What is it with grown men, typically the cunt that is a hipster, barreling down a footpath weaving through people on their normal day out, on a skateboard?
Said cunt then flips it up, rests on the shoulder to go, usually for a soy latte or chai at a cafe to join similar (lack of) mined cunts?
Is it only I that has the unstoppable urge to knock these cunts off and gangster whack then at the back of the head with the said board, then give it to a 9 year old who it was originally made for?
Nominated by: King Cunt
Is it a coincidence that said boy skateboarders always seem to have a topknot?
A bit like those fucking hydro flasks. They make it look like you’re drinking from a baby bottle. I refuse to use one. Fuck the polar bears and turtles. What have those cunts ever invented anyway?
Yes, Greta would approve but one place I worked wouldn’t let you take a plastic water bottle into work…even if you refilled the same one (yes, it goes bad but it takes a few months). “No hydro flask? Fucking die of thirst, you cunts,” was the message.
Fine, but the fucking things cost about £20. And you look like fucking babies drinking from baby bottles any of you adult cunts that use them.
Adults on skateboards? They should be shot in front of their children. I think they call them ‘kidults’. I’ve met a few. They go on about the new Marvel film or some PlayStation game like an excited teenager, while they comb over their bald spots and apply some ‘Preparation Arse’ to their Emmas on their 45 year old ringpieces.
I recall one geez I know telling me that I ‘must’ watch ‘Game of Thrones’. I asked if it had Dragons and magic in it. He said yes, so I said, “Dragons and magic? How old do you think I am you cunt? Seven?”
I hear it had norks and midget sex though, so perhaps all is not lost with that ‘un.
And no, I’ve never read Harry Potter either, you cunts.
Same goes for fully grown adults on scooters and for twats who ride their bikes on the pavement. Fucking half breed mongs and total cunts.
And the cunt on the electric skateboard, too.
What an incomparable dipshit he is, in, yes, his beard, manbun, bermuda shorts and shod with something I’m fucked if I’m advertising, as he whines erratically and illegally down the middle of our backstreet. He’s 40 years old ffs.
The cunt is no doubt using the Thunberg Defence when asked why he does not drive a motor vehicle, but in fact, horsepower frightens him. And steering. And big wheels. And anyone over ten.
Let your sprog use the fucking thing, you stupid great cunt, and get back on your pushbike the way I can swear at you properly.
40 years old, with a skateboard, beard, manbun and shorts?!
Throw him into the pit. The fucking cunt.
Got a skateboard when I was 8yr, couldnt do it, gave up.
Safe guess I still can’t do it.
As modes of transport go its not the best is it?
Get a pogo stick, dare to be different.
Fuck off?
When it snows sometimes you see those bell ends on the news going to work on skis in three inches of snow and battling through ten minute flurries. Cuntitude has no age limit.
In fuckin tshirt weather!
Skiing the posing fuckers.
Only ski I like is the yoghurt one.
Like most fashions imported from the colonies, they do nothing to enhance our way of life.
Kids fall off skateboard, they “bounce”.
Overgrown cunt falls off, they “break”-so not all bad.
…add to that cunt’s list of transport – rollerblades/skates, electric scooters & Segways.
Imagine tootling down to the boozer on a wet Friday night by Segway, and parking it in the Segway park on the pub grounds, along with all the other Segways and scooters.
What a utopian future the Greta Cuntburgs of this world have got to look forward too. In fact it would be interesting to know how she travels from A to B inland? electric car? Skateboard? Roller Skates?
I fucking doubt it. Cunt
Don’t forget “BMX Bastards” Techno!
(They are not proper bikes, and always ridden anywhere but the road by 30 year old cunts – cunts who probably own fkin skateboards!).
BMX. A child’s toy, and a grown arse man on these just screams cunt. I fucking loath the type.
Unkle Terry! Set the oven to high – we have skateboarding Men babies to cook!
Marvel and Disney films, Xbox, room at their parents, get an allowance from “the olds” so no need to work – leaving plenty of time to skateboard to the BLM/Antifa meeting clutching a soy latte.
Execution seems the only permanent treatment for this affliction of 8 year old “adults”.
Breaking News!!
An oil tanker has been hijacked just offshore from Southampton
It left Nigeria with extra cargo, they thought they were off to US of A to pick some cotton ???
Hopefully they will put up a fight so the SAS can splatter the cunts into the channel.
And watch the BBC play it down and say it hasn’t been hijacked.
The BBC are stating it’s “stowaways” ffs
The ‘Beeb’ will not report this accurately in a million years. They will insist that these scum are ‘stowaways’.
Why? Cause dey bur-lack. Cunts.
..and potential future TV licence payers (paid for by the taxpayer of course)
More breaking news…
Priti Patel has done fuck all.
Move on now, nothing to see. G-MPSC, the Coastguard Eurocopter, is keeping an eye on it and all is well. Will they take to the boats? Or will they really push their luck?
Popcorn time. Wonder how R4 will report what happens next…
They’ll say it was a “mainly peaceful” hijacking.
2 RNLI lifeboats and a tug nearby.
How can you follow all these movements from where you are Komodo? Are you up in outer space monitoring all this like John Tracey in Thunderbirds?
ISAC maybe has supplied a spaceship for you to follow developments. Yes, that it you’re up there in ‘Fiddler 5’.
Miles: I spent a couple of years worth of idle hours following Tony Blair’s international itinerary. Charter jets, private jets, yachts.
All this shit is readily accessible on t’internet and I rarely have to travel to Spaceport Byker and buy a couple of orbits on the Fiddler Space Tractor.
‘Special Forces’ have detained the cunts.
Their movements were of course invisible to the tracking sites I use and that’s a press release.
The reports are that the crew have locked themselves in some sort of safe room, suggests that the ‘stowaways’ are more than just travellers…..
I don’t know why they fuck about, put the SAS, Marines or whoever and just blown the cunts away, job done, the tanker can they carry on with its business
Sadly one suspects that the SAS are no longer the ruthlessly effective force that once interrupted the snooker final to clear out the Iranian Embassy several decades ago.
Nowadays, it’ll be all negotiation, begging, nice warm blankets, cups of Bovril and a safe passage into Claridges for a few months.
Families to follow later.
Remaining off topic, some more gormless cunts will be feeding the….tomatoes?
Oh dear how sad, never mind.
Re:- Oil tanker hijacking and seven so called stowaways.
It appears that the Government aren’t resting on their laurels on this one and have taken immediate action and have now pre-booked seven Premier Suites at the Savoy Hotel….
Apologies JRC….. seems you got there before me with the cushy hotel.
Great minds etc etc (although we here on ISAC know how it works)
Sounds like some Serbian citizens decide to relocate they to ‘who gives a fuck where’
Sounds like some enterprising Serbs in the travel business convinced a bunch of Africans that Paraguay was just south of Scotland…
Maybe in DF’s neighbourhood ?
Plenty of empty hotels on the Isle of Wight. Just chopper them straight into Sandown. Cunts wont be sent back.
You cheeky Fuckers…you’ll be Cunting my Spacehopper next.
Here I am patrolling my vast land-holdings…..
It must strike the fear of God into unsuspecting ramblers when you come bunding into view across the fells Fiddler.
Renders them speechless,LL….what a magnificent sight we are…the Hounds in full cry behind me while I boing through the heather like a malevolent,Tourette’s suffering toad that someone has inflated by shoving an airline up it’s arse.
Like a Barnes-Wallis bouncing-bomb,we are.
Nice colour, the way you are holding on suggests experience handling livestock ?
I bet you stole that spacehopper off one of the local children, didn’t you, Dick ?
You’re a fucking disgrace.
Managed to salvage it after one of the little tykes got caught on the estates punji pit.
Sir Dick de Buster Gonad de Fidler?
If not in a motor carriage the only other transport id like is
A) Panzer tank
B) hot air balloon or zeppelin.
Also consider chariot or war elephant.
Do they move on from skateboard to ‘trashers’?
Oh forgot, dog sled!
Mush! Mush!
Steam rocket? Ah, no. He died.
Maybe that ‘skycycle’ thing Evel Kneivel jumped Snake River Canyon, but bet the insurance would be high?
And hard to get parts.
Mini submarine.
Lots of fun in the English Channel, popping dinghies with a Bowie knife gaffer taped to a stick.
Good evening MNC.
P.S. …. great weekend, Suzi was fantastic. RTC is a bit of a tight cunt though. All he brought with him was one bottle of Santa Maria white wine.
Should have heeded The Fiddler’s warning a while back, claimed Ruffer’s had deep pockets and short arms, he called him a four by two, whatever that is.
Suzi told him to fuck off.
Evening Jack,
The bloody cheek of the man!
Begged for a slice of the action,
I line him up with Quatro,
Told him, these are iconic rock n roll goddesses, dig deep!
Kate said he ‘forgot’ his wallet and borrowed money off Debbie, and that he had brought stale bagels.
Portmeirons answer to Fagin.
Well hes pissed on his chips now!!
No more for him, but Bertie Blunts bringing Gracie Fields.
If she bursts into song, she’s out.
He can leave that fucking parrot at home too.
Hes hoping she oils his crank and works his thingy me bob.
Hope he doesnt wear that sports jacket with all parrot shit crusted on the shoulder.
We need more playboy types on here like us.
Oils his crank ?
Not coming by pushbike, is he ?
Giving her a lift on his crossbar ?
No sense of style.
Sigh ……
Morning, MNC.
Next it will be those Stomper stilts from the 70’s.
Strutting into the pub in an ironic way, whilst wearing what looks like some upturned plantpots on your plates.
Fucking manchild cunts!
P. S. I used to be pretty tasty on a skateboard, in my teens.
Anyone got Frank Bough in the Dead Pool?
A bit of a lad was old Frankie, and he was a good presenter. Used to prefer Dickie Davies and World Of Sport on ITV though.
Wonder what his views on the utter cunts kneeling before every fucking match were? BBcuntingC still showing it on Match Of The Day 2, just in case you weren’t aware what a bunch of nob-gobblers kneeling looked like after the first time…
Cocaine filled orgies for Frank, wasn’t it Norm?
Lineker you cunt-look and learn?
Ol Frankie was a card. Jumper-wearing, middle-aged, comfy slipper wearing TV favourite by day.
Cocaine snorting, prostitute-loving, dungeon-orgy master and women’s underwear wearer by night. Hats off to the old boy and RIP. I reckon old Frank would have loved the banter on this forum.
Did anyone have Frank Bough in their deadpool? his death reported overnight on BBC
Excellent nomination King Cunt. These cunts need to grow up.