’m of the opinion that Hollywood is just a big washing machine used to launder bent money. Maybe it’s just me, but I reckon further investigation would unearth some right gems
Can’t argue with that, CG. Those ridiculous ‘Kray Tours’ that take cunts around their ‘landmarks’ and their old ‘manor’. It’s money for old rope off very stupid cunts. And the celebrity arselicking of ‘Ver Firm’ is also rather sickening. Mostly second division mockney cunts like Shane Richie, Ray Winstone, that Billy Mitchell cunt off NeverEnders, Kaffy Burke, and numerous other eel eating twats all big up ‘Ver Legend’. I wonder how the many shopkeepers, snooker hall owners, pub landlords, bookmakers and other people of the time who were so terrified of them think of this ‘Robin Hood’ and ‘rough diamonds’ shite? They didn’t just ‘kill their own’. They terrorised and victimised ordinary working folk too. They were protection racketeers for fuck’s sake, yet they are seen as heroes?! Mind you, it’s not just gorblimey cunts that eulogise them. That ultra cunt and traitor Morrissey has drooled over the Krays for years. Paying tribute in song and sending a wreath to Reggie’s funeral. Why? Because he’s a weird poof, I suppose. But also because he sees that ‘world’ as glamorous and thrilling. Yet the poor cunts who still have scars from that time will tell him otherwise.
I don’t know how to really reply to this nomination due to me having a tattoo of The Krays on my upper arm!!! Whilst never condoning what they did, I have always been fascinated by them. Read all the books, seen the films, been in the Blind Beggar etc. I think it’s because they were twins, the 60’s, the clothes they wore. They admitted they had done wrong and certainly paid a very heavy price. Again, not condoning what they did but did Reggie Kray deserve to serve 32 years in prison? Rapists, terrorists, child killers came into prison whilst Reggie was inside and were then released whilst he was still inside, with some then committing further vile criminal acts. The establishment kept The Krays inside for life fearful of the secrets they had regarding Lord Boothby, Tom Driberg etc. Not applauding Ron and Reg but they did their prison time like men, never moaning. Sometimes we need guys like the Krays, Richardsons and the Nashes to give a good hiding to low life scroats eg house burglars, as sure as shit the coppers ain’t going to do too much to catch them.
The way the system treated them yet went easy on others does smell a bit. Reg did kill Jack The Hat, but he never denied it and he did his time. Yet those two evil little bastards, Venables and Thompson torture, abuse, and murder an innocent toddler and they get the works. Houses, identities, money, freebies, their arses wiped, you name it. I am no Krays fan, but I view Venables and Thompson as much worse. It was also loathsome that bitch Myra Hindley got an all mod cons home from home in the nick and all sorts of perks, just because she had the patronage of that cunt, Lord Longford. I think Ronnie was kept in because he genuinely went mad. But Reggie was kept in because I think the law and others feared that he could and would still settle scores even many years later.
I agree that Venables and Thompson are fucking pure evil. The only thing that surprises me is that summary justice from fellow scousers has not been administered. Fear of reprisals?
Not that I would condone such an action.
Or celebrate it, obviously.
George Floyd is the global equivalence. And that cunt was supported by the ‘great and the good”. His family got $15 million and im sure a film is in the pipeline. Cunt.
We now glorify cunts like this on a constant basis – Wolf of Wall Street, Game of Thrones, Serial Killers, The Kardashians, Rappers, Donald Trump, Chavs – its relentless. Once we would have been able to stand back and see these things through a lens of morbid curiosity mixed with modern morality tale. Now, with Idiocracy becoming real and the severe lack of decent role models, we are now seeing something akin to the Cult of Cunt.
Absolutely: it gets worse, year on year.
I have met people who claim to know / have known notorious cunts and they usually bring it into the conversation within minutes of meeting someone for the first time-very sad. It’s as if the only exiting or interesting thing about them or their life is a tenuous link to a fucking villain.
Sad twats.?
Like to see the scroats through a ‘scope.
These gangster types were,and are,nothing more than parasites who preyed on their own community. “Heroes” my arse…but just about as bad are the pathetic nobodies (as Norman mentions) like Guy Ritchie who want to play at being connected to that lifestyle.
Sir Dick-we have a saying around here that encapsulates that sentiment:
“The only thing worse than a Pikey, is a plastic Pikey!”
Heard ole Ritchie was out glassing pheasants last night (H Enfield in one of his shows I think). In fairness being pegged by Madonna every other night he must have been pretty hardcore to cope with that sort of shenanigans.
Guy Ritchie had his tongue right up Lenny McLeans arse for years.
They act like flies around shit-hoping the notoriety, criminal kudos and “respect” rubs off.
I went to the same school as Guy Retchie (thankfully he had long gone). The art teacher said he was a prick and would happily sell stories about him to the press.
They weren’t as bad as the Piranha brothers ?
‘he ‘ad to, didn’ ‘e, ah mean, be fayer…’.
Danny Dyer is a fackin’ ‘ard cant.
You can just tell can’t ya?
He’s a gameshow host these days. Wot the fack is that all abaaaht? Av a word guv!
Sawt tha cant aht!
Danny Dyer is another cunt with his tongue up “crims” arses.
He was friends with that cunt Pinter, another repulsive pretender. Hedgehogs and Pangolins are going extinct, yet cunts like Dyer continue to breathe, forcing their way into the public consciousness. I hope he succumbs to COVID.
A life of crime is naffink to be proud of, although some I believe didn’t have much choice. Lets face it if the rich coke head cunts didn’t sniff as much there would not be such a demand for drugs and if sex wasn’t wanted so much there wouldn’t be much demand for prostitute’s.
Supply and demand an all that bombaclaat eh cunters…I bet some of you lot have delved into drugs and prostitute’s. ?
Anyways you don’t really hear abaaaaaht proper gangsters as they aren’t thick cunts who want to be a name.
Of course a fine upstanding citizen like me knows naffink abaaaaaht anyfink in that world.
I think Layer cake is on tonight, that film is an inspiration.
Go fuck yourselves.
…I bet some of you lot have delved into drugs and prostitute’s. ?
Mate.I live on the Caribbean coast of Colombia. It’s ‘almost’ compulsory….
Only nasty white villains though. I see no evidence of “Nasty Pedophile Asiatic Child fingering and Rogering” televised serials.
The MTV culture is creating new idols for dark keys to follow. They all want to be gangsta rappers with a ho on the corner, dealing drugs and riding around in a pimped up mota.
Fucking beats working.
Occupational hazards are you might get shanked by your brethren or shot by the rozzers.
Or put straight in the oven.
I think we need to add Ronnie Biggs and his mates to the list as well. It’s always sickened me how certain sections of the media have always glorified the Great Train Robbery as if it was some great victory against the Establishment. The fact is they were a gang of thugs who ruined another man’s life (train driver Jack Mills). Biggs never once showed any remorse and ran off to Brazil, living the high life with his ill-gotten gains, and once the money ran out, as soon as he was ill he came back here to expoit the NHS, and that prick of a Home Secretary at the time, Jack Straw, refused to send him to prison “on compassionate grounds.” Who said “Crime doesn’t pay”?!
That was the end of the Pistols. When that odious cunt McLaren got Jones and Cook to record with that cunt Biggs. Notoriety and headlines became more important than anything else and they became a joke. The whole ‘we’re bad lads because we’re working with a train robber’ thing was pathetic. I bet Lydon was glad he was out of it by then.
And that cunt Phil Collins romanticising the cunts in that Buster film. According to that film, Buster Edwards and Bruce Reynolds were ‘diamond geezers’ and Edwards was a lovable family man. Bollocks, of course. They did break heads (that poor bugger Jack Mills) and they were thieving cunts.
Just googled that Buster film. Jesus Christ.
My cunting wasn’t just aimed at the Krays-just they are probably the most notorious.
It’s the glorified “doormen”:
Lenny McLean-his book opened the floodgates.
Paul Sykes
Dave Courtney
Bernie o’mahoney
…and on and on….
They all realise there is a market for the glorification of “orrible cunts”.
Mad Frankie Fraser.
Frankie The Axeman.
Stan the Stabber.
Dan The Daggerman from Dagenham.
Kierkagard The Baby Crusher.
Doug and Dinsdale Piranha.
Bad slags.
‘Oh, there’s nothing so different about them. After all, crime is only… a left-handed form of human endeavor.’
The Asphalt Jungle.
They had the look in the 60s. A man in a suit is to allow into your bed if he has the charm. He rings my bell. He could strip me and take me like a vitamin.
Now it’s East Euro gangsters in trackky bottoms and cheap sweaters and all the charm of an unflushed loo.
I’ll just pop and put my suit on.
This ain’t my first rodeo.
Awiight mate, he mighta chopped a man’s ears off and fed them to iz dog right in front of im. Ok geez, he mighta bitten a man’s nose off for calling iz pint a puff or somefink and he coulda been seen putting a man’s head in a vice for summat to do of an afternoon, but eeeee loved his maaaa!
These nutters in these books always try to justify being a bully and a orrible cunt.
We was poor
I was fiddled with
I never had a football
And they always take great relish in trying to bite someones nose off?!!
Whats that about?
I think its a cock substitute, psychos all love getting their gums around another mans nose, Barry manilow is like John Holmes to them.
Criminals?…hang em.
Exactly Mis-they are just horrible bullying cunts.
As far as I know the Krays only killed two or perhaps three people so in terms of violence they were pretty small beer. You can´t compare them with the criminal gang leaders who run the favela shanty towns in Brazil and use machine guns and even have ground-to-air missiles. These guys order the killings of tens of thousands of people and hundreds of cops every year. Even when caught, they continue to run crime from inside prison and regularly stage mutinies in which members of other gangs are hacked to death in front of TV cameras and their heads displayed. One gang leader even decapitated a journalist who had entered a favela in Rio de Janeiro. Mexican gangs like the Zetas were practicing ISIS-style video murders 30 years ago.
I’ve seen some of those videos. Grim shit!
I believe I am distantly related to Mad Frankie’s family. Also, you may have been able to leave your front door unlocked, as the legend has it, but I had a pushbike stolen when I lived briefly in the Kray manor.
The Krays wouldn’t last five minutes these days. By modern standards, they’d be small time and parochial. Read Chris Lambrianou’s book “The Kray Madness” and judge for yourself. (Lambrianou found Jesus in prison, after being involved in Jack McVitie’s death. It didn’t shorten his sentence, but he seems to have been a pillar of the Christian community since he got out)
Fatfingered the addy again…
Guess who the biggest organised crime cartels are now?
Outlaw bikers.✔
Not my opinion, the FBIs.
They settled a score using a bazooka in one case!
Once in Amsterdam I watched a member of a well known motorcycle club collecting money from a coffeeshop.
They run the place.
Serious people best steered clear of.
Amsterdam you say?
Did you visit any of the, cough, fine establishments for which that fine city is renowned?
Oh the tulip bulb stores?
But of course!!
And went to Anne Franks old house .
Banged on the door and shouted through the letterbox to open up in the name of the fuhrer!!
Did you get to play on her drumkit?
This is true, MNC. I was at a pub some time ago and a group of them came in. They were there to listen to a Creedence Clearwater Revival tribute band of some note. They didn’t cause any trouble but they were very intimidating. Apparently a couple of local females were seen riding pillion when they left. I heard (from an unsubstantiated source) that the aftermath included pending rape charges. Best steered clear from.
I thought i heard some moaching about followed by a short burst of marschiert in findesland they didnt come across me or my diary
What makes me laugh is when the media refer to ‘successful’ criminals like Al Capone, the Krays, John Gotti etc. These cunts ended up in prison or the nut house because being famous and getting noticed was their number one priority.
We’ve never heard of the real successful criminals, we don’t know who they are because they keep their mouths shut and get on with enjoying the proceeds of their illegal activities.
They’re called bankers….
I can’t say I’m impressed by “thug life” or whatever term is used lately to put violent criminals on a pedestal. Maybe it’s because I’m getting older and grumpier, while still working, paying taxes, obeying the law and generally doing the right thing, but druggie-thuggies, bash-’em-for-no-reason nutters should not be tolerated. Life can and should be so simple and easy despite the dark and light attitudes and character seen by everybody with a skerrick of nouse on daily basis. Perhaps I’m coming across as a bit philosophical. If so and if it offends anybody I apologise. I just do not understand the perpetual fascination held by the Gen. Pop. with absolute arseholes who ride roughshod over all and sundry with violence and intimidation and yet who get their backs up when they’re called out on their crook bloody behaviour. Jesus H. Christ, get a proper job like the rest of us and take your place in the queue. It’s not hard.
Well said Crocacunt.
Bullys and workshy cunts.
Not heroes or role models.
I’ve never understood why people think Snoop Dogg or whatever he’s called now is someone to be celebrated and hero worshipped.
He’s been a drug dealer, a convicted felon, a former pimp and glorifies the gang culture, drugs and “guns and beeetches” lifestyle.
So hardly a role model.
Yet all the millenial soycunts would teabag him as if their lives depended on it given half a chance.
Like all the posh middle class Home Counties white teenage cunts talking “Jafaicaan” or acting like black gangsters.
Couple of gay blokes who made a misery of working class people trying to make ends meet. Nothing glamorous, no Robin hood story. Just nasty bullying cunts…..
My grandmother knew them and hated them with passion….
I have experience of real criminal gangster types – they don’t attract a second look in the street, respectable average seeming people who attract no attention.
But people you don’t get involved with or on the wrong side of – best avoided.
The big bad bully boastful types will eventually start attracting the wrong attention, and when they get embarrassing or affect business they generally get a “word in the ear”.
If that doesn’t work they get something in the ear which always works.
Ex football hooligans another one, cunts writing books about how hard their firm was, who they ran and what end they took. Cunts are even doing tours round the country, idolised by cunts for what?
Anyone who thinks gangsters are glamourous should spend some time in fucking Mexico, that will learn them. Cunts.
Those Oasis cunts tried to milk the hoolie culture to look cool That bluenose cunt. Noel Gallagher claimed he was a member of the notorious Man City gang, The Young Guv’nors. Saying it was a like ‘being in Quadrophenia and a bit of a laugh’. Naturally he was talking shit. I have it on good authority that this little cunt was never in any City firm and a softarse like him would have been made into mincemeat. The only aggro Gallagher experienced was when he and his brother, Paul went to Wembley for the 1985 Full Member’s Cup Final between City and Chelsea. The Chelsea Headhunters were out for blood and both Gallaghers shat themselves and never went to an away match again. Gallagher is another cunt who cracks on that being a hooligan is ‘hard’ and makes him Billy Big Bollocks. A complete and utter cunt.
Look at this fucking wanker.
I bet if I walked up to his Jessie and threatened to “lamp” him he’d shit his fucking nappy.
THIS Jessie ffs
Dave Courtney is a cunt.
The krays came to salford for a fight once let’s just say it didn’t go well for them they never got off the train. southern softies
I went to Uni in Manchester and can confirm it’s one hard place ?? Still loved every minute of it though ??
Manchester was run more or less by the Noonan brothers for many years.